 Нельзя сказать, что наши сегодняшние герои избрали себе свежее и оригинальное название. Среди прочих Orchid сильнее всего засветились на стыке тысячелетий скримо-хардкорщики из Массачусетса. И не просто "засветились", но и качеством и уровнем своих релизов основательно испачкали это светлое имя. (Впрочем, право ставить окончательный диагноз этой тусе лучше оставлю знатокам стиля.)
Ну а данный лонгплей появился на свет относительно недавно. Но с тем же успехом он мог бы быть выпущен и десять, и двадцать, и даже тридцать лет назад. А вот сорок - едва ли, несмотря на все заверения квартета о молитвах Бафомету, что должен был даровать им силы и могущество для создания материала, равноценного как по силе, так и по наполнению классическим альбомам Black Sabbath. Но либо в заветных свитках были допущены ошибки невнимательным переписчиком, либо сами американцы не обратили внимания на неточности в ритуалах своего occvlt-rock'а - полноценного возвращения в начало семидесятых так и не произошло. А иначе почему я слышу здесь мелодии, словно сошедшие с первых двух альбомов Iron Maiden? Да и полностью отвлечься от мотивов родной земли парни так и не смогли - сухой юго-восточный ветер принес в их музыку элементы "южатины" и психоделик-рока классического американского разлива. Сами понимаете - то, что получилось в итоге, если и не является стоунером в чистом виде, то уж как минимум очень близко к нему.
Впрочем, хитрые американцы особенно не расстроились. Не достигнув убедительного музыкального сходства, они сполна отыгрались в лирике, натыкав повсюду настолько неприкрытые "пасхалки" на Black Sabbath (да и на сольники Оззи), что их качество и количество вызывает небезосновательные подозрения в нехватке фантазии. Сравните хотя бы названия композиций: "Masters of It All" - "Masters Of Reality", "Black Funeral" - "Electric Funeral", "Down into the Earth" - "Down to Earth"... На таком фоне даже "Electric Father" кажется лишь компиляцией из той же "Electric Funeral" и "Sins Of The Father", а "Eyes Behind the Wall" невольно вызывает ассоциации "Junior's Eyes". Ну как тут не попробовать прицепиться к музыке и не попробовать разложить ее на составляющие, выявив все скрытые и явные цитаты из классиков? Но нет, угрюмый козлодемон с обложки сумел вдохновить Orchid на воссоздание практически заброшенного алхимического искусства по смешиванию музыки и черной магии, особенного ощутимого в неспокойных волнах искаженных гармоний венчающей альбом "Albatross". Да и голос вокалиста Тео звучит достаточно мощно и внушительно, дабы заставить немногих уцелевших адептов ретроградно-музыкального оккультизма убедиться в том, что мрачное искусство их кумиров не остается без внимания со стороны молодежи.
Нельзя, однако, сказать, что "Capricorn" является всесторонне замечательным релизом. Уж больно непритязательны его творцы - они даже не пытаются хотя бы симулировать безумные попытки подвинуть "классиков" с занятых ими вершин. А ведь именно эта "иконоборческая" энергия так подкупает во многих рвущихся в бой молодых группах, избравших для следования непопулярные ныне музыкальные тропы. В определенный момент вплотную приблизившись к пустующему престолу королей оккультного рока, Orchid лишь бережно очистили его от пыли, а затем скромно отошли в сторонку. Что ж, остается лишь верить, что во время второй студийной "попытки" американцы будут вести себя смелее. |
And all the blood we spill, our sons who’ve died ten thousand times
Won’t see the eyes behind the wall
Don’t wanna see the eyes behind the wall
Told you from the first time you even tried to crawl
That you were born to save us from ourselves
White sheets and red crosses
Broken skulls and bones
They chose you to deliver us from Hell
And all the love you’ve lost, the dreams you cost a thousand lives
Won’t even start to slow our fall, not this time
And all the blood we spill, our sons who’ve died ten thousand times
Won’t see the eyes behind the wall
Don’t wanna see the eyes behind the wall
Please Mr. Nightmare
Won’t you take it all away?
It’s the nature of existence, the circling of time
A man within his castle sings the songs within his mind
A thousand winking magic stars
A thousand tales to tell
Commanding them with quickness
Sits the wizard in his shell
You move these feelings from the mind into the soul
You guide the madness from the blind
Oh Capricorn
The meeting of the madness
Machines reflecting love
Spiraling in colors down from something held above
The memories of children lost
Their kings they froze in stone
These fools of reconnection try
To sit upon their throne
You move these feelings from the heart into the soul
You guide the madness from the blind
Oh Capricorn
Sitting on borrowed time, yes it’s true
Man in the highest chair says you’re through
Clock on the wall ticks screaming in your mind
Devils stand waiting, laughing, you’ve arrived
Slipping into the grey, stealing your breath away
Hourglass out of sand, Feeling the cold dark hand
Black funeral
Feeling your body fading from your mind
Falling in darkness leaving your life behind
Now is the time you answer for your ways
Living eternal darkness for all days
Slipping into the grey, stealing your breath away
Hourglass out of sand, Feeling the cold dark hand
Black funeral
As your last breath slips into the future
Is it true?
What they said about the prophecies pretending
That they knew
Your energy is slowly slipping
Hands are gripping round your eyes
Who knows where you’ll go when you are ending
Ending all your time
Black funeral
People don’t need the answers
To the questions in their minds
Sleeping in the darkness
Lays a world of mad design
Turning from the truth inside your mind
The deaf unto the call
Marching to the war drums of the dead
The masters of it all
Masters of it all
Kill the future
Masters of it all
Waiting in the shadows
Is the future of the blind
Mother is slowly dying
All that holds us shall soon unwind
Turning from the truth inside your mind
The deaf unto the call
Marching to the war drums of the dead
The masters of it all
Masters of it all
Kill the future
Masters of it all
Kill the future
Waiting for the warning
As we hide away from what we feel inside
Looking for the morning
From the end time we know we cannot hide
Killing all the dreams we hold inside
The masters of it all
Holding on the leper’s hand
The devil’s plan
The masters of it all
Evil men defeated by mankind
Satan’s knights shall leave this world behind
Wizards of destruction set their plan
Escape into the core under this land
They travel on - Down into the Earth
They travel on - Down into the Earth
Building flight machines from cosmic folds
Stellar war technology they stole
Carving through the ice into the Earth
Waffen monsters agonizing birth
They travel on - Down into the Earth
They travel on - Down into the Earth
Down into the darkness their disks of silver glide
Carrying the messengers of doom
Cast out kings of hatred and Aryan royal
Look to find new life within this tomb
Silently they fall into the shadows down below
Looking for a new home for their kind
Working in the darkness, their cities slowly rise
Of steel and subterranean design
Watching and learning, silently burning
Hate and revenge in their minds
Resurrection, thought detection
Science of devil’s design
Waiting, watching
Biding the turn of the days
Gears of destruction silently turning
Rising them up from the grave
Blood it is the soil of the madmen down below
Blood it is the soil of their birth
Burning through their veins as the madness slowly grows
Running Down, running down into the Earth
Down Into the Earth
Gaze of steel and stride of thunder
All that stands comes crashing under
He does wander like a spirit lost
Burning soul for he shall know no other
He walks but nobody sees him
He talks but no one hears his cry, oh no
He who walks alone
Like a shadow moving unseen
Last of his kind endless searching
He shall meet his end upon this Earth
No one left to tell his lonely story
He walks but nobody sees him
He talks but no one hears his cry, oh no
He who walks alone
He is alone in a world that he never can feel
No one to touch to be real, searching in darkness again
All who he sees shall not ever smile into his eyes
No reason to live or to die, he is the last of his kind
He who walks alone
I fall through space and time
Motion I cannot slow
Astral projection through worlds that I have not known
Facing my true self at last I’m locked in my mind
Drowning in visions released in circular time
My eyes wide open, for the first time
The light is falling through the trees
The faces smile at me, colors surround
I am the Cosmonaut of Three
Three is the number who have chosen this night
To step through the doorway
Embracing portals of sight
We cannot know where this strange journey will end
Ingesting cybin our bodies slowly transcend
My eyes wide open, for the first time
The light is falling through the trees
The faces smile at me, colors surround
I am the Cosmonaut of Three
Twisting and turning
Night turns to day
Facing my true self once again
I am the jury
Judgment to hang
Riding the darkness to the end
My eyes wide open, for the first time
The light is falling through the trees
The faces smile at me, colors surround
I am the Cosmonaut of Three
Cosmonaut of Three
No one knows what lies within your brain
Son of greed, construct of worlds of insane
Wires vibrate heartless thoughts that tell you what to do
Watching every moment of the game
It seems those who pray to you are sightless
It seems those who worship you see nothing of your plan
Electric Father
Watching from the sky
Floating in the silence as our freedom slowly dies
Electric Father
Cold collecting eye
Will you still be watching when we’re through?
Watching when there’s nothing left to do
High above your sleepless shadow turns
Synthetic super nova’s fires burn
Secret lives of twisted men
Who tell you what to do
Child of paranoia slowly learns
It seems those who pray to you are sightless
It seems those who worship you see nothing of your plan
Electric Father
Watching from the sky
Floating in the silence as our freedom slowly dies
Electric Father
Cold collecting eye
Will you still be watching when we’re through?
Watching when there’s nothing left to do
You watch with super sonic sight
Your eyes see everywhere
There are no secrets in our lives
Cannot escape your stare
Collecting, detecting
No love within your heart
The bastard son of paranoia
The watcher in the dark
Hears my words
Spinning and counting
Watch everything that I do
Hears my words
Silently listening
Waiting to tell about you
We ran
Into the sky
On silver birds
We built to fly
And We
So very few
Left it behind
For something new
On the world
We knew as home
The fires burned
And water rose
Foolish man
Made dust of sand
Oh Albatross
We fell
Out of the stars
On Martian soil
We tilled our hearts
Four hundred moons
We lived as one
Until Earth's men
Put out the sun
On the world
We knew as home
The fires burned
And water rose
Foolish man
Made dust of sand
Oh Albatross
Waiting out the coldest days on Mars...