 Очень легко уничтожить весь посыл рецензии одной фразой. Например, начать её так: "Katzenjammer - девичий квартет из Норвегии". Всё! У кого-то с детства аллергия на девичьи трио, квартеты и квинтеты, и если уж он где и хочет наблюдать компанию милых девушек, то только не на сцене. Кто-то скажет: "ха, и что?!". И действительно: ну девичий, ну квартет, ну из Норвегии. И ладно бы в этой Норвегии женщин не водилось - только тролли, муспеллы, да - гыгыгы - йотуны. Но даже госпоже Берг... нет, пожалуй, не стоит упоминать разных нежелательных лиц... так вот, даже этой госпоже не удалось доказать отсутствие женщин в упомянутой скандинавской стране. И собираться в количестве больше двух дамам закон не запрещает. И заниматься музыкой тоже - даже голосовать ведь разрешили! В общем, сиди и рассказывай, чем такой коллектив выделяется среди пары десятков тысяч подобных, разбросанных по разным уголкам нашей планеты. Так что я заявлю следующее: Katzenjammer - это дар божий. Но да, воплотившийся в виде девичьего квартета из Норвегии. А бог - Саваоф, Аллах, Хастур, Ктулху, Макаронный Монстр... whatever - он дарами не разбрасывается. И хорошо, если подобные группы появляются хотя бы полдюжины раз за поколение.
Итак, "подобные" - это какие? Играющие музыку достаточно доступную, простую и понятную, чтобы ими мог увлечься даже новичок, еще не научившийся даже отличать фанк от джаза и искренне считающий Nirvana и Slayer равнозначно брутальными коллективами. Но в то же время - достаточно неоднородную, культурно, пардон, обогащенную, имеющую множество смысловых и мелодических слоев, чтобы не казаться примитивной даже самым прожженным авангардистам. Это как воплощенный в музыке "Гражданин Кейн", который раскрывается от просто хорошего кинофильма до настоящего культурного феномена, в зависимости от степени твоего погружения в кинематограф и способности отыскать в отдельном произведении как цитаты и отсылки к другим произведениям, так и решения абсолютно новаторские, которые сами оказались растасканы на цитаты будущими творцами. Да что там - тот же "Властелин Колец" можно рассматривать как увлекательное подростковое фэнтези, а можно - как новую трактовку "Старшей Эдды". Вот и Katzenjammer... это просто беспроигрышно заводная группа? Или харизматичнейший бэнд с уникальным мелодическим чутьем? Или коллектив, сумевший соединить и подать под новым углом зрения лучшие качества рока, попа, фолка, кантри (да бог весть, чего еще: наших барышень даже на джаз-фесты приглашают с завидной регулярностью)?..
"Rockland" - уже третий их альбом. И любители все упрощать, раскладывать по уютным полочкам в сознании, до сих пор тревожатся, неспособные понять: Katzenjammer - они какие? Вот был у них "Le Pop". Безумно веселый, отвязный, неряшливый - балканско-цыганский фолк-панк, замешанный с западноевропейским кабаре. И норвежек стали пренебрежительно-снисходительно считать продуктом сугубо развлекательным: балаган, не более. Затем поспел "A Kiss Before You Go", мелодичный, романтичный и нежный. Скрепя сердце, "знатоки" признали, что Katzenjammer могут быть лиричными и трогательными, более глубокими и неординарными в композиторском плане. Но все равно наивными! Да и концерты... Вы посмотрите на эти концерты - шум да и только! И вот - "Rockland". Ни единой небрежности. Ни единой ярмарочной шутки. Ни единой помарки - намеренной или случайной. Безупречные гармонии. Безупречное сочетание инструментальных партий. Совершенно иная музыкальная основа, теперь уже скорее североамериканская по сути своей: кантри да рокабилли. Баланс драйвовых и лиричных композиций, достойный лучших коммерческих продуктов: одну только связку "Oh My God"/"Lady Grey" оцените. Но ни единого намека на скуку и предсказуемость. А ведь вроде бы столько припевов под одну гребенку... ан нет, показалось. Это не столько взросление, сколько умение шутить с серьезным лицом. Скрывать фигу в кармане. А порой посмотришь - а никакой фиги и не было, все на полном серьезе! Чудеса. Ну и голоса девушек... Бывает такое, когда в вокале не чувствуется невероятных пятиоктавных исполнительских навыков, а ты всё равно сражен наповал. Сражен шармом и обаянием, которые тут не менее осязаемы, чем звук ударных или банджо. И ты готов жениться... да хоть на всех четверых сразу - уж сколько там Коран позволяет. И плевать, что раньше ты в лучшем случае снисходительно относился как к религии, так и к институту брака.
Я уверен, что эта музыка останется навсегда. Да, вряд ли здесь будет культ, сопоставимый с The Beatles, сменившими пол. Но новые, притом гораздо лучшие, The Shaggs - вполне. И Katzenjammer еще не раз изменятся, всегда опережая на полшага всех, кто попытается навесить на них общие ярлыки или привязать к обыденным явлениям. И я безо всякой лести могу сказать, что безумно рад жить в одно время с этими очаровашками. |
So I got a can of gazoline
To burn burn burn burn burn
And never return
Old de Spain hiding ´neath his rug
Stop pulling my strings you smug ol' thug
Oh, this can is ripe for my revolt
This brand of fire and flames is now meant for you
So you'll burn burn burn burn burn
And when the sky is colored red
And I'm on my way to another town
Oh I will get my freedom sir
Make my own rules play my own strings
So burn burn burn burn burn
And never return
Oh my God
I see a policeman is coming after me
Cause he knows I´m braking bad
I can´t hide away my push pen anxiety
And the sirenes makes me mad
Everybody in my head knows that I´m crazy
I push the envelope, I´m a rad
And all the people in my head think I´m racy
Going «Oh my God»
Oh my God
I can´t see why he´s always on my derriere
It must be super trooper hot
But when I look behind myself in the mirror
I kinda know that it is not
He´s walking ´round just like a snuffleuphagus
That makes my people uneasy
He´s gonna win this chase again, win over us
In emo prison I´ll be
Cause you´re an Alpha Dog
I´m just a Beta Baby
You know my heart is flogged
You bite till I get rabies
Oh my God
Somebody hand out Hello Kitty first aid kit
Cause my sweet bleedin wont stop
I think this time we got us seriously bit
And my blood´s already slopped
I´ll be a brat and you´re a condescending brit
«But she will share it with her crowd»
You´re a rabiafaw and you know I love it
But I also know how!
Now I´m the Alpha Dog
And you´re the Beta Baby!
You know my heart is flogged
And now my heart got rabies
Cause I´m an Alpha Dog
and you can be the Beta, baby
And I´m about to slog
an underdog with rabies
Lady grey you tell a smile
What is your secret
What's your lie
You lived a long hard life
Your memory may fade
But you´re still wise
I wonder where you've been
What you've accomplished
What you've seen
In such a long hard life
Did you ever dance?
Where you someone's wife?
Take me
Take me away
Way back to the days
When you were crazy
Crazy for living
Oh sweet 29
And you looked fine
Lady grey
Dressed up so nice
Where do you go when you close your eyes?
Do you hear the words I say?
And can you remember yesterday?
What do you comprehend?
Can you even feel me in your hand?
Lady grey with your knock out smile
Hoping you feel it was worth the while
Take me
Take me away
Way back to the days
When you were crazy
Crazy for living
Oh sweet 29
And you looked fine
Lady grey
No doubt that time
Has withered your hands
But still your smile
Is as sparkling as way back when
You broke the hearts of all young men
Lady grey, when I see you now
Sick in your bed
But still you smile when you hear the music play
Wonder how it would be if you could
Take me
Take me away
Way back to the days
When you were crazy
Crazy for living
Oh sweet 29
And you looked fine
Take me
Take me away
Way back to the days
When you were crazy
Crazy for living
Oh sweet 29
And you looked fine
And you looked fine
And you looked fine
My Lady Grey
Get up sit down, move around like a king without a crown.
System breakdown with a chum
doing long nights on the town
No happy ending is near so it's time to face the fear
It's time to move move along and make music on my own
On my own
I like to walk , walk ahead
And eat up my dirty shred
I wish the strings that are played
were connected with a thread
But what is done and is not is a very different game
I have to sit down and try to stay sane and make a frame
And put memories to a tune
Have you experienced the same
It's done tomorrow or in June
Or in June
Come Sing Along
It's time to sing sing along time to make another song
But what I would like is sit down and play a cover song
Now I'm left here with cords and piano on my own
I have to sit down and try to stay sane and make a frame
And put memories to a tune
Have you experienced the same
It's done tomorrow or in June
Come Sing Along
On my song
Come Sing Along
This can´t go wrong
And put memories to a tune
Have you experienced the same
It's done tomorrow or in June
You're waking up at 5am, you've dreamt the factory dream again oh oh
The grinding of the great machines with shining steel like guillotines
oh oh
And someone saying to you oh, don´t let go, I´ve been just like kinda caught in a roll never getting out
But the morning is here on your stairs, he´s holding up his sharp golden spears and tries his very best, to put on airs,to get you out.
And he is coming for you, to brighten bleaker days. And all the things that you do, are never lost in space. But they shine like neon
rays, to spell liberty ohohoh-oh
Oh oh oh oh! Eeny meeny miny moe, catch yourself by the toe oh
oh oh....oh oh oh
So afraid you had a choice, to speak with someone else's voice.
Oh oh oh
But it's coming with a cost, to climb the wall, the outside it is steep if you fall. You're walking on the blade of a knife, oh what a gift to get!
And it was given to you, to brighten bleaker days. (Oh! You know you´re shinin, you know you) And all the things that you do, are never lost in space. But they shine like neon rays, to spell liberty
So eeny meeny meeny my miny moe, I think you have caught your pinky toe, but some day soon, you will grow, and your neon rainbow will start to glow
And he is coming for you, to brighten bleaker days. And all the things that you do, are never lost in space. But shine like neon rays,to spell liberty ohohoh-oh to spell victory oh oh oh oh oh to spell freedom
oh oh oh oh oh!
My baby I fell for you
And lately I've been crawling too
Consistent is the heart line
And you know your way around mine
How I wish I could redefine
And get you off my mind
Cause if you're leaving
I'm driving after you
I'm driving after you
My heart is abusive
And my soul is aching too
So won't you take me back home with you
My baby, you got me good
And lately a little more than you should
A finger has no magnetic force
Still I find myself wrapped around yours
How I wish I could redefine
And get you off my mind
Cause if you're leaving
I'm driving after you
I'm driving after you
My heart is abusive
And my soul is aching too
So won't you take me back home with you
Cause if you're leaving
I'm driving after you
I'm driving after you
My heart is abusive
And my soul is aching too
So won't you take me back home with you
If there's one thing you should know
There are lengths that I would never go
Unless you promise to follow
Cause now you got me on my knees
And you know I'm rarely begging please
But if could ask for one last thing
Cause you distort my velvet mind
You're releasing all my roller blinds
Got my rhyme and reason all wined
So if I'm driving after you
It's cause no one else will ever do
So you must always take me back
Always take me back
These are the things that I love in life
Songs of a war and a friday night
So close to you, in the car, in the dark aha
I play the local hero part
Eyes fixed on me I never let you down
But this is it, I want more, a big score aha
Down through the ribbon highway I will go
Searching for a brighter spotlight a brighter sun
I am out on the open road
I am more than a kick and I'm more than a spark
I am more than a flash in the dark
A bright new morning in Neonville
In my cowboy boots and my leotard
I've got my lips all red the drama's on aha
The day has burned out at the quickest pace
I wanted to win but I lost the race
So this is it, I want more, the noble floor aha
Down through the ribbon highway I will go
Searching for a brighter spotlight a brighter sun
I am out on the open road
I am more than a kick and I'm more than a spark
I am more than a flash in the dark
I am more I am more than a flash in the dark
I am more I am more than a flash in the dark
I am more I am more than a flash in the dark
I am more I am more
Down through the ribbon highway I will go
Searching for a brighter spotlight a brighter sun
I am out on the open road
I am more than a kick and I'm more than a spark
I am more than a flash in the dark
Down through the ribbon highway I will go
Searching for a brighter spotlight a brighter sun
I am out on the open road
I am more than a kick and I'm more than a spark
I am more than a flash in the dark yeah
When the night is over
When the moon light´s gone
When seductive rhythms
of the storm die down
When the white wild horses
are laying down to rest
When your mind is sober
And I am getting dressed
Will you still kiss my neck, my dear my dear?
Will you dance when I ask, my dear my dear?
Will you walk out ahead, my dear my dear my dear?
Or will you stay in bed?
When the house is crowded
When you´ve got no space
When the baby´s crying
When I´ve pulled my ace
Will you still kiss my neck, my dear my dear?
Will you dance when I ask, my dear my dear?
Will you walk out ahead, my dear my dear my dear?
Or will you stay in bed?
When my white face withers
When my skin turns gray
When the drama´s over
then will you still stay?
Will you still kiss my neck, my dear my dear?
Will you dance when I ask, my dear my dear?
Will you walk out ahead, my dear my dear my dear?
Or will you still stay in bed?
Will you stay in bed?
Bad girl bad girl
Go hide away go hurl that friggin skirt of yours that is way too short for my mama and me
Bad girl Bad girl don ́t be too comfy with yourself, we ́ll be at your back with a hack to stand and watchin ́ you bleed
High on lies, my tongue is tired and dry I wish for you to come and buy my whiskey
Give me some of that old lovers song I need my fix but not your flack now, honey
Go hide away, go home you biggie, bawd
Go hide away, go home you ball of odd, we ́ll weed you out like a bug, like a punk, like a bawdy, little bad girl
Bad girl Bad girl
Go hide away go hurl those friggin friends of yours, we ́re short of those but we ́ll mock you for it
By and by my skirt will stay up high and there is plenty of room for more acquaintance
Cry and cry but not for your remarks so you go put that in your pipe and smoke it
Go hide away, go home you biggie, bawd
Go hide away, go home
You ball of odd, we ́ll weed you out like a bug, like a punk, like a bawdy, little bad girl
Bad girl Bad girl
Don´t be too sure we´ ́ll stick around for you no more on your dirty floor not papa nor me
My oh my you pry into my mind I´m gonna riddle yours till you turn scarlet
I ́ll revolt and you ́ll deceive your souls, it´s to yourselves you are not true you harlots
Go hide away, go home you biggie, bawd
Go hide away, go home
You ball of odd, we ́ll weed you out like a bug, like a punk, like a bawdy, little bad girl
Bad girl bad girl
Go hide away go hurl that friggin skirt of yours that is way too short for my mama and me
Bad girl Bad girl don´t be too sure we ́ll stick around for you no more on your dirty floor not papa nor me
Bad girl Bad girl
Go hide away, bad girl
Bad girl Bad girl
Go hide away
Bad girl
I am with you in Rockland it´s true
that we just had to be friends
We share the same pretentious mind
we´re blind and sing together
I am with you in Rockland it´s true
In a dark room with moon beams okay
We believe in the holes not the zeroes
Escaping like moles or like heroes
Songs of love and megalomania
Songs of hope and ecstasy
Oh a room of our own, and
A key into space
A door that is locked
I´m naked and bruised
I am with you in Rockland it´s true
Shakespeare laughing outside
Building a wall with his ol´ Les Paul
With friends that all sound the same
He´s a hipster elusive his power abusive
His friends are concealed behind a force field
Oh a room of our own, and
A key into space
A door that is locked
I´m naked and bruised
There´s lights out in Rockland
While we sing our songs
Yeah there´s lights out in Rockland
While we sing our song
Oh a room of our own, and
A key into space
A door that is locked
I´m naked and bruised
Oh a room of our own, and
A key into space
A door that is locked
I´m naked and bruised
Oh a room of our own, and
A key into space
A door that is locked
I´m naked and bruised