« The Unexpected Guest »
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1 | Intro: An Observation 01:24
 | 2 | Don't Break the Circle 04:45
 | 3 | The Spell 03:42
 | 4 | Total Possession 03:52
 | 5 | Sign of a Madman 04:30
 | 6 | Victim of Fortune 04:42
 | 7 | Have We Been Here Before? 04:42
 | 8 | Strange Institution 04:51
 | 9 | The Grand Illusion 03:43
 | 10 | Beyond the Gates 04:20
 | 11 | Deliver Us From Evil 05:19
 | 12 | Outro 0:39
 | 13 | Don't Break the Circle (1988 Remix) 4:53
 | 14 | Have We Been Here Before? (Out-Take) 4:48
 | 15 | Victim of Fortune (Out-Take) 4:42]
 | 16 | Strange Institution (Out-Take) 5:37 |
   Dave Hill - vocals
Mal Spooner - guitars
Les Hunt - guitars
Chris Ellis - bass
John Wright - drums
Additional musicians:
Andy Richards - keyboards |
 | Don't Break The Circle
Don't break the circle
Don't break the circle
I'm your contact link across the great divide
Many voices in my ear
Hold on I think there's something coming through
From the other side. It's for all those who believe
The chain is stronger if the lifelin |
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 Британскую команду Demon нынче можно, пожалуй, назвать несколько подзабытой: современному металхэду прежде всего окажется знаком боевик "Dont Break the Circle" с этого альбома, главным образом тем, что его в свое время удачно закаверили Blind Guardian. Между тем, перед нами классический образец раннего британского хэви-металла "новой волны", хотя "демоны", пожалуй, застыли где то на половине пути, в одном конце которого - хорошо знакомый хард-роковый бастион, в другом - хэви-металлическая крепость. Другими словами, исполняют ребята скорее хард-энд-хэви: хардроковый по своей сути материал, но сыгранный с несвойственным жанру металлическим напором и на более жестком звуке.
Если же отвлечься от жанровых аспектов, и перейти непосредственно к оценке "Незваного гостя", то нельзя не заметить, что альбом, увы, является заложником собственной ровности. Ибо после явно выделяющегося здесь дебютного хита "Don't Break the Circle" с его вполне себе металлическим галопом, эффектным бриджем и гимноподобным пафосным припевом, следует череда более легких и традиционных по тем временам хард-роковых вещей. У слушателя невольно складывается ощущение, что его обманули, "недоложив" в альбом оставшиеся "брейкдэсайклы" и подменив их каким то легкомысленным "хардом". Тем более, что обилие вещей, скроенных по одному лекалу, столь же очевидному для слушателя, как швы на ткани, несколько смазывает впечатление, даже несмотря на то, что сам жанр не слишком располагает к разнообразию. Так что кому-то, должно быть, не хватит одного или пары прослушиваний, дабы взглянуть на основной массив композиций диска под другим углом и, на этот раз, оценить их по достоинству. А ведь, положа руку на сердце, если кроме очевидного "Неразорванного круга" на диске не так уж просто выделить какие либо композиции на роль хайлайтов (тут, скорее всего, придется отдуваться "Have We Been Here Before?", которая запоминается за счет своего жизнерадостного настроя и мощной энергетики), то откровенные слабые места или проколы выявить едва ли проще. Диск ровный и крепкий, и в случае, если вам удастся уловить его драйв и вы начнете получать удовольствие от происходящего, оного хватит на весь хронометраж, даже несмотря на некоторое однообразие материала.
Еще одно несомненное достоинство диска - вокал, близкий, на мой взгляд, к эталонному для подобной музыки. Так просто и не скажешь, какая композиция из представленных лучше других подошла бы для демонстрации певческого таланта Дэйва Хилла, но пусть это будет полубаллада "Strange Institution".
Прибавьте к этому подкупающую честность этого материала и специфическое очарование раннего хэви, и вы получите диск, который вполне достоин зачисления в классику, пусть даже истинное наслаждение он подарит прежде всего тем, кто особо ценит именно этот период развития жанра. |
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Второй альбом английских Демонов поклонникам рока пришлось ждать недолго и на следующий год музыканты всех обрадовали. Пластинку «The Unexpected Guest» в своё время очень хорошо восприняли и он попал даже на одно из мест английского хит парада. За качество записи диска отвечал Пит Хинтон, который также помогал и Saxon, однако чуда не случилось и звук как был посредственным, так и остался таким, а в некоторых моментах бас гитара звучит так словно гул в трубах. Вокалист Дэйв Хилл решил чуть-чуть поиграть со своим вокалом посредством диких криков, которые он воспроизводил, хотя назвать это крутым у меня просто язык не повернется – даже Пол Ди'Анно (ex-Iron Maiden) мог, несмотря на свой ужасный голос, завернуть такую руладу что страшно стало бы всем Демонам и Оборотням, а также людям на расстоянии километра! Что же из себя представляет «Нежданный гость»? Это логическое продолжение дебютной работы в виде лёгонького хард рока, не отличающегося ни оригинальностью гитарных риффов, ни соло партий, и даже не обладающим нормальным драйвом. Уже грустно, дорогие читатели? Но не всё так плохо…Однако есть тут одна вещь, которая мне лично резко подняла настроение и вызвала не хилый интерес – это композиция «Don’t Break The Circle», я думаю все те кто слушают Blind Guardian вспомнили что именно эту песню они когда-то перепели, сделав из неё настоящего спид металлического демона и монстра! В оригинале же эта песня представляет из себя такой живенький хард рок, в припеве резко замедляющийся до размеренного темпа, и поющегося величественно хором из нескольких голосов. Да и весь альбом в целом получился намного интересным с мелодической стороны нежели дебютный диск «Night Of The Demon». Тут лёгко можно выделить парочку ярких хитов таких как мрачный номер «The Spell», интересную тему «Victim Of Fortune», добрый и весёлый трек «Have We Been Here Before?», очень забавный боевик «Beyond The Gates». Закрывает альбом сильнейшая композиция «Deliver Us From Evil», которая может сравниться по своей силе и цепляемости только с открывающей песней «Don’t Break The Circle». Тематика текстов, кстати, стала ещё круче и теперь из музыки Демона так и брызжут ад, зло, смерть и тьма! Ещё одним интересным фактом есть то, что хоть в целом альбом и не идеален, но в каждой композиции есть парочка очень интересных и потешных моментов – то есть то рефрен прикольный попадется, то соло партия мелодичная пробежит, в общем таких сюрпризов здесь много, поверхностное прослушивание даст только такой же поверхностный результат. Я бы советовал непременно ознакомится с «The Unexpected Guest» всем поклонникам NWOBHM. Реально интересная и сильная работа. |
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просмотров: 20389 |
So beware the presence of The Unexpected Guest
Don't break the circle
Don't break the circle
Unexplained Many things we thought were lost may come to light
On a higher plain in the spirit world
Where only a few of us possess the second sight
Now the messenger awaits
The chain is stronger if the lifeline is unbroken
So beware the presence of The Unexpected Guest
Don't break the circle
Don't break the circle
Don't break the circle
Don't break the circle must keep going on and on.
But wait
Is there one amongst us here who disbelieves?
A stranger to the sign
Take care, for all the things you fear
May be revealed
Within the forces of the night
The chain is stronger if the lifeline is unbroken
So beware the presence of The Unexpected Guest
Don't break the circle
Don't break the circle
Don't break the circle
Don't break the circle
The circle must keep going on and on
The circle must keep going on and on
The Spell
Take your place in the circle
Watch the mystery unwind
One cup of your lifeblood
Two parts of your mind
Thirteen faceless disciples
ln a room froze with fear
Summoned there by the master
Then he appears
Under the spell
The mark of the
Beast is upon you now
Under the spell
The mark of the Beast.
You must serve him well.
Under the spell
Dances at midnight
Naked but for the mask
Feasting Heaven's destruction
The spell has been cast
The power is total
Eclipse of the Son
Evil forces are strongest
His will to be done Under the spell
The mark of the Beast is upon you now
Under the spell
The mark of the Beast.
You must serve him well. Under the spell
We all bear witness
To the ritual of life
While some choose to follow
The shadows of night
Forever banished in darkness
For those who've taken the vow
These things are of your own doing
You'll pay for it now
Under the spell
The mark of the Beast is upon you now
Under the spell
The mark of the Beast. You must serve him well.
Under the spell
Total Possession
Total Possession.
I think he's possessed
Total Possession.
Don't say a word, best left to himself now
This needs a man of the cloth
Heard him speaking in tongues not of this world
Can't bear to look at him now
It seems a change came overnight
One moment a man, in madness and rage
Became Total Possession
Total Possession. I think he's possessed
A fire in his eyes tell you
He's not like the rest
Total possession. He's out on his own
A crazed look of an insane man.
A twisted face, a tormented victim
Someone's moving upstairs
A life leaks away under the shadows
There's no hope for him now
A tortured soul lies bleeding
Oh Father in Heaven where are you now?
It's Total Possession
Total Possession. I think he's possessed
A fire in his eyes tell you
He's not like the rest
Total possession. He's out on his own
A crazed look of an insane man.
In his own world
It seems a change came overnight
One moment a man, in madness and rage
Became Total Possession
Total Possession. I think he's possessed
A fire in his eyes tell you
He's not like the rest
Total Possession. He's out on his own
A crazed look of an insane man.
In his own world
Sign Of A Madman
Somewhere inside a raging storm
Is waiting to be free
The balance hangs on one slim thread
A twisted nerve could blow it
All around the heat is on
Confusion. Confusion
A finger hitches on a trigger
Another mark of the gun
It's a sign of a madman
Losing his control
It's a sign of a madman
Losing everything
An insane act where genius reigned
The traitor came to light
He swore you were the chosen one
Who'd come to take his place
Now it seems you're showing signs
Of stress. Distress
The sentence passed upon yourself
There's no way out of here
It's a sign of a madman
Losing his control
It's a sign of a madman
Losing everything
How does it feel to be alone in there
How does it feel to be alone in there
Nothing is real now you're alone in there
Nothing is real now you're alone in there
You're all alone in a crowded room
Surrounded by your fate
In the grip of all your plans
You didn't even know it
Now the shadows hide the one
Who lies in wait
Looking for a place in history
How many more like you?
It's a sign of a madman
Losing his control
It's a sign of a madman
Losing everything
It's a sign of a madman
Losing his control
It's a sign of a madman
Losing everything
Victim Of Fortune
Victim of fortune
Servant of fate
The force that surrounds you
There's no escape
We can't control the will of destiny
Or the course of the stars
Still we journey for the secret of life
To find who we are meant to be
Is this meant to be?
In the end our beginnings we'll see
Victim of fortune
Servant of fate
The force that surrounds you
There's no escape
Too many things can't be explained
How they came to be
With all your cards and crystal prophecies
Can we really see a way
A solution for us all?
Or are we lost forever, always to fall?
Victim of fortune
Servant of fate
The force that surrounds you
There's no escape
There's a gap in the curtain
Through which some people might see
Of that I am certain
The power of predictions
Through visions we're able to see
Meant to be
Is this meant to be?
In the end our beginnings we'll see
Victim of fortune
Servant of fate
The force that surrounds you
There's no escape
You're a Victim
Have We Been Here Before?
Have we been here before
We all shine on. Shine on
I believe after life the spirit lives on
It's a journey without end
Whatever's precious to you now
Will it stand, stand the test of time?
And all those faces in the crowd
Seem so familiar to you now
And though I've never walked this street before
Somehow I feel, I feel I know it so well
Have we been here before?
We all shine on
Have we been here before?
We all shine on. Shine on
We move between two points in time
And question existence of if all
Is it fact or is it fantasy?
What lies in wait, waiting for us all
And when we leave, will we return again
Only to wear a new disguise?
And while this world, it keeps on turning
Will there be a place where both become one?
Have we been here before?
We all shine on
Have we been here before?
We all shine on We exist beyond reason
No explanation for it all
We've been searching tor it everywhere
We've done it all before.
Have we been here before?
We all shine on
Have we been here before?
We all shine on
And all those faces in the crowd
Seem so familiar to me now
And though I've never walked this street before
Somehow I feel, I feel I know it so well
Have we been here before?
We all shine on
Have we been here before?
We all shine on and on
Have we been here before?
We all shine one
Have we been here before?
We all shine on and on.
Strange Institution
He stares alone at the night
No emotion shown
A glimmer of light
Now and then
Communication is broken down
Contact is lost
Just a machine between him
And his maker
It's a strange institution they call life
A nowhere existence, but who's right?
They gave you a mountain to climb
But left you no will to survive
It hurts to see him now
The way he is
Just a shadow of a man
That I once knew
A restless spirit running wild
Hey you! Hey you always laughed
In the face of disaster
It's a strange institution, they call life
A nowhere existence, but who's right?
They gave you a mountain to climb
They left you no will to survive
There's just a machine between him
And his maker
The Grand Illusion
Take a last shot at the sunrise
See the wheel of fire turn round
There's a thirst that burns within you
A need for something strong
Taking you on your wildest dreams
Leave it all behind
Escaping once more to that twilight time
For the hour has come
No place to run
I'll be there when you crash down
It's all the work of the devil
Now you will serve him well
All your lies and false excuses
You've got it off so well
Can you feel your blood run colder
As your senses start to rise The D.T.'s taking over you
Joker dances in your eyes
The feeling that you're feeling now
Leaves you with no choice
To take life from the bottle
The Grand Illusion
Your one-man show
Is going down real well
It's all the work of the devil
Now you will serve him well
All the lies and false excuses
You've got it off so well
It's all the work of the devil
To stand another round
When the morning hits you
Like a thief you'll run to ground
Take a last shot at the sunrise
See the wheel of fire turn round
There's a thirst that burns within you
A need for something strong
Taking you on your wildest dreams
Leave it all behind
Escaping once more to that twilight time
For the hour has come
No place to run
I'll be there when you crash down
It's all the work of the devil
Now he will serve you well
All the lies and false excuses
You've got if off so well
It's all the work of the devil
To stand another round
When the morning hits you
Like a thief you'll run to ground.
Beyond The Gates
Beyond the Gates of Hell
Between death and life
There's a road few have travelled
A road few survive
Watch out! Beware!
Prepare to run with your life
Watch out! Out there!
For the fool who takes
A look in his eyes
Will be lost to the Master of Time
We're searching for souls
Everyone must be saved
Beyond the Gates of Hell
Between death and life
There's a road few have travelled
A road few survive
Hold on to the light!
There's no way of turning back now
It's not real what you see
It's just a state of your mind That he holds
They're trying to work it through you
But the time's running out
There's nothing more you can do
Beyond the Gates of Hell
Between death and life
There's a road few have travelled
A road few survive
They're searching for souls
Everyone must be saved
But the time's running out
There's nothing left you can do
Deliver Us From Evil
Now the spell has been cast
The curse has left its mark
And we await the judgerment to be passed
While we look upon each other
The sinner and the saint
The final curtain falls upon our kind
It's too late to pray
For the victims left outside the gates of Hell
What fate awaits them now no-one can tell
Deliver us from evil, gimme shelter
Deliver us from evil, gimme shelter from it
Deliver us from evil, gimme shelter
Deliver us from evil, gimme shelter
As we reach the final chapter
And turn another page
Do we see the writing on the wall?
Is it better to have witnessed this
Or never seen at all
What lies behind the shadow of the night?
You've seen the sign
You're forever on the run from your last rights
You live in fear of The Unexpected Guest
Deliver us from evil, gimme shelter
Deliver us from evil, gimme shelter from it
Deliver us from evil, gimme shelter
Deliver us from evil, gimme shelter
Deliver us – we don't want to go down there
Deliver us – we don't want to go down there
Now the spell has been cast
The curse has left its mark
And we await the judgement to be passed
While we look upon each other
The sinner and the saint
The final curtain falls upon our kind.
It's too late to pray
For the victims left outside the gates of Hell
What fate awaits them now no-one can tell
Deliver us from evil, gimme shelter
Deliver us from evil, gimme shelter from it
Deliver us from evil, gimme shelter
Deliver us from evil, gimme shelter