 Третий альбом замечательной, но почему-то ни разу неупомянутой здесь, Шведской пауэр-группы. Это последний и лучший альбом, из ее фэнтезийного периода творчества. Ничего сверх оригинального на диске нет, однако это вовсе не "очередная штамповка на модную тематику". Группа существует достаточно давно и имеет свое лицо (при этом, не забывая развиваться). Музыка в меру мелодична и хитова, но что самое главное - разнообразна (не в пример их более раскрученным соотечественникам из Hammerfall). С точки зрения исполнения, придраться особо не чему - все на месте и ничего лишнего. Да и вокалист, в некоторых композициях, ну очень душевно поет... Приятный альбом, который не надоедает слушать. |
По сравнению с предыдущим альбомом Nocturnal Rites подтянули свой композиторский уровень, и хотя их пауэр-метал донельзя стандартен и полон клише, "The Sacred Talisman" выдался все же работой вменяемой, а песни "When Fire Comes To Ice" и "The Legend Lives On" оказались и вовсе выше среднего. |
So here I am, still right back from the start
Destiny's calling leaving my future to be
Destiny's calling, screaming in anger,
my thoughts are out of reach
I hold my soul inside of my hands
The future is my past
Who'll light my way now?
Now that I stand alone
My past still haunts me
My friend is my enemy
2. The Iron Force
Strike the anvil and forge the steel
See the iron glow like fire
Create our armour, provide us all
Give us the power to foresee our fate
Oh the journey might long and hard
Magical wonders will lead us there
And by the powers that we hold in hand
Forged steel in a time of war,
feel the rage and the strike of the Iron Force
Lay down your magic, lay down your arms
Bring us message of the fight we won
See us coming, through the fire
Stand united for the ones we lost
Brothers unite and fight for the justice
Honour for all and never give in
Fight till the end, protecting the crown
Honour for all, till we fall will fall
And feel the rage and the strike of the iron sword
3. Ride On
Thundering down over valleys and hills
Onward they ride, always side by side
The legend tells about the templars,
The mighty men, who walk in the shadows
There's blood on their blades, swords made of steel
Guardians of man, always fight for the right
The legend speaks about their coming,
The mighty men, they live on forevermore
See them ride, emerge out of the sun
They will vanish in haze
Hear them come, emerge out of dark
They will never give in
Ride on, through the winds of time
Ride on, through the night
Leaving their preys with a mark of the good
They hunt down in rage, veil them in death
In the name of the righteous, in justice
They will serve the gods
Call for the force, and shout out through the night
Seek and do what is right
See them come, emerge out of the dark
They will never give in
4. Free At Last
Hear the voices inside of our minds now
Their message is leading the way
Into the abyss we fall, we're standing at the edge
We're the prisoners inside of our own dreams
Where the masters are holding the keys
Battling to save our souls, will we ever be set free?
We'll be free at last, if we stand till the end
We'll be free at last, if we stand as one
While all we knew has come to end, we'll be free at last
They're holding our souls in control now
We're lost in this maze of our minds
Fighting for our survival, striking back with force
We're trapped inside of this nightmare
We sense the light up ahead
Out from the abyss we go, rise up from beyond
5. Hold On To The Flame
It's been told about the mighty land,
The sun is never setting from the sky
Gold is washed up on the shore, to a shifting sand
The dream about the day when I'll never die
Charging through the open sea, no signs to lead the way
Wind will shift and carry us at hand
We feel the walls are closing in
The tide will take a turn, will make us drift ashore
Keep on holding on, Keep on holding to the flame
And life will go on
Keep on holding on, Keep holding
Life will still go on
Holding on to promises and what the legends say
We will see the shore of our land
Skyline meets an open bay, Illusions might betray
Onward to the land of mystery
6. Eternity Holds
Long ago in an ancient time
Might men would gather
To witness what the prophet would proclaim
He spoke of powers and endless might
The gift of a second sight
See all the secrets in the unknown
Ride the storm, ride to be
Infinity lies open to read
Eternity Holds
It would blacken the sun forever
Magic will prevail
It makes the sky burst into flames
Speak the words of the mystery
And the world will come to fall
It's their will, their time has come to stay
7. Fire Comes To Ice
Long before time when darkness
was ruling the world
And in the shelter of night when the wicked
would gather again so see through the eyes of
the future they put on the spell In turn to gain
in the powers they wait for the sign
It's a wicked game that the bravest
would dread to fight
Only for one man that's sent to end raging madness
Oh... When fire comes to ice
Oh... When fire comes to ice, then you will burn
Chained by the powers of magic,
they're loosing control
Stare through the eyes of the
death and speak the words
8. The Legend Lives On
"Look at me, I am a dying man.
My son, I can no longer watch over you.
All I know, I have passed onto you,
as you will for others.
It is my gift to you. Leave on your own,
leave this all behind.
You bear the powers of a second sight,
you hold the courage to believe.
No swords, no magic, no spell can touch what you own."
Now you stand alone, I leave my throne for you
Seek and find the truth, my mission here is done
Set your aims up high, you bear the second sight
I now pass onto you the knowledge of the wise
You were the firstborn and chosen to be king
Lead your troops, and I'll be there
Your legend lives on
Your name is carved in stone
The story of the chosen one, one couraged to believe
It's the destiny of bringing it all home
Holds the sense of time to come
In my name, the legend lives on
My names says victory, so I ride ahead of all
My mission will not fail, for vengence is my thirst
Return with and filled with calm and glorois to be
Now we stand as one and the legend will live on
On the winds rides the memory
Of your time long gone
9. The King's Command
A knight is sworn to valour
And his heart knows only only virtue
His blade defends the helpless
And his might upholds the weak
Loyal to his kingdom
When the word of war goes out
Born to serve the nobel
When Kings and Queens request
Mount horse and head away
Sharpened steel, crossing blades,
Before fear, do your work
The King's command
His word will be the law that we command
The King's command
Out into the battlefield
Whoose blood will stain the ground?
Courage and our bravery
Protects the borderlines
Plunging our steel into the hearts of enemy May our troops be many,
for the fight has just begun
Heed the command
Never surrender
Fight till the death
Never break the oath.
10. Unholy Powers
Long before the number is at hand
The conjuring will take it all again
The prophecy is telling us of wisadry and fear
It's time to seek and haunt the land
In darkness they will gather once again
The wisdom might conceal or gain
Unholy powers are taking control
When the spell of the night's setting in
Unholy powers, we're all cast aside
Cause the night of the witch never ends
In the time when darkness now ruled the world again
After all was done, and laid to waste
The conjuring will take its toll and start it all
Death will be the outcome in this spell
Stand tall fight the force, the night will come to fall
Stand tall fight them all, unholy powers are taking control
11. Glorius
My hands are tied here, in the darkness
I'll never find out what went wrong
I'm being punished, and sent to die
These cold and icy walls will end my life
In the dungeon where the holy rule
Can someone ever ease the cross I bear
And my death will be Glorius
When my mission is done
And my death will be glorious
My task is complete, my journey will come to end
Their fate control them, I'll never loose
Te chains will hold me, hold me to the ground
I hold the answer, inside my mind
But in this prison I'll see the end