 Transport Aerian прошел удивительно длинный путь за последние два года, превратившись из известной по большему счету только в кругах эстетов окказиональности, в достаточно успешный и пользующийся признанием авантгардный проект. После успешного альбома "Bleeding" 2013 года, проект подписал контракт с американским лейблом Melodic Revolution Records, который специализируется на прогрессивном, или, скорее, — любом одиозном и нетипичном роке. Сказалось ли это на музыке, которую делает Transport Aerian сейчас, и, в частности, на их новой пластинке "Darkblue"? Скорее, да, но справедливости ради стоит заметить, что из всех проектов, в которых участвовал мульти-инструменталист и идейный движитель Transport Aerian, вряд ли мыслимо найти два похожих друг на друга. Невозможно точно сказать, насколько кардинальная смена музыки, стиля и общего настроя в Darkblue связана с определенным успехом, который был достигнут группой за последние годы. Скорее, это очередной каприз, желание сказать и сделать нечто новое, избежать комфортной зоны, уйти с проторенной дороги. Во многих аспектах, "Darkblue" – альбом весьма необычный. И в этом, пожалуй, его огромный плюс. С музыкальной точки зрения, он представляет собой эклектичный прог-амбиент, скорее близкий к поздним работам Питера Хэммила или, как это ни парадоксально звучит в свете предыдущего сравнения, к Dead Can Dance. Сравнение с последними связано так же с тем, что Transport Aerian, подтверждая свою репутацию достаточно непредсказуемой группы, пригласили певицу Рэйчел Бауэр (Rachel Bauer), которая играет в альбоме если не ключевую, то по крайней мере одинаково важную роль, наравне с основным и бессменным вокалистом. Альбом, как утверждает официальный пресс-релиз, концептуален, и это, в целом, вполне очевидно, с первых звуков шума города, открывающих альбом и контрапункта двух вокалистов в "Black", до заключительного монолога в конце исповедческой "Happy With The Future". Главная черта музыки в этом опусе заключается в том, что она только лишь обрамляет Идею, которая более выражена в лирике, в речевых вставках, в звуке, в амбиентных элементах. "Darkblue" – театрален или, скорее, кинематографичен. Это сюрреалистическое действо, которое заключено в рамках музыки скорее по воле случая, чем по законам бизнеса или по правилам любого музыкального жанра. В этом, разумеется, есть плюсы и минусы. Тем, кому интересна форма или фоновая музыка, кому не хочется искать что-то в себе — Darkblue не для них, ибо эклектичный прог формы в классическом понимании иметь может, или, по крайне мере, не должен. Но тем, для кого музыка — это прежде всего способ расширения собственных рамок, и для тех, кому интересно открывать новые слои личности в себе и в других людях эта мрачная и интроспективная история любви будет более чем интересна.
Как и любая, бесстыдная экспозиция чувств для стороннего взгляда. |
From sad accidental beginning
Until the bitter end.
Don't try to ask,
It never had to be this way,
There are no reasons, but heartbeat skips,
And thousand flames come down
From summer skies, in a single line.
Forget the patterns, walk away,
Gather the hollow tears,
Love costs blood and its hell to pay,
Right in time.
Don't try to ask,
It never had to be this way,
There are no reasons, but heartbeat skips,
And thousand flames come down
From summer skies, in a single line.
"We were once lost in time, but
I am a fog walker.
Your black spire on the lonesome island stands out of the gray mist on this day,
And you: once locked yourself up, isolated within a high tower upon the shower of memories,
But you, you were dancing through fog, just like me.
I approach".
Spilling some blood to the ground
Helps growing a magical place,
No mercy in your designs.
No mercy in my designs,
You desire control, I desire access.
So you will love it,
Wasting your fear,
Full body access grants me what I need
From these twisted bits of your soul.
Knowledge is power,
Ignorance is a bliss,
Tell me more how you know me...
I'm the beast in the world of flies.
...Some sparkle one day,
And for sone its enough.
I chain up a shadow in love,
I am everything you'd ever need.
So you will love it,
Spilling your fear,
Full body access grants me what I need
From these twisted bits of your soul.
"...Leave the hideout for you..."
Like creasemarks, like circles upon the calm water,
Joyful laugh spreads over the town.
A continuation, resumption, an endless weekend,
It is too good to be good,
But it is – for a moment.
And clouds pass by, and there is no currency yet,
They don't know what is there to be given,
Or what to be
And a stare of their thoughtless eyes
Caress my black spire,
On the horizon,
Without a meaning or thought,
As for now everything is for granted.
And I would have envied these kids at the shoreline,
But I wasn't born
For this future.
"Hear the sound of footsteps on warm night, at the shoreline,
As you watch them from far, and you smile to the waves of the sea,
And the distant lights wave back to you,
As you stare through the edges
Of time."
I browse through the shades
In the corner of the life,
Shuffling through the debris of the souls,
Our age brings war,
Shore to shore – before our eyes,
And I don't want to read the news.
"Your fear, sleepless, silence, as it touches the chords,
And you light up a cigar,
And on the pictures you are forever young".
She walks on her bare feet,
Into the sea, across the line.
The night is warm
And her love is so close,
And that's a set without a sound,
It's seen by distant eye,
The tense is past,
The standards are set.
And there are prayers to be said,
One day the empires clashes,
I hold the tears and your hand
And I pray to be safe.
She walks on her bare feet,
Into the sea, across the line.
The night is warm
And her love is so close,
And that's a set without a sound,
It's seen by distant eye,
The tense is past,
The standards are set.
"I'm a crossbreed, I'm a bastard child"
Locomotion of pulse,
Staggering masses,
Survivors of the easy life.
Lying paths through each other's hearts,
I was exiled, I was abandoned,
Love me, love me, love me,
For I am not worse than you.
"I'm a crossbreed"
Make a deal, make it happen,
For all those moving souls,
They are supperiour by the right of birth,
By the right of warmth,
By the streelight refugee's sighted
In the deep deep night.
"Just where I was,
Just where I've been shattered,
Gathered myself, there is no time
For revenge,
I'm a crossbreed,
I'm a bastard child,
I am you.
"Hold on your love tight,
For we all are
In the sight of the sniper".
Night is warmer than you ever could think,
Would you open your vivid eyes under the surface of sea?
Did you wake up or did you grow out of happiness?
And went out for a chance, and searched for someone for too long?
You ran up and jumped, and you flew like you did many times,
But this time, it seems, something went wrong:
Waking up you've got exposed to your own blood,
To find out that at night somebody, somehow has cut you in half.
And on one of your countless flights upon the pale earth
You have folded your wings, and gave in, and opened your face,
Took a fall, not so slow, but so easily, down.
And then it was hot, in your heart it felt so warm,
As you breached through the soil,
And fixing up the broken lips,
Down in the gutter, where you staged
An ultimate show.
Soothing choir of chanting souls echoes far,
But it couldn't have run you down
Or save your life.
Blinded cities shouted through the ribbons of torn apart lives,
As if any time soon they'd price a Christ's holyday.
Fading memory, a stage is wet from the recent rain.
And it is merged with the stones,
And with pulsing veins.
You have reached, reached the surface of earth,
At last, left a mark on the stones
Of the dactile street -
For someone for stop for a moment,
And take a long stare
Upon this sign, like a gravestone
Without any name -
Your epitaph.
"Your epitaph".
She touches her round belly,
Singing incoming future,
She is secure.
And the pictures of faire change
Like seasons,
And she walks on,
Further -
Happy with the future.
Like colors of autumn or spring,
They laugh, holding hand in hand,
And they hug each other.
It's their time and they take it -
Happy with the future.
And I stand in the middle
With my bag full of memories and hopes,
And I want to be happy,
I want to be happy,
Too -
Happy with the future,
Happy with the future, too.
"Washed ashore, reached each other after a long travel,
We stand on the strand of the event horizon,
As the world turns and days go, and we watch, joyfully,
How our lives, merged together, slowly fade,
With the days
And years
Into darkblue".