« The System Has Failed »
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1 | Blackmail the Universe (4:33)
 | 2 | Die Dead Enough (4:19)
 | 3 | Kick the Chair (3:58)
 | 4 | The Scorpion (6:00)
 | 5 | Tears in a Vial (5:22)
 | 6 | I Know Jack (0:40)
 | 7 | Back in the Day (3:28)
 | 8 | Something That I'm Not (5:07)
 | 9 | Truth Be Told (5:40)
 | 10 | Of Mice and Men (4:05)
 | 11 | Shadow of Deth (2:15)
 | 12 | My Kingdom (3:04) |
   Dave Mustaine - Vocals, Rhythm and Lead Guitar
Chris Poland - Lead Guitar
Jimmy Sloas - Bass
Vinnie Colaiuta - Drums |
 | 1. Blackmail The Universe
This is breaking news
It appears air force one was shot down
Somewhere over the Middle East this morning
By a sleeper cell of rouge terrorists, firing a stinger missile
The pilot and all passengers are unaccounted for
The presidents whereabouts are presently unknown |
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 Великолепнейший альбом одной из лучших трэш-групп. Въезжаешь с первого раза и в течение всего прослушивания получаешь истинное удовольствие. Отличнейшее качество записи – чувствуется даже при прослушивании МП3шек. Альбом наполнен динамикой и мелодизмом, пропитан лучшими старыми идеями и в то же время содержит много новых (и все они не противоречат тому, что делали MEGADETH в ’88-’94 гг.). Композиции все разноплановые, музыкальный материал очень богат и благодаря этому даже после многократного прослушивания альбом не надоедает. Проходных вещей просто нет и выделить какие-то отдельные вещи я не могу. В итоге хочу сказать, что новое творение MEGADETH настолько хорошо, насколько плохо последнее METALLICA. (Да простят меня те, кому оно нравится, если такие есть.) Ну почему-то привык я сравнивать эти две команды, хотя они и очень разные.
Браво, ДЭЙВ!
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Итак что мы имеем на новом альбоме Megadeth? Сказать кратко- это смесь всего того что Дэйв делал за всю свою карьеру.
Альбом открывается сногсшибательной песней Blackmail the Universe. Песня по стилевым рамкам вполне могла бы уместится на Rust in Peace. Далее следует Die Dead Enough- неплохая вещь похожая на песни периода Cryptic Writings. После нее нас опять возвращают во времена Piece Sells/Rust песней Kick the Chair. Следующая композиция The Scorpion пожалуй является самой интересной вещью на альбоме. Не похожая на ничто сделанное Мастейном раньше песня несёт в себе потрясающий заряд. Tears In a Vial- на мой взгляд одна из самых слабых вещей на альбоме. довольно длинная, и не имеет ни трешевой тяжести, ни хеви хитовости. I Know Jack- небольшая вставка ничем не выделяющаяся. Back In The Day- ещё одна очень интересная композиция,с довольно заметным уклоном к стилю ранних Iron Maiden (чем то напоминающая Prowler). Something I'm Not- имеет великолепный текст, посвящённый вечному врагу Мастейна- Ларсу Улриху(Metallica). Of Mice and Man- не выделяющаяся ни чем, кроме вступления композиция. Shaddow of Deth- короткая инструменталка состоящая из примерно 5ти нот, но обладающая интересной,
и запоминающейся мелодией. My Kingdom- опять таки возвращение к корням, к сожалению в этом случае не самому удачному. Пожалуй одна из худших песен на диске. В целом альбом очень и очень хорош. Фанатам покупать обязательно, тем кто хочет ознакомиться с творчеством группы тоже рекомендуется, так как сочетает в себе все их стили |
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Очень хороший альбом получился, чем приятно удивил. В последнее время многие команды заявляют о возвращении к корням, но это очень редко кому-то удается. Обычно заявления о "возвращении к корням" это лишь пиар и способ промоушена очередного альбома, или скатывание до самоповторов, топтание на месте и пережевывание старых тем. Так вот к TSHF это не относиться. Альбом звучит как старый добрый Megadeth, но при этом слушается очень свежо, полон новых интересных идей и запоминающихся мелодий.
Исчезла сопливость и попсовость предыдущих двух релизов.
Лирика тоже на высоте, и заслуживает отдельного внимания. По звучанию, я бы сравнил альбом с Youthanasia и Countdown To Extinction. Среди песен хотелось бы выделить The Scorpion, Blackmail the Universe, Die Dead Enough, Of Mice and Men, Kick the Chair, Something That I'm Not, Truth be Told, т.е. почти все :)
Один из лучших релизов, за всю историю группы. Очень надеюсь, что она еще не закончилась... |
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Этот альбом действительно великолепен! Главная его прелесть, по моему мнению, -сбалансированность. А если альбом отлично сбалансирован, значит, он слушается на одном дыхании и совсем не надоедает после большого количества прослушиваний. А если к этому добавить качество материала и записи, то получится отличный альбом. Ураганное начало "Blackmail the Universe", затем красивейшая "Die dead Enough", третьей идет трэшевая "Kick the Chair" и пошло-поехало... Это нужно слышать! Приятно, когда группы возвращаются с такими альбомами. Рекомендую всем любителям красивой музыки, особенно тем, кто разочарован убожеством St.Anger Метлы. Почувствуйте разницу!
Мастэйн и К заслуженно получают от меня 10. |
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Один из лучших альбомов одной из лучших трэшевых команд мирового масштаба. Хотя, по моему мнению, он немного недотягивает до троицы лучшего из творений этой группы: “Rust in Peace” (90); ”Countdown to Extinction” (92); “Youthanasia” (94); но уже наступает им на пятки. Плюсы альбома: возвращение в старый добрый энергичный трэш-метал, отличное качество записи с хорошо прописанными инструментами. Минусы альбома:
Композиция «Kick The Chair», хотя она и является хитом, хорошо и технично сыграна но это самоплогиат на одну из композиций с альбома “Rust in Peace”. Неужели Дейв Мастейн не придумал ничего лучшего, как немного изменить гитарные рифы в куплете уже существующей композиции пусть даже с добавленным новым вступлением и припевом. Хотя в целом слушать можно, но с небольшой оговоркой: «где-то я уже это слышал…». А композиция «My Kingdom Come» вообще безликая и не интересная, в общем, никакая, просто для количества. Итак, что мы имеем в итоге.
Яркие хиты: 1-«Die Dead Enough»; 2- «The Scorpion»; 3- «Back In The Day»; 4- «Truth Be Told».
Просто хиты: 1- «Blackmail The Universe»; 2- «Kick The Chair»; 3- «Tears In A Vial»; 4 – «Something I'm Not»; 5 – «Of Mice And Men»; 5- «Shadow Of Deth» (из этого инструментального коротыша могла бы получиться интерсная брутальная полноценная песня, а так только интересный коротыш).
Посредственность: 1 - «My Kingdom Come».
В целом, получается вполне приемлемо, для того чтобы с альбомом ознакомиться, а также иметь в своей фонотеке. «The System Has Failed» - одно из лучших творений группы Megadeth! |
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В создании музыкального содержимого альбома принял участие приглашенный барабанщик Vinnie Colaiuta, так что ритм-секция ошеломляющая. Он играл в fusion-командах. Все песни великолепны, кроме "My Kingdom". Мои любимые - "Kick The Chair", "Tears In A Vial", "Truth Be Told". Кстати, в "Kick The Chair" ритм на барабане чем-то напоминает "Hangar 18" (R.I.P) с 3:41.
Только он сложнее. Смены темпа, ритмические сбивки, мощные риффы, такие же соло.
Причем все звучит органично как-то, а не разрозненно. Есть один хит - "Die Dead Enough". Тексты интересно почитать. |
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Этот альбом - своего рода прогресс, он далек от экспериментального "Риска" и безликого своего предшественника. Мастейн набрал новый состав, сменив всех музыкантов. На гитаре теперь Крис Поланд - хороший гитарист (в "Мегадет" плохих гитаристов, в общем-то, и не было). Но материал альбома очень сильно перекликается с дисками начала 90-х (период, наиболее комерчески успешный для группы), что создает эффект дежа-вю. На мой взгляд, Мастейн вряд ли когда-нибудь избавится от переигрывания своих ранних творенний, наверное, все идеи уже исчерпаны, остались старые клише. Да и по продажам последние альбомы как-то не блистают. По стилистике это не трэш, а скорее хэви-метал с элементами трэша. Назову наиболее запоминающиеся трэки - "Scorpion", "Blackmail the Universe", "My Kingdom Come", хотя они тоже скопированы с "Coundown to Extinction" и "Rust in Peace".
Альбом вполне съедобный, но былому "Мегадет" не ровня, будут у группы еще времена и получше, осталось подождать всего 5 лет. |
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просмотров: 70513 |
And he is presumed missing
The vice president, secretary of state
And principles of the military are assembling
Our nation stands at DEFCON 3
The greatest crisis, will someone come for me?
I "red, white and blew it."
Unleashed revenge, my body is detained
How could anybody do this?
Betrayal, I peel away the days
Medals are useless. Uncle Sam's forgotten me
I'm not important no one will ever come
I'll never be fund, god get me out of this hell.
Nuclear battlefields energised
Cold wars are heating up again
The tensions mounting
People lift up your fists in revenge
The stage is set
Who will be the first to blink?
We can go to war
Remember that "Vietnam thing"
Peace at any price
With a gun to your head, bang, bang
Weakness runs in your family
What runs in mine is death
[Solo - Poland]
This is your 5-minute warning
Burn all your classified documents
And if cooler heads don't prevail
First strike from a political dead man
Appeasement only makes the aggressor more aggressive
He understands only one language - action
And he respects only one word - force
No sign of them stopping, no time for back channel communiqu©s
We need all the help we can get, air strikes and invasions!
Retaliate. I say!
The will of good men can not counter the terrible strain of war
[Solo - Poland]
[Solo - Mustaine]
Blackmail the universe with the greatest of calamities
Awaken those sleeping giants in the dust of the ground
With their skin destroyed, unjust to innocence
Lawful possessor of the worlds last 24 hours
[Solo - Mustaine]
Terror and ugliness reveal what death really means
And in hatred you see men as they really are
If chosen over heaven, earth will have been for them
All along, only another region of hell.
2. Die Dead Enough
[Solo - Poland]
It's twilight and I wake up hot
My body's soaked in a cold, cold sweat
I re-enact the lurid scenes
And clawed engravings in my head
Oh, I can't punch hard enough and I run
I can't kick high enough and I run
I can't shoot straight enough and I run
I can't hold on enough and I run
Oh, I can't stay down enough and I run
I can't take pain enough and I run
I can't bleed fast enough
I can't die dead enough
The air is thick, but the oxygen's thing
My heart is beating like a drum, boom!
And ice is flowing through my veins
Explosives o my lips and lungs
Oh, I can't punch hard enough and I run
I can't kick high enough and I run
I can't shoot straight enough and I run
I can't hold on enough and I run
Oh, I can't stay down enough and I run
I can't take pain enough and I run
I can't bleed fast enough
I can't die dead enough
I don't know what I'm running from
And I don't know where I'm running to
There's just something deep and strange inside of me
I don't know what I'm running from
And I don't know where I'm running to
Something's just compelling me to run into the dark
And now I'm more driven than before
And now I live just to settle score
And now I feel the nearness of you breath
Now I introduce you to your death
[Solo - Poland]
[Solo - Mustaine]
[Solo - Poland]
I am more driven than before
I live just to settle score
I feel the nearness of your breath
I introduce you to your death
I can't punch hard enough
I can't kick high enough
I can't shoot straight enough
I can't hold on enough
I can't stay down enough, die dead enough
I can't take pain enough, die dead enough
I can't bleed fast enough, die dead enough
I can't die dead enough, die dead enough
3. Kick The Chair
Dawn breaks evenly today
On the truth and the lie
All rise court's in session
Were hanging someone high
Justice means nothing today
Now that the courts are for sale
Pick a crime from the menu, pick a sentence and defend you
And pick up the down payment called bail
The systems for sale
Kick the chair, the rope's tight
Just like one quick wrench, the tooth is out
Friend or foe, I gotta hang em dead
Or they'll come back around
Kick it!
The courts wrong when it keeps track
Of victories and defeats
The press that never rests just waits
Fr somebody's soul they can eat
Justice means nothing today
Now that the jury's for sale
Guilty or not, the verdicts a lie
You're going to jail
The system has failed
Kick the chair, the rope's tight
Just like one quick wrench, the tooth is out
Friend or foe, ya gotta hang em dead
Or they'll come back
[Solo - Mustaine (2:21)]
[Solo - Mustaine (2:51)]
[Solo - Mustaine (3:04)]
[Solo - Poland (3:20)]
4. The Scorpion
My life is everything
That feeds my thirst that causes sin
My wants are all I care
No shame and guilt, there's nothing there
Look deep into my face
I sell deceit without a trace
Fear not what I can do
Unless you want it done to you, oh-ohhh!
[Solo - Mustaine]
As I climb onto your back, I will promise not to sting
I will tell you what you want to hear and not mean anything
Then I treat you like a dog as I shoot my venom in
You pretend you didn't know that I am a scorpion, oh
My self I'm centred in
There's nothing else, there's never been
And I dream, to be left alone
With the sadness, the madness of my own
Look deep into my soul
It's black as coal like a bullet hole
Fear not, get off your knees
There's no defence you'll do what I please, oh-oh!
[Solo - Mustaine]
as I climb onto your back, I will promise not to sting
I will tell you what you want to hear and not mean anything
Then I treat you like a dog as I shoot my venom in
You pretend you didn't know that I am a scorpion, oh
[Solo - Mustaine]
as I climb onto your back, I will promise not to sting
I will tell you what you want to hear and not mean anything
Then I treat you like a dog as I shoot my venom in
'Cause you knew all along I am a scorpion, ya!
My lies, to reach the shore
I aggrandise and nothing more
My hopes, to steal away
All that you love, I'll soon betray
Look deep into my past
The pain is unsurpassed
I'm not a lowly scorpion
I'm so much worse; I'm the fall of man
5. Tears In A Vial
This may seem all too confusing
How I could walk away from something so rare
But you see it got too demanding, yeah
And I just didn't care, I just didn't care, if I cared, if I cared
Lately, I've been left wanting, but not wanting you
Attraction that once was is no longer there, ooh
And it sucks to be taken for granted
When the veil is drawn so there is only air
I had to walk away
Give up something I love
For what I loved even more
And save my tears for you
[Solo - Mustaine]
Everything has lost its meaning; I had to let it go
To find myself, myself, and start something new, brand new
Forced to look deep in the mirror, face who I really am
Now it's just me, 'cause I can't afford you
I had to walk away
Give up something I love
For what I loved even more
And save my tears for you
I gave up something I love
For what I loved even more
And save my tears for you
In a vial and walked away
[Solo - Mustaine]
[Solo - Poland]
You were so beautiful to look upon
I could see the light in your smile
Your eyes were the windows into your soul
Your body was heavenly just like the sky
[Solo - Mustaine]
Until all your good looks betrayed you, which wasn't much
Counted on your counterfeit smiles for too long
Your eyes are empty windows, broken
The body may be here but the soul is gone
I saved my tears in a vial
From everything wicked that you did, that you said
To send away, buried with your love
So many tears in a vial, now that you're gone, and now that you're dead
6. I Know Jack
[Solo - Mustaine]
I served with jack Kennedy
I knew jack Kennedy
Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine
Senator you're no jack Kennedy
7. Back In The Day
Where were you when it happened?
Where could you be found?
Were you at the front of the stage?
Or in the underground?
From SF out to Old Bridge
New York back to LA
The world of metal changed forever
Back in the day
Well that was back in the day
And if you weren't there
It doesn't matter anyway
Because you wouldn't understand
Live to die and die to play
Every day and place
Leave a path of metal
Across the world from stage to stage
Well that was back in the day
And if you weren't there
It doesn't matter anyway
Because you wouldn't understand
[Solo - Poland]
In denim and leather
We were all part of one force
Knocked rock and roll on its ass
And put metal on the course
[Solo - Poland]
[Solo - Mustaine]
[Solo - Poland]
[Solo - Mustaine]
Back in the day
[Solo - Mustaine]
You weren't there
[Solo - Mustaine]
It doesn't matter
[Solo - Mustaine]
Because you wouldn't understand
This is our way of life
A life that was born free
To fellow orders how to live
Was never meant to be
Oh, oh-oh, oh, oh-oh
Peals of thunder, sheets of lightening
The power hits the stage
The music was exciting
The mania raged
Oh, oh-oh, oh, oh-oh
We all had the fever
Our ears started to ring
Feeding the wildfire
Consuming everything
Oh, oh-oh, oh, oh-oh
Metals king back then
Still to this day
Others imitate or challenge
But it never goes away
Oh, oh-oh, oh, oh-oh
8. Something That I'm Not
Your mind tells you that you've lost your confidence
You're drifting and ya don't believe in anyone
To lose what little you have left to be proud of
Afraid you can't do this again, ah!
You said that nothing can come in-between us
The way of getting things we wanted done
Then enissophobia held you under its influence
Until you compromised your style
[Solo - Mustaine]
Everything about you has been one big charade
What will you do now the wells run dry? Cry?
To sell out all your friends and stab them in the back
It's something that you are; something that I'm not
When you forced me into doing what you love
Mark my words no one loves you very much, yeah mark em
And when you tried to change me and tried to replace me
I couldn't help but end just hating you, hmm!
Being a fraud can only last so long, you should know
Till what ya sensed as a child returns, you little baby
To choke out the voice that told ya "money and fame"
Would fill the crater that you dug for yourself
[Solo - Mustaine]
Unlike you I'm no vision to myself, lest you forget
You didn't ever make metal, buddy; metal made you
To crush and run over everyone along the way
It's something that you are; it's something that I'm not
A stranger to yourself, ha! Ya pissed me off again
I won't be driven by your needs anymore
What you'd become to do or be is clear to see for me
It's something that you are; it's something that I'm not
[Solo - Mustaine]
it makes me sick to hear you say you "love me"
I know you only love what I can do for you
If you were the one that was leading the charge
Would you notice if I missed a day or two? But that's impossible!
We all laughed at the parodies that you'd become
Now your pain slowly paid back has begun
So, accept my resignation, or in your words "betrayal"
Before it gets much worse, end this self-sabotage
[Solo - Mustaine]
Something I'm not, something that you are, something that I'm not
[Solo - Mustaine]
Something I'm not, something that you are, something that I'm not
Something that you are, something that I'm not, yet
9. Truth Be Told
This is the first tale of death in the world
When Cain struck down Abel, a family broken
Since then mankind's dominated his own kind
To insult and injure, there's no such thing as peace
Till dead do us part, till the last
Truth be told - sin lies at the doorway
Truth be told - hells open for business now
Truth be told - the soil cries out for revenge
Truth be told - and death is upon the ground
All around
The battle aint over without spoils of war
Just cause it is written doesn't make it so
When you dance with the devil wait till the songs over
I ask myself, "How bad do I want you to live?"
My anger is near, till the last
Truth be told - sin lies at the doorway
Truth be told - hells open for business now
Truth be told - the soil cries out for revenge
Truth be told - and death is upon the ground
All around
[Solo - Mustaine]
[Solo - Mustaine]
Tribulation strikes and we're hit hard
Still you just go on your way
Head in the sand, ignoring the rain
Just like the flood in Noah's day
In his day
[Solo - Mustaine]
Can't punish those for ruining the earth
It's suicide to some degree
Because we are all guilty, guilty as sin
There will be no peace, never for you and me
[Solo - Mustaine]
Before al qaeda and bin ladin
Long before hitler and hussein
Ever since the first murder was commited
The verdicts always been the same
Been the same, wrong!
[Solo - Mustaine]
The cursed future just repeats the past
There's hell to pay and stones to cast
So, there will be no peace, never peace
Till the last truth be told by you and me
[Solo - Mustaine]
10. Of Mice And Men
The fire burns on and on
That drives me on till all is gone
Except the simple plans
Of mice and men
Back when I was just seventeen
I thought that I knew everything
I could make it in this scene
To be a rising star that only gleamed
But all the answers disagreed
With the questions held for me
I was legal now at twenty-one
I knew the way the world should run
My God just look what I had done
Simply drunk and having fun
Looked for friends, but I found none
All alone at twenty-one
[Solo - Poland]
The fire burns on and on
That drives me on till all is gone
Except the simple plans
Of mice and men
[Solo - fills Poland]
At twenty-five I was surprised
That I was even half-alive
Somehow I managed to survive
I felt my body doing time
And in my back a hundred knives
From my friends at twenty-five
And now as Gabriel sounds my warning bell
I'd buy your life, if you would sell
A year or two if less compelled
So live your life and live it well
There's not much left of me to tell
I just got back up each time I fell
[Solo - Poland]
The fire burns on and on
That drives me on till all is gone
Except the simple plans
Of mice and men
[Solo - fills Poland]
[Solo - Mustaine]
The fire burns on and on
That drives me on till all is gone
Except the simple plans
Of mice and men
[Solo - fills Poland]
11. Shadow Of Deth
Auxilium meum a domino
The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures
He leadeth me beside the still waters
He restoreth my soul
He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his names sake
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
I will fear no evil: for thou art with me
Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies
Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life
And I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever
[Solo - Mustaine]
12. My Kingdom Come
The flag that I once planted as a king I abandoned
And now I reclaim this banner by god, my sword, and my name
In a truce sealed by blood within this metal skin and all that I own
Blood, bone, and courage in my veins, and the heart that pumps it
Drink from the chalice and be reborn
And the land with me, it will change and transform
A fighting, am sworn to the quest it is doom of man that they forget
I have awoken the dragon and all around me the mist of his breath
God and evil, there never is one without the other, his brother
Always there where I least expect it, it will burn me to cinders
The futures taken root in the present sun
Don't look into my heart into my heart, least of all your own
[Solo - Poland]
No man who is false can win in combat against the truth
When he lies he murders some part of the world,
We must find out what was lost
Hearth and home, wife and child were not for me, I was not yet done
I never knew how empty my soul was until it was refilled
Mad distemper strikes both beggars and kings
The necromancer's hard teachings of war and quest
I am given the right to bear arms and power to meet justice
I have lived through others for far to long,
And carried my guilt, my causes, my sins
I hope in the hereafter when I owe no more to the future
That I can be just a man