« Unbound »
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1 | Unbound 06:20
 | 2 | The Land I Used to Walk 03:38
 | 3 | Feebleminded 02:40
 | 4 | Back to North 08:36
 | 5 | Silent Truth 03:10
 | 6 | Lost Eternally 05:42
 | 7 | Nuclear Attack 02:41
 | 8 | Forbidden Pleasure 05:09
 | | Total playing time 37:56 |
   Erik Wallin - Guitar
Fredrik Karlén - Bass
Kеle - Vocals
Peter Stjärnvind - Drums |
Remastered & re-released as digipack and gatefold LP on Black Lodge (September 23, 2006) including 1 bonus track:
9. Crionics (Slayer Cover) |
 | 1. Unbound
This is no place for me
Outcast of society
No mourning from my side
Against them I will fly
Yes I will...
Flying through the forest
The colors blind my eyes
As one with the earth
I will never die
As one with the earth...
Second morning of ecstacy
Dreaming about now
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 Перед нами последний альбом классической эры шведского коллектива, который принёс с собой струю свежих влияний, но не отвернул группу от первоначальной стилистики. Уже вступительный трек, кстати, самый мелодически правильный на всём альбоме да ещё и с великолепным развёрнутым соло, убеждает в том, что команда решила слегка сбить темп оголтелых проходов в угоду более солидной компоновке сюжетной линии. Но скорости не позабыты совсем, потому что ударник продолжает трудиться в поте лица, хотя и не так одержимо как раньше. Саунд мне лично напоминает тот, который был на втором альбоме Desultory, являющемся одногодкой описываемого альбома, с естественной поправкой на отличающийся подход изложения. Гармонизированные партии теперь чётко слиты воедино с чёсовыми риффами, отчего от былой экстремальности осталось не так много, но мэйнстримом здесь и не пахнет. Импульсивный гибкий ритм, создаваемый отстреливающимся во все стороны ударником, не даёт заскучать, тем более, что всё ещё мало кто сможет долго угорать в соответствии с некоторыми наиболее скоростными вещами альбома. Заслуга этого лонгплея в равномерном распределении быстрых и умеренных песен, в соответствии с чем запись получила большее разнообразие в сравнении с предыдущими. Некоторые слушатели даже смогут провести небезосновательные параллели с мелодичным крылом шведских кондиций и будут в некоторой степени правы, потому что эти влияния на самом деле не обошли стороной материал альбома. Описываемая работа является хорошим примером слияния традиций трэш/дэта с хорошо угадываемыми мелодичными пассажами. |
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В год своего выхода в свет этот альбом получил противоречивые оценки. Например, в древнющем номере отечественного Gothic Zine материал назвали «мажорным трэшем, каких множество». Сегодняшние metal-archives, напротив, оценили диск достаточно высоко, но всё же более сдержано, чем дебют. Что, пожалуй, более справедливо. Merciless повзрослели, но всё же остались сами собой. «Unbound» значительно лучше предшественника и лишь немного не дотягивает до классического «The Awakening». Да, на этом альбоме нет столь бескомпромиссных песен, как «Pure Hate» и «Souls of the Dead», зато есть подкупающая сдержанность знающего себе цену коллектива и прекрасные, хотя и не столь частые, как мне хотелось бы, мелодии. Merciless попытались пойти по стопам тогдашних Desultory и At the Gates, но сделали это более робко и осторожно. Даже в сравнении с этими командами шведов никак не назовешь «мелодичными». Ну а рядом с классическими дисками Dark Tranqullity и In Flames, «Unbound» и вовсе покажется образцом бронебойного скандинавского дэт-метала. Большая часть материала, действительно, представляет собой самый обыкновенный, хорошо записанный, но какой-то «стылый» металл старой школы. Звук, с одной стороны, по-скандинавски жужжащий, но с другой – слишком слабенький и трэшовый. Все это было еще на предшествовавшем «The Treasures Within». Зато на нем не было столь впечатляющего старта с «Unbound» и «The Land I Used To Walk». Ортодоксальный, но, одновременно, передовой для своей эпохи материал. Конечно, ни «мажорности», ни «стереотипности» тут нет. Очень немногие из современников Merciless смогли «повзрослеть» именно так – без метаний между стилями и уступок массовому слушателю. Жаль, но из оставшихся шести композиций лишь «Lost Eternally» выдержанна на столь же высоком уровне. |
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просмотров: 13466 |
Endless journey into
Forever I hope it will last
I feel unbound - In my diamond dream
I am unbound - In my diamond dream
Watching, lurking eternal dawn
Running hunting in this dream
I was born
Screaming, crying please take me high
Dreaming flying never to die
Second morning of ecstacy
Dreaming about now
And the past
Endless journey into
Forever I hope it will last
I feel unbound - In my diamond dream
I am unbound - In my diamond dream
We are unbound
2. The Land I Used To Walk
Must be time, another time
Sleeping eternally
Awake disturbing the peace
Can't sleep in misery
The people cannot see or talk
Where is the land I used to walk
When the flowers are black
And the water is read
The night is forever, all emotions are dead
The people cannot see or talk
Where is the land I used to walk
Where is the answer when man is killing man
Neverending scream there's
Blood on gods hand
Falling off the edge and you can't see the ground
It's a painfil flight and your
Soul cannot be found
I don't want those feeble
To be a part of my life
A journey to self destructions
Die by their own knife
Where is the answer when man is killing man
Neverending scream there's
Blood on gods hand
If there ever was a light, just let me sleep
Into the peaceful dark
Happiness I keep
The people cannot see or talk
Where is the land I used to walk
In the hands of nature, healing
My wounded flesh
Visions of endless suffering
Fall through blackness
Who is there to understand
Why is everything dying
I don't have the strength
I'm not even trying
3. Feebleminded
I can still hear those echoes
I hear them fly
Through the night
Remember the false ones
Let them die again tonight
We're all trapped under the sun with all the others
The brainless and the fools
And all their mothers and fathers
So tell me now,
What can you do about it?
When your life is a lie,
And your head is full of shit
There's a wall arround you
Can you see if there's anything behind?
The wall grows higher
And it will carry on until the day you die
So die...
I can still hear those echoes
I hear them fly
Through the night
Remember the false ones
Let them die again tonight
We're all trapped under the sun with all the others
The brainless and the fools
And all their mothers and fathers
Promise after promise
They have your life in their hands
Playing with your mind
It's all the same in every land
So tell me now,
What can you do about it?
When your life is a lie,
And your head is full of shit
So die...
4. Back To North
Unleash the powers
Powers of destruction
Hatred within us
The darkest obsession
Gods of the sea
Gave us the mind
Gods of warm now let us win
A new day is born wake up sons
And daughters
United by the gods, we sail the
Violent waters
They gave us a sign
A man on a cross
Supposed to save us all, but
Their minds are forever lost
Take me home
Back to north
The old man whispers, no
Bitterness in his face
He is not afraid of death
He'll come to a better place
As the boat is burning
In this foreign land
No one can tell when I can
Take my mothers hand
We all wanna go home
Many months at sea
Only the strong survive
Feels like an eternity
Our pockets are full of gold
Home to the land of ice
Our eyes are filled with glory
The land we wish to end out lives
Take me home
Back to north
A new day is born, wake up sons
And daughters
United by the gods, we sail the
Violent waters
Gods of the dea
Gave us the wind
Gods of war, now let us win
The hammer smashing the sky
Lightning is his pride
The creator of thunder
He will never die
The wind is blowing for us
At least we're going home
This journey won't be
Shall be written on
A sacred stone
Take me home
Back to north
5. Silent Truth
A world made of diamonds
Proud is the king
Faithful are his servants
The jewel choir sing
Down in the village
Where silence rule
The people whispers
About the fool
Streets of gold
Cloudless sky
Beloved silence
Shall never die
The king is satisfied
When you kneel in front of him
In the night
The people whispers kill the king
If someone hear you
Say something wrong
You know you will be singing on your last song
A world made of diamonds
Proud is the king
Faithful are his servants
The jewel choir sing
Streets of gold
Cloudless sky
Beloved silence
The king is satisfied
When you kneel in front of him
In the night
The people whispers kill the king
If someone hear you
Say something wrong
You know you will be singing on your last song
Do not let them know
Keep the hatred within
Do not open your mind
And don't live in sin
Don't think don't need
And don't you ever feel
Don't see don't talk
Do not follow your heart
6. Lost Eternally
Welcome to my world
Everlasting Anguish
Com and watch me bleed, and
Then finally perish
I can see it now
It's all crystal clear
Everything is gone
Why should I even care
Deep depression
Anguish is burning me alive
Lost freedom
Deep inside I don't wanna die
Chained in a cold cell
Reason unknown
This could be hell
Claustrophobia set me free
I cut the flesh
I am lost eternally
All the lies have been told
The pain I went through
Torment is here
It will come for you to
Fist strikes the wall
I can feel the anger burn
Got to let it out
I got nowhere to turn
Crimes of a past life
Alon in the night
Welcome to my world
Everlasting anguish
Come and watch me bleed
And then finally perish
I can see it now
It's all crystal clear
Everything is gone
Why should I even care
Claustrophobia set me free
I cut the flesh
I am lost eternally
7. Nuclear Attack
You start to cry in pain
The war is driving you insane
Corpses smell decay
Jesus cannot hear you pray
Nuclear Attack
Winds of death are blowing free
The end has come for me
Come and join us, the souls of the damned
Come and take Charon's hand
You're digging your own grave
You're death's eternal slave
Death surrounds you
You cannot hide
Insanity and pain you will die
Spreading the plague
Acroos the sea
Throughout the world
You may not believe
You're digging your own grave
You're death's eternal slave
Running through fire and flame
It is entering your flesh
No use to hide
Awaiting your last breath
Winds of death are blowing free
The end has come for me
Come and join us, the souls of the damned
Come and take Charon's hand
You're digging your own grave
You're death's eternal slave
Death surrounds you
You cannot hide
Insanity and pain you will die
Nuclear Attack...
8. Forbidden Pleasure
Have you seen her eyes
Cold as death
You wanna touch her body, and
Kiss the flesh
I know you can't resist
Just after a little kiss
Touch her golden hair
Her tongue everywhere
Scream like an animal, you wanna come again
The sweat flows and the
Ending descned
She'll bring you pleasure
All night long
Enjoy while you can
'Cause soon you are gone
Torture queen, live for pain
For away from sanity
In this horrible game
Sadistic bitch
From the sky she fell
Abnormal hunger, she'll take
You to hell
Forbidden pleasure
Now it's time, You can't get away
The end of joy, time to pay
She has a secret, she'll take
Your treasure
Nail it ot the wall, forbidden pleasure
Forbidden pleasure
Scream like an animal, you wanna come again
The sweat flows and the
Ending descned
She'll bring you pleasure
All night long
Enjoy while you can
'Cause soon you are gone
Have you seen her eyes cold as death
You wanna touch her body
And kiss the flesh
I know you can't resist
Just after a little kiss
Touch her golden hair
Her tongue everywhere
Torture queen, live for pain
For away from sanity
In this horrible game
She has a secret, she'll take
Your pleasure
Nail it to the wall
Forbidden pleasure