Funeral Diner
« The Underdark »
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1 | Decline 4:13
 | 2 | Collapsing 5:58
 | 3 | We Become Buried 5:49
 | 4 | It Is Good That We Never Met 8:58
 | 5 | Two Houses 3:58
 | 6 | What Was Said 3:20
 | 7 | Regardless We Fall 6:05
 | 8 | We All Have Blood On Our Hands 5:48 |
   Seth Babb - vocals
Dan Bajda - guitars, vocals
Dave Mello - guitars
Ben Steidel - bass
Matthew Bajda - drums |
 | 1. Decline
2. Collapsing
The darkness sorrounds you. The darkness shrouds everything. Movement is apparent and the movement is dangerous. All around the walls are crushing, looming as if to threaten the collapse. But this is home, the dark, the warmth. This is still home, and |
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 Funeral Diner – классический пример относительно новых тру-скримо культов, которые оканчивают свою жизнь, будучи поглощенными пост-роковой минималистической методикой и жанровым трагическим мироощущением. «The Underdark» – эпитафия, исполненная отчаяния и боли, так свойственных скримо-музыке. Альбом сотворен на излете, чудовищно эмоционален при чудовищном же внимании к структуре. Пост-рок копится в пластичных чистых мелодиях, их переплетениях, и при повышении градуса переживания выливается в цепь хардкоровых взрывов, накрывающих волной гитарного звука, по плотности догоняющего блэк. У такого скримо и черного метала много общего: и общая минорная тональность, и вокальный надрыв, как принято в дсбм, и даже мелодика, находящаяся где-то на острие техники и эмоций, на короткой ноге с нервным срывом. Мелодику в «блуждающем» состоянии интенсифицирует гуру маршевых ритмов Мэтью Бэйды. Вероятно, собаку съев на приемах GY!BE, он обкатывает свою версию перестуков надежды, более спонтанную и изрядно изломанную (будто в спешке и нервах). Если о порывистом вале гитарных партий и кричащих вокалов нельзя сказать, что это не по канонам жанра, то барабанные техники зачастую (несмотря на свою эффектность) тянут на злоупотребление, их можно охарактеризовать, как безудержный гротеск в ущерб коллективному делу, особенно учитывая их схожую формулу от трэка к трэку. Впрочем, это, все-таки, чудесное однообразие, ведущее нас в мир благородной ультраэмоциональности жанра… На этом стоило бы и закончить. Оговорим минусы – пост-роковая материя FD зачастую становится инструментальным нарциссизмом, вокалист чересчур однообразен в скриме и другими видами вокала дело не разнообразит, наконец, баланса скримо и пост-рока при всем желании не чувствуется – то одно перетягивает на себя одеяло, то другое. Однако, альбом в своем роде исторический... |
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просмотров: 5790 |
3. We Become Buried
Colors shift, airwaves move and shape themselves into a perversion of what's right, how we were all fooled. And it continues to never add up. With options disappearing fast, the pacing voice and the burning hate-filled eyes make themselves out to be the only possible choice and truth. So long live the hate and long live the self serving destructive "ideals" that led us to this closed existence in the first place. Trust becomes an ugly word equated to weakness and a foolish path to better ourselves. Tired of deception from every angle and the constant fear (you must stay afraid). Fighting back becomes more difficult and we resign ourselves to existence in the dark (you must stay afraid). And the hate only gets worse. Hidden in the low light the hate only gets worse.
4. It Is Good We Never Met
Plans made to be executed at a later point in time. "The truth is what we make it, not what you see, so ask no questions." And derisive comments, disregard, and humiliation are what we reap from trying to change. They know now exactly where they stand and kneel. Mostly the latter, it's been building up to this all along. Every meticulous step. And it was missed by all of us. Walls built out of self righteousness will keep us apart, and now we are easier targets. So those in favor take note to exploit every weakness that we show you, almost as if we want to be destroyed. Yes, we do have a deathwish. So do your worst.
5. Two Houses
The soft feet stepping, the blades sharpened and the regard for life wasted away to nothing. As only one rule is kept in mind (with the heart detached from anything worth feeling). And then the fire and the death, as callous hands stop callous hearts, and even the memory is erased with the fading of the light. The tower islit again (like a funeral pyre) and the silent motives disappear into the all encompassing shadows. Without a trace, without a memory. How could we free anyone when we can't save ourselves.
6. What Was Said
7. Regardless, We Fall
And it comes for us all, creeping, drawn out, or so quick you feel nothing at all. This seems to be the only way out, the only option against aiding and abetting. This is what it has come to, how far we have fallen. All it seems that is left for us is to fall further, into our own desires, further still from those we once might have called friend. As the actions taken by the masses implicate us all. We all have blood staining our hands. Lying to yourself or killing your conscience may ease the guilt. But that's not enough, they will never wash clean.
8. We All Have Blood On Our Hands
"We'll even take the sky away, block out the sun if we can." This has been planned for years. The reasons change with the weather and still nothing has been found but lies. The words take wing to pierce like daggers at the nape of the neck, while the back is turned. This was supposed to be trust, supposed to be for us. Now it all belongs to the few, and only cutthroat tactics and walking over others gets us respect in the eyes of our "god". As the web grows tighter (yet larger) we are all caught. And those that don't see it coming are turned even more twisted than before, without knowing. "Yes we now, will even the sky away and leave your life as dark as ours." Taken away and destroyed before our eyes. No voices were heard and none were memorable. We were left to our own destiny, failed at that and sought solace in the coldest arms imaginable. We are the makers of our own fate and we failed. We all have blood on our hands.