The Berzerker
« The Berzerker »
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1 | Reality 01:18
 | 2 | Forever 02:41
 | 3 | Burnt 02:53
 | 4 | Pain 02:14
 | 5 | Cannibal rights 02:08
 | 6 | Massacre 03:26
 | 7 | Chronological order of putrefaction 02:48
 | 8 | Deform 02:44
 | 9 | Slit down 01:38
 | 10 | February 04:07
 | 11 | Mono grind 01:01
 | 12 | Ignorance 02:01
 | 13 | Humanity 01:43
 | 14 | 95 03:52
 | 15 | Ode to Nash 05:43
 | | Total playing time: 40:55 |
   Luke Kenny - vocals
Ed Lacey - guitars
Jay - guitars
Sam Bean - bass |
Released also as a limited 2-disc edition
Tracklisting for disc 2:
1. Incarnated Solvent Abuse (Live) 4:43
2. Cannibal Rights (Live) 2:06
3. Deform (Live) 2:45
4. Intro Commentary 0:57
5. Isolated vocal tracks from "Massacre" 1:16
6. Forever commentary 1:00
7. Isolated guitar tracks from "Forever" 2:42
8. Cannibal Rights commentary 0:31
9. Isolated drum and sample tracks from "Cannibal Rights" 2:12
10. February commentary 0:32
11. Isolated vocal and keyboard tracks from "February" 2:02
12. Burnt commentary 0:51
13. Isolated bass tracks from "Burnt" 3:00
14. Deform commentary 0:42
15. Deform (Demo) 2:45
16. Untitled (Demo) 1:11
Total playing time: 29:15 |
 | 1. Reality
The uncreative juices flow from all but a selective few
and even those they tend to be wasted,
you have taken pride in a lifeform that you think you know
but what you do not know is it's rotting,
it is so unfortunate that this is how our world must be
but why must i accept reality |
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 Да, брутальный дэт в таком виде нам ещё никто не подавал. Техногенный, сложный и болезненно тяжёлый, местами даже мелодичный смертельный метал с накрученными индастриальными фишками в лице клавишных и очень фильтрованного звука ударных. Довершают совершенство музыкально-технического прогресса запредельные нойзовые моменты и частое использование сэмплов из различных документальных фильмов. Два типа вокала - скриминг и гроулинг, которые отлично вписались в этот фрагмент музыкального терроризма, относят нас в совершенно новое измерение человеческой ненависти, пробуждают безудержную ярость ко всем окружающим, граничащую с желанием рвать, терзать, резать, жечь... Вихревой напор звука, невероятные музыкальные гармонии и грайндкоровый драйв - смесь этого может стать действительно привлекательной для части дэтстеров, но всё же большинству может показаться чересчур электронным и нетрадиционным. А, может, они просто не смогут выдержать тяжести и техничности этой пластинки? |
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С удивлением не обнаруживаю на прославленном Дарксайде ревью на этот шедевр. Пропустили экстремальщики самый сок. ;) Вот где злоба, мегаскорость, плотность звука!
Габбер-грайнд (термин не мой) в самом наикошмарнейшем виде! То, чего, имхо, всегда не хватало в грайндкоре, даже в самом быстром. Скорость, скорость давай! Здесь скорости с избытком.
Концепт - нечто среднее между Slipknot и Stratvm Terror -Genetic Implosion-: чудовища, мутации, боль, насилие, разложение, нойз, хаос...
Желаю особо впечатлительным отправиться на тот свет от восторга... %)
http://www.theberzerker.com/ |
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Шедевр. The Berzerker - уникальная австралийская группа со своим уникальным стилем, состоящим из смешения наибыстрейшего и наижесточайшего грайнда с обилием индастриал элементов. Тексты песен, как и положено таким группам, повествуют о всяких неприятных вещах (мутанты и т.д.). Стоит заметить, что ребята играют с такой агрессией, какой, на мой взгляд, на данный момент больше ни у кого нет. Такое ощущение, что в них вселился сам Сатана. Настоятельно рекомендуются маньякам-психопатам. |
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Видя вставку "industrial", в первую очередь я всегда вспоминал что-то вроде Rammstein, - то бишь, "танцевальный" метал. До того времени, пока не услышал эту команду. The Berzerker не зря называют одной из самых брутальных групп в мире. Так извратить само понятие музыки, пожалуй, дано не каждому. Мизантропы из Австралии издеваются над нами таким саундом, что выдержать минут десять неподготовленному человеку - пытка еще та. Да, чтобы додуматься так использовать синтезаторы, надо, наверное, быть маньяком. Драм-машина бьет по ушам примерно со скоростью пулемета M60. В то же время, не менее жуткие гитары и вокал (гроул и скрим) как нельзя лучше закладывают всему этому основу. Тексты про жестокость реальности, каннибалов, насилие и тому подобное заставят вас возненавидеть всех, включая самих себя. А дополняется все это сэмплами из документальных фильмов, без которых этот альбом не был бы самим собой. И в то же время, в нем есть некая доля мелодики, без которой он бы совсем съехал на нойз. Хотя, тут стоит остановиться, ведь последние треки - это и есть, наверное, нойзкор, то есть, практически, шум в чистом виде. Как ни странно, я даже могу выделить лучшие вещи - "Reality", "Forever", "Cannibal Rights", "February". "February" - самый медленный и мелодичный трек, на нем очень мало скрима и гроула. Но если вы - любитель невероятной тяжести, то не поленитесь найти этот шедевр технограйнда и прослушать от начала до конца, вы ни в коем случае не пожалеете.
P.S. В Америке используется метод пытки заключенных музыкой. Самая популярная песня - Metallica "Enter Sandman". Наверное, они считают, что издеваться над людьми такой музыкой, как The Berzerker - негуманно. |
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просмотров: 14504 |
how can i exist amongst you people when i feel this way
when all that seems so wrong is everywhere,
A world without substance feeling so superior
i am discontent with lies and with ineffective lives,
should i grieve for mankind or live out my life
to be free of pain i'll want it back again,
so to be one with man i must be false to myself
any effort's futile for my life is just mine,
i have visions of worlds that are unparalleled
my attempts are in vain to walk this earth without shame,
for being human,
This is my reality and you do not have to accept it
you are only human with excuses and complaints,
couldn't you be something greater come on now you know the answer
you are so absorbed with your own pathetic lives,
why should i feel pity for you i don't think i know the answer,
have you ever thought about opening your closed eyes,
what is it that you're afraid of, don't you want to see yourself,
couldn't bear to see yourself as i see you.
2. Forever
Always living on the line of what you think is right or wrong,
there was a time when even i could not bear to be alone,
needing someone or something that is not mine to call my own,
to have and hold,
severing the only line of trust that you once thought you had,
now that i can see past you i can start to be a man,
death to me seems no mistake for i have yet to hate,
so can you see my pain, can you feel my pain, can you see my...
this, is my world,
and i see, what you don't,
forever, wanting more,
life breathes, from our soul,
looking into bloodshot eyes mesmerized they can't look back,
slowly turning in my mind is the visions of your death,
finding truth amongst my lies but not accepting now i grow,
and gain control,
opening to inner sanctums that you do not understand,
having no respect for life and taking it with my bare hands,
always searching with contempt for ways to rid my pounding head,
from this place,
This, is my world,
and i see, what you don't,
forever, wanting more,
life breathes, from our souls.
3. Burnt
You're mine,
were blatant with your kind,
i have paid, i'm taken with your face,
I can taste your flesh,
can taste your world,
to feel the pain of making...
why can't you breathe?
i've made you writhe,
in pain, the pain of making...
Why just take my life?
why not take it all?
I can taste your flesh,
can taste your world,
to feel the pain of making...
why can't you breathe?
i've made you writhe,
in pain, the pain of making...
4. Pain
Torn, apart, her face,
ripped from her fleshy skull,
her scalp, degloved,
what an horrific site,
with inches from her life,
and all that's left inside,
confusion's in her mind,
her luck's run out,
Tormented cries coming from inside,
ride with her into the state of...
a brutal act but she did well,
to tolerate the anguish of that night,
the anguish of that night
Torn, apart, her face,
ripped from her fleshy skull,
her scalp, degloved,
what an horrific site,
with inches from her life,
and all that's left inside,
confusion's in her mind,
her luck's run out.
5. Cannibal Rights
Devouring my last rites,
without thoughts of changing,
to have my life taken away,
inheriting the skills of,
the dead to hunt and live,
the dead to hunt and die,
because that is our only way,
Never understanding,
tomorrow never comes,
waiting and believing,
that they have got it wrong,
why are we made to suffer,
for their ignorance,
to me it makes no sense,
Devouring my last rites,
without thoughts of changing,
to have my life taken away.
6. Massacre
Arms, legs, feet, hands all limbs are gone,
flesh torn life loss blown to black dust,
torn earth seeks death blood is on ground,
feel the grim pain it is your fault,
once maimed you fall force is so strong,
got what you wish? last chance for more,
wounds all open to the heavens,
skull is intact limbs won't grow back,
no end is near used to be bold,
can not get help, chanced your life well?
eyes are so blind to the horror,
feel the grim pain it is your fault,
call to arms you do not have,
cause torn flesh is now all that's left,
and i can see your juices drain out,
like a body that is apart,
got what you get i can see that,
life calls to me and paints grim death,
what we live in i do not know,
i'm not a god but i think so,
you've had your chance used to have hope,
lost now in hell feel your life fall,
not one to run i'll bare this world,
i am so strong your life is gone,
no time for weak you are a sheep,
can not get help no hope for you,
now i tell you your chance is gone,
time for you too, i'll burn in hell,
my chance is here with your lost kind,
from the start you've had not much time,
not one to run i'll bare this world,
i am so strong your life is gone,
Got what you get i can see that,
life calls to me and paints grim death,
what we live in i do not know,
i'm not a god but i think so,
you've had your chance used to have hope,
lost now in hell feel your life fall,
not one to run i'll bare this world,
i am so strong your life is gone,
no time for weak you are a sheep,
can not get help no hope for you,
now i tell you your chance is gone,
time for you too, i'll burn in hell,
my chance is here with your lost kind,
from the start you've had not much time,
not one to run i'll bare this world,
i am so strong your life is gone.
7. Chronological Order Of Putrefaction
Greenish discoloration of the abdominal wall,
odour of putrefaction is noticeable,
the eyeballs become soft,
Irregular green patches appear over of neck,
chest and lower extremities,
a bloody, frothy purge may pour from the mouth,
The abdomen is distended with gas,
the corneas have collapsed,
the discoloration is becoming red,
due to the pressure of the decomposed blood,
Body surface is mottled,
red, green, brown the eyes bulge,
and the tongue swells to fill the mouth,
and protrudes beyond the teeth.
8. Deform
Degradation, i don't want your,
rhinoplasty, i don't need you,
not any more,
though i am a perverted man,
disproportioned, version of a,
normal man, dirty man,
any surgery can not get the god dam filth out of my head,
Maladjusted, not because of,
my appearance, you can't see past,
how i was born, are you blinded by the way you live?
violated, version of a,
normal man, dirty man,
reconstruction, reformation, reaching out into a shallow world,
My normal features, they gaze with impunity,
i am an animal, don't want to be a man,
i wish destruction on every man i see,
am i a man, am i a man, am i?
to forgive them means loss of my memory,
can i decide between a psycho and a citizen,
no chance of that i want death to my enemy,
i'm not a man, i'm not a man,
How can you think of me? judge of me? watch me?
all i want to be is, is to be free,
Degradation, i don't want your,
rhinoplasty, i don't need you,
though i am a perverted man,
disproportioned, version of a,
normal man, dirty man,
any surgery can not get the god dam filth out of my head.
9. Slit Down
Slit down from the thorax, to free all,
the gas that should not be there,
the cerebrum will have not survived,
upon close examination, from the chest to the skull,
has show the movement of fluids that the surface refused,
co-injections have failed to prepare the remains,
there's much too much to be saved, decomposition has claimed,
what was an animal frame with it's organs and brain,
will be dissected and then reduced to mush,
It's not to be chopped to bring you power,
it's only to be devoured,
what is it now that you throw doubt upon,
don't ask of things you not meant to have or know,
have or know,
Pre-embalming purge, and rotting pigmentation,
extra firming fluids, and hardening compounds,
nasal aspiration.
10. Feburary
It is febuary 1998,
with too many mindless bodies,
walking the face of the planet,
and too many mindfull bodies,
without enough motivation,
to do anything constructive with their lives,
i despise these people,
in a way i can not verbally express,
my hatred for humanity
has reached an all time high,
i believe i am a higher power
and a greater being,
than our all too common society,
Lately i have asked myself
should i concede defeat
and conform to our commercialist society,
surely it would make my life
on this world easier to bear,
but when i get near my lowest moments,
i remember...
Why, i hate the world,
and everything, that is inside,
i remember why, that i despise
everything that is not i.