 Наверное, нет команд в хард-роке и металле, которым всегда везло. Так что нет смысла, пожалуй, говорить, что у Anvil непростая судьба. Однако то, что этим заслуживающим уважения одним из самых ранних металлистов везло меньше всех, это факт. Образовавшаяся в 1981 году легенда хэви из Канады, которую Metallica, Anthrax, и Slash называли ориентиром и источником вдохновения для собственного творчества (да и сам Лемми благосклонно о них отзывался), навыпускала кучу альбомов, активно выступала... и в результате завязла в болоте, ибо участники постоянно менялись, а шоу-бизнес менял свои приоритеты. По непонятным причинам всем на них стало пофигу.
Кому интересна эта история, смотрите фильм “Anvil! The Story of Anvil”, снятый их фанатом. Хорошее такое кино, показывающее все эти дрязги с неудачными попытками организовать тур по Европе с неопытным промоутером и столь же неудачными поползновениями выпустить новый альбом "This Is Thirteen". Пластинку никто не хотел брать. Отчаявшись пристроиться на независимые и мажорные лэйблы типа EMI и устав играть в маленьких клубах по родному Торонто, где их признавали лишь малочисленные, хоть и упертые фанаты, оставшиеся от оригинального состава гитарист-вокалист Lips Kudlow и ударник Robb Reiner решили создать собственный лейбл Anvil Enterprises (заняв денег у сестры Липса) и выпустить пластинку на нем. Пластинка вышла на славу, музыканты это знали, а вот вспомнят ли их за былые заслуги? Мужики предприняли последнюю попытку всколыхнуть уснувшую металлическую братию и попробовали еще раз двинуть в тур, так как пришло предложение сыграть на фестивале... в Японии. Несмотря на то, что все трое, включая басиста Glenn Five, не покладая рук усердно трудились в каком-то ресторане (что напоминает мне Morbid Angel, которые до выпуска дебютника дружной компанией работали на мойке машин, репетируя по ночам!), снова пришлось занимать денег, чтобы этот тур осуществить. Шоу прошло великолепно и заслуженный успех, шажок за шажком, вроде, снова начал сопутствовать Anvil.
Команда продолжила гастролировать, радуясь как залам, так и клубам, в одном из котором мне посчастливилось их лицезреть. Эх, знал бы я про стойкость этих пятидесятилетних дядек, которые никогда не сдавались и продолжали пилить качественный хэви, когда даже семьи чуть не махнули на них рукой (покрутив пальчиком у виска) - пожал бы Липсу руку, когда он выпрыгнул в зал и начал юлить между публикой, наяривая гитарное соло!
Можно было бы закончить этот обзор фразой “ищите и обрящите, как "Энвил”, но хотелось бы сказать пару слов про сам альбом.
Из раннего "Энвила" мне довелось услышать лишь "Metal on Metal" и "Forged in Fire" и еще пару хитов в сети. То, что ребята играют сейчас, с одной стороны, не является отходом от традиций, с другой же стороны, это на порядок мощнее, мрачнее, и доходчивее. Начинающаяся с думового риффа музыка переползает в хэви с креном в спид. Есть шустрые и забойные вещи, есть среднетемповые, а есть и рок-н-роллы. Старым фанатам группы есть чему порадоваться! Тексты про войну, жадность бизнеса, расстройства и политику. Про жизнь, короче, которая бьет по мозгам круче хаерастых чуваков с мечами, дерущихся с драконами в заснеженном лесу. Великолепного качества запись, дающая возможность наслаждаться этими искрометными соло (на треках “Worry”, “Burning Bridges”, “Room#9” соло “пилит” некто Ivan Hurd), качающими риффами и ритм-секцией. Они все еще могут, и делают это так, как будто это и есть вся их жизнь. |
Palm reading, candlelight
Fortunes to tell
Fear the unknown
Under a spell
This is thirteen
This is thirteen
The fortuneteller's incantation
Rats in the cellar, abomination
Edge of your seat in anticipation
Belief in a myth
Holding a séance
Is it the dead you're talking with?
This is thirteen
This is thirteen
This is thirteen
This is thirteen
This is thirteen
This is thirteen
2. Bombs Away
Jets lift off
Armed to go
Sights lock on
Targets below
Objects marked
Cue bomb bay
Pull the trigger
Bombs away
Say your last goodbyes
We're coming to your skies
A reckoning this day
You threatened our shores
So now we'll come to yours
And make you all pay
Bombs away
Bombs away
Bombs away
Shells explode
Flashing light
Burning fires
Turn day to night
Head on back
Reload bay
Armed again
Bombs away
You don't stand a chance
Air Force has advanced
To blow you all away
Soon you'll understand
That we will burn your land
On this judgement day
Much is gone
Fight's not done
Third wave
Has just begun
One to go
Mustn't stall
Do it now
Fuck 'em all
Nothing you can do
We're coming after you
Today is the day
Pay for what you've done
We'll bomb you one by one
Until you all have paid
[Chorus x2]
3. Burning Bridges
When you bite the hand that feeds
Destructive forces out to get you
When you can't fulfill your needs
You can't achieve what you want to
Burning bridges, a fire attack
Burning bridges, you can't go back
Unnecessary choice
Victim of your own decisions
Listen to your inner voice
Product of your own condition
Feeling the pressure bearing down on me
Garbage or treasure, what's it going to be?
Failure or success
Balanced on the dividing line
Sins to confess
Ain't no one's fault but mine
[Chorus x2]
Seeing the future through distorted eyes
Tainted by anger, stress and lies
Feeling the pressure bearing down on me
Garbage or treasure, what's it going to be?
Controlling your actions
All for good or bad
Disposable transactions
For that, you should be glad
[Chorus x2]
4. Ready To Fight
My blood's a boil and I'm in a rage
On with the onslaught, ripping rampage
Life's ambition, it will never fade
Stainless steel, tempered blade
Clenched fists, ready to go
One for the money, two for the show
When you're ready, you're good to go
When you're ready to fight
When you're ready to fight
When you're ready to fight
All comers, I will beat you all
I go all rounds, never going to fall
Strength to win can over take
Perseverance, make no mistake
When you're ready to fight
When you're ready to fight
Clenched fists, ready to go
One for the money, two for the show
When you're ready, you're good to go
Let's go!
My blood's a boil and I'm in a rage
On with the onslaught, ripping rampage
Strength to win and over take
Perseverance, make no mistake
Make no mistake
Clenched fists, ready to go
One for the money, two for the show
When you're ready, you're good to go
When you're ready to fight
When you're ready to fight
When you're ready
When you're ready to fight
When you're ready
When you're ready to fight
When you're ready to fight
When you're ready to fight
5. Flying Blind
When you are lost and you can't find your way
Look for a landmark, as an eagle looks for prey
See the horizon, watch the sun going down
Into the darkness, light fades all around
Flying blind
Flying blind
Look at the ground as you fly overhead
Not the same as the flight plan said
Into the darkness, light fades all around
See the horizon, watch the sun going down
[Chorus x2]
When you're flying and you just can't see
Just can't see where you're going to be
When you're flying and you just can't see
The forest from the trees
Travel in circles and going nowhere
Better or worse, you do what you dare
Take a chance and fly into the night
Blind as a bat, searching for the light
[Chorus x2]
Flying blind
When you're flying and you just can't see
Flying blind
Just can't see where you're going to be
Flying blind
When you're flying and you just can't see
Flying blind
6. Room #9
Dreaming up a nightmare and another sleepless night
Restless sedation with no end in sight
Fists clenched in anger, shivering in fear
Your blood begins to boil, dementia is near
Room number nine
Number nine
You're a rat in a maze and you're trying to find your way
You're climbing the wall and trying to get away
Running a race and going nowhere
Electroshock therapy, take all you can bear
[Chorus x2]
Only a dream
It's only a dream
(It's not what it seems)
It's not what it seems
It's only a dream
(Only a dream)
Only a dream
It's only a dream
(It's not what it seems)
It's not what it seems
It's only a dream
(It's only a dream)
Rubber room walls keep me from the pain
Need a shot of lithium to make it right again
Dream another nightmare, another sleepless night
Subconscious psychosis, wake up or die of fright
Room number nine
[Chorus x3]
Room number nine
7. Axe To Grind
Resentment and anger gnaw at your mind
Just like disease that makes you go blind
Vengeance and hatred fill your soul
When getting even is your only goal
All the things that have been said and done
Never forgiven, the fight is won
Battle and conquest that will never end
In the land of business you have no friend
Axe to grind, axe to grind
Sparks will fly
Axe to grind, axe to grind
Vengeance that is blind
Plight on mankind
In blood, you have signed
After all you will find
Burdened with truth, guilt will steal your soul
A fight to the death, the final toll
Red faced anger that will never be resolved
Only a friendship that's been dissolved
Axe to grind, axe to grind
Give me no heartache, bring me no pain
Eradicated like a nasty stain
Take away anger, you'll find hate
Take away hatred to change your fate
Vengeance that is blind
Plight on mankind
In blood, you have signed
An axe you will grind
8. Feed The Greed
Count your pennies and don't spend a dime
Ripping yourself off is a crime
It's a crime
The lust for money, an obsession of life
Cheap son of a bitch, it cuts like a knife
Cuts like a knife
Steal a share
Do and dare
Don't steal from me
Feed, feed the greed
Feed, feed the greed
Another day, another dollar, another scam
Actions speak louder than the man
Than the man
Take you for a ride
Integrity's died
Don't lie to me
When you're old you are sure to be alone
King among paupers, sitting on a throne
On a throne
Take your dough
You can go
Straight to hell
[Chorus x2]
9. Big Business
Big business, it's all around
Big business, let's bring it down
Big business, the FDA
Big business, the placebo way
Big business, Nike shoes
Big business, sweathouse blues
Big business, Tobacco Company
Big business for the mortuary
Nothing's free
Pay for it all
Can't you see?
Nations will fall
Big business
Big business
Big business
Big business
War for peace
The Middle East
Big business, the Church always wins
Big business, paying for sins
Big business, oil prices
Big business, war devices
Nothing's free
Pay for it all
Rising fee
Nations will fall
[Chorus x2]
10. Should'a Would'a Could'a
In the lottery of life you need a ticket to win
Gotta know where you come from, gotta know where you've been
Throw the dice, take a chance, got to let it roll
Crap game of life, trying to reach your goal
Should' a would' a could' a
Should' a would' a could' a
Never say you're sorry for things you should have done
The power and the glory, when you've finally won
Should' a would' a could' a
When you want to right a wrong
Should' a would' a could' a
Take a chance before it's gone
Should' a would' a could' a
Fight before you fall
Should' a would' a could' a
When your back's to the wall
You must be brave and fearless, strength to survive
Determined and relentless, a love that never dies
That never dies
That never dies
Life is like a card game, a good hand makes you win
Gotta know your enemies before the war begins
Stock and bond markets, ringing the bell
Is there money in your pocket? Have you something to sell?
Should' a would' a could' a
Decisions on the fly
Should' a would' a could' a
A case of do or die
Should' a would' a could' a
Should' a would' a could' a
Should' a would' a could' a
Should' a would' a could' a
11. Worry
From the morning until the night
Anticipation, on my nails I bite
Another problem to resolve
Another problem to evolve
Everyday it's something new
In everyway it gets to you
I tell myself it will be OK
I can't wait another day
Sweaty palms and twitching brow
To make it stop, I don't know how
There's no end to feel this way
Another worry, another day
My nerves are shattered like broken glass
My mind is scattered, I just can't last
Feeling tension, my head it aches
All my attention, for goodness sake
All day long
Sky is falling on my head
It won't stop until I'm dead
Teeth are gritted and locked in stress
On a Bible, I must confess
12. Game Over
Life can be just like a Game Boy
Filled with frustration and joy
Pressing A or B, make a choice
Now responding to the computer's voice
You've started and there's no turning back
Over and over, you'll soon have the knack
The chances are you will lose
The challenge never seizes to amuse
Game over, game over
Game over, game over
Game over, game over
Back to start
One step forward and two steps back
Falling victim to the enemies attack
Evasive manoeuvres, try to score
When it all ends, you'll still want more
Game over, game over
Game over, game over
Game over, game over
Learning the art
Honing your skills in hours of play
Taking your time and wasting your day
Patients and practice, all it takes
Beating the game, records to break
Life can be just like a Game Boy
All filled with frustration and joy
Game over, game over
Game over, game over
Game over, game over
Learning the art
Game over, game over
Game over, game over
Game over, game over
Game over, game over
Game over, game over
Game over, game over
13. American Refugee
Searching for a place to hide
Running from those you've defied
Forsaking the land of the free
Leaving American policy
Trying to make a change
Hoping to rearrange
Planning a strategy
Going to be a refugee
Status of a free man
U.S. government banned
Anywhere is a place to be
You've just got to be free
American refugee
American refugee
American refugee
American refugee
[Verse 1]
Got to be free
[Chorus x2]
14. Thumb Hang
[2009 Re-Release Bonus Track]
Thumbs will twist, can you resist?
Beware the names on the inquisitor's list
Trial by fire, the holy desire
Religion and rule can be so cruel
All in the name of the cross
Word of the Pope, the loss of all hope
Maniplulation is here, governed by fear
Mounted on horses, inquisitors ride
At the end of their spears the heathens died
Forced to confess they prayed as the lied
Prayed as they lied
Tortured and prisoned and sentenced to die
When it's the Church you weren't meant, meant to defy
Faith and soul, state of control
Money to steal, government's deal
Tortured and shamed, who could be blamed?
Using the cross, the lives that were lost
All in the name of God
Thumbhang [x5]