Yngwie J. Malmsteen's Rising Force
« War to End All Wars »
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1 | Prophet of Doom
 | 2 | Crucify
 | 3 | Bad Reputation
 | 4 | Catch 22
 | 5 | Masquerade
 | 6 | Molto Arpeggiosa [Instrumental]
 | 7 | Miracle of Life
 | 8 | Wizard
 | 9 | Preludium [Instrumental]
 | 10 | Wild One
 | 11 | Tarot
 | 12 | Instru-Mental Institution [Instrumental]
 | 13 | War to End All Wars
 | 14 | Treasure from the East [*]
 | 15 | Requiem [*] |
   Mark Boals - vocals
Yngwie Malmsteen - guitars, bass
Mats Olausson - keyboards
John Macaluso - drums |
 | 1. Prophet Of Doom
Run, Run Run for your lives
Swiftly take cover
We're paying the price
The Sun, The Sun
The Sun is falling down
I can hear the people cry
I feel it, I see it
The End is drawing near
No one can stop what has begun
Prophet of Doom, The End is coming soon
Hear t |
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 Шестой альбом Rising Force. После выпуска предыдущей работы («Alchemy» 1999) из группы ушёл басист Барри Данэуэй, и поэтому его обязанности взял на себя сам Мальмстин. Прямо как в старые добрые времена. Сразу скажу о главном недостатке альбома – звук. Действительно, я удивляюсь, как великий маэстро позволил ТАК звучать своему альбому. Размытый, нечёткий, очень шумный звук. Но об этом минусе забываешь уже песне на второй. Ибо материал, представленный на диске, поразил меня до глубины души. Я, если честно, не ожидал, что этот альбом стопроцентно хитовый! Меня зацепили абсолютно все треки, а всё потому, что здесь доминируют боевики, и они по-настоящему пробивные и мелодичные. В особенности, мне понравились такие вещи, как открывающая «Prophet оf Doom» с великолепным соло, скоростная «Crucify», мощная «Catch 22», обладающая прикольным риффом «Masquerade», техничная «Molto Arpeggiosa», свободная «The Wizard», классическая «Instrumental Institution» и заглавная пробивная вещица «War to End All Wars». Все боевики похожи по своему драйву, классной мелодике, но они почему-то меня очень дико зацепили. Как всё-таки бывает приятно, когда ничего не ждёшь от альбома, а получаешь просто убийственную работу! Конечно, многие фанаты раннего Ингви меня бы сейчас расстреляли с радостью, но я скажу следующее – для меня эта работа отныне равносильна таким шедеврам, как «Rising Force», «Odyssey» и «The Seventh Sign». Классно, одним словом! |
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Последний гигант нео-классики, вечно молодой шведский гитарист, неутомимый шлифовщик грифа возродился в 2001 году, словно Феникс из пепла, и показал всему гитарному миру, что на нем рано ставить крест. Альбом получился просто замечательный - Ингви рекрутировал для его записи своих старых соратников Марка Боулза и Матса Олаусона и виртуозного барабанщика Джона Макалузо. Как результат, ни одной надоедливой песни, ни одного заезженного соло. Остается удивляться, откуда у Мальмстина берутся новые идеи. Самое главное достоинство альбома - нестандартная структура композиций, все они словно построены на импровизации, но, в то же время, отличаются прекрасными мелодиями. Трудно выделить какую-то одну песню, все по-своему хороши. На фоне нео-классических композиций выделяется блюзовая «Black Sheep of the Family». Пусть звук немного сыроват (отличительная особенность всех альбомов Ингви Мальмстина), это только добавляет шарма. Разумеется, швед и его гитарные соло во всех композициях главные действующие лица. Может, поэтому он и привлек к записи не самого лучшего певца, а партии бас-гитары в очередной раз исполнил сам, но это лишь мелкие шероховатости на фоне отличной работы. |
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Великий шведский гитарист произвел очередное свое творение под маркой своей старой группы Rising Force. Кто слышал Rising Force аутентичный, записавший великие диски в 1984-85 гг., тот поймет, насколько все стало хуже. Когда-то в игре Ингви была Душа, а в музыке - прекрасная Мелодия. ничего этого в новом альбоме мне не встретилось. Хотя есть, конечно, несколько хороших вещей, их почти половина диска - это заглавная песня (почему-то 13-м номером), "Prophet Of Doom", "Masquerade", "Tarot", "Bad Reputation", "Crucify"...и неплохи все 3 инструменталки. Поет еще Марк Боалс, получается традиционно хорошо. Но альбом производит впечатление однообразности и затянутости (по сравнению хотя бы с прошлогодним "Alchemy", где по крайней мере 2 вещи были абсолютно хитовыми номерами; я уж не говорю об альбомах 80-х). По правде говоря, после невероятного по красоте и вдохновению классического инструментального альбома 1998 г. я поверила, что у маэстро Мальмстина открылось второе дыхание. Но новый альбом явился скорее разочарованием, чем подтверждением моего оптимизма. |
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просмотров: 17648 |
Of doom, of doom, of doom
Of doom, of doom, of doom
Time, Time
There is no Time
To make it right
To see the light
Lies, Lies
Those were all lies
So now we are fighting
Yes, we must fight
The earth is quaking
We are shaking
The End is drawing near
No One can pray
And make it go away
You feel it
You see it
The End is drawing New
No one can stop what has begun
Prophet of Doom
Hear the Thunder, Thor's wonder,
Of doom, of doom, of doom
Of doom, of doom, of doom
The earth is quaking
We are shaking
The End is drawing near
No One can pray
And make it go away
You feel it
You see it
The End is drawing New
No one can stop what has begun
Prophet of Doom, The End is coming soon
Hear the Thunder, Thor's wonder,
Of doom, of doom, of doom
Of doom, of doom, of doom
2. Crucify
You really think
That you are clever
But you are quite insane
In Hell your soul
Will burn forever
Bringing Eternal Pain
You tried to
Crucify me
I know you
Will never see
Crucify me
Crucify me
Crucify me
Crucify me
Crucify me
Crucify me
I'll pot and end
to your blood letting
I'll sieze your evil reign
You'll have no more
Money Netting
The loser must be slain
You tried to
Crucify me
I know you
Will never see
Crucify me
Crucify me
Crucify me
Crucify me
Crucify me
Crucify me
3. Bad Reputation
Well, you must reap
What you have sown
You're into deep
You're standing alone
What you have done
Can't be undone
Hear what they say
They're talking about you
It's time to pay
Pay for your dues
You must be strong
You know they are wrong
Enduring Lies
They will die like flies
Wheather the storm
Always, above the norm
Just listen to them
You've got a bad reputation
Bad reputation
You've got a bad reputation
They're quick to judge
And they drew first blood
They held a grudge
And dragged your name through the mud
What they have done
Can't be undone
You sleep with the devil
They say you've been had
You're living in peril
They say you've gon mad
They're looking at you
You've got a bad reputation
Bad reputation
You've got a bad reputation
Bad reputation
Hit me with your best shot
Just do your worst
But Ha, I've got the jackpot Baby
And I'll always be first
You've got a bad reputation
Bad reputation
You've got a bad reputation
Bad reputation
4. Catch 22
Well You're damned if you do
You're damned if you don't
Catch 22
You're so Very close, Yet so far
You gave your best shot
Still no cigar
Working your fingers down to the bone
Running with sinners, your life's just on loan
Catch 22
They say you can
They say that you can't
Catch 22
The Limits the sky
But they lock you inside
You're livin' a lie
You'll never know why
Workin' your fingers down to the bone
Running with sinners, your life's just a loan
Catch 22
Catch 22
You think you will win
But you always lose
Catch 22
They think they're so strong
They think they are so wise
You know they are wrong
They tread on thin ice
Working your fingers down to the bone
Running with sinners
Your life is just a loan
Catch 22
Catch 22
You think you will win, but you always lose
Catch 22
They think thet are so strong
They think they are so wise
You know they are wrong
They tread on thin ice
Workin' you fingers, down to the bone
Running with Sinners, Your life is just a loan
Catch 22
Catch 22
5. Masquerade
You never show yourself
You're living in disguise
You keep on runnin'
And you'll run until you die
Someday you'll realize
You made a great mistake
The devil in your eyes
You're just a big fat fake
Break down the falls
Drop the false facade
Always in Disguise
In the mask you made
Tryin' to hide your eyes
In the Masquerade
You can't be running around
Hiding behind your mask
You can't be shooting straight
Is that too much to ask
You played me for a fool
But thefool was always you
You tried to be so cool
But it was never true
Break down the falls
Drop the false facade
Always in Disguise
In the mask you made
Tryin' to hide your eyes
In the Masquerade
Break down the falls
Drop the false facade
Always in Disguise
In the mask you made
Tryin' to hide your eyes
In the Masquerade
6. Molto Arpeggioso
7. Miracle Of Life
I was old
When I was born
I was feeling cold
And my soul was torn
I walked alone
In solitude and sorrow
I've been shown
I can see tomorrow
Then I found you
And we were one
A new life found
A new life found
It's a miracle of life
My life has been
A journey full of hop
And all I've seen
Is the end of my rope
We'll I have lost
And I have won
Counting the cost
My Faith was never gone
Then I found you
And we were one
A new life found
A new life found
It's a miracle of life
I've made the sacrifice
Lord knows I paid the price
A Miracle of life
I always had a dream
But it's never what it seems
A miracle of life
So it is time
We were meant to be
Always with you
Always with me
Then I found you
And we were one
A new life found
A new life found
It's a miracle of life
Then I found you
And we were one
A new life found
A new life found
It's a miracle of life
8. Wizard
Climb up the mountain
That reaches the sky
Up there's a tower
A thousand miles high
There you must tresspass
Escaping His knights
In there dwells the Wizard
His breath like a blizzard
Ancient incantation
Evil revelations
For thousands of years
They have been searching for him high and low
The Wizard is here only to disappear
He hides from the world
In through the dungeons
Weapons are drawn
Passage in hiding
Dead before dawn
Master of witchcraft
Friend of the beast
Wisdom through tempest from the East
In there dwells the Wizard
His face like a lizzard
Ancient incantations
Evil revelations
For thousands of years
They have been searching for him high and low
The Wizard is here only to bring you fear
He hides from the world
For thousands of years
They have been searching for him high and low
The Wizard is here only to bring you fear
He hides from the world
The Wizard
9. Preludium
10. Wild One
Once upon a time
When I was younger
On a hellride without brakes
Nothing in the world
Could still my hunger
No matter what the stakes
I was the viking
I saw the light
The force was rising
Shining bright
I was the soldier without faith
The Black Star's glowing rage
Running wild
I was the wild one
Not a man, just a child
Running wild
I was the wild one
Wild, Wild, Wild one
Not a man, just a child
Running wild
Things were simple then
I had no worries
Never stopping for red lights
Invincible in mind
Speeding through lide
Just another barfight
I was the viking
I saw the light
The force was rising
Shining bright
I was the soldier without faith
The Black Star's glowing rage
Running wild
I was the wild one
Not a man, just a child
Running wild
I was the wild one
Wild, Wild, Wild one
Not a man, just a child
Running wild
I was the wild one
Wild, Wild, Wild one
Not a man, just a child
Running wild
I was the wild one
Wild, Wild, Wild one
Not a man, just a child
Running wild
11. Tarot
I don't know for sure
But I've been told
I have lived before
And I'll live again
In a distant land
In the Spirit Realm
Not as the Heathen in the North
Is there a crystal ball
To enlighten me
Anythin at all
to make me see
What the future holds
What has been before
Like the seer from the East
Not as the Heathen from the North
Like the seer from the East
Not as the Heathen from the North
12. Instrumental Institution
13. War To End All Wars
I'm ready for battle
I'm ready for war
Slaughtered like cattle
You Sons of Babylon's Whore
In a matter of time
Titans will clash
To put an end to your lies
And the world turns to ash
I must use The Force
In the War to End All Wars
War to End All Wars
There is no castle
I can't bring down
You will die faster
You fucking clown
In our complication
Someone must bend
My justification will come in the End
I must end this madness
I must use The Force
I must cure this sadness
In the War to End All Wars
I must use The Force
In the War to End All Wars
War to End All Wars
War to End All Wars
I must end this madness
I must use The Force
I must cure this sadness
In the War to End All Wars
I must use The Force
In the War to End All Wars
War to End All Wars
War to End All Wars
14. Black Sheep Of The Family
I walked down
That lonely road of life
Got my fair shar
Seen a differnt light
Well I tried so hard
So don't you know I'll always be
The black sheep of the family
Don't you know I'll always be
The black sheep of the family
Alright, I've got this car
It's shiny and black
So don't fuck with it
Or I'll attack
And if it weren't for bad luck, man
I wouldn't have no luck at all
No, no luck at all
So don't you know I'll always be
The black sheep of the family
Don't you know I'll always be
The black sheep of the family
So don't you know I'll always be
The black sheep of the family
Don't you know I'll always be
The black sheep of the family