 Эх, замечательный альбомчик был! Тогда, в 95-м, "Взвод Ненависти" прогремел на всю Европу! Да что там Европа, если даже на "вражеском" MTV в программе Headbanger's Ball постоянно крутили два клипа на песни из этого альбома: "Not My God" и "I.Q. Zero". Откровенно говоря, в полном обозначении жанра следовало бы указать еще и хардкор, и, таким образом, Hate Squad становятся еще и отцами для современной экстремальной немецкой сцены. Недаром вокалисты тех же Caliban и Heaven Shall Burn сочли за честь отметиться на последнем на данный момент студийнике героев этого мини-обзора. Собственно, "молодняк" если и знает про эту группу, то потому, что лет пять назад HSB записали кавер на "Not My God", из которой вытряхнули перед тем все соло и техничные повороты, так украшавшие оригинал.
В качестве ближайшего аналога "I.Q. Zero" можно привести вышедший годом ранее дебютник Machine Head. Но этот альбом, пожалуй, был даже лучше. Агрессия, техника, скорость, тяжесть, музыка, что заставляет уши кровоточить. И спасительная нотка иронии в текстах. Хотя были тут и брейкдауны, не ставшие на тот момент еще настоящим бичом тяжелого жанра, но никакого негатива в себе они не несут, ведь они являются одной из компонент музыки, а не заменяют ее. Это уже позднее, сделав материал попроще, группа действительно заслужит титул Н8core ("хейткор"). А в целом, кроме "Машинобашки", здесь Hate Squad реально превзошли едва ли не весь немецкий трэшняк. Каждая песня - маленький шедевр с полным набором действительно мощных музыкальных приемов! Если Kreator и Sodom еще оставались вне зоны досягаемости, то уж Destruction c Protector'ом реально были перекрыты. Впрочем, очевидцы событий 1995-го года, когда "Взвод ненависти" отправился в тур с Kreator, утверждают, что на сцене они смотрелись даже мощнее Милле Петроццы и компании. И почему имя этих ребят не гремит нынче по всему миру, лично для меня - большая загадка. |
Your words are transparent lies!
I only must grow for myself
Experience my own view of life!
Why don't you leave me alone?
Are you wearin' a crown?
To direct me is not your job
Rot - You are not my god
You are not my god - Not your job!
You failed, that's the
only thing that I know -
for sure!
You are not my god
You are not my god
I know that I am
And live in reality
Please don't tell me
What to do or to leave
Tell me jerks why should I care?
Your words are transparent lies!
I only must grow for myself
Experience my own view of life!
Why don't you leave me alone?
Are you wearin' a crown?
To direct me is not your job
Rot - You are not my god
You are not my god
Not my god, not my god, not my god
Not my god, not my god, not my god
Not my god, not my god, not my god
You never tried to face problems in this world
Impassable mind,
Do you know that you're
Blind, dumb, deaf
Blind, dumb, deaf
Blind, dumb, deaf
Shut your mouth, close your eyes,
forget all that you've heard
Shut your mouth, close your eyes,
forget all that you've heard
Hey dude, one day the bill will be paid
Passive like you are all the fools in this world
Sitting in your locked cage
You never tried to face problems in this world
Impassable mind,
Do you know that you're
Blind, dumb, deaf
Blind, dumb, deaf
Blind, dumb, deaf
Shut your mouth, close your eyes,
forget all that you've heard
Shut your mouth, close your eyes,
forget all that you've heard
Hey dude, one day the bill will be paid
Passive like you are all the fools in this world
Sitting in your locked cage
Blind, dumb, deaf
Blind, dumb, deaf
Blind, dumb, deaf
Shut your mouth, close your eyes,
forget all that you've heard
Hey dude, one day the bill will be paid
Passive like you are all the fools in this world
Better stay in your cage!
My Truth
In this world, surrounded by chaos
It's hard to go the way til the end
May I reach the end of the tunnel?
To see the light, to
live my own truth
Walkin' on the way
where madness reigns
Can't beleive one word that
you try to preach
Live my own truth, try to
use my own rules
Meaning of life
Aside my dreams
I am alone
Fight to survive
Never trust you
I know the truth
Never trust you
My truth
In this world, surrounded by chaos
I'll find a way to go till the end
I will reach the end of the tunnel
Will see the light and
live my own truth
Walkin' on the way
where madness reigns
Won't beleive a word that
you try to preach
Live my own truth and I
use my own rules
Meaning of life
To realize dreams
Never alone
Never trust you
Never trust you
I know the truth
Never trust you
My truth
Walkin' on the way
where madness reigns
Won't beleive a word that
you try to preach
Live my own truth and I
use my own rules
Meaning of life
Aside my dreams
I am alone
Fight to survive
Never trust you
I know the truth
Never trust you
My truth
I.Q. Zero
The world we live in
- A stupid human sin
Are you not afraid?
Hell is what we created!
I.Q. zero, stupid heroes rule the world
Polluted minds - they destroy our minds
Rule the world
Polluted minds - they destroy our minds
Have you ever cared?
Hiding like a rat!
Only lived your life,
don't know good or bad
I.Q. zero, stupid heroes rule the world
Polluted minds - they destroy our minds
Rule the world
Polluted minds - they destroy our minds
Let's start to think
Ya suckers - think!
I've lost my dreams - This
nightmare became reality
The world we live in
- A stupid human sin
Are you not afraid?
Hell is what we created!
I.Q. zero, stupid heroes rule the world
Polluted minds - they destroy our minds
Rule the world
Polluted minds - they destroy our minds
Your life, our life, your life!
Don't let your I.Q. die!
Once the time will come
To be true to myself - Not to lie
Confess all mistakes
And the fact that I've
not reached all aims
Dud - is what I am
Lost my aims cause I was always fair
Dishonesty is real
But that is not my deal
Missed not one chance
To help others on their way
through their life
Better watch myself
Have my own problems dude, my own life
Dud - not anymore
I will start a new life - that's for sure
Dishonesty is real
And now this is my deal
I confess my mistakes
Now I will try to reach all my aims
I always wanted
Always helped - I always helped
but no one cared for me
So finally I began to see
Honesty will bring you to your knees
So I will never trust no one but me
Crucified, suffering of life
My life failed - Loss of self respect
Life that means nothing to me
Wanna leave the pit, wanna end this shit
My mind is sad, this life is crap
No power left to step ahead - step ahead
Sad life, dead mind
Creepin', searching, dying - meaning of life
My mind is sad, this life is crap
No power left to step ahead
Crucified, down for life!
Life that means nothing to me
Wanna leave the pit, wanna end this shit
My mind is sad, this life is crap
No power left to step ahead
To step ahead, ahead, ahead
Now I'll end my life, my life is crap
Different From You
Close mindedness
Shows in everything you do and say
You are afraid of another way
To live a life different from yours
- Different from yours
Tolerance - learn to accept
Ignorance - will lead you nowhere
Tolerance - learn to respect
Ignorance - a one way street for you
But life forces you
And everyone to be tolerant
And accept that not everyone
Thinks or lives the same way
- lives the same way
Tolerance - learn to accept
Ignorance - will lead you nowhere
Tolerance - learn to respect
Ignorance - a one way street for you
Close mindedness
Shows in everything you do and say
You are afraid of another way
To live a life different from yours
- Different from yours
Tolerance - learn to accept
Ignorance - will lead you nowhere
Tolerance - learn to respect
Ignorance - a one way street for you
Innocent are victims of attempts they commit
Terror - justify violence with your beliefs
Do you believe that violence is the way
To reach the aims you try to reach
To show everyone what has to change
Misfit in society
Driven by blind fanaticism
Only one goal in sight
To get there is the only thing that counts
Innocent are victims of attempts you commit
Terror - justify violence with your beliefs
Do you believe that violence is the way
To reach the aims you try to reach
To show everyone what has to change
Only a fool lead by others
Was brainwashed his whole life
Religion is not always cure
Your opinion is not always right
Innocent are victims of attempts you commit
Terror - justify violence with your beliefs
Do you believe that violence is the way
To reach the aims you try to reach
To show everyone what has to change
When can we rise above, killing in the name of god
Killing for false reasons
Innocent are victims of attempts they commit
Terror - justify violence with your beliefs
Do you believe that violence is the way
To reach the aims you try to reach
To show everyone what has to change
Justify violence with your beliefs
Do you believe that violence is the way
To reach the aims you try to reach
To show everyone what has to change
You know me, I'm your child
Have you seen, seen me for a while?
I was here, but you don't care
Not one word, is that fair?
In my heart, in my soul - I'm your son
What is wrong, what mistake have I done?
I tried hard to get your respect
All my deeds are done to get respect
No, no love, attention - no respect!
No, no love, attention - no respect to feed my soul!
Beaten hard, my own dad
Not the kind of respect I meant
O.K. dad, I've lost this round
I'm down, but not out!
In my heart, in my soul - I'm your son
What is wrong, what mistake have I done?
I tried hard to get your respect
All my deeds are done to get respect
No, no love, attention - no respect!
No, no love, attention - no respect to feed my soul!
No chance at all, to feed my soul,
my soul, my soul, my soul!
No chance at all, to feed my soul,
my soul, my soul, my soul!
You know me, I'm your child
Have you seen, seen me for a while?
I was here, but you don't care
Not one word, is that fair?
In my heart, in my soul - I'm your son
What is wrong, what mistake have I done?
I tried hard to get your respect
All my deeds are done to get respect
No, no love, attention - no respect!
No, no love, attention - no respect to feed my soul!
O.K, I will go my own way
This is all I have to say
To you no respect will be shown
I need my respect for my own, for my own
I need my respect for my own - child!