 Никогда не думал, что мне может понравиться такая музыка. Причем 'понравиться' - это ещё очень мягко сказано. Альбом просто сносит крышу и утаскивает вместе с ней чердак. Итак, мы имеем, так сказать, трижды-хрю-прогрессив. Завораживающая психоделичная аритмичность, безумные смены вокала с чистого на скриминг и неклассически построенные мелодии - вот основные характеристики данной работы. Бред? Несомненно! ...При первых десяти прослушиваниях. А вот на одиннадцатом окунаешься с головой в вывихнутое музыкальное мышление этих потрясающих музыкантов. Мелодии абсолютно всех песен можно описать только одним прилагательным - ЧУМОВЫЕ. Порубиться под такую музыку сложно, но каждый раз, когда я слушаю это чудо - на лице проступает непроизвольная улыбка восторга. Забавно, но именно с этого альбома у меня началось знакомство с прогом. Меня очень сложно чем-то впечатлить, но ребатам из Кримсон Глори в данном случае это несомненно удалось. Если же сравнивать эту работу в музыкальном плане с предыдущими опусами CG, то... делать этого не стоит. Этот альбом не имеет с ними почти ничего общего. Остались, пожалуй, только та же оригинальность и та же энергетика. |
2. War Of The Worlds
[Music: J. Drenning, J. Lords]
[Lyrics: J. Drenning, J. Lords]
From out of the dark we descend upon your small blue world
Millions of miles a way
With blinding speed our destruction rains down on you
To blow you away...
Waiting in shadows of silence for our kiss of death to come
A world in flames
Burned and destroyed beyond all recognition
That only dust remains...
We are the Sons of the Gods who killed the Daughters of Men
And created their souls
Cold black eyes slice through you like razors of fire
War of the Worlds!!
War of the Worlds
War of the Worlds
["The last century of the millennium is a mountain, on which three beasts (wars) sleep. The first one will wake up in the beginning of the road (century). And from its throat will go out blood. The Second will wake up in the middle of the road. And from its throat it will come fire. The third will wake up at the end of the road. And from its throat will come the horrible heresy". - Prophecy of Staretz, Russia, 1850.]
3. New World Machine
[Music: J. Drenning, J. Lords]
[Lyrics: B. Martinez, J. Drenning]
I feel I'm becoming mechanized
World spinning before me made computerized
Separate from soul
Giving up control
Kills the man in me
In electric dreams...
From hear to eternity
From now to infinity
Destroyed...we watch you bleed
The New World Machine!!
All we are, all we need
Has become the New World Machine
Now it's time to take another step
Neuro-spike insertion cracks the chest
Input data speed
The memory exceeds
The emptiness in me
Fills an endless sea...
From hear to eternity
From now to infinity
Destroyed...we watch you bleed
The New World Machine!!
["For stranger than the last times may seem, the last century of the millennium will overcome all the others. In that period of terror, there will be great spiritual poverty... From the sky the hell will fall... Poisoned clouds will cover the earth. Monstrous machines will dominate the skies. The fire will destroy many cities. The men will finish destroying each other ". - Found in Monastery of Sainte Claire, Perpignan, France, 14th century.]
4. Astronomica
[Music: J. Drenning, J. Lords]
[Lyrics: B. Martinez, J. Drenning]
Focused on eternity
Ancient gaze...into the morning sun
Tell me now...What do you see?
Hiding...Celestial mysteries
I See...
Years of light away
Second sister to the eternal sun
I can't believe my eyes
That the prophecies have come
Stretched beyond the limits
Out into the unknown
No words that I can give it
Except "my mind is blown"
World's spinning round in space
Lonely star without a face
Left by ourselves we trace
Our footsteps back
To Astronomica...
A twinkle in the eye of a past life's memory
Something that I used to think...
Someone I used to be...
I see...
I can't believe my eyes
That the prophecies have come...
["There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. The sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. Men will faint with terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken." - Luke 21: 25-26; Matthew 24:29]
5. Edge Of Forever
[Music: J. Drenning, J. Lords]
[Lyrics: B. Martinez, J. Drenning]
I lay back to rest my weary eyes
Dream of better days and of bluer skies
Safe inside my sleep I feel my soul scream
I would stay here forever if I could only dream...
And the world keeps turning faster
Still I reach for the unknown
For a handful of hope
On the Edge of Forever...
Dust collects on my face once alive with a glow
It dulls the perception of life as we used to know
All I keep thinking is how will they cope?
When my time has come
Like dust into earth, without a trace
Does my body go setting me free
And the world keeps turning faster
Still I reach for the unknown
For a handful of hope
On the Edge of Forever...
Oceans of sand and their destiny
Alive in the waves of an endless sea
Some of us fall, some of us fly, most of us live to try
To reach the Edge of Forever...
["When the eclipse of the Sun will then be, In broad daylight the monster will be seen Everyone will differ on the interpretation, High price unguarded: none will have prepared" - Nostradamus Quatrain III.34]
6. Touch The Sun
[Music: J. Drenning, J. Lords]
[Lyrics: B. Martinez, J. Drenning]
Looking down upon your world
Desperate changes it goes through
My black-eyed point of view...
Though you think you know my face
Occupying space (is what)
Brings me here to you...
Dark clouds fill your mind with memories we design
Mask the fear of evil you can't conceive
Transversed through time and space
"There is no God" to save your race
We harvest the worlds we need...
With dark eyes we steal your minds with memories deep inside
You hide in fear from terror you can't conceive
Bending time and space
"We are the Gods" of your race
We harvest the worlds that we need...
If we could only Touch The Sun
To dream is not enough
The world is on our hands...
["At the end of the Millennium, the signals and the number will appear in the sky. The iron birds will obscure the sun. The beasts of Apocalypse will come out from the sea. The flames from the hell will surround the Earth. At the same time, the sky will burn and the sea will grow and the lands will be swallowed. And the man will know the truth". - Prophecy of a Saint-Almis Templar]
7. Lucifer's Hammer
[Music: J. Drenning, J. Lords]
[Lyrics: J. Drenning, J. Lords]
I am what you need
I am everything
I will destroy your dreams
I will make you bleed
[repeat verse]
I am genocide
I destroy all life
Slam into your side
Hell and earth collide
Slam down my Hammer!!
Black out the sun - as hell and earth collide
Slam down my Hammer!!
Black out the sun - as hell and earth collide
I am oblivion
Angel full of sin
From heaven I descend Destroyer for the end
Lucifer's Hammer!!
["The second angel sounded his trumpet, and something like a huge mountain (comet), all ablaze, was thrown into the sea. A third of the sea turned into blood, a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed." - Rev 8:8-9]
8. The Other Side Of Midnight
[Music: J. Drenning, J. Lords]
[Lyrics: B. Martinez, J. Drenning]
Midnight tolls on the clock downstairs
A reminding voice inside my head that does not care
His rapture keeps me waiting for a life behind the attic door
Footsteps on the stairs...no one there...
I watch my shadow fade to gray
From the warmth of daylights charm
I cower, turn and run away
From a light so bright and warm
With my fading health
I start to cry and cut myself
To watch the blood look silver
In the blessing of the moon...
I sit here in my rocking chair
They've come again to tie me down and wash my hair
Faceless figures on the wall
Haunt me 'til the morning dawn
Behind the Attic door
Why can't they let me go?
Here where devil's roam
Twisted and bleeding all alone
In this hell beyond the light
On the other side of Midnight...
The other side of Midnight!!
I bang my head against the wall
To kill the demons in my soul
I blind myself so I can't see
Evil things inside of me...
You're not me?
Who's there?
Am I evil?
["Precisely at the end of the second millennium (2000-2001), there accumulates on the horizon of all mankind enormously threatening dark clouds, and darkness falls upon human souls." - Pope John Paul II]
9. Cyber-Christ
[Music: J. Drenning, J. Lords]
[Lyrics: J. Drenning, J. Lords]
I have the power to bend time and space
I stare into you but you don't see my face
Sacrifice the father
Scold the one who sins
Paralyze the daughter
And steal the seed within...
He who gives life everlasting
He keeps your soul in his hands
Cyber-Christ - Pray for me
Cyber-Christ - Die for me
Cyber-Christ - On your knees
Cyber Christ - Bleed for me
I am the savior, I'm the one you fear
My resurrection...The end of time is near
Sacrifice the father
Scold the one who sins
Paralyze the daughter
And steal the seed within
He who gives life everlasting
He keeps your soul in his hands
["In the time of the seventh seal, the earth will be an abandoned factory of poisons. And the few wise men that will remain, will not be able to make another thing but to invoke the anger of God, so that the impious beast which will have destroyed the life be destroyed". - The Llibrary of Monastery Neamt, Romania, 19th century.]
10. Cydonia
[Music: J. Drenning, J. Lords]
[Lyrics: B. Martinez, J. Drenning]
God whispered out to me from outer space
His voice echoed then disappeared without a trace...
Beyond the light of the sun...
Beyond the edge of forever...
I hear the angels sing...
Cydonia - city I see in dreams
City I see in dreams
Cydonia - shrouded in mystery
You stare out in space all alone
God's eyes stare down at me from outer space
He looked deep in side of me...a lonely place...
Beyond the light of the sun...
Beyond the edge of forever...
I hear the angels sing...
Cydonia - City I see in dreams
City I see in dreams
Cydonia - Shrouded in mystery
Cydonia - City I see in dreams
Starlight's majesty
Cydonia - Shrouded in mystery
You stare out in space all alone
[lead I]
[lead II]
["Despite our shortness of breath and beating of our hearts, the Martian sphinx (Cydonia) looks natural - not artificial, not a dead ringer for a humanface... But I might be wrong." - Carl Sagan, from A Demon-Haunted World]