 Последний альбом… Близится тот час, когда Сьюзи скажет Северину: «Пора расходиться. От этого уже никто не получает удовольствия». Вольно или невольно, но «The Rapture» стал эпитафией великой группе, а к эпитафии требования особые. Ввиду значительности события определенная доля пафоса неизбежна. Посему использование в записи симфонических элементов выглядит очень уместно. Хотя начинается все довольно эклектично. Кажется, никогда еще музыка Siouxsie and the Banshees не лилась столь непринужденно, как на стартовой «O, Baby». Но все же, при большой моей любви к этой песне, ей далеко до “Kiss Them for Me”, не говоря уж про гениальную «Peek-a-boo». Для придания весомости и значимости записи просто необходима была необычная и яркая композиция, которая бы позволила с чистой душой заявить: «Держат марку, дьяволы!». Ею, на мой взгляд, стала «Fall from Grace», в которой есть все: и заводной рок-н-ролльный мотив, и кельтские мелодии, и восхитительный припев. А самое главное, укрепляется ощущение того, что все в порядке, англичане еще способны удивить и задеть по-настоящему глубоко. Хотя, знаете ли, с такой изменчивой и многогранной музыкой вряд ли стоит быть в чем-либо стопроцентно уверенным. Ведь изначально кажется, что этот альбом – по сути, тот же “Superstition”, только с более живым звуком. Но ближе к середине нагло лезущая на передний план электрогитара, на которую, честно говоря, еще пару альбомов назад можно было перестать обращать внимание, вызывает мысли о некоем «возвращении к корням». Хотя финал убеждает нас в том, что никаких повторов у Сьюзи и компании не будет - только путь вперед. И все равно релиз, на первый взгляд, выглядит как сборник нереализованного в разные годы материала, так и не нашедшего себе пристанища в предыдущих творениях. Заметен и разный подход к продюсированию треков с "симфонической" начинкой, записанных еще в 1993-м, и всех остальных песен. Так что самое сложное при прослушивании “The Rapture” – нащупать внутренний стержень альбома, уловить его общий настрой. К тому же, никогда в истории «Бэншиз» не было настолько выделяющего на фоне остальных трека, как их первый и последний «эпик», название которого дало название и всему альбому. Скрипки и Сьюзи – их можно слушать бесконечно, даже не обращая внимания на прочие инструментальные партии, что есть в этой композиции. Маятник жизни, воплощение песочных часов в звуке… Переход от «The Rapture» к идущей следом «The Double Life» воспринимается тяжело, причиняя почти физическую боль! Посему вердикт этому творению стоит выносить лишь после многократного, до дыр, заслушивания самых ярких композиций, чтобы увидеть, какие красоты скрывало их сияние. И совершить еще немало приятных открытий в рамках данного альбома.
Так что же из себя представляет "The Rapture"? Наверное, правы были журналисты Melody Maker, сравнившие его с путешествием, опасным и экзотическим. Пусть «The Rapture» не стал лучшим альбомом группы, но он стал достойным завершением ее блестящей карьеры в качестве студийной команды. Лучшего финала, чем растворение в окрашенных лучами заходящего солнца пурпурных волнах «Love Out Me», придумать было просто невозможно! |
Has that effect on heavens' treasure case
O Baby O maybe
You're a paragon
I haven't felt this way before
Impossible to ask for more
Unanswered prayers that went before
Lie like leaves upon the floor
Hang all the world and universe
When I'm with you they always seem perverse
I'm in a state of weightlessness
When I inhale your angel breath
O Baby O maybe
I'm the lost and found
Tearing Apart
I know it's all a game
I know they're all insane
I know it's all in vain
I know that I'm to blame
This tearing apart
Tearing apart...
I think we all should die
I think we're dead inside
I know the purest rain
Won't wash the bloody stain
I know it waits to strike
This sickness from inside
Will tear us apart
You're still in my heart
Tearing apart
Tearing apart
O you hold the rain
Far far away
Wild swans skim across a lake
Then soar in a white arc
Above my head I wake
Tearing apart
You're still in my heart
Tearing apart
Tearing apart
O you hold the rain
Been thinking how to escape?
This strait-jacket of constraint
Been thinking what can be wrong?
With feelings that long to belong
Stargazing me
In an upside down sea
So weary this strait-jacket dreamer
So resigned to continue to suffer
But you've learnt that as you grow weaker
There's less hurt because there's much less to hurt
Stargazing me
In a tumbling sea
Up in the galaxy
Staring down on me
Stargazer reach out to touch
With your mind that frees you so much
Stargazer kissing your kismet
With bright jewel encrusted scars
Stargazing me
In tranquillity
Up in the galaxy
Staring down on me
Fall From Grace
I am stone and I am blade
A sharp eternal instant
A darker heart a distant moan
Pleasures' deep and spectral instinct
Look me in the eye
Speak it to my face
My hate is cold
As I fall from grace
So wish away my gravity
A curse the one and only
Lay terror tight unholy flight
Bear witness to the descent
Yet nothing is forever
So come nearer and confess
But like a tender bruise
Temptation waits in one caress
Look me in the eye
Speak it to my face
My hate is cold
As I fall from grace
Cast me out and save your soul
From madness rhyme and reason
You banish doubt I'll spread the fear
You'd better start believing
Look me in the eye
Speak it to my face
My hate is cold
As I fall from grace
Not Forgotten
You buried it so deep
So safe in hidden sleep
But like a tell-tale corpse
Rises to the surface
Over-ripe & bloated
In naked time-lapsed truth
Thought it was lost forever
Remember this
How long has it been
Or have you forgotten
When you first forgot?
Now resurrection the phoenix
Aflame with pride & conceit
Remembers this
Wind blown trees outside
Applauding like the ocean
To the cacophony inside
The waves come rushing in
A crashing whispering
Drowning they drink me
Ah not forgotten
This is not forgotten
Remember this
Sick Child
And I know I never knew you
Your mind your pain I will melt your winter tears
If you say you will
If you could say you will
Convalescing bruised I set my mind awake
Dare to take another look
If you say you will
If you could say you will
King of moon gloomy afternoon
Losing track of word & metre
Still shaking in this tear room
Like a sick child
Still shaking nothing reconciled
Like a sick child
Melancholia colliding out of mind
In a silver swirl I take a lungful in
Blow a fistful out if you could say you will
King of moon gloomy afternoon
Losing track of word & metre
Make your final touch people talk too much
Madman screams an unknown language
Still shaking in the tear room
Like a sick child
Still shaking nothing reconciled
Like a sick child
The Lonely One
Happy in solitude
Secure there's no-one to depend on
Scorning alms & good luck charms
Staring down to the rocks below
I was the lonely one
I didn't want no-one
An odyssey so solitary
Carries you forth to collide with me
Recognised familiar signs
We're hypnotised on the turning tide
You were the lonely one
Who didn't want no-one
I was the lonely one
I didn't want no-one
Here I stand on the shifting sand
Waves of lassitude wash inland
The lonely cry of a seagull flies
Into my mind and recalls a time
When I was the lonely one
Who didn't want no-one
You were the lonely one
No we didn't want no-one
Hear my hymn calling the lonely one
Hear my hymn for the lonely one
Falling Down
I would see you falling down
Still I would have been around
Hated to hear the sound
As you fell and punched the ground
Such as miserable suicide
Performed before my eyes
Staggering about the town
Unaware I was around
I wouldn't have you
If you wanted me to
I wouldn't have you
You wouldn't have you
Feel the dead sea
Running through your veins
A sea of mercury
Dragging you down the drain
I wouldn't have you
If you wanted me to
I wouldn't have you
You wouldn't have you
Come searching for your little girl
But she hid in her oyster shell
Stupoured and ill-humoured
You left her with the swine and swill
Didn't you?
I wouldn't have you
If you wanted me to
I wouldn't have you
You wouldn't have you
Infinity stretches unlimitlessly
Countless days pass by immeasurably
Anniversaries gutter in the maelstrom
Whirling a snowstorm of lustrous millennium
We couldn't stay together
This couldn't last forever
Senses dissolve into soliloquies
Flooding ascent in synchronicity
But we couldn't stay together
I knew this wouldn't last forever
Forever just one more tie then never
This is the last string to sever
On and on yes it goes on and on
I could stay wherever
I would last forever
Forever just one more tie then never
This is the last string to sever
Forever never forever
This is the last string to sever
I have lost you for ever and ever
The Rapture
O pull on the rein and haul me in
Back to the start where eyes first blink to see
A flowing mane a cut-glass limb
And they're falling soaring so rhythmically
O pull on the rein and haul me in back to the start
Rebirthed in ecstasy with cherubim and seraphim
When I was falling soaring so rhythmically
Falling soaring falling for you so completely
The Rapture unfurling blues and greens
The Rapture a swirling violet stream
Mystic majestic entangled in a web of curling vapour thread
Encaptured by forces unseen
Enraptured an eclipse intoxicating
Strangely not inside strangely not outside
Drowning in the middle of an eerie transition
And I don't know your name
Never been alive yet I haven't died
I hover disembodied in a semi-wakened haze
Floating far above the cloud
Sinking far below the ground
Only my senses remain
The Rapture unfurling blues and greens
The Rapture a swirling violet stream
Mystic majestic entangled in a web of iridescent curling vapour thread
Floating far above the cloud
Sinking far below the ground
No form only my senses remain
Wondering if I dare to say your name
Wondrous thoughts embalmed avow you came
By the crescent disc rising amethyst
How can love remain the same unchanged?
Moonlight plays upon this sunken brow
Midnight ink bleeds wet mercurial clouds
By the crescent disc rising amethyst
Somnambulist unharnessed storms the plow
By the crescent disc rising amethyst
How can love remain the same unchained?
The Double Life
At the top of the stairs is a locked room
My secret chamber that no outsider views
For entry is forbidden prohibited
Behind this door is my other self
Not a picture in a frame nor a fresh disguise
But my other self
Immobile inert and sanguine
My narcissus kisses exhale crimson breath
And pump ruby to the lip
I stand before myself not Jekyll nor Hyde
Not sibling nor twin separated at birth
I stand before myself unaccountable
I dreamed that I had feet of clay
I dreamed I crossed the seven seas
And when I woke not knowing
I knew I led the double life
All I ever needed is twice removed
I spit my bile in an airless temper
In this vacuum a vampire reversed
This one who breathes life into me
And even dull mirrors reflect the tarnished twosome
I stand before myself not another me
Not Doppleganger nor witless clone
I stand before myself unrepentant
I dreamed of sin and aftermath
I dreamed of centuries laid bare
And when I woke not knowing
I knew I led the double life
Love Out Me
I smash the glass into my face
Cutting through to my disgrace
Disregard for bone and flesh
How can I be in such a mesh of unlikeliness?
I smash my likeness
At my fingertips
With this blade turned in on me
Cutting an ancient tree
A cutter in a forest of industry
Upturning usurping
Love me hate me help me
Save me from me
Hold me hurt me stop me
Take this love out me
Anger tinged with sadness
It's always been like this
Place the dagger 'twixt my breast
My nearest and dearest
I hurt it I hurt me
Hurt everything around me
There's nothing no trace
Still cutting to find the place
Love out me! Love out me!
Anger tinged with sadness
It's always been like this
No nothing no one no more
No no no no I can't take this
Love me hate me help me
Save me from me
Hold me hurt me stop me
Take this love out me!
Love out me!
Love out me!