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Catasexual Urge Motivation

« Nekronicle »

Catasexual Urge Motivation " Nekronicle" Год




Gore Grind Core

Razorback Records

N Название
1Vivid Stains Of Hematomania's Delirium '94
2Sonic Hate Spleen Rupture
3Hate From The Womb
4Vivid Stains Of Hematomania's Delirium
5Never Spend My Time In Wholesome
6To Kill, And Kill Again
7I Am As Beautiful As I Have Killed
8Mass Murder, The Only Way To Become God
9Bleeding For Spermqueen
10Sexual Terrorist
11Fucked By A Priest Pt.2 (Slough сover)
12Supraliminal Psychosadistic Motivation
13Homicidal Patterns: Organized/Disorganized
14Their Eyes Were Watching The Knife In My Hand
15Philosophical Diary Of A Habitual Murderer
16World Record 222 Mass Murder A Day
17Boneyard (Impetigo cover)
18Addicted To Raping, Mutilating And Murdering Itself
19Where There's Killing, There's My Way
20Murder: It's A Proof Of One's Conscience And A Necessary Evil Most Necessarily
21It's A Pure Fuckin' Hatred! World Showcase Of Cruelty And Bloodshed
22Rape And Slaughter Like An American Murderer
23Campaign For Legalize Murder
24The Legacy Of A Serial Killer Lives On Forever Due To Their Uncanny Ability To Capture The Interest Of The World's Spectators Through The Extreme Quality, Quantity, Method And Results Of Their Actions
25After Beating The Young Bitch Unconscious In A Deserted Street, I Bind Her Hands And Feet With Wire, Duct Tapes On Her Mouth And Places A Burlap Sack Over Her Head
26Whore Is Beautiful Like A God, And God Is Voluptuos Like A Whore
01 taken from "Catharsis" demo 94. Remastered on 4 track in mid '94.
02-06 are taken from the "Rape Trauma Syndrome" demo 95. Recorded Jan, '95. Mixed Apr. '95. Recorded at MFS studio.
07-08 are taken from the Split 7" EP with Squash Bowels entitled "Necrophallus" '96. Recorded and mixed Jan. '96 at MFS studio.
09-11 are taken from the Split 7" EP with Slough entitled "Ritual Rape Mutilation" '96. Recorded and mixed Jan. '96 (except track 11) at MFS studio.
12-20 are taken from the Split Tape with Goropsy a.k.a. second demo" '96. Recorded between June '95 to Feb. '96 at MFS studio.
21-22 are taken from 4 bands split 7" EP "Hungry Urinary Urn" 97. Recorded and mixed on June '97 at MFS studio.
23 taken from the Extremist Records compilation Vol. 2 CD 97. Recorded and mixed on August 27th and 28th, '97 as "Death to Pigs" session.
24 taken from Shadows Of Michelangelo magazine compilation CD '97. Recorded and mixed on October 22th, '96.
25 taken from Ecocentric Records comp.CD Rudi Rat vol.6 double CD '97. Recorded and mixed on October 25th, '96.
26-27 are never released before. Recorded and mixed somewehere during '96. Re-mixed in October 2002.


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