 Лидер чешской группы Roots, Блэки, выпустил свой долглжданный сольник, песни для которого писал в течении семи-восьми лет. Получилось очень неплохо, здорово просто!!!
Классные песни на языческую тематику, чего стоит Sacrifice to Fire, с продолжением Burn My Blood. Плотный звук гитар, мощь которых просто завораживает! Немного приглушённый вокал, просто идеально вписывается в общую музыкальную концепцию! Небольшие инструментальные вставки на акустике выполнены с блеском, что позволяет поставить этому языческому проекту ... |
Dark hostile lands, where wild animals rule, are my home.
Where roaring waterfalls rush down rocky cliffs,
Wild unbridled water ruins banks,
Furrows its way through slopes and aims down, south.
Where storms do not end
At time of winter kingdom's frost,
Where bunches of mist are gathering
And fade away again
When pure pale morning illuminates white plaines with hoarfrost,
Where time stays unmoving
To be formed by moments of changes.
There I live in inseparable bonds of appurtenance.
3. Along Paths Of Return (Pagan Nostalgia)
Steam rises through immovable freezing air,
Sun fell down to the horizon yet.
Dark infinite forests captured by winter greyness,
Dark lying down slowly among trees,
Silence rules, silence which precedes the storm, though.
In the centre of the wheel of time
In the very heart of darkness
During the lunar transformation
It spins delicate threads of balance.
Before winter strikes in full force
And wild frosts bury their sharp claws
I will spend this night dancing with flashing shadows of spirits of the
Then I enter the cold grey-like dawn
And there in the entrails of gloomy foul weather
Where damp place and icy breath bind us
I will set off along paths covered with leaves that turned black,
Along paths which like rivers lead
Into ways running in the direction of return,
Across the ravine in time.
4. From The Bosom Of Oblivion
Through oblivion I have been travelling for hundreds of years
Hidden from your sight
Passing your fates.
Born by the night dark
Into the deeps of blinding darkness
I penetrate everything.
I was a pool hidden in a thicket,
A spring breeze and a winter windstorm, too.
I guard worlds spun of dreams
Beyond levels of double truths
Under the signs of ogam.
It is me who rides on the saddled time.
5. Faces In The Walls
Roar of wars was covered by the heavy cloak of dust
Noises of steel reins were broken in echoes
Air sweetened with blood
Pagan rabble
Fallen under the flag of antiquity.
I like to breath in and I devour greedily
Each little drop of the times passed away
Times of blood and of primary love as well.
In the evening falling into dark I speak to faces in the walls
They are much older than we are willing to understand
And also stronger than us, time and the power of oblivion
They are engraved into walls by songs from universe.
I like to listen to the narration of the endless labyrinth of horror
And at the same time I feel the most material and intoxicating power of
With which I feel to be bound.
6. Sacrifice To Fire
Icy wind is blowing between my lips
Wine went sour, froze in my mouth
Together with water in the caves of eternity.
... Thousands of transparent stalactites ...
I can't see why they resound with love songs
Full of perversity
And I don't know why under their glance
I always find so much despair.
I must enter the womb deeper
Before its heart is frozen.
I must find the elemental furnace,
To sacrifice to its limpid fire
And to go up in flames.
I must feel the force
As once in a premonition of bloodshed,
Otherwise we will burn out like sparks
Shot into the depths of night.
7. Burn My Blood
I suck from the cup of old age
Accompanied by my girlfriend Darkness
Hidden by night I am hunting the invisible
Through the eye of beast of prey I look at the beginning.
My spirit is as old as time itself
And it likes to wander among stars
Falls through freezing universe were inspired in me
My eyes are cold forever now
But my ego behind the horizon of eternity
Is seeing the grievances and is screaming.
Burn my blood.
Burn it, you, whose sense of living is to forget
You, who have faithful lies and death at their heels
And your soil gives birth to worms merely.
Today the whole sky is dimmed by impenetrable sadness
Red drops are falling through cosmos.
Burn my blood.
8. The Last Winter Dance
... Winter came suddenly
Without mercy it set its icy hungry teeth
In our necks.
Heads of noble birds swimming on the water surface
Flew to thousands of parts just before it froze
As if struck by invisible hammers.
Little peevish parts of icy air consumed
Everything unprepared, wind aided in it and played
Melancholic symphony of extinction on its silver icicle violin.
Thousands of icy headsmen with pigs' wailing in the background
Executed without the only drop of blood.
... in several minutes only a family of rats remained on the little
that survived the last winter dance unknowingly ...
... until the morning the queen of frost
danced on her icy mirror
At eh snowy throat of winter
9. The Rebirth
10. On The Way (Tribal Essence)
We've been marching under the gloomy sky
Dispersed into small crowds
From horizon to horizon
Since time immemorial, for many years.
Under the endless vault of the sky covered with stars
Through the land which sucked blood for centuries
Through the rising clouds of dust
Through rain and raging winds.
Past enveloped in mystery
Future out of sight.
Hundreds of thousands of stars shattered in space
Scattered galaxies
Where the order met with chaos.
Everything is only a moment,
Story told many times
By travelling traders, wanderers and confused dreamers.
Legends and myths
Memorials of heroism and great acts
Real dreams
Frustrated lives.
Everything is only a moment
As well as this song,
Which I use to hear sung by rooks
During autumn days of fallen leaves.
Sea of loneliness in the distant universe
Phantom, passing allusion, eternity?
Jump into the abyss or fly up
Defy or give in.
Is it a matter of coincidence or free choice?