 К середине 70-х английская арт-роковая группа под странным названием «Супербродяга» стала уже довольно известной благодаря своему оригинальному саунду, в котором не последнюю роль играли джазовые влияния. В команде было два вокалиста: Роджер Ходжсон с более высоким голосом и Рик Дэвис – с более низким и гнусавым, и каждый из них писал песни именно для себя (хотя на дебютнике они старались петь похоже друг на друга). Так что тем, кто знакомится с группой, следует об этом помнить перед прослушиванием данной работы, пятой в дискографии, поскольку из-за подобного чередования может создаться впечатление, будто на альбом попали две разные команды.
По правде говоря, песни Ходжсона выглядят интереснее. Открывает альбом его хит-сингл «Give a Little Bit», признание в любви и одновременно просьба о взаимности, очень светлая и оптимистическая вещь (хотя голос и кажется жалобным), начинающаяся со вступления на акустической гитаре, за которым через какое-то время следует ритм-секция; также нужно отметить соло на саксофоне. Приятно звучат также заглавная тема, еще одна романтическая композиция, полная желания никогда не расставаться, с пением птиц, журчанием воды и пасторальной музыкой (гитара, кларнет, орган), напоминающая подобные вещи у Led Zeppelin (даже вокал похож), и отличная «Babaji», представляющая собой обращение к Богу, лирическая в фортепьянном вступлении и энергичная в припеве, с весьма эмоциональным вокалом, запоминающимися фортепьянными пассажами и солирующим саксофоном.
Композиции Дэвиса представляют собой похожие друг на друга фортепьянные баллады с привкусом джаза: несколько затянутая «Loverboy» (предупреждение женщинам относительно одного ловеласа), где в середине появляется и электрогитара, эффектно следующая за вокалом, а к концу композиция становится быстрее и задорнее под солирующую гитару и вокализы; достаточно простая и поэтому скучноватая «Downstream» (о прогулке на лодке с любимой девушкой, где океан становится метафорой жизни), в которой практически ничего больше нет, кроме фортепьяно (даже ударные отсутствуют); и «From Now On» (о ежедневной рутине, которую хочется изменить) с протяжным вокалом, с отличным саксофоном и достаточно мажорной музыкой в духе госпелз (хор разве что «Славься, боже!» не поет) ближе к концу.
Особо стоит отметить заключающую альбом 11-минутную композицию Ходжсона «Fool’s Overture» в лучших традициях арт-рока с самым нестандартным текстом, посвященным, например, событиям Второй мировой войны. Начало напоминает тему Barclay James Harvest «Summer Soldier» – под духовые мягко звучит фортепьяно, потом слышится шум толпы, колокола, свист, овации и тихий голос Уинстона Черчилля: «Мы должны идти до конца. Мы будем сражаться на морях и океанах. Мы должны защищать наши острова. Любой ценой. Мы никогда не должны сдаваться!» Постепенно в музыку вплетаются торжественно звучащие клавишные, а также саксофон и ударные, потом остается одно фортепьяно и жалобный вокал Ходжсона. Со вступлением ударных вновь эффектно появляется саксофон. Потом звучит внезапный «бамц», появляется ветер, где-то далеко слышны голоса. В следующем вокальном фрагменте вместе с Ходжсоном поет уже и хор. В конце мы слышим звуки оркестра, настраивающегося перед тем, как играть, однако на этом все и завершается. Что же, вещь получилась довольно интересной, хотя и несколько эклектичной.
По сравнению с предыдущими работами музыка группы стала менее прогрессивной и более коммерческой, однако в целом оптимистическая атмосфера осталась. Не всем же арт-рокерам нагонять мрак. |
Give a little bit of your time to me
See man man with the lonely eyes
Take his hand, you'll be surprised
Give a little bit
Give a little bit of your love to me
I'll give a little bit of my love for you
Now's the time that we need to share
So find yourself, we're on our way back home
Going home
Don't you need to feel at home?
Oh yeah, we gotta sing
2. Lover Boy
I'll tell you from the start
He's gonna break your heart
You can't stop the lover boy
You can't stop the lover boy
He's gonna tell you lies
But you won't realize
Because you can't stop the lover boy
You can't stop the lover boy
He's got a thing in his head
It's from a book he's read
It's got a funny title
It tell you how to be vital
He took a lot of time
Over every line
Because it's guaranteed
To satisfy
He's gonna knock 'em dead
The boy's got that book read
You can't stop the lover boy
You can't stop the lover boy
Right from the clothes he wears
The way he combs his hair
You can't stop him now, because he knows all the tricks
He used to have a problem but he got it fixed
He took a small apartment
Above a shoe department
And he could see from his window
All the lights in the street glow
There's a club on the corner
And tonight he will go there
To find a new affair
So all you ladies beware
He's got to have a good time in the city
He's got to have a good time every night
He's gonna love 'em and leave 'em, cheat and decieve 'em
He's gonna show 'em who's wrong and who's right
3. Even In The Quietest Moments
Even in the quietest moments
I wish I knew what I had to do
And even though the sun is shining
Well I feel the rain - here it comes again, dear
And even when you showed me
My heart was out of tune
For there's a shadow of doubt that's not letting me find you too soon
The music that you gave me
The language of my soul
Oh Lord, I want to be with you
Won't you let me come in from the cold?
Don't you let the sun fade away
Don't you let the sun fade away
Don't you let the sun be leaving
Won't you come to me soon
And even though the stars are listening
And the ocean's deep, I just go to sleep
And then I create a silent movie
You become the star, is that what you are, dear?
Your whisper tells a secret
Your laughter brings me joy
And a wonder of feeling I'm Nature's own little boy
But still the tears keep falling
They're raining from the sky
Well there's a lot of me got to go under before I get high
Don't you let the sun disappear
Don't you let the sun disappear
Don't you let the sun be leaving
No, you can't be leaving my life
Say that you won't be leaving my life
Say that you won't be leaving my life
Say won't you please, stay won't you please
Say won't you please, stay won't you please
Lord, won't you come and get into my life
Lord, won't you come and get into my life
Say won't you please, stay won't you please
Say won't you please, stay won't you please
Lord, don't go
And even when the song is over
Where have I been - was it just a dream?
And though your door is always open
Where do I begin - may I please come in, dear?
4. Downstream
Took a boat Sunday, down by the sea
It just felt so nice, you and me
We didn't have a problem or a care
And all around was silence, everywhere
You are the reason I was born
Be with you through all seasons
I'll always hear you when you call
We'll keep the love light shining
Through each night and day
A lonely life behind me
Oh what a change you've made
So down here on the ocean we will stay
Went through a lot of changes
Turned a lot of pages
When I took a boat Sunday
To know you as I know you now
That is all I need
And we will get along somehow
If we both believe
So down here on the ocean we will stay
Went through a lot of changes
Turned a lot of pages
When I took a boat Sunday
5. Babaji
All of my life I felt that you were listening
Watching for ways to help me stay in tune
Lord of my dreams, although confusion
Keeps trying to decieve
What is it that makes me believe in you?
Babaji, oh won't you come to me
Won't you help me face the music
Bring it out so we can sing it out
Help me to find it before we lose it
At night when the stars are near
And there's no one to keep you from coming here
And there's no one to shield me before your eyes
Is it mine, is it mine, is it mine to know?
I can see it's not too good to me
To be afloat in the sea of glory
Babaji, oh how you comfort me
By showing me it's a different story
Your light in the dark is real
And I know that you know it is how I feel
When I see the reflections that's in your eyes
Is it mine, is it mine, is it mine to know?
Babaji, have you a song for me
To tell the world of its guardian angel
Bring it out so we can sing it out
Oh must you always remain a stranger?
At night when the stars are near
And I long for delusion to disappear
The I see the reflection that's in your eyes
Is it time, is it time, is it time to know?
6. From Now On
Monday has come around again
I'm in the same old place
With the same old faces always watching me
Whe knows how long I'll have to stay
Could be a hundred years
Of sweat and tears
At the rate that I get paid
Sometimes I slowly drift away
From all the dull routine
That's with me every day
A fantasy will come to me
Diamonds are what I really need
Think I'll rob a store, escape the law
And live in Italy
Lately my luck has been so bad
You know the roulette wheel's
A crooked deal
I'm loosing all I had
Soon be like a man that's on the run
And live from day to day
Never needing anyone
Play hide and seek
Throughout the week
My life is full of romance
Guess I'll always have to be
Living in a fantasy
That's the way it's got to be
From now on
You think I'm crazy I can see
It's you for you, and me for me
Living in a fantasy
From now on
7. Fool's Overture
History recalls how great the fall can be
While everybody's sleeping, the boats put out to sea
Borne on the wings of time
It seemed the answers were so easy to find
"Too late," the prophets (profits) cry
The island's sinking, let's take to the sky
Called the man a fool, striped him of his pride
Everyone was laughing up until the day he died
And though the wound went deep
Still he's calling us out of our sleep
My friends, we're not alone
He waits in silence to lead us all home
So tell me that you find it hard to grow
Well I know, I know, I know
And you tell me that you've many seeds to sow
Well I know, I know, I know
Can you hear what I'm saying
Can yuu see the parts that I'm playing
"Holy Man, Rocker Man, Come on Queenie,
Joker Man, Spider Man, Blue Eyed Meanie"
So you found your solution
What will be your last contribution?
"Live it up, rip it up, why so lazy?
Give it out, dish it out, let's go crazy,