 Юморные ребята эти техасцы. Для того, чтобы убедиться в этом, достаточно взглянуть на обложку альбома. Такому жанру как thrash/death, эти художества подходят мало, хотя музыканты исполняют далеко не ортодоксальную форму данной стилистической принадлежности. В этих песнях с несерьёзными названиями, лежит, как мне кажется, неразделённая любовь к фанковым экспериментам некоторых американских трэшеров, а также желание просто повеселиться. Начало альбома, надо заметить, получилось весьма тягучим, с характерным жёстким звуком и моментами естественных убыстрений, но уже в первой композиции заметно, что классический стафф не имеет решающего влияния на структуру музыки. Дальше - больше, мы слышим значительный ввод в звуковое полотно грувовых частей, которые придают образную лёгкость материалу, но в тоже время создают эффект некой нелинейности. Неизвестно, что пытались сказать музыканты своими провокационными увязками двух малостыкующихся стилей, но, бесспорно, они предложили нечто самобытное, пусть и кособокое. Самое удивительное, что их нельзя упрекнуть в изначальном желании совместить несовместимое и этим выделиться. Видимо, всё задумывалось по другому, но в момент подготовки материала кому-то стукнуло в голову углубиться в другое направление. По другому, мне сложно представить, зачем данной работе нужны элементы настоящего thrash/death (именно элементы). Спорный альбом, но чрезвычайно позитивный, за что, собственно, дополнительный балл. |
homeless soul
waiting for the sun
poisonous wound are healing
black water birth
cleanse the sores and the
earth is waiting for the sun
like a fish on the line
i'm struggling
wild horses trampling man
over enemy lines
the battle fan
is grinding mother nature
inevitable masochism
bleeding fire engine red
blades are craving like
jet engines roar
incision showering ammunition
mourning lights the souls of
marching corpses through
the earth they're mulching
reflections of tomorrow
wither away
screaming hallelujah
momentum soul vacume
surging forward like a dragon
racing cross the planet's face
murmur in the distance
blackened catalystic hate
momentum soul vacume
surging forward
La La Song
la la la blah bluh bleh
cough up my lung s
for you, i would do anything
to watch you consumed
give me your money
la la la blah bluh bleh
1 900 make me money
1 900 tons of money
1 900 will never change me
look mom i'm on tv
convinced yourself
to realizing
the future is commercializing
the tv and radio
you tell four fans you've gone
through hell, so all
your dope's their spending
money you sit back you laugh
you think it's funny
pawn it off with contributions
end it to your favorite
paralyzed and you don't see
you have your wealth
but honestly
you couldn't give a shit
you couldn't give a damn
all your friends are changing
they just want what i have
la la la blah bluh bleh
Like Asrielle
well here i am
i'm rationalizing again
ha! there ain't no mystery,
baby i'm dying
trapped in your spiders web
cringing pain
i loathe the word eternity
now is forever
all the same again
so long, miss me
just look at you look at me
your eyes are smoldering fire
if i'd been beautiful
i'd been as pitiful
but it's all over
bond as weak
as treads you spin
asrielle, you molt your skin
it feels like you've been gone
all along
grasp the moments,
the moments gone
then run away
i stared at the sun
for hours, and i was
blinded to some
no longer you and me
against the world
but i'm blind
i'm fucking stronger
The Latent Stage
the feel is in my hands
like cancer it's growing
there's no solution
so choke the shit
out of something
and blood is thicker
than water
and casually spills
over and over
we mutilate each other
brothers and sisters fight
rabbid descendants
menace of man
carrying out your god's
masterplan of armaggedeon
and i know
and history shows
and bombs explode
three two one
children learn to fight
what is right
what is right?
you pigs in your costumes
hypocrites, all of you
all of nonrestraining
i'm confused hovering
like a poltergeist its reeling
unbridled agony
a lessor man of insanity
would want to rule this world
no idiots or war machines
have the power
to follow suit of all man's roots
a pagan ritual
hate's a part of all of us
a part of all of us
negative will be
instinct, family
but even i can murder
and suddenly the words
i've writ are pointless to me
Peaceful Death
lee all
is there room in hell?
you think i want to be
so worthless
call my name and i will surface
the purpose denies man
sunday evening
returning home from church
the masses of people
lives summerized
in a paragraph
not much different from mine
were after the same thing
were after the same
peaceful death
have mercy on my sole
have mercy on us all
the average i envy
for his ignorance will everlast
eternally and his faith
his blessings written in black
but your condemning
my thoughts
a gift eternally wrapped
to rat in a box with a clear head
and all around the voices of hell
and i'm following you
you don't want to believe
i so, i do
are you happy?
are you content?
well i feel like a
goddamned dog
trapped behind a fence
i'm a poor unfeeling bastard
and i don't care
what happens after -
roll in the dead
made yourself a bed, huh?
your life was shorter
than expected
open the door....
as this hell begins
it no sooner ends
increments of peace
increments of pain
wished to hell he'd die
was the real lie
told his final words
to just some worthless girl
waved the passing time
sucked his bygones dry
swallowed whole by life
pathetic insect you are
impervious circle of unrest
sea of regret
insideous heap of torment
resting hideous strips of flesh
and the roaches can live
without heads
says the revolver clenched
in his hands
you scratch my back
and i'll claw your eyes out
leave them
drenched in anguish
cause only humans cry
when humans die
cold is the hell
that beckons onward
desire the stench of innocence
you bring me closer and closer
gliding over the icy tundra
melting our flesh
each other writhing
in lustful pleasure
harnessed, but unleashed
feeding upon your inhibitions
The Lark Nest
i went to the park
to meet the lark
the lark weren't there
but i don't care
breathe landlords
breathe, everyone's a whore
you addict
you whore
would you fuck the world?
everyone's a whore
faking love and wanting more.
what is in the sky
is in the blood
is in the brain
so far, the lark song
hasn't reached anyone,
landlords landlords
lark nests in landfills
you own
do you know?
well, i warn you
they'll scorn you
as old as they feel
and they don't feel
so breathe all you can
while you can
means to ends
lark, is it gonna be
Medulla Oblongata
vultures circling
inside me, oh my
i e o!
once more washed ashore
riptide mauling you
goddog clawing your
goddamned crumbling spine
life just fucks with my head
i got this terrible pain
my cranium scraping
i read somewhere
the suicide rate is rising
regurgitate belly full of strict-
life just fucks with my head
i'm infernal
life is severed memories
that hangs forever
butcher of my own mind
irrestible flying
with the dead and the dying
hope is alone, hope is dead
life just fucks with my head
aplo jig
rollin' and pukin' in the
sinks across the nation,
aplo resurrects
when he gets to bakin'
a forty ounce of liquor
and we all begin to prayin'
its not that we care
but where is the pope?
"i'm over here..."
aplo - alpotatonaillgrinder!
Rock Lobster (B-52's cover)
We were at a party
His ear lobe fell in the deep
Someone reached in and grabbed it
It was a rock lobster
We were at the beach
Everybody had matching towels
Somebody went under a dock
And there they saw a rock
It wasn't a rock
It was a rock lobster
Motion in the ocean
His air hose broke
Lots of trouble
Lots of bubble
He was in a jam
S'in a giant clam
Down, down
Underneath the waves
Mermaids wavin'
Wavin' to mermen
Wavin' sea fans
Sea horses sailin'
Dolphins wailin'
Red snappers snappin'
Clam shells clappin'
Muscles flexin'
Flippers flippin'
Down, down
Let's rock!
Boy's in bikinis
Girls in surfboards
Everybody's rockin'
Everybody's fruggin'
Twistin' 'round the fire
Havin' fun
Bakin' potatoes
Bakin' in the sun
Put on your noseguard
Put on the lifeguard
Pass the tanning butter
Here comes a stingray
There goes a manta-ray
In walked a jelly fish
There goes a dogfish
Chased by a catfish
In flew a sea robin
Watch out for that piranha
There goes a narwhale