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Îñíîâíîé ñòèëü
Äîáàâèòü â TOP10

La dispute

« Wildlife »

La dispute "Wildlife" Ãîä



CD Album

Post Hard Core

N Íàçâàíèå
1A Departure 3:32
2Harder Harmonies 3:35
3St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church Blues 3:46
4Edit Your Hometown 2:55
5A Letter 3:49
6Safer in the Forest/Love Song for Poor Michigan 4:36
7The Most Beautiful Bitter Fruit 3:55
8A Poem 2:59
9King Park 6:54
10Edward Benz, 27 Times 5:45
11I See Everything 3:37
12A Broken Jar 2:19
13All Our Bruised Bodies and the Whole Heart Shrinks 5:04
14You and I in Unison 4:56
Total playing time: 57:50
Ñîñòàâ ãðóïïû->
Jordan Dreyer – lead vocals, lyrics, percussions
Chad Sterenburg – guitar, synthesizer, percussions
Adam Vass – bass, field recordings
Kevin Whittemore – guitar, backing vocals
Brad Vander Lugt – drums, percussions, keyboards
No Sleep Records

Additional Liner Notes
Adam Vass - Album artwork and layout:
Andrew Everding, Joseph Pedulla, and La Dispute - Production
Joseph Pedulla and Andrew Everding - Engineers
Keith Parry - Assistant Engineer
Joseph Pedulla - Mix Engineer
Ricardo Gutierrez - Mastering Engineer
Òåêñòû ïåñåí
1. A Departure

To scratched out, for everything.
Night fell on me writing this and I ran out of paper so I crossed the name out at the top of the page. Not sure why I'm even writing this. But I guess it feels right. It sort of feels like I have to-like an exorcism.

I guess that makes me souÑêðûòü/ïîêàçàòü


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ïðîñìîòðîâ: 2779    


1997-2025 © Russian Darkside e-Zine.   Åñëè âû íàøëè íà ýòîé ñòðàíèöå îøèáêó èëè åñòü êîììåíòàðèè è ïîæåëàíèÿ, òî ñîîáùèòå íàì îá ýòîì