Fredrik Thordendal's Special Defects
« Sol Niger Within »
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1 | The Beginning Of The End Of Extraction (Evolution Slow Down)
 | 2 | The Executive Furies Of The Robot Lord Of Death
 | 3 | Descent To The Netherworld
 | 4 | ...Och Stjarnans Namn Var Malort
 | 5 | Dante's Wild Inferno
 | 6 | I, Gatacus
 | 7 | Skeletonization
 | 8 | Sickness And Demoniacal Dreaming
 | 9 | UFOria
 | 10 | Zeta 1 - Reticuli
 | 11 | Transmigration Of Souls
 | 12 | In Reality All Is Void
 | 13 | Krapp's Last Tape
 | 14 | Through Fear We Are Unconscious
 | 15 | Death At Both Ends
 | 16 | Bouncing In A Bottomless Pit
 | 17 | The Sun Door
 | 18 | Vitamin K Experience (A Homage To The Scientist / John Lilly)
 | 19 | Sensorium Dei
 | 20 | Zeta 2 - Reticuli
 | 21 | De Profundis
 | 22 | Existence Out Of Joint
 | 23 | On A Crater's Verge
 | 24 | Solarization
 | 25 | The End Of The Beginning Of Contradiction (Involutional Speed Up / Preparation For The Big Crunch)
 | 26 | Tathagata
 | 27 | Missing Time
 | 28 | Ooo Baby Baby |
   Mats Samsarga Цberg: Church Organ And Synthesizer
Jonas Knutsson: Sax
Jerry Ericsson: Bass
Kantor Magnus Larsson: Church Organ
Victor Alneng: Yidaki
Morgan Gandharva Еgren: Drums
Marcus Persson: Primal Screams
Tomas Haake: Psychonaut's Voice
Jennie Thordendal: Gallskrik
Fredrik Thordendal: Guitars, Vocals, Bass And Synthesizers |
 | 2. The Executive Furies Of The Robot Lord Of Death
I'm seraph. I'm snake.
controlled. pre-programmed entrapped soul.
extraneous powers conditions my mind.
I'm vermin. I'm fake.
causality ignores the persecutory illutions of free will.
morality justifies no cause.
beyond reason: we eat. repr |
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 Сразу справка для непосвящённых или незаинтересованных: Фредрик Тордендаль - соло-гитарист славного шведского квартета... нет, не ABBA... Meshuggah. Да-да, это тот самый парень, который любит пройтись невменяемым соляком, который хрен повторишь, в и без того нездоровых песнях скандинавской группы. Так вот, представьте себе, что этому перцу дали полную свободу самовыражения, вернее, он сам себе её присвоил, выпустив данный опус. Если попытаться описать более-менее кратко, то можно сказать, что данное творение есть Meshuggah meets Fantomas. "Мешуга", потому что... потому что "Мешуга"! А как ещё звучать парню, который является одним из основных композиторов в этой группе?! А "Фантомас", потому что вменяемой структуры здесь нет. Вообще, это одна длинннаааая песня, хотя темы в ней меняются каждую минуту-две. Нет, ну представьте: полиритмическое метальное рубилово, плавно переходящее в соло психопата на органе. И так все сорок три минуты. Орган, саксофон, разнообразные вокальные извращения, - это не упоминая о стандартном комплекте любой метал-группы. Вообще, после прослушивания данного опуса, моя личная аксиома о том, что Томас Хааке - самый шизанутый участник Meshuggah уже не столь однозначна и подвергается сомнению. Боооольшому сомнению....
В общем, проект оправдывает название - Fredrik Thordendal's Special Defects. Так что, если вам хочется помучить свои мозги чем-то жёстким и авангардным, - этот продукт, несомненно, для вас. Если же вы привыкли к простым ходам, структуре песен куплет-припев-опять куплет... идите с миром... дольше жить будете. |
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Когда я первый раз послушал Meshuggah, у меня сложилось впечатление, что мой мозг просто-напросто был атакован и похищен. Позже, прослушав у шведов всё, что можно, мозг вернулся в голову. Потом мне посоветовали послушать творение Фредрика Торденталя...
Если вы считаете музыку Meshuggah чем-то непонятным, лучше не слушайте этот альбом. Серьёзно. Либо мы все с ума сошли, либо у Фредрика что-то не в порядке. Обложка... Да, чёрт возьми, какая обложка?! Душа разрывается, разуму нет покоя, конца этому тем более не видно...
Вы слушали Gorguts, творение "Obscura"? Сложновато для восприятия. Теперь представьте, что этот безумный альбом записала толпа психопатов под руководством Фредрика. А он им и говорит, мол "откройте свою душу, выскажите всё, что накопилось". А тут ещё и Майк Паттон прибежал! Жёстко? Не то слово!
Вот так можно описать этот зверский альбом. Авангардные альбомы вообще всегда очень выделяются из ряда вон, а тут вообще эксклюзив! Музыкальная паника!
Непонятные вокальные выкрики в стиле Паттона (шедевральный Fantomas...), невероятнейшие соляки Торденталя, агрессивнейшая ритм-секция. "Они там больные, что ли?!" - первое, что приходит в голову человеку, не знакомому с работами Фредрика Торденталя.
Но это 1997 год, больше 10 лет прошло... Продолжения? От такой "болезни" вряд ли есть лекарство, так что очень сильно ждём. Ведь таких безумных работ очень мало. |
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просмотров: 17565 |
a genetically conditioned psychomotor machine.
I'm seraph. I'm snake. an evolutionary mistake.
3. Descent To The Netherworld
entering hellbound dominion. acid rain.
human mortification. hades glows red-hot.
howling mind accelerates. trapped in this time-knot.
place there is none: we go backward and forward. and there is no place.
horror or infinity. internal draught
floor a tempest. sanitorium?
who are you? why are you here?
no chemical aid. no keys. no doors. walls or locks.
wing-dipped phoenix. ashes: you asshole!
4. ...Och Stjarnans Namn Var Malort
immolate reliance: suffocate defiance.
(ephemeral slimy fluids. soft entrails. squishy. squashy worms. we're
nothing but germs.)
cardboard figure. skeletal man. in venomous confinement.
new dawning of fate. no exit from this torment. sickness and hate.
all in vain. everlasting suffering in pain.
constricting steel headbands. adrenaline boil.
temperature rise. pressure succeed.
in crushing my skull. destroying my seed.
divine epiphany of pyrocatharsis.
internal ascension to skyward domains.
preparation for rebirth.
5. Dante's Wild Inferno
6. I, Gatacus
my existence precedes the origin of the universe
I, deliverer of god. organizer of solar systems.
heaven is lasting. earth is enduring.
i am forever and you are of me.
7. Skeletonization
sweating. swirling on sheets of torture beach.
malignant cancer objects. impinge upon space.
euclidean nausea. dimensions outraged.
(limbs disjointed with iron hook. eyes torn from sockets.
flesh torn apart. scraped off them bones. bent out of shape.)
trilogy of life faces sea of death.
8. Sickness And Demoniacal Dreaming
demons begin their march. down. down. deeper down. down the brain stem.
bending the kundalini sacrum.
ant out of my behind and climb back in.
tibetan goddess ral gcing ma:
show me your spine and everything's fine.
9. UFOria
I sing in colors.
my mother is god. my father is god. my brothers. my sisters. all are god.
god to the right. god to the left. god overhead (god o.d./UFOria overdose.)
christ-encounter of the fourth kind.
10. Zeta 1 - Reticuli
11. Transmigration Of Souls
battle within begin. life after life. death after death.
suffer. die. resurrect. all those karmas in my face.
further and further away from grace.
cut to pieces. death house walls me in.
bodily dismemberment. renewal of organs. celestial ascent.
12. In Reality All Is Void
blown out of proportion. perfect-wrong
heathen distortion. in diabolical disguise.
three-dimensional evaporation. melting ground.
liquid skies downpouring. crumbling into chaos. mind alive?
13. Krapp's Last Tape
14. Through Fear We Are Unconscious
avoiding reality. we dare not to face the truth.
we all lie to ourselves. immersed in deceit.
biochemical apparatus. screened out from truth.
exceedingly stupid. slender debris.
in ignorance we are condemned to decease.
15. Death At Both Ends
parallel dimensions: on frequencies sublime.
hidden for millenia to earthbound mind. girded with lies.
reality until now. delusional abbreviation.
unearthly codes deciphered at last.
an eternal presence. a moment without a past.
reality transfigured. still the same.
in deafening silence. all things flow.
a pulsating vessel. presence: rising. falling. in and out.
the eschaton is calling from the end of time.
16. Bouncing In A Bottomless Pit
17. The Sun Door
they can't fool me. wearing human faces. they're nothing but resonance
frequencies escaping the grasp of my mind.
waveforms are spinning out of control.
leaking into parallel dimensions. my mind is turned inside out.
exteriorized mind. (perceptually overstimulated.) my insides are pouring
bombardment from outside. (which is now my inside.)
unearthly thought waves overcharge my brain circuits.
18. Vitamin K Experience (A Homage To The Scientist / John Lilly)
not lost. but gone before.
deposited at the brink of time. across the borders of infinity.
atomized state. crystalized existence. linear-time ignored.
indescent wings take me home.
from within john wheelers hyperspace.
the secret disclosed. neither body nor radiation.
vanished to outside observers. those poor souls left behind.
19. Sensorium Dei
[transl. pali. 'the most excellent divine eye. eye of knowledge. all-seeing eye. budding eye. dhamma-eye']
god's eye point of view. neither to be born nor to perish. negation of
substance. impermanence of being. everlasting becoming. unconditional mind.
expressing absolute revelation of truth. manifested beyond the
trans-substantial >>i<<. all being and nonebeing. neither mind nor buddha.
in an all-embracing immanent end-in-itself. paradoxes are unveiled.
contradictions collapses. where boundaries failed. plunging into the vortex
of darkness divine. entering the void where all things intertwine. this is
the existence of the non-existence of duality expressing the radiance of
ultimate reality.
20. Zeta 2 - Reticuli
21. De Profundis
22. Existence Out Of Joint
it's too late now. over the brink of the interior gravitational abyss. i
spiral downwards.
inwards. torn apart into multiple i's. the totality of which i used to
perceive as the absolute self. all processes are rapidly slowed down.
contracting. dissolving. freezing out. tidal gravitational forces tend to
infinity. the godhead is pulling me beyond the swartzschild sphere. the
theoretical maximum value for potential.
spatio-temporality inverted. space and time are turned inside out.
23. On A Crater's Verge
24. Solarization
i've become the nuclear image of eternity i'm the original stuff. all the
universes find their pattern in my being. for i'm the cosmic infinitesmal.
i'm the source. i'm the fountain. exploding in your face. (with a flick of
my wrist a new cosmos begins.) how glorious to be alive. be here with me now
in timeless micro-infinity.
reality now an oceanic flow of particles in everchanging patterns. panta
rei. undulating within the ultimate core of self. which is no-self. inside
this boundless thought wave. all is one and one is god. (truth is one. sui
everything is coming in waves and from all sides. nuclear. molecular and
cellular layers. modular wave-hierarchies. epi-phenomenon of the
ground-of-being of all other grounds-of-being. in a fractual involution. the
reversal of evolution. becoming is absolute. time is dying a slow death. the
eschaton is near. i'm into an ideational singularity: propelling towards the
neuro-galatic center, the transcendental nexus of self and world. a cosmic
junction where on a physical level: matter and anti-matter merge into each
other. into emptiness and on a psychic level god and self are inextricably
25. The End Of The Beginning Of Contradiction (Involutional Speed Up / Preparation For The Big Crunch)
i'm imploding into MySelf. MyGod. oh. god. i'm home...
tathagata - cakkhuvinnanadhatu ...yathabhutam. yathabhutam. yathabhutam.
yathabhutam. yathabhutam...
[transl. pali 'thus-gone - the visual cognition as it really is']
26. Tathagata
27. Missing Time
[bonus track]
Close encounters of the forth kind are by far the most frightening abductions of human beings by aliens. According to those who claim to have been
abducted, they're transported by a beam of light aboard a space craft; set up on an examination table surrounded by strange creatures, probed and prodded as
tissue and fluid samples are taken; and then returned to the point from which they were abducted. Most often with little or no recollection of what
happened. The one thing they know for certain is that minutes, even hours have passed that they can't account for. This form of amnesia is known as missing
The first months, I couldn't seem to grasp, those black moments, holding me in a state of loss. Until one day, when it all caught up on me. After that, I
worked real hard for years at suppressing all abduction memories. Now that I remember it all, I'm scared to death almost all the time. I know they'll be
coming back for me again. They always come back.
28. Ooo Baby Baby
[taken from the album: mats/morgan - trends and other diseases]
[bonus track]