« Rye. Fleas. Chrismon »
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1 | Pest kamen mit Schiffen
 | 2 | Alousia et Pestilentia Ignearia
 | 3 | Massebegravelser
 | 4 | Un Drapeau Noir sur L'église
 | 5 | IV Millas al Dias
 | 6 | Vind I De Tomma Ögonhålor
 | 7 | Ghosts of Melcombe Regis |
   Khorus - bass
Zhoth - vocals
Odalv - drums
Helg - guitars
Hyozt - keys and samples |
 | "Pest kamen mit Schiffen" (Instrumental)
"Alousia et Pestilentia Ignearia"
"Christians used every possible methods
to fight the Devil invented by them
But they missed the coming of the true Devil...
Always keeping in mind that "legion is My Name"
They reckoned his names
But the true Na |
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 Вышедший в 2014 году дебютный альбом KZOHH звучал настолько впечатляюще, что те, кому довелось его услышать, следующую работу группы ожидали уже с нетерпением. За прошедший год KZOHH успели поменять вокалиста и из студийного проекта стали полноценной концертной группой, убедительно воплотив на сцене атмосферу своей музыки. На “Rye. Fleas. Chrismon” KZOHH отошли от шаманских таинств предыдущей работы и обратились к одной из самых мрачных страниц в истории средневековой Европы – теме чумы. И хотя тема далеко не нова, группе удалось живописать этот страшный бич чертовски вдохновенно, звуча свежо и убедительно там, где потенциал, казалось бы, давно исчерпан. Благодаря подчеркнутой концептуальности, альбом пронизан единой гротескной атмосферой. Представленная на альбоме сокрушительная смесь ядреного блэка, эмбиента и дума напоминает истрепанные края погребального савана.
В целом можно говорить о том, что “Rye. Fleas. Chrismon” оправдал ожидания тех, кого заинтересовала предыдущая работа группы. Несколько разочарованными будут лишь те, кто ждал продолжения авангардных экспериментов. Все же новый альбом звучит более сдержанно, чем его предшественник. Музыка KZOHH стала менее эклектична, более сфокусирована и основательна, но при этом не утратила эмоциональности. Собственно говоря, теперь в музыке задает тон нарочито грубый, шершавый блэк, который временами перемежается нагоняющими замогильную жуть тягучими думовыми пассажами. Сделав эмбиент неотъемлемой частью своего звучания, музыкантам удалось весьма органично вплести клавишные пассажи в общее полотно звучания, благодаря чему крайне мрачные эмбиентные зарисовки придают альбому еще большую целостность, подчеркивая его концепцию и связывая повествование воедино. Эпизодически всплывающие электронные эффекты хоть и вызывают любопытство, но решающей роли все же не играют. Что касается нового вокалиста, то справился он со своей задачей отменно. Чрезвычайно разнообразный и артистичный вокал, объединивший в себе внушительную болезненную палитру – от традиционного скрима до срывающегося на зловещий вой харша и сиплого шепота, порой делает немыслимые кульбиты и воспринимается как еще один полноценный инструмент. Конечно, жаль покинувшего состав Зорна, чей голос играл важную роль в создании атмосферы дебютного альбома, но в лице Zhoth’а ему была найдена достойная замена.
В сугубо техническом плане каких-либо нареканий нет. Музыкантам удалось добиться достаточно четкого и сбалансированного звука не в ущерб характерному для блэка свирепому, первобытному чувству. Кроме того, KZOHH сделали ставку на умение создавать хорошие, завершенные композиции и грамотно расставлять эмоциональные акценты. Все участники KZOHH опытные музыканты (настоящие и бывшие члены Khors, Nokturnal Mortum, Astrofaes, Ulvegr, Reusmarkt) и не только прекрасно знают, как играть блэк, но умеют делать это интересно. При этом я бы не стал сравнивать эту музыку с тем, что они делают или делали в своих основных группах. В музыке KZOHH царит совершенно иная атмосфера – более жуткая, более нечеловеческая и пугающая своим реализмом, способная уловить чудовищную и противоестественную красоту разложения и стагнации. Это музыка, которая прекрасно звучала бы под зловещие раскаты набата, возвещающего о пришествии чумы. Очень интересная и самобытная работа. |
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просмотров: 11885 |
this name was RYE..."
Satiated by hunger, rattling the bones
Useless offspring of the mindless slaves
Choosing the monks' clatter instead of festivity
Enshrouded they bury themselves
Yearning for impending end...
Yearning for resurrection by the lord's grace
Inertia brought forth both famine and pest
While they thirst in vain for the end of the world.
Leprosy and plague... These eternal brothers
They marched together grinding the bones
Flagellants... Inquisition... Eerie gifts of (the) inflamed mind
Burning in the flame of holy ergotism...
Trials of cats, trials of cows and trials of pigs...
...And so the first death fires started to burn
Priest calling larvas, bugs and worms -
The harmful creatures who devastate
gardens and fields for trial...
Where the smell of bread once soared
Now they eat the creeping filth
Using the worms and clay as the food
The cadaverous stench jollified the minds
The limbs, burnt to a coal by Pestilentia Ignaria
Insignificant death for feeble slaves, masters and plebs
By trembling rags, swarming with stumps in the mud
Feasting upon the tombless bodies,
Flesh of the mothers, children and consorts
Not dead, nor living can't be comprehended now...
"Every healthy person, especially the young ones
must wash themselves as rare as possible"
That was the warning of St. Benedict
And some persons took to heart this advice
So they never washed themselves during all the life...
The plight of the lower
and most of the middle classes
was even more pitiful to behold.
Most of them remained in their houses,
either through poverty
or in hopes of safety,
and fell sick by thousands.
...and fell sick by thousands...
Since they received no care and attention,
almost all of them died.
Many ended their lives in the streets
both at night and during the day;
and many others who died in their houses
were only known to be dead
because the neighbors smelled their decaying flesh.
Dead bodies filled every corner.
Most of them were treated
in the same manner by the survivors.
These are fortunate to have coffins.
Most victims were interred in mass graves
concerned to get rid of their rotting bodies
than moved by charity towards the dead.
With the aid of porters, if they could get them,
they carried the bodies out of the houses
and laid them swollen and festering at the door;
where every morning quantities
of the dead might be seen.
Such was the multitude of corpses
brought to the churches every day
and almost every hour that there was not enough
consecrated ground to give them burial,
especially since they wanted to bury
each person in the family grave,
according to the old custom.
Although the graveyards were full
they were forced to dig huge trenches,
where they buried the bodies by hundreds.
Here they stowed them away
like bales in the hold of a ship
and covered them with a little earth,
until the whole trench was full.
"Un Drapeau Noir sur L'église" (Instrumental)
"IV Millas al Dias"
(This) disease was so powerful
that it spread from the ill to the healthy
like fire among dry
or oily materials.
It was so bad that it could be
communicated not only through speaking
or associating with the sick,
or anything else they had touched.
The pestilence spread so efficiently that,
not only did it pass from person to person,
but if an animal touched the belongings
of some sick or dead person
Such experiences or others like
them gave birth to a variety of fears
and misconceptions among the living,
and the cruel strategy (they pursued) was to avoid
even flee the sick and their belongings.
They thought that by doing so
they could stay healthy themselves.
"There were some who thought moderate living and the avoidance of excess had a great deal to do with
avoiding illness, so they lived apart from others in small groups. They congregated and shut themselves
up in houses where no one had been sick, partaking moderately of the best food and the finest wine,
avoiding excess in other ways as well, trying their best not speak of or hear any news about the death
and illness outside, occupying themselves with music and whatever other pleasures they had available."
This tribulation struck with fear
in the hearts of men and women
that one brother abandoned another,
uncles left nephews,
sisters left brothers,
often wives left their husbands,
and fathers and mothers left their children,
as if they were not even theirs.
Nor were these dead honored with tears,
lights or compassions.
Sunk to the level that people
were disposed of much
as we would now
now dispose of a dead goat.
Thus it became clear that what
the wise had never learned to suffer
with patience when, in the natural course of things,
it struck less dramatically and less often,
became a matter of indifference even
to the simple thanks to sheer scale of this misfortune.
"Vind I De Tomma Ögonhålor"
Death reap the souls, tears apart the joints,
Breaking the bones, exudes with cheep of rats.
Death turns to madness, human’s loss their mind
And burn their dwellings, all hopes to stop the plague die...
The opened wide chops of countless common graves
Are ready to be the abode of scattered bodies
As the all-devouring flame of Black Fever
Exhausts the juices of life, turning all to endless void...
Marauders are march into the fire
And plunder everything what they can take away with them
Corpses, half dead, decomposed cattle,
Swarm of insects, monks, who copulate in the mud -
the fruit of mental decline
Some of the death-marked formerly were healthy.
They were able to go outside but there they met with death
Humans walk, crawl and drop dead
All the deceased can't be received by the graveyards
Their bodies are burnt away or simply abandoned on the roads
Rivers are infested with the dead fish
Dead water cannot be warmed by the sun
It will never be
Never be life-giving
Hail, snow and ashes that filled the air
Enshroud the cities and states with the mist of fever
Yersinia Pesis never dies,
It lies dormant for ages and ages, it waits
There will be a day when Plague will awake the rats
And send them to perish in the streets of joyful towns...
"Ghosts of Melcombe Regis" (Instrumental)