Alex Karametis - Guitar/vocals
Akis Zois - Bass
Aris Giannopoulos - Drums
Konstantis Pistiolis - Clarino/Caval/Backing vocals
Achilleas Radis - Keyboards |
Released 01 April 2014
Recorded at Magnanimous studio, Thessaloniki Greece
between January 2010 and January 2014
Chief Engineer - George Pentzikis
Assistant - Asteris Partalios
Mixed by George Pentzikis
Mastered by Giannis Christodoulatos at Sweetspot Studios
Artwork by Diogenis Hantzopoulos
All music is performed and arranged by V.I.C
Beside our own compositions, the songs we've covered are traditional songs of Epirus and they belong to the public.
except one part of the song "St. Triad" which includes a cover from the song "Eho Zali" of Tasos Zoumpas.
Clarino on 'Echoes', 'Nova', 'Skaros' & 'Krasi' by Giannis Haldoupis
Backing vocals on 'Krasi' by Giannis Haldoupis
Vocals on 'Echoes' by Poylcheria Tsavdaris and Katerina Konstantinou
Vocals on 'Chalasia' by Giannis Mitsis
vocals on 'Tabourla' by "Ioanninas nobody" Heracles Kakavos
the samples on 'Riza' are taken from the 'Pogonisia Polyphonika' & 'Pogonisios' documentaries, of the show 'Ellinon Dromena', directed by Antonis Tsavalos. |
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