 В насквозь прогнившем мирке американского шоу бизнеса, где даже в "золотую" эпоху тяжелой музыки широкий успех имели, в основном, коммерчески ориентированные команды, время от времени происходят маленькие чудеса. Одно из таких чудес носит красивое имя Winterfell. Скажите мне, какие прогнозы на будущее могли иметь пять парней из Пенсильвании, решившие играть не что нибудь, а прогрессивный пауэр метал? Вот и я думаю, что очень мрачные. Но терпение и труд все перетрут - после пяти лет упорных репетиций и одной демо кассеты, в этом году полноценный дебют Winterfell, под названием "The Veil Of Summer", наконец-таки вышел! Причем, полным самиздатом - купить этот диск (надеюсь, что только пока) можно исключительно путем заказа на официальном веб-сайте группы. При этом все детали, полагающиеся любому отличному релизу, к примеру, лейбла InsideOut или Massacre, здесь прилагаются в полном объеме. Мастерство музыкантов находится на весьма высоком уровне, особенно хотелось бы отметить исключительно разнообразные барабанные брейки от Эдди Ван Сильвы. Вокалист группы Роб Грейвс также весьма увлекательно исполняет весь материал, хотя явное подражание манере пения Мэтта Барлоу (Iced Earth) иногда начинает слегка раздражать, поскольку до таких высот Робу еще расти и расти. Впрочем, в плане музыки с командой маэстро Шаффера Winterfell не имеют ничего общего. Ребята исполняют весьма приятный, и что самое главное - ни на кого особенно не похожий, имеющий свое лицо, прог пауэр. Причем, баланс явно перевешивает в сторону первого - синкопированных сбивок, постоянных смен темпа, замысловатых соло и неожиданных акустических проигрышей тут будет побольше, чем традиционных для пауэра скоростных галопирующих ритмов и ярких хоровых припевов. Также на добротном и качественном уровне выполнены запись, сведение и, что самое главное, песенное содержание. Некое однообразие, довольно характерное для стиля в целом, к сожалению, прослеживается, но зато такие великолепные вещи, как стартовый эпик "Threnody", ураганный прог-боевик "The Iris", самый настоящий пауэр хит "The Legacy", или же агрессивный викинг-эпос "Asatru" позволяют быстро забыть обо всех недостатках. Ну а итог будет такой - "The Veil Of Summer" настоятельно рекомендуется всем ценителям подобной музыки, новых, а главное - качественных команд в подобном стиле сейчас появляется очень и очень мало. Winterfell точно достойны Вашего внимания, а еще - хорошего контракта. |
From the earth, we are born.
To the earth, we belong.
(but) from the earth, they return,
and only I know their song...
The sunset retreating from this grim procession.
By torchlight their vigil concludes.
The last of them nods as I re-chain the gates,
and prepare for the horrors about to ensue.
I am no patriot, samaritan, I do only,
for I am the last who even recalls
the songs of the earth. Oh, how have they forgotten?
I swear this will surely bring death to them all.
From the earth, they return.
Only I know their song.
All I wonder (is) who'll watch
over me when it's my time to rise.
Bliss isn't ignorance; it's life, fool. Remember
the ways of the ones who had been here before.
Now fire and steel forge the key to the spell-song.
I'll sing them to rest with the blade of my sword!
From the earth, they return.
Only I know their song.
All I wonder (is) who'll watch
over me when it's my time to rise.
Lead our brothers home.
Peace be known.
Bring our daughters home.
Lead them on.
Autumn Knight
Through battlefields and wizard's fire,
and the perils of the dawn.
In flames ignited by desire,
though you've already gone.
Though you left me,
still I feel you.
Moonlight dancing
on your grave.
It seems I'm going nowhere,
these mountains look the same.
I've been on this road for so long
and I long for you again.
Years which pass by
won't change how I
see you at night.
Face to face.
Storm clouds rise, the sacred rite.
Speak to me this autumn night.
Take my hand and walk away,
into darkness out of the pain.
The Iris
Rising of a land and
falling of a leader.
Losing all that was mine.
Now I contemplate the beast inside us all...
Inside a fire drives me.
Take back what was mine. Still
searching for a weakness.
Hatred growing now for all mankind will fall...
Behold! A spiritual Iris,
Palace of the soul.
We have lost our way for the last time.
Though I never thought I'd find it,
I cannot let it go.
The time has finally come to close the door.
Let them fall away,
they will never know the meaning.
Each and every day,
they grow more and more like animals.
Corrupt and out of place,
long ago abandoned any morals.
I will find a way.
I will use my power to stop the flow of soul.
The greatest wars in history,
we wage deep inside. Though
silent, beyond the Iris,
Vengenace is now mine. Oh let them fall away...
Stung by his visions the lordling arises,
eager to break from the stiffness of dreams.
Stumbling round till his hand is united
(with) the sword of his father, the comfort it brings him.
How long shall you mourn him
there, in the dark?
Into the barrows, weeping and grief-struck,
spouting off curses and oaths to the gods.
Silenced before him in ethereal wonder,
the spectral father calls out to the son.
Embrace your life, it's wondrous.
And love your loves so thunderous.
Live for the moment, son, you must.
You'll never be here again...
In awe, in fear,
the child won't let go.
In love, in tears,
he cries to the night.
Into his man-hood the son often pondered
the wisdom the wraith of his lord had passed on.
Through winters and hard times he always remembered,
and one day he spoke those same words to his own son!
Embrace your life, it's wondrous.
And love your loves so thunderous.
Live for the moment, son, you must.
You'll never be here again...
In awe, in fear,
the child won't let go.
In love, in tears,
finally he understands.
Embrace your life, it's wondrous.
And love your loves so thunderous.
Live for the moment, son, you must.
You'll never be here again...
Cross now to other lands the winds may take you
Cross now beyond the icy Northern Sea
The path left untaken is another's adventure
The sword left unwielded is the saddest of things
Do you rest on shores of darkness
Do you hear their haunting call
Winged thought and memory watch over our journey
as Odin awaits what the Valkyrie bring
and just as he knows he shall fall there at Ragnarok
so still he rises to his destiny
I will not falter, we sail by the moonlight
and follow the wings of the dragon
behind, the stone and the steel, beats warm-blooded thunder
which longs for the wings of the dragon again
Drums pound as we sail onward
Red Sands we leave behind
Think back to lands we've wandered
Dream of what we've yet to find
Hell's fire burns inside you
Steel and ice will lead the way
Crush all who stand before you
The Gods have called for blood this day
Set Sail to other lands, the winds will guide you
Masters upon the icy northern sea
Your victories will capture the eye of the All-Father
Such is the fate of great men such as thee
(repeat chorus)
Once and Again
Hear me angels.
Cry for me.
I am fallen.
Everything I knew and always followed,
is everything I question now.
Faith, the father, I will find the answers.
It's who I am.
Cast from heaven
to the depths below.
Am I forsaken?
Consumed by sorrow, standing in the fire,
I wonder will it warm my soul.
The emptiness that I can feel inside,
I'm on my own.
Once and again divine,
I walk the earth alone.
Once your love was mine.
In search of answers to find my way back home.
(My) wonder deepens.
Am I to pay
for your creation?
The rules in place, which already have damned me,
a world of faith and free will.
I won't accept this perfect little order.
It's who I am.
Feeling bolder,
with heart in hand.
To test these boundaries
and watch them crumble
at my command.
Your word, your law, your ever lasting widsom.
My faith, my blood, you took my wings.
A test, perhaps, a necessary evil.
Trumpets sound and angels sing:
Once and again divine,
I walk the earth alone.
Once your love was mine.
In search of answers to find my way back home.
Can you tell me, when time passes,
where does it reside?
In secret places, in your dreams,
I'll be waiting.
Close your eyes.
All there... all lies...
Question god and trust in nothing.
Will I find the way
back to him? His fallen angel.
I was once his own right hand
and shall be again...
The Morning Star rises, where shall I go?
I'll be waiting.
Close your eyes.
Still there... still lies...
The Morning Star rises, where shall I go?
Campaign of Shadows
Moonlight reflected off spear-heads and shields
of an army once living, now walking the fields
toward soldiers of light who had once stood united,
now scattered, divided, and too quick to kneel.
But standing above and diving them onward
a twice winged shadow with fire in its eyes.
A twisted achievement by forgotten magicks,
a subject of malice, dark hatred, and lies.
All the horrors men have dreamt of stretching on for miles.
Those beholding flee in madness, screaming all the while.
It's here the remenants of the Order, sworn to fight the damned,
meekly stand in stoic silence, swords in sullen hands.
See the men, overwhelmed...
(I can) scarce contain the rage within!
Fall, with me now, find your power
trhough the darkness in your soul!
You'll survive. Don't deny
you had thought of this before.
Stand. Find your ground. Cut them down
using any means you know!
Fould and black, don't hold back.
Let your conscience be ignored.
Moonlight reflected in red pools below you
and only the wind has the boldness to blow.
The Order you fought for lies broken, in death,
and yet no where in sight lies a trace of your foe.
With fire in your eyes, you harness the magick,
beginning to raise what had once been your friends.
The clouds in the sky cast shadows upon you
but none can compare with what lives now within.
The Beggar King
A future so certain,
sure that it was set in stone.
Clearly my birhtright,
to sit atop the Iron Throne.
Ripped away my expectations,
the King Slayer took from me.
Forced to flee our conquered nations,
to hide across the Narrow Sea.
All I need, a
Crown of Gold. For
I am King of
What you stole...
So far from home now,
but I remember...
Long we reigned in bliss and glory,
in fire and blood they cried our names.
Sister wives and brother husbands
kept this blood pure in our veins.
One dark night our whole world ende,
stag and direwolf, mace and sword.
The traitor lion, the dragons fall,
and the sudden flight to a distant shore.
With no coin I'll buy my army
to return to rule again!
Sotrmborn sister sold to slavery.
Your fles for their swords!
Give to me a
Crown of Gold, and
I'll be King of
All this world!
All you ever needed,
just what you were told.
give this sorefoot-king his
Crown of molten gold!
Night falls around me, my heart is pounding,
staring into the Golgotha.
Slowly creep into the darkness,
step by step, with sword in hand.
(To) prove my courage to the elders,
to affirm that I'm a man.
How much truth do stories hold
of catacombs where no one goes.
Yet, voices call to me from stone
and urge me into the unknown.
Might I find out who, there, cries out
to me, through me, deep below?
Racing onward, leaving caution
back behind, reason gone.
Hear them now they're all around me,
taunting with their siren song.
I begin to fear this blackness,
tangible, I swim through doubt.
Walls of stone close in around me.
Where am I? I can't get out!
How can this be? All these voices are mine.
Have I been waiting for so long?
Is this the secret I came here to find,
but lost myself along the way?