 После записи "Red Sky" в 2003, музыканты приступили к их эпохальному детищу под названием «Vox in Excelso»(«Голос свыше»). Как можно понять из названия, здесь нас ждёт нечто завязанное на христианском вероисповедании — так и есть. Этот концептуальный альбом основывается на романе Дэна Брауна «Код да Винчи». История и тексты — это тема отдельной рецензии и обсуждения литературоведческих особенностей той или иной композиции и отношения их к роману, но нас ведь здесь интересует в большей степени музыкальная составляющая. не так ли?
Посему конкретно о материале: что, если смешать лучшие традиции эпик-металла, помпезные черты европейского пауэра, добавить горсть прог-рока, мелодик-рока и присыпать обилием клавишных пассажей? Мы получим альбом «Vox in Excelso». Из песни в песню следует повествование, которое любезно нам рассказывает "закадровый" рассказчик голосом женщины не преклонного возраста, но уже близкого к тому. Этой нитью прошиты все песни, рассказ продолжается из композиции в композицию, только уже в музыкальном окрасе. Эта рок-опера вызывает восхищение композиторским мастерством музыкантов — они сумели создать 12 абсолютно разных песен, но при этом в каждой из них мы можем услышать мотивы заключающих композиций, которые будто бы вбирают все эти куски, соединяя их в одно, целостное произведение. Техника музыкантов также на высоте: все инструменты играют слаженно, дополняя друг друга, риффы и проигрыши сыграны далеко не тривиально и в рамках жанра могут дать фору доброй половине прог-рокеров и хэви-металлистов. Клавишные, которыми пропитан весь альбом, здесь нередко солируют наравне с гитарными партиями, вместе и по отдельности. Всё это вместе создаёт впечатление некой "борьбы за первенство" лидирующего инструмента и также соединяет плотный гитарный звук с лирическими и возвышенными мотивами, придаёт должной мелодики и живости.
Альбом длиною в час и 12 минут не отпускает на протяжении всего прослушивания. В каждой песне слышится новый мотив, с первых же секунд завораживающий и завлекающий вплоть до конца. Здесь есть вполне среднетемповые и лиричные вещи вроде «Exile», «Vox in Exelo»; мощные, скоростные и драйвовые — «The Order», коя, наверно, самая "тяжёлая" вещь на альбоме, «The Power & The Glory»; эпик — «Mary», «Where Was Their God?», «Priory of Zion»; мрачные, полу-думовые вещи — «Chain Reaction» и, что интересно, тут есть эдакий "антракт" в середине альбома, как бы дающий слушателю перевести дух — это некая new wave композиция, почти без слов, нечто в духе Era, Enigma — «Vive Dieu... Saint Amour».
В заключение хочу отметить, что этот альбом рекомендован всем любителям AOR, melodic hard rock'a и даже металлистам, кому не безразлична эпическая, некая помпезная составляющая в музыке. Здесь они найдут то, что ищут. |
I know you have been waiting,
So long -so out of sight
I know your heart is breaking
Mary please,
Meet me in midnight
Reach out -I know your lonely,
Mary believe when I say,
Reach out - Mary I'm only,
A heartbeat away…
Close your eyes - I will be there.
I don't care if it rains all year,
We'll be a thousand miles from here,
I don't care if our love's on trial,
Heaven knows when angels smile…
I don't care if our love's on trial,
Heaven knows when angels smile…
Meet me tonight.
3. Exile
When their journy began it was so close to dawn
Moonlight was still in the skies
So nobody knew and no-one could see
The sorrow yet love in their eyes
Maybe they hoped or maybe they prayed
That someday their people would learn
The truth of their lives and escape to the west
From where they could never return
In the heat of the day and the cold of the night
No-one was counting the cost
Of so many roads and so many miles
And so many wounds from the cross
Two lonely souls on a journey for life
Living their dream to be free
Did guidance divine lead them to where
The mountains reach down to the sea ?
In those days when our nations were young
No-one could surely have known
How the lives of two people in love
Could be shrouded in tears for two thousand years
And all for a place to call home
They had to be strong in so many ways
Dividing the truth from the lies
To some they were strangers journeying west
But some saw the light in their eyes
Icons appeared at the places they stayed
Statues of of mother and child
Love had shone through in a world full of hate
When a young face of innocence smiled ...
In those days when our nations were young
No-one could surely have known
How the lives of two people in love
Could be shrouded in tears for two thousand years
And all for a place to call home
In those days when our nations were young
No-one could surely have known
How the lives of two people in love
Could be shrouded in tears for two thousand years
And all for a place to call home
And all for a place to call home.
4. The Order
You are the order,
The bringer and keeper and peace,
Friends of the pilgrims,
Whose dreams live here in the east.
White is your mantle, and red the cross that you bear, Brothers forever, guarding the secrets you share. here in the Shadows, or hiding your face in the crowd, watching and Waiting, silent yet noble and proud.
Eyes of a stranger,
With only a second to know,
Whether your seeing,
The face of a friend or a foe?
Though you're alone in the eyes of the old, they will atone for The lies they told,
Destiny has called your name,
With the sword you live to fight,
For the lord you holy knights.
You are the order, bearing the sign of the cross,
Fighting for freedom, before the freedom is lost.
Heaven is watching,
Praying your valour is true, friend of the pilgrims,
So much depending on you.
Though you're alone in the eyes
Of the old,
The hand of god has touched your soul,
Destiny has brought you here,
Let your faces see the light,
Let your voices touch the sky.
Though you're alone in the eyes
Of the old, they will atone for the lies they
Told, destiny has called your name, let your faces see the Light, let your voices touch the sky. with the sword you live to Fight,
For the lord you holy knights.
5. Militum Christi (instrumental)
6. Mary
Special day…special story,
I believe all that I saw…the glory,
When she came, a figure from the past,
Mary the fallen child…free again,
Free and running wild.
We all saw the vision with tears in our eyes
A beautiful woman, no angel in disguise!
She spoke of her memories with happiness and pain,
We asked where her home was, and she said, "Magdalene".
Mary let me try just another day with you,
Mary tell me why you always denied the truth?
She told us the answers.. she laughed when we cried,
Her words and her stories just made us sad inside,
She gave us the reasons for things we ought to know,
All locked in the secrets that we lost long ago.
Mary let me try just another night with you,
Mary tell me why you always denied the truth?
…You need loving too.
Spread the word. But keep the secret,
Turn the key deep in to your heart…but don't forget,
Count the years, the hours and the days,
Follow her guiding hand…
Reaching out…then we'll understand.
Through the cold days of winter,
Through the warm passing of spring…think of her,
Then hold your breath when mid-sommer comes,
Mary the fallen child may return
…free and running wild!
Fighting for the pilgrims.
Who never know our name,
Every day the danger,
Every day the same,
But we have something special,
Something deep inside,
Mary is our future,
Mary is our guide…
Now I know she is with me.
Every step I take,
Watching from the shadows.
Every move I make,
Mary if you hear me,
Heed the Templars cry,
Every since I met you,
I get lonely in the night….
Mary do you know just much you mean to me?
And how can I show the whole of the worlds you're free?
All my life will remain just a memory of you,
Mary Magdalene…you can't deny
…the tears that you cry,
No you'll never deny the truth
…you need loving too.
7. Vive Dieu... Saint Amour
Be on guard…the devil is at work.
Vive dieu…Saint Amour…
Remember the words and the tones,
The tree of life,
The sword and the stones.
Prieure de Sion,
Protect the tree of life,
Prieure de Sion,
Vive dieu…Saint Amour…
Heed the vow upon the sacred elm,
Protect his blood.
The line into his realm.
Vive dieu…Saint Amour…
8. The Power & The Glory
Time could not enslave,
The holy and brave,
Knight of the lord.
Men destined to be,
Soldiers supreme,
Bible and sword.
No castle of stone,
Kingdom of throne,
Stood in the way,
The favors were sold.
Pieces of gold.
Fortune of kings/
But when constracts are made,
Debt must be paid…or
Vultures will sigh,
So the order was news
For Christians and Jews.
Sultan and slaves.
Legend or lies,
Truth or disguise,
Ever their story was told,
Of knights who were free,
To prosper and see,
Power and glory unfold,
From secrets they never sold.
While burning the flame,
Fortune and frame,
Came hand in hand.
From so close to home,
And emperors of Rome,
To the holy land
So more debts were raised,
More interest paid,
With every Crusade.
9. Chain Reaction
Open your eyes, what do you see?
Such a surprise, The devil in me?
Taking my time, your bound to please,
Now what your mine do you believe…
No one will ever break these chains,
Now that your masters at the reins,
No more fun and games!
Body ad soul, leather and steel.
Under control, How does it feel?
Maybe it’s cruel to treat you this way,
But I make the rules, I’ll make you pay…
No one will ever break these chains,
Freedom is lost when Hell restrains,
Watch me fan the flames!
Now your in my hands,
You will bow to me.
Do you understand?
All the world can see…
No one will ever break these chains,
Now that your masters at the reins,
Freedom is lost when Hell restrains,
So…no one will ever break these chains!
10. Vox In Excelso
Long lost days
I remember so well
Evil ways
Caught within your spell
Pilgrim friends
Is there sadness or shame
As your reign ends
With a signing of a name ?
Though they say
You're the guardians of truth
Night from day
Do demons dance with you ?
Will we yearn
Your death as a loss ?
Questions burn
Every time I see the cross ...
Oh Lord what have I done ?
How will time remember me ?
Only as ice in the sun
Fading like an enemy ... on the run
Long lost days
For you saviours of kings
No refrain
Lies waiting in the wings
Signed and sealed
There's no turning the tide
Still I feel
Guilty deep inside
Oh Lord what have I done ?
How will time remember me ?
Only as ice in the sun
Fading like an enemy ... on the run
11. Where Was Their God?
You will never find us,
Or the treasure that you seek,
Brothers who escaped you,
Are forever out of reach,
You will never capture,
The knowledge that they hold,
Never kill the spirit in their soul.
When I die tomorrow,
Nothing dies with me,
Secrets of our order,
Nor stones of destiny,
Still I feel the sorrow,
For the many knights who died,
Slain beneath the evil of your lies!
So where was their God?
So many men yet so alone,
If life was fair God,
They could've been going home…
Phillip - King of diamonds,
And 'Puppet Pope' in hand,
How you both have fallen,
For the weakness of man.
Greed will be your witness,
When judgement day arrives,
Standing like a shadow by your sides
Where was their
Curse you both forever!
I challenge you to stand,
True before you maker,
Trial of God and Man,
Will you dare to honour,
Those souls who served you well,
Before you take that lonely road to hell?
So where was their God?
So many men yet so alone,
If life was fair God,
They could've been going home…
12. Priory of Zion
Who could have ever believed
How the worm would turn?
Who could have ever conceived,
How their world would burn away?
How did the knowledge survive,
In their hearts and minds?
Keeping the secret alive.
There for us to find…today.
Living through a thousand years,
Just waiting for a sign,
Everyday a thousand years,
Upon the sands of time…maybe yours and mine?
Destiny answered a call,
With that first crusade,
Watching Jerusalem fallб
Careful plans were laid…for him.
There in the temple of light,
Safe from sight or sound,
Under the shadow of night,
Final proof was found…for Him.
So upon that holy hill,
They took the sacred vow,
Now a thousand years and still,
Zion "lives" somehow…
They gave us hope, they gave us truth,
Now it's up to you and me,
How we live with our belief,
And what we chose to see,
In the secrets they have told,
How the passion burns!
Will we all rejoice as one,
When a royal king returns…?
Secret ways…cloak and veil,
Holy blood…Holy grail,
Sands of time…hold the key,
Kingdom come…for all to see.
Living through a thousand years,
Just waiting for a sign/
Everyday a thousand tears,
Upon the sands of time…