 И ведь правда, порой бывает обидно, что у по-настоящему хорошей музыки не так много поклонников. Ведь как иначе объяснить тот факт, что у, пожалуй, лучшего на сегодняшний день релиза Pentagram, до сих пор нет рецензии? Хотя, чисто теоретически, как у ставшей уже легендарной роковой команды, вдохновителей и родоначальников мрачного дума, может быть плохая работа?
Сам альбом, как ни странно, мрачным не назовешь. Он слушается на удивление легко, и хоть и тексты его повествуют о вурдалаках, вампирах, колдунах и прочей нечисти, он оставляет впечатление наподобие старого ужастика: для современного зрителя совсем не страшно, хоть это и нисколько не умаляет его гениальности. Ведь далеко не каждая команда способна записать альбом, состоящий из тринадцати столь разноплановых, разнообразных песен, то уклоняющихся в блюз, то осыпающих каменным дождем мощных и яростных риффов, то бьющих слушателя прямо по голове многотонным думовым молотом, при этом время от времени награждая действительно качественными соляками. Каждая песня самобытна, несёт собственный настрой и атмосферу, обладает своим духом, и нисколько не похожа ни на одну другую соседку по пластинке. Парадоксально, но при всём этом альбом слушается настолько целостно, насколько это вообще возможно; нельзя ни выкинуть, ни впихнуть ни одной песни. И среди них ни одного проходняка! Это ли не признак гениальной работы?
Как я уже сказал, каждая песня обладает своим шармом, запоминается по-своему. Так что выделить из этой целостной структуры несколько каких-либо отдельных элементов очень сложно. Могу выделить быструю, мощную и яростную открывашку «Live, Free and Burn», разухабистую, среднетемповую, слегка «попсовую» «Vampyre Love» с запоминающимся припевом, превосходную во всех отношениях «Wolf’s Blood», и, конечно же, очень думовую, монолитную и тяжелую «Petrified». Действительно, будто каменеешь, слушая её. Завершает альбом заглавная "Be Forewarned", написанная еще в 70-х одним из первых составов группы, здесь замедленная и растянутая на семь минут…
Что мы имеем в итоге? Очень сильный релиз, настоящая веха в истории тяжелой музыки, огромная блестящая жемчужина на дне глубокого, темного, вязкого и грязного, населенного нечистью болота под названием дум-металл. Рекомендуется всем любителям тяжелой и не очень музыки, а также ценителям по-настоящему качественных работ. Про почитателей дум-металла я вообще молчу, так как этот альбом просто обязан находится в их коллекции. |
Scared and lonely your wasting your time
You've got to give in theres nowhere to hide
Coming events are closing you in
You can't hide away your fears again
Live free and burn
Live free and burn
Live free and burn - oh burn baby
Live free and burn
Now your gonna burn
Live free and burn
Your ashes in the urn
Live free and burn
Now its your turn
To live free and burn
Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn! Burn!!
Too Late
Where in hell are we going
Cause heaven just can't wait
There's a hole in the sky
And there's dreams a dying
And I wonder if it's too late, too late
Oh yeah - listen
Can't eat, can't drink, can't breathe the air
Drowning in a pool of hate
Losing time, losing our minds
And I wonder if its too late, too late
Thundering clouds, sixteen hooves
Trumpets fill the air
All your sins, gonna seal your fate
Cause I think that its too late, too late - yea
Ask No More
You're about to step up off the platform
You, the one who sold your soul away
To travel down my mind made moonlit passage
A million miles exactly to the day - oh yeah
The radiance of your mind will glow so brightly
Until you have dissolved your fears to dust
And burn away to no remains, but embers
I'll ask no more the time has come you must
Oh yeah - baby
The World Will Love Again
Living like caged animals
Afraid to speak in words
The streets are wild, with maniacs
The wicked know who they serve
For you and me, society
Is a prison without walls
I'll have no remorse for you my friend
When the light of the kingdom calls
I can see the neon lights
It's the nightwatch your pursuing
Crystal smoke and all that coke
It makes you so inhuman
Mesmerized I see your eyes
I cannot gaze any further!
Lets start a nuclear war
It's our souls they've come to murder!
It's harvest time it's on your mind
Seperate the wheat from the chaff
It's judgement day and soon now you'll pay
Listen as the reaper laughs
Listen as the reaper laughs
Listen as the reaper laughs - yea
Starving child just wait a while
Your death it comes on wings
All the rest get rich and fat
They wouldn't give up a thing!
Manipulated concentration
Flows from your silver tongue
You've turned away, but still you'll play
When holocaust it comes!
The world will learn to love again
You godless child of Satan
Burn in hell all black sheep
It's harvest time it's on your mind
It's harvest time it's on your mind
It's harvest time it's on your mind - yea.
Vampyre Love
Full moon on an endless night
I can feel the change
Clouds roar lightning strikes
Time to break the chains
Can't believe what you see
Something tells you come to me
I touch my lips to your breast
My teeth pierce your flesh
Vampyre love - vampyre love
King of darkness
Prince of the night - vampyre love
Ruby tears like rain
Flowing down your back
I hold you in my arms
Your vision fade to black
For everlasting love
Our souls have become
I've given you all of this
And seal it with a kiss
Vampyre love - vampyre love
King of darkness
Pince of the night
Vampyre love
Vampyre love - vampyre love
King of darkness
Prince of the night
Vampyre love.
Life Blood
Awakened in the night
I focus in
On my white satin ceiling
Is there no end
Since I've seen the sunrise
Twenty four score
Till I opened my eyes
Four score more
To face the night again - alone
Ten thousand souls wee taken
Bloodloss deserved
Only to be forsaken
By one I served
Through grief and all the rage
I fell from grace
Yet my love is survived
Still see her face
Still I face the night again - alone, alone
I lived to defend the cross
In the name of god
I died to avenge my loss
In vein for god - oh no
The blood ran thick and free
In fields of silent screams
And my love will survive
My love never dies
Death is my life.
Wolf's Blood
I hear stories about the nightlife
But not the ones that you know
Tales of terror and desperation
Somewhere out in the cold
Under the moon
When we hear the hounds
What's going down
Something knows what it's all about
And I gotta find out - wolfsblood
Through the shadow it's coming for me
To create another undead soul
I feel the damp fur against my skin
Tooth and claw makes me feel so cold
Under the moon
I'm a night scout
Thats what it's about
I'll never die
Unless I go without - wolfsblood - wolfsblood - yeah
The silver bullets my only threat
Wolfsblood runs black it runs deep
We give your life that will last forever
The price of course your veins to sever - wolfsblood.
Lifes biggest frustration is you have to die
And when your gone will anybody care why
How long does it take to make you climb the wall
How long does it take to make you go insane
Well I'm going to find your breaking point
It shouldn't take too long - no
Well alright
Festive lights straight up ahead
Frustration and fright you'll soon be dead
Well I'm going to find your breaking point
It shouldn't take long - no
Look out
Festive lights straight up ahead
Frustration and fright you'll soon be dead
Festive lights straight up ahead.
Bride of Evil
In the pitch
The black of night
I perform my unearthly rights
Your soul cannot be saved
I'll begin so please behave
Your fate is mine
Now behold this hypnotic stare
Look even closer if you dare
Your virgin skin so young and sleek
Penetrating bellows deep
Your fate is mine
Bride meets evil
Dark thoughts run through your head
Bride of evil
You shall live amongst the dead - ha!
(I said) the priest he can do no good
You live in my realm it's understood
And for my services there's a special fee
My unholy slave for all eternity
Your fate is mine
Bride meets evil
Dark throughts run through your head
Bride of evil
You shall live amongst the dead
An angry mob with stakes tonight
They're discovered my burial site
Weeping goddess take me away
Unto the killing light of day
Your fate is mine
Bride meets evil
Dark thoughts run through your head
Bride of evil
You shall live amongst the dead
Bride meets evil
Dark thoughts run through your head
You're a bride of evil
You shall live amongst the dead!
Nightmare Gown
Who did rob the grave last night
I think it was you in your nightmare gown
The latch was open
The catch was broken
And the body was turned all upside down
What's behind those games you play in the dark
You're feet were all wet
And I can't forget
The way that you looked in your nightmare gown
What's it gonna take to end all your fun
A stake in the heart baby all will be done
Blood was on your neck
And mud was on the floor
I need to shoot you in the head - babe
I'm gonna roll you out the door - look out
Who did rob the grave last night
I think it was you in your nightmare gown
The latch was broken
And the coffin was open
And the body was turned all upside down
What's behind those games you play in the dark
Your feet were all wet and I can't forget
The way that you looked in your nightmare gown
What's it gonna take to end all your fun
A stake in the heart and all will be done
Oh look out.
Born in times when all was stone
All that's left is dust and bones
Somehow still she lingered to be
In Satan's clutch for eternity
You'll find out what you didn't believe
For like Medusa's web she'll weave
They call her a whore
But her charms meant more
For she'll petrify you below earth's floor
Chosen to return by command for death
Forced to inflict her immortal test
None see what they're about to go through
Until she's won and you turn blue
You'll be petrified, turn you to stone
Petrified......dust and bone
Oh roll me over, won't you take me down
Petrified.....turn you to stone
Petrified.....to dust and bone
You'll be petrified.....turn you to stone
You'll be petrified.....dust and bones
You'll be petrified.....she's gonna turn you to stone
You'll be petrified to dust and bone
You'll be petrified nothing can help you now.
Be Forewarned
As I wake
In the darkness
And I look around
There is no sound
It's so tranquil
It's so calm like you
But now I hear a noise
Is there any way to out of this nightmare
Baby I'm alone now
And you're laughing at me
But I take life
In a way that you could never see
So if you're leaving
You better let me know
Cause I've already started my plan
And I'm never gonna let you go!
I've lived on the dark side of the moon
And I've been to the heart of the sun
I've had my time with many ladies
And I've killed many men
Before my sixteenth year was done
So you be forewarned
I'm coming after you
About the time I catch up to you
I'll never
No I'll never
I'll never let you go - no!
Some people think I'm an advocate of Lucifer
And some say I'm a child of god - yes they do
Some people think I've got the nine lives of a cat
And others say I'm filthy as a dog
So you be forewarned
I'm coming after you
About the time I catch up to you
I'll never
No I'll never
I'll never let you go - alright!
So you be forewarned
I'm coming after you
About the time I catch up to you
I'll never
No I'll never
I'll never let you go - alright!