« Shogunate Macabre »
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1 | Jikininki 05:10
 | 2 | Hold the Sword 05:22
 | 3 | Fallen Amaterasu 05:08
 | 4 | One Man's Burden 04:22
 | 5 | Kappa 05:11
 | 6 | Lady of the Wind 06:46
 | 7 | Unrestrained 03:20
 | 8 | Upon My Honor 10:00 |
   Jouni Valjakka - Guitars, Vocals (lead), Choir of wounded samurais (6)
Pyrypekka "Pepe" Ruponen - Guitars, Vocals (backing), Choir of wounded samurais (6)
Mikko Mattila - Bass, Vocals (backing)
Jussi Kallava - Drums, Vocals (backing)
Risto Kupiainen - Synths (additional) (5, 6)
Petteri Lehikoinen - Choir (1, 2, 3, 4, 8)
Anna Maria Parkkinen - Choir (1, 2, 3, 4, 8)
Juha Lehtimäki - Choir of wounded samurais (6)
Valtteri Arvaja - Choir of wounded samurais (6)
Rudolf Westerholm - Choir of wounded samurais (6)
Vili Itäpelto - Synths (additional) (5, 6)
Mikko Mattila - Last guitar solo (7)
Perttu Vänskä - Orchestration, Koto Programming
Alexa Leroux - Vocals (female) (6), Choir (1, 2, 3, 4, 8)
Tuomas Yli-Jaskari - Vocals (clean) (7)
Eero Lehtimäki - Saxophone solo (5)
Ari Sievälä - Vocals (clean) (7), Choir (1, 2, 3, 4, 8)
Jussi Kallava - Vocals (clean) (7)
Jonathan Hutchings - Narration (2, 4, 8)
Jukio Kallio - Japanese intro speech (1)
Jouni Valjakka - Shogun commanding the warriors (2) |
ToK Artwork
Onni Kinnunen Photography
Jouni Valjakka Songwriting, Lyrics
Tuomas Yli-Jaskari Producer, Recording
Perttu Vänskä Arranger, Songwriting (additional)
Fredrik Nordström Mixing
Mika "kabukimetal" Jussila Mastering
Recorded at Redhouse FMP Studios.
Mixed at Studio Fredman.
Mastered at Finnvox Studios.
A music video was made for 'Jikininki'. |
 | They rose from the night ; shouldn't ever been born
Ghouls from the lives that ended so torn
Cursed for the decayed souls they once had
Dishonored warriors no eyes can be laid..
Upon these times of fear and hate
The shadows twisted form on the walls
Upon these times of sin and retributions  |
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 Финны - известные поставщики музыкальной "клюквы" на рынок. Когда-то Hanoi Rocks посредством музыки пересказали едва ли не все расхожие штампы и стереотипы об американском глэм-роке, и New York Dolls в частности. Затем пришло время электронной музыки - кто-то изображал из себя заядлых клабберов, кто-то старался воссоздать атмосферу транс-вечеринок пляжей Гоа и Израиля, не выбираясь при этом за пределы родного болота/озера. Затем акценты вновь сместились в сторону рока... Была тут и суровая российская клюква от KYPCK, теперь пришло время Whispered, изображающих то, как должна выглядеть в представлении европейца коренная японская металл-группа.
Надо заметить, что несмотря на все негативные оттенки, кои впитало в себя само понятие клюквенности, у уроженцев Суоми на этой ниве рождаются весьма талантливые, самобытные и, надеюсь, не обидные (с точки зрения "изображаемых" стран) коллективы. У наших героев, к тому же, выход второго студийника (случайно??) совпал с появлением на экранах кинотеатров "47 ронинов", и многие сюжеты альбома вполне соответствуют отдельным эпизодам картины - можно сказать, у "Shogunate Macabre", точнее, определенной его части, и красочный видеоряд появился. Ну, о достоинствах и недостатках фильма рассуждать здесь ни к чему, но вот реакция на актуальный релиз Whispered, смею надеяться, должна быть куда более однородной, чем та, что вызывали "ронины", причем преимущественно позитивной.
Сам по себе "Shogunate Macabre" относится ко все той же заполонившей музыкальные просторы финской мелодик-дэтовой порнографии, которую на словах почти все ненавидят, но почти все их этих почти всех хоть что-нибудь подобное, да и слушают. И с огромным удовольствием. Конкретно в этом творении могут найти что-то близкое для себя поклонники таких коллективов, как Omnium Gatherum, Wintersun и Kalmah. Впрочем, и знатоки Ensiferum не уйдут обиженными - послушайте хотя бы "Hold the Sword". Есть тут и элементы симфонического дэта, но "решают", конечно же, фольклорные мотивы с самурайским уклоном. Повсеместны мелодии японской цитры - кото, чуть более редки флейта - хаяси и барабан - цудзуми. Даже жаль, что звуки этих инструментов сплошь синтезированные, вбитые на компьютере - но и мое почтение таланту "программиста", проделавшего настолько тонкую работу (а именно - Perttu Vänskä). Из иных необычностей - соло на саксофоне в "Kappa". Кое-кто усмотрел в нем отсылку к творчеству небезызвестных Sigh... Что ж, возможно, такая дань уважения другой самобытной, и на сей раз уж стопроцентно японской группе, действительно присутствует.
Можно много говорить о том, как тщательно подана вся патетика альбома, производящая самое "правильное" из возможных впечатление и пробуждающая яростное желание схватить катану и отправиться рубить головы проклятым гюки и Они. Но... к дьяволу пафос, лучше вслушаемся повнимательней в музыку! Она не просто сложна - по-настоящему многогранна, со множеством бережно совмещенных друг с другом инструментальных "слоев", с действительно чувственной подачей, когда даже смена ритма перестает быть обычным композиторским приемом - ведь с ней меняются и настроение, и эмоциональный посыл, да и сама энергетика песни меняет порою знак на прямо противоположный. Это классно, от подобного действительно захватывает дух, и я готов молиться всем существующим ками, чтобы таких альбомов было как можно больше.
И да, сколь бы крутыми ни были две открывающих это действо композиции, почти все сокровища, на мой взгляд, зарыты тут ближе к концу пути - в "Upon My Honor" и абсолютно фантастической "Lady of the Wind". |
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просмотров: 9424 |
The spirits will march in the night
Wretched spirits in the night
Despair forms a darkness solid on a torn empire
Spectres roam all around the land
Beings unspoken gathered here from afar
No redemption
Doomed to scavenge!
No freedom
Gods revenge!
Shackles remain on the fallen
No redemption!
No redemption!
Hatred pierces the hearts of men
Bringing down the August Star Of Heaven
Now cursed will be all that once was pure
No forgiveness shall be given..
Upon these times of fear and hate
The shadows twisted form on the walls
Upon these times of sin and retributions unclaimed
The spirits will march in the night
Wretched spirits in the night
Despair forms a darkness solid on a torn empire
Spectres roam all around the land
Beings unspoken gathered here from afar
No redemption
Doomed to scavenge!
No freedom
Gods revenge!
Shackles remain on the fallen
No redemption!
No redemption!
Behold the signs of the never-ending war
the furious screams of the gods
As the nightfall sets to the distance
the blood f the warriors lights the sky
This moment is ready to be ruined,
by those who dishonor the blade
As he looks into their eyes he sees fear;
the bleeding wounds are no excuse
No excuse!
Even those who lead the way,
show fear in their hearts
Time has come for the One to rise
to show where courage is, when it can't be found
"The birth of the child of war,
the one who will define the way,
for those who shall be carrying the blade till the end of days"
Fate only smiles to the wise
who put themselves aside
Who are ready to die, embrace the form
of honor in it's purest form,
the honor of dying,
as you're holding the sword
Like the last man in the night,
holding the front alone, and the
Shall be no more if the one's prepared
to hold the sword
Hold the sword!
Like the last man in the night,
holding the front alone, and the
Shall be no more if the one's prepared
to hold the sword
Hold the sword!
Tales shall be written in his honor, his
cause will define a man. The strongest of all
will bow to him, the child of the god of war.
Left to rot by our actions unspoken
Her flesh consumed by times of ignorance
No-one gave her glory for the light she brought upon us
Our fates sealed by her hatred burning forever
Flames upon myself
for I didn't bow for her brightness
No food grows in the land burnt to ashes
No water flows in a world where her fury has ripped soil in half
Please hear our cries, forgive us oh goddess
Tears in your eyes, shame on us oh goddess
The goddess of sun
The mistress of light
Fallen by our souls
which gave her no hope
Fallen by your eyes
which gave her only lies
The goddess of sun
We'll see thy be done
We serve you righteous one
Please hear our cries, forgive us oh goddess
Tears in your eyes, shame on us oh goddess
The goddess of sun
The mistress of light
Fallen by our souls
which gave her no hope
Fallen by your eyes
which gave her only lies
Stained he feels, as the day turns to night
the man once strong, feared and bold, now just tired, weak and old
Past is haunting his trail to the end
the walls laugh at his grief, the wraiths of past haunt him so deep
He writes the words of regret,
for every victim of his blade, for every selfish act of hate
Hours of terror, the screams of the innocent
Murders unordered, will follow him to the grave
Last days of this man unforgiven
His heart starts to understand
honoring the dead is to live again
but the mans burden remains.
Heavens wear black, his mind won't rest
the water he drinks turns rotten, the eyes of the others impale him.
Left alone in the end! Darkness surrounds him
to end his life as a warrior, he reaches the sword he used to hold
Last days of this man unforgiven
His heart starts to understand
honoring the dead is to live again
will the one man's burden still remain
in death?
Confused soul, The moment for final blow,
the steel grows cold in the old mans hand, his thoughts are a raving storm.
Demons won't leave, his eyes still open
still the laughter can be heard, even when he's left this world
Last days of this man unforgiven
His heart starts to understand
is it to die or to live again,
that gives him a measure of peace,
will the one mans burden remain?
Screams from deep below,
the foul air smells of death
The townsfolk gathered to spray
for the last hours of their lives
As the night falls, fear grows
locked doors won't hold back
the one craves for
fresh human blood and your newborn children
The sacrifices weren't enough,
to keep it in it's watery realm
Judging the fate of all,
this being twisted now rises
When the night falls demise man
cannot be put aside
No mercy upon our kind,
when the skin scaled is upon sight, the time has come to die
From the depth of the waters, the child of river will rise
Lifeless eyes of the creature reflect the dark of the night
Bring yourselves for the Kappa, the ancient lord of black waters
Bring your children for the Kappa, fresh human blood for the Kappa
The last ones running like hell,
hunted, scattered and scared
The ground is stained red
as it pursues forth to kill
Savaging the last of the women,
crunching remains of the men
Ripping remaining pieces of their flesh
leaving living ones choking in their own blood
From the depth of the waters, the child of river will rise
Lifeless eyes of the creature reflect the dark of the night
Bring yourselves for the Kappa, the ancient lord of black waters
Bring your children for the Kappa, fresh human blood for the Kappa
Frozen figure stands in the storm
Flakes of snow embrace
The essence of her earthly form
Her eerie song heard
Through dales and mountains far away
Brings a curse on those who dare to listen
Floating above the plains
She wanders in her realm
Hearing screams of her prey draw closer
She gazes upon the fields
Where battle rages eternally
Waiting for warriors weakened to fall in her arms
In their eyes they saw her presence grim
Float above the ice
Wounded still they crawled towards her call
They hoped to find salvation
From her arms, white and pure
But the storm grew strong as they closed her figure
Cursed be this woman
The Lady of the Wind
Night casts its shadow
On the field of battle
Few still breathing
But the air turns cold
She appeared like a spirit of death
Blizzard veil in ground around her
Embracing the last of the living
With her hands, young and cold as ice
In our eyes we saw her presence grim
Float above the ice
Wounded still we crawled towards her call
We hoped to find salvation
From her arms, white and pure
But the storm grew strong as we closed her figure
Cursed be this woman
The Lady of the Wind
In our eyes we saw her presence grim
Float above the ice
Wounded still we crawled towards her call
We hoped to find salvation
From her arms, white and pure
As we reached her gown we felt her hands
Slowly sweeping our lives away
A haze of doubt surrounds my thoughts as I hide
from my fate, for I'm not ready to die
I've given my heart and my soul for my sword,
but the path seems obscured
was the vow I've given for my life absolute lie
Shameful create a void
tearing me down
I try to reach my pride
But I just run
I try to be so strong,
but I fail
One must never flee, (if the world is burning)
you will find a comrade of your blade, do not hesitate
One must never fall, (for the views of the weak)
by giving your blood for the steel, you're reborn, saved, unrestrained
The end of the line the end of me draws nigh
Rage flows through me as I wonder why
I cannot hold my hate, I'm condemned in shame
For the code of war I am merely a man
Shameful create a void
tearing me down
One must never flee, (if the world is burning)
you will find a comrade of your blade, do not hesitate
One must never fall, (for the views of the weak)
by giving your blood for the steel, you're reborn, saved, unrestrained
Prominent I stand as I lead my men to war
Wich banners held high " we'll waste 'em all" I swore
I seek within myself, find no fear as we march
God of eight banners by our side, the soil beneath our feet will parch
I scream as we draw our swords
Death claims every single soul
but mine
The blood stains the ground
But upon my honor I'll return!
The blades cut so deep
But upon my honor I'll return!
Five thousand arrows pierce me
But upon my honor I'll return!
The light before me fades away
But upon my honor I'll return!
Victorious we'll return!
Impaled I stand they
want to see me fall
Their hands tremble,
I'm ready to face 'em all
Smile on my face, I approach
their formation weak
One by one they turn around,
scared, I made them retreat
"The cries of men held a sweet promise
of their defeat
I walked among the chaos witnessing
the August Star Of Heaven coming down
The earth shook as he laid his feet to the ground
watching me with pride, for I brought him
a true harmony of blood"
I scream as we wield our swords
Hold the line!
I shout as we face their hordes
I scream with blood filled lungs
We will claim every soul
with pride
The blood stains the ground
The blades cut so deep
Five thousand arrows pierce me
But upon my honor I'll return!
The light before me fades away
But upon my honor I'll return!
Victorious we'll return!