 В 2001-м году пятёрка парней из Луисвилля, что в штате Кентукки, выпустила свой третий по счёту (и первый на мейджор-лейбле) альбом под названием "Through The Eyes" (в вольном переводе - "Вид Из Глаз"), ставший лучшей работой этого талантливого, но кошмарно нестабильного в плане кадровой обстановки коллектива. К сожалению, это был один из тех многих случаев, когда, быстро вспыхнув на горизонте, новоявленная звезда так же стремительно угасала, не в силах больше повторить прежний успех. Но обо всём по порядку...
Альбом вышел в золотую эпоху ню-металла, имевшего тогда абсолютное и неоспоримое доминирование на альтернативной сцене, и вобрал в себя все лучшие его элементы: рефлексирующие и полные душевных излияний тексты (пламенный привет идейному отцу сего дела Джонатану Девису из Korn, по сути и породившему моду на подобную направленность лирики), мощную и "качающую" ритм-секцию (кто бы что ни говорил, но ню-металл действительно оказался богат на великолепных басистов и барабанщиков), низко настроенные сдвоенные гитары (и вновь привет Korn, ибо альбом был сыгран на семиструнках; правда, было ли это случайным совпадением или эдакой данью уважением "отцам", доподлинно неизвестно), и, разумеется, контрастный чистый/агрессивный вокал. И то, как талантливо и гармонично всё это оказалось сплетено ребятами в единое музыкальное полотно, в самом деле достойно восхищения.
В плане лирики, как я уже сказал, сюрпризов не предвидится - трудное детство, самокопание, внутренняя борьба, поиск себя, своего места в мире и сил, чтобы "заглянуть в завтрашний день"... В общем, всё по стандарту. Но как, чёрт возьми, это всё преподнесено! Крис Вольц — это однозначно жемчужина данного релиза, и один из лучших вокалистов в истории "мазафаки" вообще. Его необычная манера пения и слога врезается в память с первого же трека ("Only The Strong", смело претендующего на звание одной из самых запоминающихся "открывашек" в своём жанре), и перепутать этот тембр с кем-то ещё не получится при всём желании. Экстрим-вокал тоже моё почтение, как говорится - глотку парень рвёт технично и с "чувством", а от сумасшедших речитативов на атаке (!) в песнях вроде "Scheme" и вовсе можно словить что-то сродни оргазму.
Остальные участники также постарались на славу - бас Райана Джерса приятно "пульсирует" на протяжении всего альбома, ни на секунду не позволяя себе отойти на второй план и затеряться в миксе. Лэнс и Джейсон на виртуозов, конечно, не претендуют, но дело своё знают - высекать добротные "мясные" риффы (равно как и "включить лирику", когда требуется) они умеют на должном уровне. Барабанщик Крис Беллингер в свою очередь выстраивает опору под все эти конструкции, старательно отстукивая ритм.
К сожалению, как было сказано в преамбуле, дела у коллектива так и не пошли в гору - внутренние разборки (вплоть до мордобоя посреди студии), подстёгиваемые ворчанием со стороны недовольного продажами лейбла, привели к скоропостижному распаду команды уже в конце 2004-го. Но ничто не мешает нам раз за разом возвращаться к этому шедевру и тем славным временам, в которые он был записан. Альтернативщикам и просто ценителям качественной музыки - к ознакомлению обязателен. Сколь банально бы это ни прозвучало, но такой музыки сегодня уже не будет... |
It's mine, it's pure and as decent as i can make myself.
Inside, we all know, only the strong survive.
Why don't you think about that?
so now i'm bleeding on myself yes once again.
seems i trusted another deceitful freind. my fault. should've known the deal.
keep your friends close, but your enemies closer, for real.
seems easy, but nothing could be so hard. trying to guess lifes
dealing. what's the next card? I'm surely folding.
i don't like this hand at all.
Keep those eyes wide open, here comes a blind side.
maybe things happen for a reason and wherein lies the answer.
to overcome the grieving of lifes unruly lessons. i'm handed
in sucession. it builds my pain which makes me strong.
Why don't you think about that??
There's another reflection involved up in my mind
A wholeness that has just been lost
Striving hard for perfection but still nothing to find
Some value with a cheaper cost
And as I reach out to hear you the sound is so muffled
It makes a lesser man of me
So the only thing left to bring up to date is
You suck!
Watch me fall while I go down
I'm taking all you bastards to the ground with
me then I'll frown
On your fucking whole life
The systematic hype still means a bit much to me
I'm at the point of retraction and still slipping further
This place is getting worse for me
There's such a lack of direction and models to live by
No bright skies ahead of me
And as I reach out for your hand you turn and
then wander
Why I simply just can't see
No separation of gender no difference in me
You're just leading me on and on and on
You lead me on and on and on and on
Pretty soon it's gonna come back and be your turn
Pretty soon you're gonna be the one that burns
Your turn now
"My Letter"
This is my letter to you
We started following a certain description.
We started simple and fair once again
Before there wasn't any need for an answer
Things were much different then
But now you question who I am.
Who I am inside
Now there's nothing left to hide.
So here it goes
This is my letter
Hope you're alright. It's been rough for me
thinking all night. About the places I'd be
If I maybe, just did a little bit more you might've
Let me, become a man for sure
And if I might, express one concern it seems an
issue. All day at every turn
What's the next step, the latest hole in my life
What's next for me to learn
Engulf myself into a permanent mystery.
No one day just as the next.
not for me
It's so confusing when I look at my history.
I just can't handle that yet.
One more friendship ends.
And then for awhile.
I can breathe again
"Get Up Again"
Here we go again
A very temperamental process, beginning with
all of our excess
Affecting our very own ingest, this side of
you is speechless
Overwhelmed with an abscess, creating new diseases
And infecting whomever it pleases, we've been
living this way for too long, too long
Then I noticed a difference, in the way that I
saw other insects
Who were living a life of indulgence, sheltered
by their parents
Such an unlucky existence, not given a
chance to experience
And make their own decisions, I wouldn't trade
my own mistakes at all
Reach out your hands
Out for the ones who, aid when the going gets rough
Until the end.
These are the ones who, help when the times get tough
And times will get tough.
Get up again.
Times will get tough.
Get up again
Here it comes once again
So maybe I am bound by fate
A problematic scarring induced by hate
It never seems to all pan out
Is that what all this teaching is needed to scout
You seemed to have a bad effect
Your rules and contradictions I would neglect
Though not my fault you made me feel
Like my own education wasn't truly real
Then you came right in tearing out my soul
How could all this loss be your only goal
I'm left standing here desperate in the cold
Since you took your life mine has not been whole
So there I stood a scolded child
The reasons never questioned
My pains been filed
Inside this place that makes me feel
I learned life is unfair and that is very real
While you try to overcome the lesson
Making the most of those questions that just keeps me guessing
I'm looking longer, harder, further than I ever have
Solitude breaking me down you always seemed glad
To put me down and stick me in that little pit
Personal growth as a child that mattered not a bit
Then I became the person that you hated most
Disrespecting the father, son, and holy ghost
A small example of what the things you've done to me
Have changed in my life and changed the things that I can't be
I'll never be!!
Come on and brace your face
Engulfed up in the rat race we hold our futures down
So just resist the plot and find the answer
Etched eternal
As we self destruct
Day by day
One by one
More example of disrespect
That you seem to offer no more than complete neglect
A generation with fate all tied
This ain't a game
We don't enjoy this ride
Try to perceive the lie
All caught up in your own high
Opinions of yourself
Should be concerned about your life
Theres been enough strife to crash a persons hope
And as the days delay our every other move
We've been consumed by apathy
Thats right
It has become a pain
Inside my brain is screaming
Look what you've done to me
Its just the break we're givin' em
Its just the break that you're givin' em
Layed to waste out in the open
Turned away once again
This isn't right
This ain't supposed to happen
Now life's too short
We shouldn't have to die
And I have had to stop all of my emotions
Oh bittering faith escapes again, again
Just look at what we have done
Will you look at who we've become
Priorities astray
It goes on and on each day
We've wrecked their only try
And still we wonder why
We're recipients
Of hate Motherfucker
Break your back
Just once and then you know
You gotta
Face your fright
That's right
With your five second morals and your three second smile
You just
Face your fright
That's right
With your five second morals and your three second smile
You just
Face your fright
That's right
With your five second morals and your three second smile
You just
Face your fright
That's right
With your five second morals and your three second smile
You just
It woke up in me years ago how this was meant to be
all of those falsehoods plain to see they dug
and hung their greed
will there be profit you could see if only we were blind
lonely and sheltered, our life is free but it's
still one step behind
just like me, they tried their rules on me
they tried their rules on me, me, me
i broke those chains and fucking split
and so you and so you and so you and so you
pass all the fascist asses ignore those classes
of bottleneck masses
producing an all but awful stench, delivering a
section off all the money stole and spent
as you start to recognize you're in the game
growing afflictions head to toe, this never
should have been
but placing blame is cowardly restructure must begin
will there be profit you could see if only we were blind
lonely and sheltered your life is free, but it's
still one step behind
yes and the playing board is you...
"What I Have to Do"
Well it seems as though everyone's been led astray far away from.
From what we know, still can't find a reason or
the right words to say. It'll be OK.
Wrapped up in all the things that are wrong.
It's the only trial so far, as the verdict falls down you still break away.
Caught up in a social degradation, you can't even see the truth.
We're only half as good at personal relations, look around and see the proof.
Only a few of us go in the right direction, even though we're singled out.
It's the only thing that keeps
me alive, I do what I have to do.
How was I to know, force fed corporate trials each day, every single day.
But we must grow, echoing the single most important thing in the way.
Not slipping, still drifting, falling one step further from the norm.
What is the norm? Not living, longing, trying so much
harder than before. What if I, what if I run far away?
Would I still be seen the same? Break away.
It's what I want.
"Inner Strength"
Here we sit all alone in an outnumbered fight
Led to decipher between wrong and right
And some may fail at this joke that some of
Us call life
Yes at this game some call life
But the system can't bail me out of hell
we'd be better off cursed eternally
All we got is ourself I have faith in that
Believe and one day you'll do just as well now
As you were you little puppet you pauper you
Freak that's right
That's what some of them have said to me
So I object and try to figure things out for myself
I'm building up full emotional wealth
The inner strength is what the hate it wants us not to feel
And the system cant't bail me out of hell
I've made this discovery and it has helped
All I got is myself I have faith in that
Believe and someday
We'll put the system in jail
I made it through scraped black and blue
But so can you I made it through so black and blue
But you can too I made it through scraped
Black and blue
But so can you I made it through so black and blue
We will all make it through
I did, so can you, so can you
"Best I Am"
I`ve Been Running away for far too long
Afraid of what
Afraid of what I know is soon to come
I may not be much of an example right now
But I can give you all of my knowledge on how
to get along in this place
right now all I can say
Is that I will do the best that I can
to be a good example of man
I know one day that You`ll understand
you deserve the best that I am
you deserve the best that I am
It`s So hard
so hard to think about when I was child
so angry at life
I blamed the world for such a long long time
But Things happened so quickly
some people just go
I needed answers to heal me
I wanted to know how to get by
and now its my turn to say
This is all for you
everything in this world
everything in my world
everything in your world
things wont always go right in this life
theres always changes
we`ll make it
"Out of Whack"
maybe nobody told you about this life
maybe nobody answered your questions why
simple revelations they come in time
those liars told us things would all be fine
born out of whack give him something possible
you thought it would've mattered
not likely to change things we've come too far
where innocent young kids are put behind bars
but it's an easy decision banished so far
you're not as civil as you think you are
you say we're all born out of whack
well don't act so surprised how there's been
a lot going on
since you realized that we're all just kids trying
to get along
so answer one thing
are you gonna stay inside. are you gonna stay
inside of our minds?
are we all born wrong?
So you think the area's gray but it continues each day
A bad example of the attitude you portray
Act like I owe you my life you should be burdened with strife
Can't find a single reason I can live with you as my wife
So I continue to pray and hope that you'll go away
A bad addiction to a home-wrecking thing who plays
With my heart and that's the bottom line
I feel so empty now
What can you give me I can't give myself?
And what part of my life can you fix, that I can't fix my damn self?
God I'm losing patience each day I've put myself in harms way
Can't seem to justify none of the shit you say
Can't find another way out there's nothing left but pure doubt
I'm on the verge of pulling my hair straight out
So if you listen to me not to the powers that be
We're not supposed to be together - can't you see?
In decision is the bottom line
I feel so empty now
Just what can you give me I can't give myself?
And what part of my life can you fix, that I can't fix my damn self?
Just what can you give me I can't give myself?
And what part of my life can you fix, that I can't fix my damn self?
(my damn self)
I'm gonna show you now this time I'm getting out
I've said it many times but this time I have figured out
Just how I'm moving on it's taken way too long
Inside I know I'll feel much better when you're really gone
What can you give me I can't give myself?
And what part of my life can you fix, that I can't fix my damn self?
Just what can you give me I can't give myself?
And what part of my life can you fix, that I can't fix my damn self?
"One More Time"
There must be something you can recommend.
I've lost my faith in man again
So sick of trying to pretend.
Same pain over and over again
How much longer do you think we'll stand.
So little left here to live for
By the time my life is at its end.
I want it back one more time
Let me try one more time.
Live my life one more time
We never seem ready for this
It keeps on haunting me day after day. Am I
going about things the right way
Which truth's to pass and with which truth's to say
It's all so hard I'm just so damn afraid
Had about as much as I can take.
So little left here to live for
By the time my life is at its end.
I'll want it back
I need the chance to live my life one more time
Give me the chance to live my life one more time
Though I've made an awful mess
I've found a way out
Keeps me sane and helps me not regress
I believe there's no other route
Cause when you're hurting and you're down you're at your worst
Misinterpreted or maybe your own self you cursed
Action works both through confidence won't align
Only fooling yourself thinking everything's just fine
You never opened up your mind anyway,
Afraid of what you might find safe to say
Be real and face all the fears that you may
It all works out someday
So sick of the same old shit, I'm in deep
and it's almost like there's no way out
But then a light of hope shines down upon me
I realize just how I gotta let it out
It's a pleasure that I'm in control
First time in my life
Doesn't matter how the ball rolls
I know I'll be alright
So sick of the same old shit, I'm in deep
and it's almost like there's no way out
But then a light of hope shines down upon me
I realize just how I gotta let it out
Music is a drug
And you know god if I could
I'd shoot it all day long
Though I've made an awful mess
I found a way out
It keeps me sane and helps me not regress
You see, I believe there is no other route
So sick of the same old shit, I'm in deep
and it's almost like there's no way out
But then a light of hope shines down upon me
I realize just how I gotta let it out
Music is a drug
And you know god if I could
I'd shoot it all day long
Though I've made an awful damn mess
I've found a way out...
Keeps me sane helps me not regress, so what's wrong [repeat]
Keeps me sane...
"No Time"
Are you gonna change up the rules
Giving the impression that all this comes from you
Treating all your allies like tools
Maybe there is a facet of life that passed right by you
Even the fathers of all our misguided sons are
Resting in a place of no disgrace surrounded by
Examples giving grace to all those people feeling the grudge
Of one expensive taste, oh what a waste
Provided by you
Time, needing much more of
Time, calling me home and
Time is the only portion of life
That is not negotiable...
Stories that we know just aren't true
All of those things that make our time overdue
Treating all your allies like tools
Maybe there's a facet of life that passed right by you
Even the fathers of all our misguided sons are
Resting in a place of no disgrace surrounded by
Examples giving grace to all those people feeling the grudge
Of one expensive taste, such a waste
Provided by you
Time, needing much more of
Time, calling me home and
Time is the only portion of life
That is not negotiable...
Time, needing much more of
Time, calling me home and
Time is the only portion of life
That is not negotiable...