 История Bring Me the Horizon - настоящий литературный/кинематографический сюжет. В стиле "хоррор". Ещё точнее: хоррор с неким чужеродным паразитом, вселяющимся в тело и постепенно захватывающим над ним контроль. "Залив" смотрели?
В роли "паразита" - Джордан Фиш. Вокалист, клавишник и композитор. Его пути с группой впервые пересекались ещё в 2010-м году, однако во время записи третьего студийника BMtH с безобразно длинным названием за большую часть оркестровок/синтезаторов отвечал один из тогдашних гитаристов, Джона Вайнхофен. В 2012-м, задумав сделать свой новый релиз чуть более "электронным" по духу, банда сделала роковой для себя шаг, взяв Джордана на борт своего корабля.
Сначала оказалось, что Фиш является обладателем весьма приличных рок- и поп-вокалов, умеет весьма сочно "расщеплять", а по тембру голоса ещё и несколько похож на Олли Сайкса, фронтмена группы, то ли радикально повредившего свои связки за годы беспорядочного надрывного ора, то ли в принципе петь никогда не умевшего. На концертах именно клавишник "вытягивает" все самые сложные партии, да и в студии оправданность приставки "бэк-" к его статусу вокалиста вызывает всё больше сомнений. Затем стало очевидно, что Джордан умеет сочинять отлично продающиеся коммерческие хиты. На "Amo" мы пришли к моменту, где он, фактически, заменяет всю группу, сведя к минимуму "живой" инструментал и нуждаясь разве что в Сайксе, и то ради узнаваемой внешности, а не исполнительских качеств. Если Фиш сделает себе пластическую операцию и набьёт побольше партаков на теле, остальных участников можно смело гнать на щадяще мягкий британский мороз.
Кстати, в "синтетичности" звучания последнего альбома британцев заключается его неожиданный первый плюс. На том же "That's the Spirit" общий микс местами был просто провальным, на передний план беспорядочно выскакивали то ритм-секция, то электроника, то гитара с вокалом, да и вообще цельности в саунде не было никакой. Здесь же всё весьма монолитно, объёмно, да и мелодических линий заключено побольше.
Конечно, для поклонников группы со стажем это чаще всего всё-таки кошмар. "Amo" - это уже совершенно точно никоим образом не "-кор", да и уже даже не РокЪ. Собственно, Джордан в интервью и сказал прямо, что по его мнению, рокером сейчас быть чуть ли не стыдно. Что ж, тем больнее будет ползти назад к корням, если вся эта затея провалится. Но пока продажи билетов и онлайн-просмотры свидетельствуют об обратном. Ну а почему бы нет? Вот "Меdicine" - апгрейд старого доброго бритпопа с универсальной и близкой многим лирикой про слишком назойливых людей, да и скрытая отповедь занудным критикам заодно. Вот танцевальная "Nihilist Blues" - мелодичный евротранс с капелькой брейкбита. "In the Dark" уже близится к ультрамодному трэпу, очень много здесь и электропопа с вершиной в качестве абсолютно "стадионной" по своей энергетике "Mother Tongue". Сравнительно слабейшими номерами на пластинке получились как раз наиболее "гитарные" "Mantra" и "Wonderful Life", но и они тащат, за счет прилипчивых риффов и припевов. К тому же, "Mantra" напоминает мне о горячо любимых The Hardkiss, a "Wonderful Life" припечатывает абсолютно KoЯn'овским грувом.
Вообще, "Amo" - это практически идеальный поп-альбом. Он разнообразен, даже эклектичен. В нём нет одинаковых песен, и почти каждую можно брать в качестве готового хита для раскрутки. Выпадают разве что три интерлюдии (да и то над "Ouch!" я бы призадумался) и "I Don't Know What to Say", реализованная именно в качестве эпилога для чего-то масштабного. Но и без того - девять потенциальных синглов на тринадцать позиций! Жаль только, потенциал приглашенных гостей при записи был реализован процентов эдак на десять. Граймс в третьем треке хотя бы слышно, Дэни Филта в пятом - уже не очень. Кого-то там где-то там ещё... да кто такой этот Rahzel и зачем он нужен? Я вот не понял.
В общем, вот вам хороший пример, какими должны быть коммерческие альбомы продавшихся рокеров. Не нерешительное топтание In Flames, цепляющихся за остатки старых музыкальных форм, не держащееся на бесконечных сингэлонгах из одного звука посмешище 30 Seconds to Mars, и, упаси боже, не "One More Light". Отличный жизнеутверждающий поп для мальчишек и девчонок всех возрастов. Хоррор оказался с хэппи-эндом, хотя и далеко не для всех. |
Or if I steal something, please remember it is mine
Real something
Do you wanna start a cult with me?
I'm not vibrating like I ought to be
I need a purpose, I can't keep surfing
Through this existential misery
Now we're gonna need some real estate
But if I choose my words carefully
Think I could fool you that I'm the guru
Wait, how do you spell epiphany?
Before the truth will set you free, it will piss you off
Before you find a place to be, you're gonna lose the plot
Too late to tell you now, one ear and right out the other one
'Cause all you ever do is chant the same old mantra
Could I have your attention, please?
It's time to tap into your tragedy
Think you could use a new abuser
Close your eyes and listen carefully
Imagine you're stood on a beach
Water gently lapping at your feet
And now you're sinking, what were you thinking?
That's all the time we have this week
Before the truth will set you free, it will piss you off
Before you find a place to be, you're gonna lose the plot
Too late to tell you now, one ear and right out the other one
'Cause all you ever do is chant the same old mantra
And I know this doesn't make a lot of sense
But do you really wanna think all by yourself now?
All I'm asking for's a little bit of faith
You know it's easy to believe
And I know this doesn't make a lot of sense
You know you gotta work the corners of your mind now
All I'm asking for's a little bit of faith
You know it's easy to, so easy to believe
Before the truth will set you free, it will piss you off
Before you find a place to be, you're gonna lose the plot
Before the truth will set you free, it will piss you off
Before you find a place to be, you're gonna lose the plot
Too late to tell you now, one ear and right out the other one
'Cause all you ever do, is chant the same old mantra
3. nihilist blues
[feat. Grimes]
I've been climbing up the walls
To escape the sinking feeling
But I can't hide from the nihilist at my door
Buried in the basement floor
Didn't know what I had planted
It blossomed with all the heart of a cold war
I'm a spirit in a tomb
Won't somebody raise the roof
I'm going white, I'm going black, I'm going blue
Do you mind if I'm exhumed?
I'm the ashes in the plume
I'm a beggar in the ruin
I'm peaking out, I'm burning up, I'm shooting through
I'm only lonely for the true
Paradise is in my soul
And I'm terrified I can't get out
I'm lost in a labyrinth
We are lost in a labyrinth
Paradise is in my soul
And I'm terrified I can't get out
I'm lost in a labyrinth
We are lost in a labyrinth
Please don't follow
Paradise is in my soul
And I'm terrified I can't get out
I'm lost in a labyrinth
We are lost in a labyrinth
Please don't follow
Light as a feather, stiff as a board
Sink to the floor, I sink to the floor
I sink to the floor
Light as a feather, stiff as a board
You were in my dream last night
But your face was someone else's
A twitch in my spine, a mutual disorder
Isolation neophyte
Too afraid to taste your conscience
You march in the dark, little lamb to the slaughter
I'm a spirit in a tomb
Won't somebody raise the roof
I'm going white, I'm going black, I'm going blue
Do you mind if I'm exhumed?
I'm the ashes in the plume
I'm a beggar in the ruin
I'm peaking out, I'm burning up, I'm shooting through
I'm only lonely for the true
Paradise is in my soul
And I'm terrified I can't get out
I'm lost in a labyrinth
We are lost in a labyrinth
Please don't follow
Paradise is in my soul
And I'm terrified I can't get out
I'm lost in a labyrinth
We are lost in a labyrinth
Please don't follow
Please don't follow
Please don't follow
Please don't follow
Please don't follow
(Please don't follow)
I've been climbing up the walls
To escape the sinking feeling
But I can't hide from the nihilist at my door
4. in the dark
(In the dark)
(In the dark)
Oh, I've done it again
Dug a little deep and it's all caved in
Now I free fall in a black hole
I know I'm getting warm 'cause I feel so cold
But I'm looking on the bright side now
Tryna figure out somehow
(None of this is real, no)
It's looking like I write off now
I think we need to talk like now
So, don't swear to God he never asked you
It's not his heart you drove a knife through
It's not his world you turned inside out
Now his tears still rolling down
Jesus Christ, you're so damn cold
Don't you know you've lost control?
Forget about the things you think I know
No secrets, you can't keep me
(In the dark)
(In the dark)
Deathblow, look at you go
Brought a T-62 to a Rodeo
So tall it broke the fourth wall
Guess my fairytale has a few plot holes
Well, I'm looking on the bright side now
Tryna figure out somehow
(None of this is real, no)
You can give the act up now
Yeah, go ahead and take a bow
So, don't swear to God he never asked you
It's not his heart you drove a knife through
It's not his world you turned inside out
Now his tears still rolling down
Jesus Christ, you're so damn cold
Don't you know you've lost control?
Forget about the things you think I know
No secrets, you can't keep me
(In the dark)
(In the dark)
No secrets, you can't keep me
(In the dark)
(In the dark)
I'm not looking for salvation
Just a little faith in anyone or anything
I'm not looking for salvation
Just a little faith in anyone or anything
I'm not looking for salvation
Just a little faith in anyone or anything
('Cause it's all come caving in)
I'm not looking for salvation
Just a little faith in anyone or anything
(And it's time I knew you, so)
Don't swear to God he never asked you
It's not his heart you drove a knife through
It's not his world you turned inside out
Now his tears still rolling down
Jesus Christ, you're so damn cold
Don't you know you've lost control?
Forget about the things you think I know
No secrets, you can't keep me
(In the dark)
Don't swear to God he never asked you
It's not his heart you drove a knife through
(In the dark)
It's not his world you turned inside out
Now his tears still rolling down
Jesus Christ, you're so damn cold
Don't you know you've lost control?
Forget about the things you think I know
No secrets, you can't keep me
(In the dark)
Don't swear to God he never asked you (Oh no)
It's not his heart you drove a knife through (Oh no)
It's not his world you turned inside out (Oh no)
Now his tears still rolling down (You're so damn cold)
Jesus Christ, you're so damn cold (You're so damn cold)
Don't you know you've lost control? (Oh)
Forget about the things you think I know (Oh)
No secrets, you can't keep me
(In the dark)
(In the dark)
No secrets, you can't keep me
(In the dark)
(In the dark)
(In the dark)
5. wonderful life
[feat. Dani Filth]
Hey there, are we rolling?
Oh, okay; nice, no that's not
I read a fun fact about the brain
And how it starts to deteriorate when
We get to 27 or there abouts (Yeah)
It got me thinking about my head
And what I can do to help stimulate it
Makes me sad, but...
I've forgotten what I'm on about
Looked on the bright side, got keratitis
And you can't sit there unless you're righteous
I wear a happy face like I'm Ed Gein
I feel all numb now, is that a feeling?
Like a plastic boxed orange with no peel on
I wanna waste, I wanna waste
I wanna waste away
Alone getting high on a Saturday night
I'm on the edge of a knife
Nobody cares if I'm dead or alive
Oh, what a wonderful life
Oi, Debbie Downer, what's your problem?
Don't wanna be here, still call a shotgun
You got the FOMO coursing through my veins (Yo, yo, yo)
This is not a drill, no, this is the real world
Domnesticated still a little feral
Well, don't you know to chew with your mouth closed?
(And it's all gone wrong!)
Alone getting high on a Saturday night
I'm on the edge of a knife (Yeah)
Nobody cares if I'm dead or alive
Oh, what a wonderful life
(Oh, what a wonderful life)
(Oh, what a wonderful life)
I got a Type 2 kinda thirstiness
A far out other worldliness
And one day this might hurt me less
But everybody knows I'm still down
Don't tell me what the butcher does
There's no need for the obvious
So ugly still it's kinda lush
But everybody knows I made vows
Left feet on the podium
Can't think of an alternate
And hell yeah, I'm the awkwardest
But everybody know I got bounce
Alone getting high on a Saturday night
I'm on the edge of a knife
Nobody cares if I'm dead or alive
Oh, what a wonderful life
Oh, what a wonderful life
Oh, what a wonderful life
Nobody cares if I'm dead or alive
Oh, what a wonderful life
Oh, what a wonderful life
Nobody cares if I'm dead or alive
Oh, what a wonderful life
6. ouch
Tu as tué mon bébé
Na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na
I always knew this is gonna end in tears
Didn't think your wrists would keep a souvenir
And I thought that I had heard it all
Till I heard your lover screaming down the phone
I know I said I was under your spell
But this hex is on another level
And I know I said you could drag me through Hell
But I hoped you wouldn’t fuck the Devil
Na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na
This was gonna end in tears
Didn't think your wrists would keep a souvenir
And I thought that I had it all
Till I heard your lover screaming down the phone
I know I said I was under your spell
But this hex is on another level
And I know I said you could drag me through Hell
But I hoped you wouldn't fuck the Devil
7. medicine
Some people are a lot like clouds, you know
(Clouds, you know; clouds, you know)
'Cause life's so much brighter when they go
You rained on my heart for far too long (Far too long)
Couldn't see the thunder for the storm
Because I cut my teeth and bit my tongue
Till my mouth was dripping blood
But I never dished the dirt, just held my breath
While you dragged me through the mud
I don't know why I tried to save you 'cause
I can't save you from yourself
When all you give a shit about is everybody else
And you just can't quit, why don't you deal with it?
I think it's time to stop
You need a taste of your own medicine
'Cause I'm sick to death of swallowing
Watch me take the wheel like you, not feel like you
Act like nothing's real like you
So, I'm sorry for this
It might sting a bit
Some people are a lot like clouds, you know
(Clouds, you know; clouds, you know)
'Cause life's so much brighter when they go
And I spent too long in a place I don't belong
I couldn't see the thunder for the storm
But you won't admit, why don't you get a grip?
'Cause you can't keep going on and on and on and on like this
And you just can't quit, why don't you deal with it?
I think it's time to stop
You need a taste of your own medicine
'Cause I'm sick to death of swallowing
Watch me take the wheel like you, not feel like you
Act like nothing's real like you
So, I'm sorry for this
It might sting a bit
'Cause I cut my teeth and bit my tongue
Till my mouth was dripping blood
But I never dished the dirt, just held my breath
While you dragged me through the mud
Yeah, I cut my teeth and bit my tongue
Till my mouth was dripping blood
But I never dished the dirt, just held my breath
While you dragged me through the mud
And you just can't quit, why don't you deal with it?
I think it's time to stop
You need a taste of your own medicine
'Cause I'm sick to death of swallowing
Watch me take the wheel like you, not feel like you
Act like nothing's real like you
So, I'm sorry for this
It might sting a bit
Taste of your own medicine (Taste of your own medicine)
Yeah, I'm sick to death of swallowing (Sick to death, wow)
Watch me take the wheel like you, not feel like you
Act like nothing's real like you
So, I'm sorry for this
It might sting a bit
Some people are a lot like clouds, you know
(Clouds, you know; clouds, you know)
'Cause life's so much brighter when they go
8. sugar honey ice & tea
Count down the thunder
I think we're too close for comfort
So no, don't rock the boat and don't calm the storm
God already gave you His answer
Blink, I'm sorry, it's over
The whistle's been blown, I
Think you got the wrong number
I'm breaking up
Wanna make a connection
Can't get no reception
Leave a message after the tone
'Cause it's got my head running 24/7
I don't know if I can figure it out
It's all messed up, only one thing I know for sure
We're so full of
Sugar, honey, ice, and tea
Sugar, honey, ice, and tea
(Everybody's full of)
Sugar, honey, ice, and tea
Sugar, honey, ice, and tea
Don't move a muscle
No, we can't have a struggle
But the "situation is in control"
So play pretend that it's all good
You could tell the Messiah
His pants are on fire
I politely decline, I
I gotta go, I gotta stick my head in the sand
And block out all the sadness
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
'Cause it's got my head running 24/7
I don't know if I can figure it out
It's all messed up, only one thing I know for sure
We're so full of
Sugar, honey, ice, and tea
Sugar, honey, ice, and tea
(Yeah, everybody's full of)
Sugar, honey, ice, and tea
Sugar, honey, ice, and tea
And it's got my head running 24/7
I don't reckon I can figure it out
It's all messed up, only one thing I know for sure
(We're so fucked)
And we all march on like we know the way to Heaven
Who the hell died and made you the king?
We don't know what we want, but we know that we want it
Yeah, we want it, yeah, we want it right now
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, oh
(Fuck you) Everybody, everybody's full of
Sugar, honey, ice, and tea (Oh, and now everybody's full of)
Sugar, honey, ice, and tea (Every, every, everybody full of)
Sugar, honey, ice, and tea (Oh, everybody's full of)
Sugar, honey, ice, and tea (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
9. why you gotta kick me when i'm down?
I see you
You on the edge of your seat
Ain't you got some place to be?
Was hoping the suspense would kill you
Tell me, how would you begin?
Watching and waiting to sink your teeth in
Come on and give me your expert opinion
Ah, fuck it
I settle down in a dump
Heard a crowd screaming "Jump"
So I came to the window
(They always wanna kick you when you're down)
I said, "What the fuck have I done?"
They said, "We just want your blood,
You know we like you better in limbo"
(They always wanna kick you when you're down)
So come on and take a shot, you just can't get enough
Don't let the fact that you know nothing stop you talking now
'Cause when all is said and done, my name's still on your tongue
But tell me, why you gotta kick me when I'm down?
You better pray I don't get up this time around
And why you tryna put me in the ground?
Don't you know I'm a seed?
I won't stop at the roof
Go ahead, bury me
This is how I grow, it's how I thrive
So why you gotta kick me when I'm down?
(Why you gotta kick me when I'm down?)
Yeah, I know it's all in good fun, but
Don't say it's coming from love now
I see those arms in akimbo
(They always wanna kick you when you're down)
And don't set that phaser to stun
'Cause what doesn't kill me, well, it better run like hell
Yeah, you better run like hell
So come on and take a shot, you just can't get enough
Don't let the fact that you know nothing stop you talking now
'Cause when all is said and done, my name's still on your tongue
But tell me, why you gotta kick me when I'm down?
You better pray I don't get up this time around
And why you tryna put me in the ground?
Don't you know I'm a seed?
I won't stop at the roof
Go ahead, bury me
This is how I grow, it's how I thrive
Remember this line that you crossed?
Look back and stare at the dot
Know there's no turning back now
Now that you've opened the gates
Corrupted the memory, error, failsafe
(Commence the countdown)
(They always wanna kick you when you're down)
Remember this line that you crossed?
Look back and stare at the dot
Know there's no way to fix us, no
Oh, God, what the fuck have you done?
I loved you like daughters, I loved you like sons
So tell me, yeah tell me, why you gotta kick me when I'm down?
You better pray I don't get up this time around
And why you tryna to put me in the ground?
Don't you know I'm a seed?
I won't stop at the roof
Go ahead, bury me
This is how I grow, this is how I thrive
Why you gotta kick me when I'm down?
Tell me, why you gotta kick me when I'm down?
(This is how I grow, this is how I thrive)
10. fresh bruises
Don't you try to fuck with me
Don't you hide your love
Don't you try to fuck with me
Don't you hide your love
Don't you try to fuck with me
Don't you try to fuck with me
Don't you try to fuck with me
Don't you hide your love
Don't you try to fuck with me
Don't you hide your love
Don't you try to fuck with me
Don't you hide your love
Don't you try to fuck with me
Don't you hide your love
Don't you try to fuck with me
Don't you hide your love
Don't you try to fuck with me
Don't you hide your love
Don't you
Don't you
Don't you try to fuck with me
Don't you hide your love
Don't you try to fuck with me
Don't you hide your love
11. mother tongue
I didn't see it coming
But I never really had much faith
In the universe's magic, oh no
Till it pulled us to that time and place
And I'll never forget
When the floodgates opened, we, we cried an ocean
It still has me choking, it's hard to explain
I know you know me, you don't have to show me
I, I feel you're lonely, no need to explain
So don't say you love me, fala "amo"
Just let your heart speak up, and I'll know
No amount of words can ever find a way to make sense of this
So I wanna hear your mother tongue
So don't say you love me, fala "amo"
Just let your heart speak up, and I'll know
No amount of words can ever find a way to make sense of this
So I wanna hear your mother tongue
And yeah, I could be punching
But I always tend to fluctuate
And I feel sick that I'm buzzing, oh love, I'm in trouble
I'm sorry, but you got me gushing all over the place
And I don't wanna get wet
But I think we're chosen like our fates were woven
And all of those bad choices were left turns on the way
So don't say you love me, fala "amo"
Just let your heart speak up, and I'll know
No amount of words can ever find a way to make sense of this
So I wanna hear your mother tongue
So don't say you love me, fala "amo"
Just let your heart speak up, and I'll know
No amount of words can ever find a way to make sense of this
So I wanna hear your mother tongue
I think the best way to explain it's like (Oh, oh, oh, oh)
Kinda like that, but more (Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh)
Yeah, that makes sense, right, like (Oh, oh, oh, oh)
Like (Oh, oh, oh, oh)
Like (Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh)
So don't say you love me, fala "amo"
Just let your heart speak up, and I'll know
No amount of words can ever find a way to make sense of this
So I wanna hear your mother tongue
So don't say you love me, fala "amo"
Just let your heart speak up, and I'll know
No amount of words can ever find a way to make sense of this
So I wanna hear your mother tongue
So don't say you love me, fala "amo"
Just let your heart speak up, and I'll know
No amount of words can ever find a way to make sense of this
So I wanna hear your mother tongue
12. heavy metal
[feat. Rahzel]
I woke up in a warehouse
But the label had fell off
Just minding my own meltdown
It was then I heard the cannibals, cannibals
They said, hey kid
You got that something special
(It's now or never)
You wanna live forever
(It's now or never)
You know what we want, you should give it to us
(It's now or never)
(But there's no pressure)
And I keep picking petals
I'm afraid you don't love me anymore
'Cause a kid on the 'gram in a Black Dahlia tank
Says it ain't heavy metal
(And that's alright)
(That's alright)
I tried to do a headcount
But I cut off all the crusts
Said they liked it better curly
Then they gut me like an animal, animal
They said, hey man
You had that something special
(It's now or never)
Let's keep it quintessential
(It's now or never)
You know what we want, why not give it to us?
(It's now or never)
(But there's no pressure)
So I keep picking petals
I'm afraid you don't love me anymore
'Cause a kid on the 'gram in a Black Dahlia tank
Says it ain't heavy metal
Yeah I keep picking petals
Got my heart and my head all in the wars
'Cause some kid from A&R in a Patagonia
Says he don't really get it, no
So I keep picking petals
All I wanna know do you love me anymore
'Cause some kid on the 'gram said he used to be a fan
But this shit ain't heavy metal
(And that's alright)
And I keep picking petals
I'm afraid you don't love me anymore
'Cause a kid on the 'gram in a Black Dahlia tank
Says it ain't heavy metal
And I keep picking petals
I'm afraid you don't love me anymore
'Cause a kid on the 'gram said he used to be a fan
But this shit ain't heavy metal
No, this ain't heavy metal
No, this ain't heavy metal
13. i don't know what to say
I'll see you at the gates when it gets dark
You jump the wall, I'll find a place to park
Kill the angels if they're keeping guard
How do I start when you don't know what to say?
No, I don't know what to say
You said the world's already full enough
Of defeated people and you would not be one
Always a choice to move yourself along
And find better and I hope that's where you are
Yeah, I know that's where you are
A doppelgänger with a telling scar
I saw the universe hidden in your heart
Wish I told you this before it got too dark
Where do you start when you know it has to end?
How a flower in the rain
Only grows more when it's grey
You just shined on brighter
Making gold out of the pain
"I can die, but I can't break," you said
"You can rule, I won't obey"
As long as I'm still smiling
Well, I don't know what to say