Trail of Tears
« Free Fall Into Fear »
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1 | Joyless Trance of Winter
 | 2 | Carrier of the Scars of Life
 | 3 | Frail Expectations
 | 4 | Cold Hand of Retribution
 | 5 | Watch You Fall
 | 6 | The Architect of My Downfall
 | 7 | Drink Away the Demons
 | 8 | Point Zero
 | 9 | Dry Well of Life
 | 10 | The Face of Jealousy |
   Ronny Thorsen - vocals
Kjetil Nordhus - vocals
Runar Hansen - guitars
Terje Heisendal - guitars
Frank Roald Hagen - keyboards
Kjell Rune Hagen - bass
Jonathan Alejandro Perez - drums
Guest musicians:
Astri Skarpengland - vocals on "Cold Hand Of Retribution"
Leif Wiese - violin on "Carrier Of The Scars Of Life"
Bjorn Harstad - guitars on "Frail Expectations" |
Produced, engineered and mixed by Endre Kirkesola
Recorded at Dub Studio, Norway during May, June
and July 2004
Mastered by Mika Jussila at Finnvox Studio,
Additional musicians:
Bjorn Harstad guitar solo on Frail Expectation
Astri Skarpengland female vocals on Cold Hand Of
Leif Wiese violin on Carrier Of The Scars Of Life
The Choir:
Syvert Dale, Henning Stranden, Kjetil Nordhus,
Tommy Jackson, Camilla Moseid, Eli Van Der Eynden,
Linda Greibesland, Monica Trondsen, Hanne Hauger,
Ales Vik, Nina Gravrok, Tara Overland, Ingrid K
Cover art credits:
Coverconceot & coverartwork by Katja Piolka
Band and prtrait photography by Emilie M E Asley |
 | 1. Joyless Trance Of Winter
Winter! The hatred rises in the cold
The way it sharpens all my senses
Will enable me to fill the void
All your countless and weak attempts denied
You run with new-fed terror
Pale as you kiss damnation
Pale because of your failure
Hurt where it hurts the most
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 Альбом очень хорош! Тяжелый, агрессивный, атмосферный. Здорово отличается от предыдущих работ коллектива. Музыканты пошли по новой "тропе слез", отказавшись от сочетания гроулинга и женского вокала в пользу первого и чистого мужского, что добавило брутальности в музыку группы. С первой и до последней песни Вы находитесь в эпицентре наисильнейшего шквала, котоый утихает только с последними аккордами! |
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Готовясь услышать очередной отрешенный и печальный альбом в стиле Gothic Doom, я и представить себе не мог того, что преподнесут мне норвежцы Trail of Tears на данном альбоме. Напор и мощь явно не просто спутники музыкантов, а их близкие друзья! От составляющих Gothic Doom здесь есть разве что клавишные, утробный гроулинг Ронни Торсена и едва ли уловимая атмосфера. И без того грубое звучание Free Fall Into Fear в достаточной степени разбавлено Black-составляющей чуть ли не с True настроем, (да что там – с ним самим!), звучащем настолько яростно для стиля Gothic Doom, что заставляет меня усомниться в правильности выбора определения жанра, в котором выдержан этот альбом! Ведь Gothic Doom’ом это назвать никак нельзя! Без преувеличений, Free Fall Into Fear можно дать такое определение, как «безумный и мощнейший боевик с нестандартным взглядом на жанр». И, несмотря на это, музыка очень мелодична и красива, об этом даже и речи быть не должно! Такому звучанию вполне могла бы позавидовать даже Metallica, играющая в последнее время не пойми что! Говоря о вокале, хочется похвалить обоих солистов (гроул и чистый) – отличное переплетение, ничего лишнего, все гармонично, и не лишено разнообразия. А вот отсутствие женского вокала альбом ничуть не портит. Отнюдь, его наличие на этом альбоме показалось бы несколько неуместным, по той простой причине, что он бы никак не вписался в общую грубую и отрывистую канву звучания. Вот простой пример: песня “Cold Hand of Retribution”, на которой вокалистка (очевидно, приглашенная) исполняет свою партию (на восточный манер). Несомненно, свою изюминку это привнесло, но звучит неубедительно. Мужской вокал доминирует и это правильный ход. Местами выступающая атмосфера похожа скорее на некую туманную дымку, нежели на меланхоличный и романтичный настрой, и вкупе с витиеватой и красивой лирикой создает налет таинственности и волнения.
Вердикт альбому: дикое безумие и буйство стихии, ураганный вихрь, который с каждой секундой уносит тебя все выше под мрачный небосклон беснующихся молний, показывая небывалой красоты мир музыки и эмоций!
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В музыке норвежцев Trail Of Tears много чего намешано: симфонический блэк, хэви, дэт. Данные компоненты сдобрены небольшим налетом прогрессивности и приличной мелодической составляющей. Звучит все это на удивление цельно и удобоваримо. Два вокалиста (гроулинг и "чистый" вокал) неплохо дополняют друг друга. Стоит отметить и отличный звук. Достаточно оригинальный и интересный альбом. |
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просмотров: 14144 |
Bleak as the courage falls
Hit by the winter sadness
An orphan of your own madness
I'll attack when you least expect it
And make you stare in awe
With blood-shut eyes at the perishing sun
Too many lies
Too many failures
In mist of yourself
You struggle in vain
Shivers! The way you shiver as you crawl
To see you tremble as your panic grows
Is a reward to in its purest form
Fearful you watch the end
As it reflects in the mirror
As you turn blue I vanish
In a joyful trance
Winter! The hatred rises in the cold
The way it sharpens all my senses
Will enable me to fill the void
All your countless and weak attempts denied
You run with new-fed terror
Pale as you kiss damnation
Pale because of your failure
Too many lies
Too many failures
In mist of yourself
You struggle in vain
2. Carrier Of The Scars Of Life
Take me away
Into illusion
Take me away
From the rain
Wounded but not yet fallen
Still caving in
The marks from the dance with the devil
Still healing
Shallow but not yet empty
Cries left alone
The marks from a life lived in vain
Still sore
Take me away
Take me to places where hope is not merely an illusion
Take me to levels where strength rises high
Take me to levels where there are no lies
Take me to places where life is for real
Where destiny's challenge has yet to be sealed
Still I awake to the sound of damnation
Torn from my sleep as it calls out my name
Take me away
Into illusion
Take me away
From the rain
I fall!
The fact that the curtain of life is ready to fall
I drown!
The empty white canvas is suddenly painted in red
3. Frail Expectations
Entangled in misery I was
Condemned as I still bred frustration
Worshipped and nursed the suffering
My conscience all slain
I found myself making love to the pain
Final and true was my loss
And bleak was the sight of salvation
You helped me to clean all the wounds that I wore
Through you grew my sense
To witness life through another lens
Filled up with my own poison
Dug down in my own dirt
Filled up with my own poison
Bit by my inner snakes
Making love to the pain
Dragged through a storm of misery
Through you grew my sense
To witness life through another lens
4. Cold Hand Of Retribution
The time has come to realise
The time has come to face it
Into the void
You tremble as you fall
Into the void
You face it
Still you fear me for purest reasons
Still you tremble 'cause vengeance still remains my call
You tried to attract me to the void
And faced you failure
Still breeding lies as you fall
Now I'm the one who is standing tall
The time has come to experience
The time has come to face it
Face it
I'll crush your visions with arrogant ease
I'll demonstrate hatred until your dreams begin to cease
To think you could tear me from my throne
Was to seal your doom
Weak you are standing cold
In fear as all my wrath unfolds
The time has come to realise
The time has come to face it
Into the void
You tremble as you fall
Into the void
You face it
5. Watch You Fall
Hiding in the bottle
Away from all the tears of life
Watch you fall as you take a dive
And sinking to the bottom of the glass
Watch you fall as you're crawling helplessly
In the corner of despair
Watch you fall in the bottomless pit
To escape from the past
And your fears within
I release my anger
To the once I cannot see
My disease attracts me
To what is wrong for me
Hiding in the bottle
You always try to drown the guilt
Watch you fall as your life gives in
You're strangled by the lack of redemption
Watch you fall as the poison spreads within
And the cold hand prepares for the end
Watch you fall into the savage domain
'cause you can't face life
As it was meant to be
Turning away
Into sadness
Taken away
Into madness
I release my fury
To the ones I cannot see
As my consciousness tells me
What is wrong for me
See me fall
Hiding in the bottle
Away from all the tears of life
Watch you fall as you take a dive
And sinking to the bottom of the glass
Watch you fall as you're crawling helplessly
In the corner of despair
Watch you fall in the bottomless pit
To escape from the past
And your fears within
Turning away
Into sadness
Taken away
Into madness
6. The Architect Of My Downfall
High on destruction
She enters the room
And watches with mercyless eyes
And strikes med with sheer desperation
I empty my glass filled with flames
And she takes me away
Drags me towards mirrors so cold
I dive to the depths of convultion
Tearful I stand as she smiles
At the sight of my rivers
That run down my wrists
I stare towards the endless depths
Of my own self
Of my downfall
Cursed be your name!
Cursed be your madness!
Deceiver and murderer of hope
In venomous intoxication I felt
The punishing strenght of the rope
As you strangled by faith
Shred it to pieces
And left me to bury my pride
Shameful I hide
You left me to drown
In senseless oblivion
I stare towards the endless depths
Of my own self
Of my downfall
As the curtain falls
I fall down with it
To the endless depths
Of my downfall
Drown me
In the flood from my wrists
7. Drink Away The Demons
8. Point Zero
Hear the madman scream
As the pain whistles within
See the madman's face
As he understands
From the left to the right to the front
Only to remain at point zero
From the depths of perversion
He watches as time draws near
Hear the madman scream
As the pain whistles within
See the madman's face
As he understands
9. Dry Well Of Life
10. The Face Of Jealousy
I will sew shut the lips of the liars mouth
And silence who fails to see
A clean hit to the head of the ignorant whore
As a sign of how much you mean
If it's so easy how come you struggle still
To gane some attention?
All your words so dated and pathetic
Feeding still from the plate of jealousy
Oh how you wish to climb up to my level
And spark some sorely needed light
Into a life so drained of everything you want
And ridden with prejustice
You never could face your own incompitence
You try to choke your envy as I watch
I embrace the silence as your words die out
Now that you're hanging gasping
From the rope of guilt
Silence the one
You are the one
Who sorely needed the light
I will sew shut the lips of the liars mouth
And silence who fails to see
A clean hit to the head of the ignorant whore
As a sign of how much you mean
If it's so easy how come you struggle still
To gane some attention?
All your words so dated and pathetic
Feeding still from the plate of jealousy