 Скука. Всепоглощающая скука охватила меня во время прослушивания этого альбома. И по мере того, как я все дальше пробирался сквозь этот насквозь вторичный и унылый death metal, меня все чаще посещала мысль о самоубийстве. Вполне возможно, что этого и добивалась флоридская четверка. Если серьезно, то я несколько не ожидал такого откровенного порожняка от, в общем-то, неплохих флоридских музыкантов, имеющих непосредственное отношение к Diabolic и Pessimist (это я о Jerry Mortellaro и Kelly Mclauchlin, соответственно). Конечно, это группы второго, а то и третьего эшелона death metal, но было не особо приятно признавать, что практически все компоненты "Torrential Reign" выдают в нем какой-то халтурный подход: наспех слепленная в фотошопе обложка; набившая оскомину лирика о «сладком вкусе дьявола» и прочих «kill Christ once & for all»; отвратительное сведение, особенно заметное при переходе с "Eyes Of Lost" к "Decimated"; признаки «музыкальной анархии», когда складывается ощущение, что музыканты друг друга не слышат и каждый играет тупо то, что хочет. Я, конечно, несколько утрирую, но все же… Порой Aantar Coates «бласт-битит» аки «диявул», особенно не задумываясь о чувстве меры. Некоторые соло-партии будто написаны «на коленке» в студии ("Denunciation The Cursed"). Как ни удивительно, но при полном провале какой-никакой, но брутальной составляющей, положительным моментом данной работы оказываются среднетемповые (практически doom’овые) треки. "Eyes Of Lost", "Cross Contamination", "Entrenched Warfare" и "Under Existence" – именно в этих песнях прослеживается хоть какая-то мысль в плане построения композиций. Да и соло-партии очень даже «вкусные» - особенно это касается "Eyes Of Lost". В общем, молодым слушателям, только знакомящимся со стилем, я бы не стал рекомендовать данный релиз. Ну а те, кто знаком с жанром довольно давно, не найдут здесь хоть чего-то заслуживающего внимания. Так что если вы еще не совсем погрязли в своем слепом и лицемерном восхвалении death metal, оценка вас не заставит усомниться в качестве сего продукта. |
It lives in your own soul
Gateway to the sorcery
Brains cracked & torn
Demons fill the smoke
Laughing as invoked
You think you're gonna be sick
Can't stomach the pain
It's driving you insane
You have been sucked down
Speed for death control
Killing the soul to live
Escaping life's hold
Society can not give
There's got to be more
Treated like a whore
Up for the taking
Witness in the making
Empty hole forsaken
Fuck this feeling wrong
Can't escape till it's time
Have to ride it out
Disappear in hidden fear
To emerge strong again
This tragic monster will
Ban't be fucking killed
To be a sheep & follow
Or tear down what is hollow
Indulgence for dismay
Satanic statements the way
Disappear in hidden fear
To emerge again strong
This tragic monster will
Can't be fucking killed
Live by infernal rules
Selfism stronger than God
Outcast & lust for life
Humanity's evil rule
2. Soul Disment
Souls are haunted by the dead
In the dream they pretend
To make unearthly reality
Enter a nightmarish chaos
A moment filled with horror
By a silent power
To prove unwanted demise
And remain dominate force
Black images still go on
Souls stir in the wind
Forbidden ones are terrified
Living in sorrow of tormented lives
Step into another world
Awaiting the apparition
Bestilled or belief
Purgatory entrance the sense
The gates are open
To the manifestations
The shadow's confirm
A secret entity
Dead souls inhabit the mind
Engulfed in sleep
Ghosts contemn the body
Ancestor's lurk in the air
Make sure still aware
Believe in foreboding fear
The gates are open
To the manifestations
The shadow's confirm
A secret entity
Soul disment still alive
Soul disment still alive
Soul disment still alive
Intrusion of ghosts
Sacredness materialize
Images of ferocious energy
Premonitions can't be stopped
3. Eyes Of Lost
Slumber in a helpless state
In the day of sickness
Leeches try to control mind movement
Stay in a mode of human decay
The light breeds mortals behave
Like senseless being programmed
To do slavery for all eternity
Bow down to a so – called God
There's always been the ultimate before
they see their powers fade
It slips into mindless holes
Night crawlers smother once more
Darkness is eternal might
Creeping in & out of sight
Slithering before the eyes of lost
Make a wrong move & it's over
Militant minds now take over
The elite has come to make it known
Beware of unholy ghost
They invade & horrify
Their surroundings make belief
In the dark an evil entity
That will haunt till the end
Haunting the sleep
Haunting the weak
Haunting again
Forever they will reign
Eyes of the lost
Eyes of the lost
Haunting the sleep
Haunting the weak
Haunting again
Forever they will reign
Unsacred fate
Unhallowed dreams
Empowerment deems
Eyes of the lost
Eyes of the lost
They invade & horrify
Their surroundings make belief
In the dark an evil entity
That will haunt till the end
Irreligion now must die
In the wake they defy
Visceration of the damned
Behind the raven's eyes
4. Decimated
Demons exist in a realm
Lucifer at the kelm
From the kingdom of darkness
To torment & manifest
Prey on the vulnerable ones
Possess unwilling souls
Take over body & mind
Evil spirits are trapped inside
Spiritual freedom is denied
A longing for destroying past time
Kill Christ once & for all
An aim to see the Christians fall
Expell Biblical passage rites
Curse God & commands recite
Evil turmoil plagued for years
World events ensure their fears
Their fears
Hatred violence murder plots
Raping killing assassinate
Cancer AIDS critcal ills
Oceans dying from chemical spills
Natural disater takes it's toll
Hurricanes quakes tornadoes
Leave millions dead in it's wake
Suicide tolls life at stake
Spiritual freedom is denied
A longing for destroying past time
Kill Chirst once & for all
An aim to see the Christians fall
Expell Biblical passage rites
Curse God & commands recite
Evil turmoil plagued for years
World events ensure their fears
Their fears
5. Cross Contamination
Rise from a dead circle
Incomplete cold souls ignite
Passion for a real desire
Evil drives the hidden truth
Push forth unstoppable force
Sorrow for a holy source
Follow a god never seen
Forever torment always been
Sickness is the way of life
Leading into eternal strife
Mental scars never heal
A crutch for god cannot kneel
Serve to the self or die
Or fall prey to the lie
Confessions are within
Unless indulged in sin
Cross Contamination
The balance lies within
For those who rise above
To the ultimate power
Satan kills who cowers
Violent greed for respect
Standing shadows of relent
Selfish grows into hate
Kill the ones in fate
Try to stop a new foundation
Showing of stimulation
Complete the circle of unity
In a world of so many clones
Betrayed down no trust
A willing to destroy a must
To prove the wisdom of self
Banished for ever more
Apparent loss for dedication
Lashing out from pure frustration
Crushing those who disbelief
No sympathy who fall defeat
Staying true to the pure master
Forever committed till time of death
Worship over a false god
In the end religion falls
The balance lies within
For those who rise above
To the ultimate power
Satan kills who cowers
Staying true to the pure master
Forever committed till time of death
Worship over a false god
In the end religion falls
6. Denunciation The Cursed
Denunciation of the weak
Haunting creation then begins
Dreams to confirm their existence
Ripped away killed with defiance
Powerless in a state of vision
Distorted rape imagination
Strive for apparent
mental murder
Leave behind ashes of torture
Hate speech reach into insanity
Downfall fell into obscurity
Infiltrate them like they're blinded sheep
Vulnerable & they are weak
Subside deliverance takes control
The truth is reaped of the weary souls
Plummet into their own demise
Stay above sink down down & die
die die die
Gods of fire never to burn
Forces of evil in a material form
7. Entrenched Warfare
Ancient hatred towards
Distant foes
Reason for terror
No one knows
Religion seems
To be a motive
Acts of war
Running through
Terrorist attacks
Can not predict
The battle with
Invisible risks
Murder on
A human scale
Death toll rises with attempts
In the trench
To prove
Power force
Fierce clashes
Coming forth
Raging on
Killing machines
The fight goes on
Armed conflict
The enemy's hand
Warfare of
Many means
Mass destruction
Weapons are feared
Reason for terror
No one knows
Religion seems
To be a motive
Acts of war
Running through
Terrorist attacks
Can not predict
The battle with
Invisible risks
Murder on
A human scale
Death toll rises with attempts
Image of war
Etched in the mind
Combat worn
Soldiers raw
The weaker will
Succumb to
Triumphant ones
To victory ours
8. Torn Apart
Violence within a burden of disease
Assault on humaity is unrelenting
Cruel punishment a ticket to hell
Raw terror no thrill no kill
Clod blooded murder killer
Justice by torturous acts
Raped ripped & ruptured
Ejaculates to the screams
To shreds
Lacerations from an infernal whip
Suffering is clear to see
Shotgun fellatio
Immersed in sexual bathory
The dark reaches of insanity
Without guilt or conscience
Brutal user & dangerous being
The king of carnage continues
Torn apart a deadly blow
A savage act extreme evil
Fear the sadist killings bold
Born a bestial monster
The blood is running cold
9. Under Existence
Curse of a voodoo priest
The witch doctor spells
Ritual symbolic
Support the dead to eternity
Blessed is the other world
Thousand gods worshipped
Brutally torn from culture
Celebrate spiritual
Forces of evil
For the souls of mankind
Forces of God to be left behind
Voodoo rites mask religion
Spirited creation then begins
Dead eyes hypnotic trance
Dimming the conscious
Respect the spirits
Dances of the dead
Possessed the erotic
Attractions to the offering
Divine consumption
Communication through forces
Visions of an image becoming a god
Simulation of power inhabit doomed world
Body & soul may die lack of healing power
Into the mystical spirit forces of nature
The fires burn bright keeper of the dead
Voodoo rites mask religion
Spirited creation then begins
Dead eyes hypnotic trance
Dimming the conscious
Respect the spirits
Dances of the dead
Possessed the erotic
Attractions to the offering
Divine consumption
Communication through forces
Visions of an image becoming a god
Under existence
Called out to gods
10. Torrential Reign
Blast from a brutal unnature
Can't control surrounding maker
Give praise to unholy offer
Estimate potential slaughter
Skies are black impending doom
Wait for signs inside the gloom
Once ot hits cannot pray
Torrential reign rules again
Demons from hell roaming free
A vicious attack can only be
Driven from the hisstory that lives
Producing pain that forever gives
Fueled by the will that colors black
Absence of light brings a pack
Within the scorn commands the order
Committed to disablement of foes
Torrential Reign
Torrential Reign
Destine to destroy
Fulfillment of power
Stronger than mortals
Philosophy ways to wisdom
Poisoned thoughts into the abyss
Human monsters kill
Evil exists without fear
Fear is the only emotion you have
Endurance brings conquest
Need to achieve again
Into debauchery & gree
With the angels of sin
The time has come
To face a destructive force
Carry on hard to tame
Torrential reign rules again