 ...создание нового студийника на глазах превращалось в бесконечный скучный сериал. Вместо музыкального инструментария основной звуковой эффект производили демонстративно хлопающие двери. Фронтмен решил добавить перца в сюжет и уехал к своей Team Sleep, устав от препирательств. Остальная часть группы была обречена на написание инструментального альбома, который в итоге был бы никому не нужен. Долгие месяцы отсутствия Чино в студии прозрачно намекали - в этом сценарии роли для него больше нет. Группе конец.
Такие дела творились у "дефов" в 2005 году, когда все катилось в глубокую яму. Кто мог предположить, что через 5 лет черная полоса внезапно закончится и команда вдруг окажется на пике формы? "Diamond Eyes" был декларацией того, что кризис отступил, а "Koi No Yokan" только подтверждает ее серьезность. Но именно в тот мутный период у Стива Карпентера появилась задумка, уже давшая группе новое лицо - взять восьмиструнку и попробовать изобразить из себя Дино Казареса или Фредерика Тордендаля (конечно, в версии "лайт"). Тогда идея легла на полку, но за последние пару лет из стивовских ESP LTD уже выжато море хорошей музыки. Ученик уделал учителей: "Koi No Yokan" без труда побеждает релизы Fear Factory и Meshuggah в номинации "Восьмиструнный грув - 2012", по моей версии. Да, разные группы и полярные жанры, но параллели в стиле саунда провести можно. Однако ж, если у Стива развивается красивый роман со своей новой фавориткой, то упомянутых товарищей хватило только на жестокое истязалово.
Поэтому самые положительные впечатления - по гитарной части. Насколько же смена инструмента преображает Deftones! Ритм сбросил немного пауэр-аккордного жирка, "металлизировался" и стал каким-то... более утонченным. Это серьезно доставило в 2010-м и не менее серьезно доставляет сейчас, хотя близнецами релизы не являются. Активно включившийся в написание и запись гитарных партий Чино повлиял на настроение песен, которое теперь меняется не от одного трека к другому, а по ходу самого трека. "Gauze" тут наиболее показателен - чувство тревожности в куплетах начисто растворяется в припевах, и так почти везде - "Swerve City", "Romantic Dreams", "Graphic Nature", "Leathers"... Да что там перечислять, когда одна песня лучше другой. Пока Карпентер разливал свинца по риффам, Чино и "электронщик" Дельгадо отдавали дань уважения любимым коллективам - скажем, легкая мелодия из
"Swerve City" напомнит о The Cure, а финал "Entombed" - про Depeche Mode. Отстраненность и ненавязчивость некоторых проигрышей отошлют к пост-року. Deftones не так уж просты.
Может быть, без Серджио Веги качества такого уровня группа могла и не достигнуть. Он стал настоящей находкой, взбодрившей творческий процесс, и за это"дефы" постоянно нахваливают его. Но не только в этом дело. Причина, по которой музыканты больше не могут бесконечно кутить и спустя рукава записывать альбомы, в деньгах. Лечение Чи Ченга съело много личных накоплений, а оказаться в студии всей группе одновременно и по-быстрому записать материал оказалось ощутимо дешевле. И полезнее для всех. Когда Чи окончательно поправится и встанет вопрос, кому быть в команде басистом, всем надо будет очень хорошо подумать.
Традиционно Deftones - это музыка инструментов и музыка слов, без всякого посыла миру, кто бы что там не искал. На "Koi No Yokan" тексты все так же отдают полной абстрактностью и даже бессвязностью. Событие, которое могло вдохновить Морено чиркануть пару строк, гарантированно не найдет отражения в тексте. Специфическая манера пения тоже на месте, разве что появилось ощущение, что он стал обращать больше внимания на нужные тональности, чаще подстраиваться под музыку. Всегда бы так, Чино.
С "Diamond Eyes" и его очень удачным последователем нет особого смысла устраивать исторические экскурсы в "дефтоновское" прошлое. Все самое интересное - здесь и сейчас. |
Ohh distant howling out
Forces floating around
She breaks her horses
With strange distant voices
That travel through the air
They travel through the air
2. Romantic Dreams
I process
Your constant changing phases
I watch them
Releasing right on cue
In time, in sync
Tonight the stage is yours
So why wait to discover your dreams?
Now here’s your chance
I promise
To watch and raise your babies
In time, in sync
Tonight the stage is yours
I’m hypnotized by your name
I wish this night would never end
So why wait for the colors to bleed?
What do you expect?
So heartless we march into the fumes
In time, in sync
Tonight the stage is yours
I’m hypnotized by your name
I wish this night would never end
I wish this night
I’m hypnotized by your name
I wish this night would never end
I wish this night
I wish this night wouldn’t end
I wish this night
3. Leathers
This is your chance, revolt, resist!
Open your chest, look down, reach in.
Shed your skin, showing your texture.
Time to let everything inside you
You’re cutting all ties now and forever
Time to let everything outside you
This is your test, come forth, confess! Extend
Your tongue, speak out, go on.
Shed your skin, showing your texture.
Time to let everything inside you
You’re cutting all ties now and forever
Time to let everything outside you
Shed your casing, show your lines and shapes.
Wear your insides, on the outside
Show your enemy, what you look like
What you look like, what you look like
From the inside, from the inside
Cutting all ties now and forever
Time to go
Shed your skin, showing your texture.
Time to let everything inside you
You’re cutting all ties now and forever
Time to let everything outside you
Shed your casing, show your lines and shapes.
Wear your insides, on the outside
Show your enemy, what you look like
What you look like, what you look like
From the inside, from the inside
4. Poltergeist
What can I say?
I think I had enough
I think you keep playing to play
Knowing that I feel sick
C’mon show me
Just say you like to play
This game
Just to drive me wild
I let you pretend
But you know
Truth is that
I love you to death
Like you love this game
This time, there’s a common thread
And so I sit and watch you play it dumb
I’d like to see you play with the odds
On your plate instead
Come on just say it
Just say you like to keep this pace
Just to drive me wild
I let you pretend
But you know
Truth is that
I love you to death
Like you love this game
It keeps me hanging tight
What can I say?
I think your head’s fucked
Go on drive me wild
This time
There’s a constant thing
This time
There’s a common thread
Keep me hanging tight
And it tells me something’s right
What can I say?
I fuckin had enough
I think you just play what you play
Knowing that I feel sick
C’mon just say it
Just say you like to play this game
Cuz it drives me wild
5. Entombed
From the day you arrived
I’ve remained by your side
In chains, entombed
Placed inside
Safe and sound
Shapes and colors are all I see
On the day you arrived
I became your device
To name and soothe
Placed inside
Safe and sound
Shapes and colors are all I see
Shades of colors are all I feel
From the day you arrived
I have stayed by your side
Placed inside
Safe and sound
Shades of colors are all I see
Shapes of colors are all I feel
Placed inside
Safe and sound
Shades of colors are all I see
Safe inside
6. Graphic Nature
Leave your trail open
Let me inside
Cause I’m confused more or less
Shed some light
And tell me your secret
How are you trained?
I promise you I can keep it
Go on, explain
Tell me how you do it now
Your poison is glowing
Against the night
How can you lose
Just show them tricks we like
I’m aware of the demons
That you’ve tucked away
I like to watch you release them
Go on and say
Tell me how you do it
Every time it takes my knees out
Every time you do it
I’m surprised, surprised
So go!
Show your strings, your wires
Check the lights
Provide me clues just go ahead
And break your silence
And tell me your secret
Can I watch you change?
Although I’d like to believe it
Go on explain
Tell me how you do it
Every time it takes my knees out
Every time you do it
I’m on fire
Tell me how you do it
Every time it takes my knees out
Every time you do it
I’m surprised
How the fuck you do it?
Every time you take my knees out
Yeah every time you do it
I’m on fire, fire
I’m on fire, fire
I’m on fire
7. Tempest
Take out the stories
They've put into your mind
And brace for the glory
As you stare into the sky, the sky
Beneath I know you can't be tired
Lay there
Stare at the ceiling
And switch back to your time
Just go ahead
Now try and taste it
I know it should be ripe
Turning in circles, been caught in a stasis
The ancient arrival cut to the end
I'd like to be taken apart from the inside
Then spit through the cycle right to the end
I wonder just how you shaped it to get back to your prize
Turning in circles, been caught in a stasis
The ancient arrival cut to the end
I'd like to be taken apart from the inside
Then spit through the cycle right to the end
Wake for the glory
I know you can't be tired
Turning in circles, been caught in a stasis
The ancient arrival cut to the end
I'd like you to take me apart from the inside
Then spit through the cycle right to the end
Turning in circles, been caught in a stasis
The ancient arrival cut to the end
I'd like you to take me apart from the inside
Right to the end
8. Gauze
It’s a mistake but go ahead, take a side
But watch how you choose
I’ll be heading for a ride
Cause I, I just don’t know about you
I can’t stop what you began
I can’t fight for what you began
You’ve opened the gates
Now face the other side
Just go up, it’s cool
Now head into the fire
I, I just don’t know if I could
I can’t stop what you began
I can’t fight for what you began
I know what’s inside
For you to gain
Switch on your game
Stop wasting all your time
Cause surprise, it’s you
Who fakes what is inside
But I, I have known about you
I can’t stop what you began
I can’t fight for what you began
I know what’s inside
I know what you think
I can’t stop what you began
9. Rosemary
There's no sound
But the engine's drone
Our minds set free
To roam
Time shifting
We discover the entry
To other planes
Our minds bend
And our fingers fold
Entwined, we dream
I know
Time shifting
We discover the entry
To other planes
Stay with me
As we cross the empty skies
Come sail with me
We slow down
As the engines stall
Our eyes catch sea
Time shifting
We discover the entry
To other planes
Time shifting
As we collide with the energy
In other worlds
Stay with me
As we cross the empty skies
Come sail with me
We play in dreams
As we cross the space and time
Just stay with me
10. Goon Squad
I crossed my name across your town
When I say
And I can stop before the trains begin
I’ve spent my time perfecting waves of conscience
Cut in a heart of a saint, shit has gone wrong, wrong
I’m playing it to stop myself
I know it is what it is, your sweat
I see the cross but I forget the conscience
And so many I wash the kingdoms across
I’m playing it to stop myself
I know it is what it is, your sweat
I’m praying he could revive my friends
So are you ready?
There’s time for you
To sing the deal
Fore we get down you should prepare your arm strength
To cut those hands, we watch those players get down
I’m playing it to stop myself
I know it is what it is, your sweat
I’m praying he could revive my friends
So are you ready?
Tis I, special for you, my angel
Tis I, special for you, my angel
Tis I, special for you, my angel
One last thing should be read across town
I couldn’t stop, let the kid be gone
I’m playing it to stop myself
I know it is what it is, your sweat
I’m praying he could revive my friends
Are you ready?
Are you ready?
Are you ready?
Are you ready?
Are you ready?
Tis I, special for you, my angel
Tis I, special for you, my angel
Tis I, special for you, my angel
Tis I, special for you, my angel
11. What Happened To You?
In the winds of your cape
I’ve sailed with you
From the shore to the gates
We sway
We’re alive somewhere else
Far ahead of our time
In a game of display we break in two
We perform the hornets escape
We’re alive somewhere else
Still asleep someplace new
We’re ahead of our time
Floating through
The sky is falling down
This night belongs to you
Forty years in the winds
I’ve played with you.
For the rest of our days
I’ll remain
The sky is falling down
The night is calling you
A star is burning out
The sky belongs to you
We’re alive somewhere else
Still asleep someplace new
Far ahead of our time
Floating through