 Спустя два года после выхода мощнейшего дебютника THE CREEPSHOW бьют наотмашь своим вторым альбомом. Записан он был в несколько видоизмененном составе, потому что поганец Хуч заделал-таки Джен малолетнего упыря, и в 2007-ом она ушла в декрет, попутно подставив на вакантное место вокалистки/гитаристки свою младшую сестру Сару. Учитывая семейный подряд, кардинально ничего не изменилось, но создается такое впечатление, что голос младшей Блэквуд будет послабее, - то есть, по-девчачьи звонко и резко она взвизгнуть может еще как (что успешно и доказывает во время ставших уже традиционными музыкальных «передышек»), но в гуще музыки ее вокал звучит не так мощно; впрочем, дело может быть еще и в том, что на “Sell Your Soul” голос Джен в финальном миксе мог быть специально выведен чутка вперед. Саре же больше идет несколько другая вокальная манера, что она отлично продемонстрировала на своих кантри-сольниках. Ну и если уж говорить о вокале, то следует отметить, что стало больше «членораздельных» партий от «Преподобного» и «Больного», что тоже неоднозначно. Пацаны отлично справляются с гармоническими бэками, но при пении текста сразу вылезает типично панковая расхлябанность, что, с одной стороны, немного режет ухо, а с другой – вроде как, по стилю положено. В любом случае, это мелочи, на которых вряд ли заострится внимание слушателя. В музыкальном же плане не изменилось ни-че-го. Да-да, все то же угарное, хитовое сайко, разве что, панкового напора стало еще больше. Чисто субъективно – если раньше было такое ощущение, что группа лабает в прокуренном насквозь кабаке, где предаются различным порокам живые, мертвые и не очень мертвые мира сего, то теперь кажется, что весь этот тусняк вышкреб на площадку, где сей локомотив драйва летит на них со сцены на полных парах и сверкая огнями. Однако «панком с контрабасом» музыку THE CREEPSHOW назвать при этом до сих пор нельзя, так как ритмическое разнообразие, благодаря которому песни легко отличить друг от друга и запомнить если не с первого раза, то со второго уж точно, никуда не делось (и не денется). Выделю из треков разве что стремительную “Rue Morgue Radio”, в которую перетекает коротенькое интро-проповедь, - это хит, призванный намертво приковать внимание слушателя к альбому. Остается только констатировать, что группа, столкнувшаяся с весьма серьезной проблемой (сменой фронтмена после дебютника, то бишь), не села в лужу, и выдала достойного последователя, и все потому, что сестренок Блэквуд насчитывается целых две штуки. Впрочем, если бы их было три, да еще и у меня в спальне, было бы еще лучше. |
But I strongly suggest you run for your life.
2. Rue Morgue Radio
This all started with a hum across the network
and no one knows the reason or the cause
But I can see through the crackle of static
that they're clueless to what's going on.
You can't touch that dial it's no use,
you're too late, the plan is already in phase
A new epidemic is lying in wait
and delivered across the airwaves.
Listeners are screaming for some where to hide,
now they know who's been behind it all
With no sign of wearing the poison they're airing,
sound systems blaring, there's no way to hide from the cause.
You can't touch that dial it's no use,
you're too late, the plan is already in phase
A new epidemic is lying in wait
and delivered across the airwaves.
Past the point of no return
Souls are taken to the ground as it burns
Airwaves call out into the night
Live through these sounds
Can't see an ending in sight
3. Demon Lover
Killer smile that you can't deny
pure evil without a doubt
A Creepshow horror gonna take you for a ride
and you know there's only one way out
Well you think I'm just a pretty face,
boy you think it's gonna be alright
Call for your mamma, you better get ready,
it's gonna be raining bloody evil tonight
Bloody shovel I'll be diggin' your grave
When the devil comes knockin'
he'll be calling for you babe
Come on in close boy let me burn you with my desire
Shot gun lid will blow you outta your mind
Come wear my shadow baby so evil that you wanna die
You know you got it comin' right between the eyes well
Hey boy you wanna treat me right,
you say you wanna hold my hand
Tell me what you want and keep me up all night
and be with me until we're dead
Maybe you think I'm just an easy type boy
I'm giving up without a fight
You better get ready, you better get it right,
If you're gonna be my demon lover tonight
Come with me and make my world your home
We'll toss these bleeding hearts right out of that door
When night comes rolling in our innocence will sin
Better get ready, better get it right,
if you're gonna be my demon lover tonight
4. Run for Your Life
So awake it'll sting your eyes rot your bones
and leave you paralyzed
This demon's got you she destroys you line by line
Like a train on a one way track keeps on goin'
never coming back
No don't wait until tomorrow
Your night is vanished by the devil
Your lies and empty promises are never
gonna make it right
Nobodies gonna wake you up
Nobodies gonna save you now
She feeds on broken dreams and haunts
you through the night
Run For Your Life
Nobodies gonna wake you up
Nobodies gonna save you now
This trains a hell bound ride so hold your pillow tight
Took your soul and left nothing behind down
to the depths of your wilted cries
This demon's got you she destroys you line by line
Stop now and you'll have to face it fleet footed baby
and it's you she's chasin'
No don't wait until tomorrow
She'll drag you down and make you tremble
You can't escape this sufferin' there ain't no place to hide
Your never ending self destruction is
gonna leave you with nothing
There's still time to save yourself
and turn this into something
We built this up don't tear it down
we need you in this game
Cause once you're gone things are never
gonna be the same
5. Buried Alive
It'll catch you by surprise
And have you drowning in the night
When you open your eyes you will soon realize
that from this you can't hide
So it's your choice now and you know
And as you feel your breath get short
He is breaking your will reading your mind
this is your own demise
Now it feels like I'm six feet under ground
The ceiling's caving in
The walls are falling down
All around me
I'm six feet underground
So suffocated it feels like
I'm Buried Alive
Just when you think you'll be okay
That's when you feel your body shake
All around you so cold its drinking
your soul and so you
break into a panic,
no control
Get to his gates and pay
the toll So helpless and
scared you just can't be
prepared that is his goal
6. Take My Hand
Close your eyes and go to sleep my boy
Lay your pretty head to rest
This nightmare's close to being over
Welcome to the world of the undead
We'll leave these souls behind
wandering together with bloody eyes
All the way across this land
Lurking through the streets the
living dead babe that's you and me
I know you're scared so take my hand
This is a hell bound ride but the
Devil's on our side
Don't be afraid my love,
it's just a little bit of blood
When the sun begins to rise
that's when we call it a night
Sleep soundly through another day
When night comes closing in our evil
will wake us from within
Hungry for taste of our human prety
Vampires in the night
Creepin' up on you, you
better run and hide
7. You'll Come Crawlin'
I got the power babe to make your heart melt
Your weakness shines as you start screaming for help
I'll get you back and turn your world all inside out
You'll only waste your breath with every single scream and shout
You got greedy fine leave me alone and rot in your place
But when you're crawling on your knees for me I'll smash you in the face
A little harm on you gives me a new start
Take back that blood that spilled when you broke my heart
I wanna make you know the meaning of my pain
So I can see inside the fortune of playing this game
You got greedy fine leave me alone and rot in your place
But when you're crawling on your knees for me I'll smash you in the face
Ain't gonna let this devil drag me down
Gonna make sure that my blackened heart is found
You will show me where you keep it oh so safe and sound
So I can have it back and leave you on the ground
This shouldn't take long darlin' just close your eyes
Let me take over feel the wrath of your cries
By causing this I'll know exactly what you have gained
So I can look right into you and say I feel the same
You got greedy fine leave me alone and rot in your place
But when you're crawling on your knees for me I'll smash you in the face
Just so happens you were't my Mr. Right
Best that you sleep with one eye open tonight
You'll come crawling... You'll come crawling...
8. Dearly Departed
Once told a story about a house that haunts me still
It's secrets are now hidden inside me
It gave me a fright I suffered into the night
Wasn't sure what happened till it turned on the light
It turned on the light
I saw it comin'
A creature runnin'
Its demon eyes locked right on me
He said "My Darling you're, dearly departed"
Held me tight and took a bite I sank into the night
Since that day I just haven't been the same
The curious that wander are my prey
They come rollin' in to be the heart of my sin
Take their souls and put them in their graves
Put them in their graves
I saw it comin'
A creature runnin'
Its demon eyes locked right on me
He said "My Darling you're, dearly departed"
Held me tight and took a bite I sank into the night
You won't get out alive
You can say good bye
What are you looking for
There ain't no way you're getting out that door
Getting out that door
9. Rock 'n' Roll Sweetheart
With out ever knowing, don't waste no time
Got a face like an angel and the devil in my eyes
Come in closer, step over the line
So I can take your soul and keep you on my dime
Well you can try to get away but boy I've got you here to stay
Cursed in love now you become my prey
Rock and Roll Sweetheart, left your heart right on the floor
In its bloody state I got you wanting more
Rock and Roll Sweetheart, left your kiss right at the door
Though it's sweet as candy I got you wanting more
Cold wind blowing, you can run and hide
I'll be right behind you the master of this ride
Got a poisonous heart boy, and through demon eyes
We'll be happy together, until the end of time
You can turn the lights out, close your eyes and pray
Lock your windows baby, I'm coming anyway
Paint your door with blood babe, I'm still comin' in
You'll be my sweetest SIN
10. Long Way Down
A darkened highway seemed like just the place tonight
Thought I was such an easy target at first sight
Now all your plans have come undone
Here's my advice boy you better think twice
before you take my money and run
You would take all I got I'm left for dead alone
You leave me here to rot 'til vultures pick my bones
A sweet taste of your worst nightmare awake
I'll give you one last chance don't put your life at stake
Now take a look at this spanish twilight
and say all your prayers cause this may be,