 Да не оскудеет Земля прекрасными девушками с гитарами наперевес! И да пребудет с нами вовек живительная сила их голосов...
Барышня по имени Эмма Рут Рандл могла бы считаться достойной продолжательницей традиций Сюзанны Веги, Мишель Бранч и иных муз акустического рока/того, что за океаном предпочитают называть фолком новой волны. Но мятежное прошлое и столь же неспокойное настоящее исполнительницы дают о себе знать и здесь. Среди любителей пост-рока Эмма известна как участница ансамбля Marriages, но есть за ее хрупкими плечами акты куда более радикальной направленности, с которыми не брезговали выходить на одну сцену Boris, Earth, Master Musicians Of Bukkake и им подобные. Вот и "Some Heavy Ocean" получился действительно "heavy": это не сразу заметишь, но за ландшафтом, разукрашиваемым дуэтом акустической гитары и вокала, притаился утробно гудящий дроун-эмбиентный монстр, придающий фону альбома неправдоподобный объем и "награждающий" его в целом весьма мрачными интонациями. Впрочем, не скажешь, что и на авансцене всем только и остается, что умереть от радостных переживаний. Особенности голоса Эммы не дают права сказать, что она поет с неким особенным драматичным надрывом, или хотя бы просто концентрируется на передаче исключительно негативных эмоций. Но в её голосе (сильном, но без излишнего напора или агрессии, даже с некоей степенью отрешенности) порою пробиваются нотки такой космической тоски, что даже самый солнечный день начинает казаться тоскливым, зябким и неуютным. Да и гулкий, раскатистый звук тех самых шести струн и безо всякого дисторшена создает действительно жесткое звучание, совершенно нехарактерное для проектов подобного рода.
Картина, в общем-то, ясная. Если бы кто-то из индастриал-нойз-авангард и прочее-прочее-прочее-монстров - возьмем в качестве подходящего примера, скажем, Swans - захотел бы записать акустический альбом, он звучал бы примерно в подобной манере. Да-да, со тщательно замаскированными, но все равно проступающими следами всех мрачных, бесчеловечных, безумных звуковых конструкций, сооруженных в прошлом. Но с данным конкретным релизом случился ЭТОТ голос, и, несмотря на упоминавшиеся уже тоску и обреченность, проступающую в строчках вроде "We are all ghosts", в конечном итоге он, черт возьми, все равно звучит жизнеутверждающе. Вот и припевы завершающих альбом композиций позволяют себе быть вполне танцевальными, и вместо угрюмого фонового шума появляется, поначалу совсем несмело, трогательная скрипка... Черная дыра схлопывается, солнце возвращается на свое законное место; бушующий - тяжелый! - океан вновь мирно накатывает волны на белый песок... Истинное призвание женщины - дарить жизнь, а не разрушать или отнимать её; так, если хотите, случилось и здесь. |
what you've gone and done
what you've gone and done
what I've gone and done
I lay back in salt
Please forgive my name
I wont speak at all
Just to sing again
what you've gone and done
what you've gone and done
what I've gone and done
I lay back in salt
Please forgive my name
I won’t speak at all
Just to sing again
I lay back in salt
Please forgive my name
I won’t speak at all
Just to sing again
"Your Card The Sun"
Your card the sun
When I am done
Say you will wait long
Wait for the day you come home
"Run Forever"
Come on my love and show it to me
Never as close and there's nowhere I'd be
Be by your side say true love
Oh true love, just that no one can see
If we both get caught then we'll run forever
Come on my love take cover with me
We can be gone and there's no one we need
Over the day say who knows
Well who else knows
Yet there’s no one we need
If we both get caught then we'll run forever
If we both go down we go down together
If we both get caught then we'll run forever
If we both go down we go down together
Just as soon
Just a force like you
Just as soon
Just a force passing through
Just as soon as a little blood that's missed
Just as soon as a kiss
Wait for me just like that
If we both get caught then we'll run forever
If we both go down we go down together
If we both run now then we'll run forever
If we both go down we go down together
"Haunted Houses"
Wither without the morning
Dogs of the dawning are always wanting
Follow in sleeping
Friends in the far room have stopped their speaking
Speaking in tongues
To whisper near
To hold so close and hold so dear
This Curse is old, passed through the years
The Tower, tall, is falling here
So keep distance from me
Don't say this house is haunted
This house is haunted like Hell on Earth for me
Don't say it's not what you wanted
The tears come flooding like holy water seas
Don't say this house not haunted
This house so haunted, it runs in the family
Don't say this house not haunted
This house so haunted, won't ever let go of me
Follow in dreaming
Our bodies empty, touching the ceiling
Hollow hands hold the other
Rose of the morning has lost her color
Loses the red inside my chest
The borrowed bone that binds the breast
This Curse is old and lasts the years
The Tower, tall, is falling here
So keep distance, keep your distance from me
Don't say this house is haunted
This house is haunted like Hell on Earth for me
Don't say it's not what you wanted
The tears come flooding like holy water seas
Don't say this house is haunted
It runs in the forever like blood in the family
Don't say it's not what you wanted
This house so haunted, won't ever let go of me
Don't say this house not haunted
This house is haunted like Hell on Earth for me
Don't say it's not what you wanted
This house so haunted, won't ever let go of me
"Arms I Know So Well"
Oh boundless life were we to gain
From lost lands to the garden's gate
Its fear of the frozen and unhappy skies
Burnt now, burnt now, breathing only fire
And deliver me from all the evil I did to myself
And deliver me to arms so open, arms I know so well
As for the dead, they can raise themselves
In secret I sing for no one else
Its fear of open spaces I have travelled in
Come so far, dragged myself on this phantom limb
Please deliver me from all the evil I did to myself
And deliver me to arms so open, arms I know so well
"Oh Sarah"
Oh Sarah
Did you go to God again to change your name
Oh Sarah
Did you try wipe the pale from off your face
Did you try to take the will from out the wave
Oh Sarah
Did you go to ground again in someone's place
Oh Sarah
Did you try to wipe the frail from your face
Did you try the frail from off your frame
Did you try to take the will from out the wave
Oh my heart
my heart is older now
and how
how it never ends
Oh Sarah
Did you go to ground again for both our sakes
Oh Sarah
Did you try to wipe the freckles from your face
Did you try to take the will from out the wave
Did you try to take the will from out the wave
Oh my heart
my heart is older now
and how
how it never ends
And gone and gone
"Savage Saint"
For every son that was not met
And cry for every one that that set
Bury in shade
that we"ll never notice
Carry the weight on your tiny shoulders
Don't be ever forgotten
Savage saint
Never come talking
little faint
Oh and how we begged for you
For all those things you can't undo
Quiet the blade that moves through daughters
Heavy the braid that breaks on your shoulders
Don't be ever forgotten, Savage Saint
Never draw blood in the garden, Faint
Don't be the name that's drawing shame and
Never let your heart harden
Little flame
I held him, his short life
In my hands, in my heart
I held him, his whole life
In my hands, in my heart
Don't be ever forgotten, Savage Saint
Never draw blood in the garden, Faint
Don't be the name that's drawing shame and
Never let your heart harden
Little fame
"We Are All Ghosts"
We looked a shadow of a man
From where we're standing
Which made us laugh and lift our hands
And say "rise"
We knew our hears were made of glass
Which comes from sand and
We let it slip throughout our hands
into the night
Let it be known that we are all ghosts
Could have stayed and loved you better
Let it be known I loved you most
Let us be brave
So if we take each other's bones
Into the graveyard
And lay our heads upon the stones
We will rise
Let it be known that we are all ghosts
Should have stayed and loved you better
Let it be known I loved you most
Let us be brave
They say "rise"
Could've had a heartbeat just like mine
To rip in turn
Just say "rise"
We could've had a heartbeat just like mine
To rip and tear
Heartbeat oh
To rip and tear, to rise
Heartbeat oh
To rip and tear
Let it be known that we are all ghosts
Should have stayed and loved you better
Let it be known I loved you most
Let us be brave
"Living With The Black Dog"
Always with him
Always with him
He shocks me like a southern tongue
Shocks me like a gun
Always with him
Always in sin
It's shocking like your tongue
Shocking, how come?
I just can't believe
You’re living like a southern lord
Living with the Black Dog
Living like a...
He's coming to LA
Coming to LA
He want to know where I'm from
Want to know how come
Say your family owned slaves
And your family will pay
You want to know where I'm from?
You want to know how come I'm?
I just can't believe
You’re living like a southern lord
Living with the black dog
Living like a whore
I just can't believe
You’re living like a southern lord
Living like a Black Dog
Living like a whore
I'm always with him
Always in sin
You want to know where I'm from?
You want to know how come?
I just cannot live
Living at all
Living like a southern lord
Living like a whore
I just can't believe you’re living at all
Living like a southern lord
Living with the Black Dog
I just can't believe you’re living at all
Living like a southern lord
Living with the Black Dog