 Даже беглый взгляд на обложку этого диска не оставляет никаких сомнений в том, что мы сможем здесь услышать. Конечно же, мясистый, терзающий мозг brutal death с некоторой долей грайнда. Временами агрессивно-скоростной, временами зловеще-медлительный, он в течение получаса заражает своими звуками атмосферу. Несколько однообразные, но крайне эмоциональные риффы иногда для пущей важности разбавляются залихвастскими соло и неожиданными сбивками. Изредка можно услышать и сэмплы, значительно освежающие музыку, особенно в "восточной" композиции под названием "The Dark Rain", явно основанной на творчестве знаменитых Nile. Сочнейший гроулинг придает музыке особую основательность и массивность, а ярость барабанщика чувствуется почти физически. В общем, ребята явно выложились по полной программе. Запись несколько испортила впечатление от альбома: мне пришлось до упора выкручивать басы на своем проигрывателе, да и смазанность гитар местами действовала на нервы. Впрочем, и с таким звуком альбом этих брутальщиков может похвастаться способностью навалиться на слушателя стеной и на все 33 минуты придавить его своей тяжестью. В оформлении работы группа не использовала каких-либо изысков: незамысловатое, но действительно злое, с непременными черно-красными тонами, оно служит идеальным фоном для таких же незамысловатых, но злых текстов. Вообще же надо сказать, что Словакия в очередной раз смогла порадовать поклонников хорошего дэта, пеподнеся слушателям столь лаконично-убийственный альбом, в котором самым замечательным образом сочетаются искренность и техничность. Вот бы словакам еще достойную запись, и альбом бы стал настоящим подарком мировой дэт-сцене. Но настоящего ценителя, я думаю, неважной записью не отпугнешь. Слушайте и наслаждайтесь! (Диск предоставлен компанией CD-Maximum) |
In infinity reality pains
Pains very much
Horrible dark
Is unpenetrable
It will be there forever
As it there was forever
The dark of all stricken ones
Who Am I?
Alone in the darkness
Rejected from all
I'm moving in my dimensions
In my world I'll stay alone
Hidden before all
Always alone
In my sadness, in my anger
In my hate
Emptiness swallows me by
Any seconds of eternity
All gates are closed
I feel the creations turning
Out of me maybe they
Wan't forget me forever
But I'm strong and never surrender
Without fight
My world
Is large enough and I have there
A places to hide and earn
The hidden energies
My anger and hate will be merciless
To all those who hurted me
My wishes will stay unspoken
I'll stay alone with my memories
My End
Sempiternal silence
And summer twilight
Are entering my mind
My body, my self
I feel quiet and easy
I'm ready with all
Did with all that comes
It's picasant to
Don't think about the futures
To don't know
What comes tomorrow
I see the grief of know faces
From the second view
See them yet
I see them from
The other dimension
Suddenly is that is away
Only calm is around me
Magnificient forrost
So mighty and green
In their majesry
Deep walleys between rustle
With clear creeks
Sempiternal silence
And summer dawn are entering
Not Any Question
Human brain this sensor
Of time and space each
Of us hat is each of us uses
It in different way
Thoughts born in the heads
Of wrong also can kill
If this thoughs are spoken
At last there aren't
Any further questions
There are too much who like
To infest the world with
These thoughts
They arend interesting
In the world
Of ordinary people
They don't give a shit
About how many people sleep
In cardboards
How many of them day in hungry
Not questions
The only aim of these wise
Gentleman is only
To howl and how again
The do like to promise
Pink colours to blind our eyes
With nice future
The future that will never
Gone is well open our
Open our cars to them
That's why not any questions
A Dead Stone
You're walking alone
In the silence of forest
Surrounded by darkness
And fear stay here
But you can't to stop your steps
You need to know the truth
Discerning the silhouettes
Of dead stone
Where the lives of innocent
Came to an end
You're relizing the gutted bodies
And symbols of death carved into them
It seems you feel the death in the air
The next night in terrible
Clearly you hear the steps in the dark
Slamming of wood whipped by wind
You can't go forward
And way is lost
In horror you wait for her
She, who will show you the truth
The truth you'll bury deep in your mind
There's no way back
You know the next night
Will be the last
The Nightwind
Nightwind is rises when silence
Is around the clouds grey
And blue are rolling throught
Dark gloomy sky is neverending
Afars you can feel
The thunderstorm
Bolt that lights
The gloomy land from
Time to time is alone
In it's doom
Dense forest far away
Hide the majestic beauty
Not visible for each
Mortal man
Nightwind sreeps the crown
Of pines and mist roll
Between their tranks those
Who are unjust
Aren't able to destroy
The beauty of nocturnal land
Something will remain
The nightwind
The Secret Around Us
Raise your sight, take a look
At the beauty
And majesty of rock folds and cliffs
Take yourself apart
Of your body
And descent into deep
And neverending caves
Where the darkness
And infinity swallow
All living
Only unlive one can feel
The magic of dark caves
Let yourself to be swallowed
By night and creations
From other world
You'll know the secrets
And mysteries of ancient ages
You'll see the things hidden before
The eyes of mortals
Underworld bottomless lakes will
Serve you as magic mirror
Forget the world outside
Here you can dwell forever
Receive the mystery
And succumb to it
Go My Boy Go And Die
Right now and here you must remember
All experiences you have, you'll never have
The second chance
Do you think you did at you had to do!
Surely you did'nt befall a lot
Take the things as they really to comes
Silence your reason, succumb to your
Surrounding here you can't think nor
Dream you would pay
For it with your life
Be yourself, let your eyes opened and look around
All around will succumb to you
Same as you'll succumb to it
Then comes the amalgamation
That must
Wander through the long time
Is ggod to not have and feel the malevolance and hate
Doy, don't worry although all that goes around you
Is only stupidity an unnecessarity
Maybe sometime it will end and you'll not
Hear the crying of thing
Get away
If do you've any chance, cause those above
You will tell you: go, my boy, go and die!
Choke On Your Shame
I so-called chaste people with so – called chaste mind deceiving
To themselves deceiving to
All those blindly believing in them celibacy didn't
Existing right for them laws which they
Doesn't respect poor bastards laws of chasity poorness
And abstinence not known to their iniciators feeding on stupidity
And naivity of all their sheers silly stupid sheers following them
Without eyes to see and brain to think people without their
Own opinion without honour fuckers they doesn't believe in things
They preach about shitty sons of a bitches money on charity are
Stealing for they own pleasures leave them to choke on their own shame
The Dark Rain
Heavy drops of worry fall
On earth with every suffering
Of the other the shades
Of evil are hiding behind it's screen
This dark rain and is howling
Sounds like a magic music
But everybody will hear
It only once in his time
The one will cross with
The next the end will
Meet the beginning
Eternity shall arrive
Mystery shall spread it's wings
Darkness shall veil the other side
Fight for the otherworld
The doomed ones shall come below
In the scream of insane pain
Creeks of blood shall create
The lakes of fear
Depths of the caves shall forever
Hide before the blind eyes
Tears of hopelesness shall
Fall until the end of time
Beasts will get their deal of sacrifices
Dark rain will never stop the fall
The darkness will be terrible
The falls light will never throw
Any light of hope
Infinity and dark rain shall rule
You Must Die!!!
I want to destroy you
I want to destroy your lust
Your perversity
I won't to destroy to persons
Your body
Your soul
I want to rememberance
Of you leaving here
I wish to see your suffering
I wish you to feel infernal pain
I wish you to die slowly
I know you will heaven't remorse
But I'll make you suffering
I wish your death
I will kill you
I will kill you