 Многие музыкальные коллективы, желая совершенствовать свою музыку и испытать что-то новое, часто отходят от того, что привыкли слышать их фанаты. Конечно, есть группы, из года в год играющие одно и то же, на радость фанатам, но таких групп мало. И не всегда эксперименты встречаются поклонниками тепло, скорее наоборот. Но все изменения говорят лишь о том, что музыканты не хотят играть одно и то же, и пробуют себя в разных направлениях.
Но вернемся к нашим баранам, а именно к альбому "Telesterion" американской группы Mechina. Можно ли его считать экспериментальным, или это криво записанный самоперепев с ужасающим звуком? И правильный ответ будет, что это ни эксперимент, ни неудачная попытка выпендриться. Не эксперимент, потому что группа целенаправленно шла именно к такому виду. Скорее это можно назвать следующим шагом в пути развития группы, следующей ступенью, на которую поднялись музыканты. Да, они снова отошли от того, что мы привыкли слушать, предоставив нам нечто совершенно новое. И если с 2005 по 2011 это был Industrial Death Metal, Symphonic Industrial Death Metal с 2013 по 2017, то теперь группа представила Symphonic Metal с вкраплениями Industrial, современного Death Metal, Ambient... И в этом новом виде длинное амбиентное вступление смотрится как нельзя лучше. Оставшиеся семь треков представляют собой высочайшего класса симфо с разного рода вкраплениями и оттенками. Альбом звучит, как одна большая песня, вот только "Homeworld Salient" подкачал скомканной концовкой, словно музыкантам надоело играть и они всё быстро свернули. Самые лучшие номера на альбоме, это "Realm Breaker", "Gene Heresy" (чем-то напоминает сингл "Andromeda") и, конечно же, "The Archivarius Chaos Ritual". Остальные треки по-своему неплохи, словом, эксперимент можно считать удачным.
Увы. Если было бы всё так здорово, то не было бы столько отрицательных отзывов на этот альбом. Главный недостаток этого альбома, на мой взгляд, это именно качество записи. Не понимаю, зачем нужна восьми- (или сколько там их) струнная гитара мистера Тибери, если он засунул ее в дальнюю задницу? Почему так невнятно стали звучать ударные? Почему вокал стал размазываться по песне, создавая впечатление записи в подвале на сотовый телефон? И еще, яркие мелодии, основная фишка группы, сменились тоскливой заунывностью. Я еле дотерпел этот альбом до конца, и это при том, что песни по отдельности мне понравились все.
Итак, вердикт. 5 из 10 возможных. Смелый эксперимент, к ознакомлению хотя бы один раз, но и только. Плохое качество записи и заунывность начисто убивают все отличные задумки Тибери и Компании. Лично у меня слушать этот альбом целиком третий раз желания нет. |
Initializing descent. Going dark.
All landings should be complete,
but the other ships are still showing dark.
What? Let me see.
Conveyor. How far are we?
ETA, 30 seconds.
Initiate decon. Ready up. 30 seconds.
Have you ever seen anything like this?
No I have not.
Cepheon, link this transmission.
Cepheon. The signal is confirmed. It's the Titan.
Escalating to phase two. Transmission may falter.
Sending our last known location now.
Lights on.
2. Realm Breaker
In this dying night
My eyes curse the starlight
Embers divine
As time culls all life
Stars painted gold and blue
Her skin mirrors the same hue
Demons from the old world
Your essence will devour
Violent means
Bring violent ends
When your eyes open
You will stand upon the blessed dead
When your eyes open
You shall become the realm breaker
As light runs from night
Fearful angels take flight
Behold the sight
As time culls all life
Stars painted gold and blue
Her skin mirrors the same hue
Father from the old world
Your bloodline traveled so far
To be free
If only you could see
When your eyes open
You will stand upon the blessed dead
When your eyes open
You shall become the realm breaker
Oh sister star
Ice bound forever
Entombed with no recourse
Mother from the old world
Your bloodline traveled so far
To be free
If only you could see the endless path towards hell
As souls search for faith
Mere minds suffocate
Oh father from the old world
Your legacy dies with us
What is a name, when every face is the enemy
Like fire, the fear of life will burn
Until time itself burns away
We have become lovers of ourselves
Boastful and proud
Lest we forget to plant the trees
For the shade we may never enjoy
When your eyes open
You will stand upon the blessed dead
When your eyes open
You shall become the realm breaker
3. The Allodynia Lance
Seek retribution with the machine
Imbued by the first living titan
Draped in fire
Stay calm, these flames soar higher
Either dead or entombed
Her bloodline fractured by a barren womb
The bloodletting shall resume
Stay calm and watch her consume
The banner lords of the Hyperion world
Kneel before her graceful passing
Guarded by a banshee's sword
Iron scented offerings
Drip from the hands
Endlessly raised
To build a new world
Without war
We must relinquish our fate to be shielded by the machine
Embrace the aura
Lest we forget where we came from
Both priests and traitors
Of the old world
Look on in despair as Elephtherian pedals
Tumble down through the air
In silence, these holy hypocrites
Scowl and detest
In time, their fables and flesh
Will be laid to rest
The banner lords of the Hyperion world
Kneel before her graceful passing
Guarded by a banshee's sword
Moments before ascending above
She turns to face her endless horde
To build a new world
Without war
We must relinquish our fate to be shielded by the machine
Embrace the aura
Lest we forget where we came from
To heed the call
With a battered heart
Honor the faceless conqueror
To heed the call
With a battered heart
Honor the faceless conqueror
To build a new world
Without war
We must relinquish our fate to be shielded by the machine
Embrace the aura
Lest we forget where we came from
Lest we forget where we came from
4. Tyrannos
Fortified in this shape-shifting cauldron
Sterilized by the draconic Vulcan
From ashes to life, the infernal birthright
Through savage pain, she will evolve her mind
Monsters are being bred from famine-stricken flocks
Unconsciously evolving for combat
The children of Hyperion
All vassals under Cepheon
Behold the mother of all machine gods
Her hands bound by wire
Synthetic strands lash at her back
As the blood rushes her mask
It spills, soaking her neck and chest
Still awake her legs buckle and sway
As servos of steel hold her in place
This spasm dance, a godly display
Screams turn to laughs as air leaks away
Dictatress, bellow your war song
A soaring howl that would horrify the old gods
Children of Empyrean
Descendants of Acheron
Behind the mother of all machine gods
Her hands bound by wire
Synthetic strands lash at her back
Her eyes roll upwards
As blood turns them black
There is a word
From the old world
Unknown in this golden age
Everything they have ever known is peace
The ever-present heresy of unrelenting apathy
Low passions, be praised
Andara, forgive me
5. Gene Heresy
From the ways we heal the sick
We will break within
Oh, misery
The relentless unforeseen
The fabled will to breathe without drowning beneath
The modern world's feeble and broken wings
I hear the rising storm's battle rhythm
The fear of endless rainfall
To see the flash of life
Denounce this horrid timeline
Longing for peaceful means
With war in our genes
Live through violence or violently die
Prolonged slaughter
Shall not falter
From the ways we heal the sick
We will break within
Oh, misery
The relentless unforeseen
Like the winter sky
Only moments away from sunlight
Bitter cold envelopes
As my final path unfolds
Please give me endless life
Like the winter sky
Only moments away from sunlight
Bitter cold envelopes
As my final path unfolds
Please give me endless life
From the ways we heal the sick
We will break within
Oh, misery
The relentless unforeseen
A journey high above the ever darkening skies
As warlords, the angel makers for every mother's son
As you pass through hell
You best not stop
Only traitors will be left behind
In times, such as these
Words will lose all sense of meaning
Rulers bask in endless favor
Live through violence or violently die
Prolonged slaughter
Shall not falter
From the ways we heal the sick
We will break within
Oh, misery
The relentless unforeseen
In this coming war
Across all homeworlds
It will spread and cleanse
I beg you Alithea
Please give me endless life
In this coming war
Across all homeworlds
It will spread and cleanse
I beg you Alithea
Please give me endless life
6. Telesterion
All beauty and grace will be erased
The power to silence
Beneath this horizon will give rise to wasteful life
The old world
Burned and defaced
Their gods and their fables
Their demons, their angels
Shall be laid to rest
Reborn from dreams of peace
A tranquil world of lush green
Where love and honor reside
The terrors of night are confined
Bring their thawing flesh and force them to stand
Upon the holy machine
They will soon command
These dreams rewired her mind
They taught her to hate her own kind
A human shell, redesigned
A god queen, redefined
Still bound by machines
She lashes and screams
"By the sword or by will. Bring the Titans to me."
So hopeful and soft
Watch how they fall
The power of silence will spread like a virus
They must all obey
Forever remember these words
In peace, you'll be misled
Then driven to bloodshed
Embrace the endless cycle
Reborn from dreams of war
A nightmare colored by cascading gore
Through apathy
We tolerate a dying society
No, just kneel
You belong to the home world
The holy land I command
With each step down
Her eyes scan the ground
Those that still live
They shall submit
A human shell, redesigned
A god queen, redefined
Still bound by machines
She lashes and screams
"By the sword or by will. Bring the Titans to me."
So hopeful and soft
Watch how they fall
The power of silence will spread like a virus
They must all obey
Forever remember these words
In peace, you'll be misled
Then driven to bloodshed
Embrace the endless cycle
7. The Archivarius Chaos Ritual
I feel I may have fallen far from any semblance
Of my fellow human
Empty veins replaced by wires
Flesh forged in fire
Our ancient mother
Hear me
Shield your loving eyes
As I civilize
I will forge a throne made of blood and bone
Honor the horns of war
They call, hear them soar
The broken hearts of our homeworld
Shall be restored
Honor the horns of war
They call, hear them soar
I fear the storm
May dissolve our world forevermore
These wounds, these scars forgotten
Only the strong will hear my sword song
Frozen hearts will be set ablaze
Low passions be praised
Our ancient mother
Hear me
Shield your loving eyes
As I civilize
I will forge a throne made of blood and bone
Honor the horns of war
They call, hear them soar
The broken hearts of our homeworld
Shall be restored
Honor the horns of war
They call, hear them soar
I fear the storm
May dissolve our world forevermore
They have always lied
The beauty of this world is still alive
Pleading to survive
The breeze and I collide
The sky abound in endless starlight
Pleading to be alive
My mind and heart align
Embrace the scars of our ancient bloodline
The specter of paradise
Carry on my child
This endless war shall never subside
Leave them behind
They have always lied
The beauty of this world is still alive
Pleading to survive
The breeze and I collide
The sky abound in endless starlight
Pleading to be alive
Honor the horns of war
They call, hear them soar
The broken hearts of our homeworld
Shall be restored
Honor the horns of war
They call, hear them soar
I fear the storm
May dissolve our world forevermore
8. Homeworld Salient
No words spoken
Careless and cold
Like cryoshock scars that glimmer and glow
As servos inspect and prepare to dissect
A new form of human
A new architect
We shall journey onward
Through endless pain and torture
As they say
"Darkness and seamless hate shall guide our pathway."
The silence is broken
As the last of the blood
Surges and spits
From Enyo's lungs
It drips and streams
From the slave driver's tongue
Then marked on their faces
"Obey and begone."
Face to face with Alithea
Her sister star
Awake and alive
The purpose to bring her back to life
Forgotten by lifeless eyes
We shall journey onward
Through endless pain and torture
As they say
"Darkness and seamless hate shall guide our pathway."
The silence is broken
As the last of the blood
Surges and spits
From Enyo's lungs
It drips and streams
From the slave driver's tongue
Then marked on their faces
"Obey and begone."
Only moments from now
We will witness planetfall
Titans crashing through the highest clouds
They leave trails of fire
This new world will bring us life
I can hear them sing
I can feel them breathing
Defending what we call life
This final empire will spread like liquid fire
Only moments from now
We lay claim to sacred ground
Action coming face to face with fate
With trails of fire
Defending what we call life
This final empire
This new world must bring us life