 Шикаааарно! ICD – путешествие по владениям Дьявола, не меньше. При включении первого трека вас сразу же уносит в мир боли, ужаса и страданий. Атмосфера на этом альбоме просто великолепна: с каждой новой песней открывается новая страница темного мира, полного тайн, загадок и страха. Вы не сможете остановиться – вам будет хотеться дослушать все до конца, уловить все моменты и все изюминки этого альбома. А их на нем огромное множество, скрытых под слоем времени, пыли и ненависти. ICD уносит вас далеко в прошлое: в заболоченные леса, холодные пещеры, и церкви Христова, когда шла отчаянная борьба со всякой нечестью. Альбом действительно великолепен: жесткое молотилово неожиданно замедляется до медленных и протяжных риффов гитары, украшенных убранством красивых мелодий; звук колокола наводит ужас; вой диких волков наводит страх, а крики душ приводят вас в замешательство. Хватит? Нет, все это так же неожиданно, как и началось, превращается в кромешный ад, стена звука, сопровождаемая вокалом Gruslin’a, немного смахивающего на blackовый, вырастает в настоящего Дьявола, готового растерзать вас на куски… И вот уже он добрался до вас, но тут-то наступает затишье…, превращающееся во второй трек. И…все сначала, и так на протяжении семи индивидуальных композиций. Если и этого будет мало отведайте каверы Celtic Frost (Dethroned Emperor) и Venom (Countless Bathory), выдержанных в этом же стиле. Поверьте – ICD не оставит вас равнодушным, а для полного наслаждения этой работой советую послушать его целиком ночью, при полной луне, в плохую погоду, всматриваясь в лес – уверен - наложите в штаны. Итак – Into Cold Darkness – шедевр мирового satanic brutal death metal’a, предназначенный для истинных любителей музыки. |
Pray to your God-He will never be
Behold the doctrine of slaves
Crown of the temples, brightness of Heaven
Your fabled book of lies, we must burn these bounded pages
Impale the opus of shit, now venture into the black
And open the gates to Hell, cast up Lucifer and his unholy blessing
Now swear the oath of Satan!
Harlots singing praises among the flames from the South
Riding the mighty whirlwinds from the East
The mighty throne growls thunder from the North
Lanterns of sorrow from the West..... Ave Satanas
Wings of thorns, seal of false honour
Wrath of sin, die lord of righteousness
Defeat the priests of lies within the pentagram of fire
Accept the words of Hell the seven trumpets of desire
Battle cry, destructon, mission of hatred
Savage souls of Satan pound one thousand years
Born of the moonlight a worldwide crusade
Battle cry, destruction, mission of hatred
Ave Satanas
2. Under The Moon's Fog
Under the moon, black winds blow
Onto the sands, warriors have died
To the most Northern forest mountain
Our victory is ours, under the moon's fog
Gods of death warriors of the desert
Fever witch spectre of fire
Commanded by Marduk magician of the gods
No coven shall be broken, hear my words
Step foot on our land, awakes the gods of war
Offering battle, under the moon's fog
Screaming into the winds..... Victory!
Gods of thunder win..... Victory!
Thrusting mighty swords..... Victory!
Sacrifice of blood..... Victory!
Conquering worlds between two worlds
Those armies of the Northern chill
Light the land of wisdom
I am one
Wielding my double headed axe
Under the moon's fog
Hail victory!!
Gods of war reign!!
3. Crown Of The Black Hearts
Welcome to the Northern regions..... Black hearted emperor
Intensify the pagan night..... Black hearted emperor
High upon the angel's mountain..... Black hearted emperor
Overshadowed by the moon.....The crown of the black hearts
Urine is poured over leaves
Purified in Gabriel's chalice
Gazed into the eyes of the king
See the Heavens sky in malice
Awakening strength of one million warriors
Raising their swords to overthrow the pure
Destruction of your hero's kingdom, the walls begin to fall
The swords of pandemonium, a millenium of bloodshed
Condemned to the impure air, blood running black
Victory clouds form, can you smell the sulphur?
Recurrent waves of sorrow abolished by the sword
Mourning soon ceased not one stands alive
Death to the golden age hoards glorifying the moon
Destructive storms and evil winds
Evil spirits - evil demons - evil god - evil fiend!!!
This is our place!
This is our land!
Gods of the night take my hand!
4. Scrolls Of A Millenium Past
Arose from the second triangle burning my soul
Gehenna is the place for burning, takes me away
Order of the golden dawn summoning Beelzebub
Give your eternal loyalty demon of death and evil
God is dead and always has been
Be your god and devoutly worship yourself
To thee we confess..... Shut up and hold your tongue
Justify your beliefs and forsee reality
I am the personification of cosmic force
And the creator of all living things
Even the gods bow at my feet
To lick the blood from my sword
Book of revelations I forsee the fallen angels rise
To destroy the ministers of god
Strong as a lion in the moon of the woods
Great beast come, gods withdraw obey your master!
Glory and praise to you Satan
In the heights of Heaven where you once reigned
In the depths of Hell where you dream in silence
Sound the trumpets into the crimson sky
I am awake! I am awake! I am awake!
Scrolls of a millennium past unfold
In the blackness of the moonlight
Condemn Christianity forever
Embrace the wisdom of Lucifer!
Burning churches to the ground
Unearthly desolation, all is black
Crackling flames wither away
Bones stand tombless, as their flesh
All remains covered by dust
Funeral piles, the war must go on
Hoofs of steel rape the ear
Everlasting over the hills
White light legions in mortal fear
Cast into the fire weakness absorbs the flames
5. Into Cold Darkness
Sensual pleasures of non-resistant triumph
Spiritual tendencies deeply rooted in man's psyche
Ab-I-Hayat waters of immortality
A sanctuary to mortante your mind
AAARRRGGGHHH..... Into cold darkness
Absu the watery abyss
Abode of the gods
Acheron one river of Hades
Descend into the kingdom of the dead
Entering the under world condemned to torture
Conceived as the darkest region of frost and wind
This land of the dead is ruled by the sword
Where souls of the wicked remain forever
AAARRRGGGHHH..... Into cold darkness
Now hundreds of angels rebel against God
Winged and naked riding black wolves
Millenniums of destruction, darkness have
Annunaki demands destruction of God forever
The great return of universal reconciliation
Christianity crushed and destroyed
A renowned region of evil immortality
Uncover the sacred symbol of fertility
AAARRRGGGHHH..... Into cold darkness
6. Descent Into Hell
Descending into hell..... Jesus Christ is no more!
Riding out the demon locust
War horses of Hell
Penetrating the blazing heat
Where wicked angels dwell
Cast to earth unleashing apells
Devouring your souls
Christian doctrine of false belief
God is bound in Hell
Bow your heads to the supreme God
Lord of darkness
Seduced nations denying Christ
Satan leads the aggression
Abbadon leader of locus spawn
Destroyer of all Christianity
Rebelled from Heaven into sin
Master imitator dethrone God
Descent into Hell..... identify those of the trinity
Rebel father seeks..... to replace the creator
The tempter son invites..... man to imitate God
Colladorator, comforter..... torments men no earth
Satan..... Keeper of the pits of Hell!
Christ..... Judgement day has fell!
Satan..... Waiting for the battle's end!
Christ..... Your time is near and over!
7. Angels Of Blasphemy
Baphomet the goat of a thousand young
Horns thrusting upward in moral defiance
Leviathan the holy trinity denied
Perpetual of our noble Satan
I, the redeemer withstand my assurance
To gracefully open the seventh gate
Ringing the goat's head bell, purifying the air
In nomine dei nostri satanas Lucifer
Abbadon, Asmosdeous Astaroth, Baphomet
Beelzebub, Behemoth Beherit, Hecate
Wash our hands of impurities
Drink the blood from the skulls of our enemies
Topple the throne of the mortal fool
What has God done for you?
Blasphemy of the righteous church
Celebrate in darkness
The darkness offers confined healing
Find yourself before it's too late
Drink from my chalice the elixir of life
Reaching out to the four cardinal points
Satan, Lucifer, Belial, Leviathan
Trapped behind the false moral confines of Christianity
Your self-destructive belief system is a festering cancer
It should have become extinct along time ago
Angels of blasphemy oppreser of truth
Angels of blasphemy oppreser of life
8. Dethroned Emperor
[Celtic frost Cover]
See the portal
Gates to madness
Locked forever in a veil of shame
Deny extraction
Thirst for disgrace
Watch his breaking
The Emperor's killed
Light of the day
Shadows from beyond
Scaffold of steel
The throne has gone
Dethroned Emperor
The foot of the stairs
Dimension in might
The king sits
His eyes are glass
Growing of the small
The laughters fall
Can you deny
Remaining cries
Descent of the lords
Into the trap
Existance and hate
Unseen gate