 Когда в далеком 1991 году я впервые услышал альбом группы Agent Steel, а это был незабвенный "Sceptics Apocalypse", мне альбом показался образцом того, каким должен быть металл - забойный, быстрый, вокалист визжит - словом, патлатому школьнику понравилось. С тех пор воды утекло много, изменилось восприятие музыки у патлатого школьника, изменилась и сама группа. Второй альбом уже не такой бешеный, хотя тогда и он понравился не меньше первого. А потом группа развалилась и я о ней довольно долго не вспоминал. После было воссоединение группы в 1998 году, выпуск группой трех неплохих альбомов и группа развалилась снова. И вот, не так давно, я вновь прочитал на одном из сайтов о предстоящем выходе нового альбома старой доброй группы Agent Steel.
Первое впечатление от альбома - я снова слушаю "Sceptics Apocalypse". Особенно сильно это заметно на "Trespassers", некоторые моменты похожи один в один. Несмотря на это, "Trespassers", безусловно, лучший трек на альбоме. Есть и еще неплохие вещи, среди которых можно, хоть это и весьма сложно, выделить "Sonata Cosmica", "No Other Godz Before Me". На "The Devil's Greatest Trick" вокалист - John Cyriis - фальцетит так, словно хочет превзойти Кинга Даймонда на его ранних работах. Не знаю, насколько это хорошо получилось, как по мне, так это чересчур. Что еще можно услышать на альбоме? Долбеж. Дрелеобразный скрежет гитар. Дикий визг вокалиста. Есть неплохие мелодии. В целом, Agent Steel очень даже удался, фанатам группы самое оно.
И что в итоге? Да так себе альбом. John Cyriis пищит, как в 1985, даже, пожалуй, еще пронзительнее. В остальном - как будто сразу после 1987 года наступил 2021 год. Группа открещивается от трех альбомов, выпущенных без участия Cyriis'a, словно их не было. На официальном сайте в дискографии нет альбомов, выпущенных в период с 1999 по 2007 год. И на музыке всё это сказывается, и вовсе не в пользу группы. Кто это будет слушать? Фанаты группы, наверное. Зачем я купил этот диск? Сам не знаю. Вроде понравилось, иногда даже слушаю. Ну, а оценка? Оценка твердая четверка, то есть 6 баллов.
P. S. Альбом вышел в двух вариантах: на диске (digipack и slipcase) и зачем-то на двойном виниле. Зачем нужно было коротенький альбом порядка 35 минут делить на две пластинки, не понимаю. |
The crypts of the galaxies,
Prepare for the unknown!
We're Agents of these Metal Walls
Realms of vagrant souls...
Beamships descending...
Trespassers in your towns!
Walkers in the fog 'n' mist,
Surveilling eathly thrones.
Crypts of the galaxies,
Cells of Rotten Thrones!
Ladies and gentlemen, behold these Metal Calls!
Children of the forest black,
Not knowing where you'll go!
Led by the legions!
Trapped by your earthly thrones!
Spectators of a game,
They'll checkmate your souls!
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to your thrones!
When it's done, you'll surely see;
Only then, you'll know!
When it's time to see yourself,
You'll see what you have sown!
The only path you'll see ahead:
The path to your souls...
From the truth, there's no escape!
In the end you'll know....
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the unknown!
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to your thrones!
Ladies and gentlemen, behold these Metal Walls!
Blasting through the galaxies, exposing the unknown!
The forests blurred by fog 'n' mist,
As you walk alone,,,
In a hundred years, we'll not be here:
We'll be sitting on our thrones!
But as of now, we're still here,
Not knowing where you'll go!
Ladies and gentlemen, the time has come to know!
The crypts of the galaxies,
Welcome to your thrones!
Planet of the lost,
Welcome the unknown!
Trapped in this galaxy,
Welcome to your thrones!
Caretakers of the Crypts...
Welcome To Your Rotten Thrones!
3. No Other Godz Before Me
Blasting down from the cosmos
Trash bin of the universe
Descending with your cock-a-roach
Your backseat worship since birth
Now the Rat year salivating furious
Clasping your microchip serenity
Your brain disease multitudinous
Your goddess hasn't come!
Flying through the clouds with little golden-haired angels
Below the super novae of the damned
By their own hands, they've given birth to terror
Armies on either shore by her command
And that's just the tip of the iceberg
You're not the center of the universe!
And that's just the tip of the iceberg
This planet's not the center of the universe!
No Godz, no Goddesses
No falling to my knees!
To worship you (no way!)
Your cities full of crime and greed!
Magical assassins decorate their chopping blocks
Only trolls under their command
Advanced distant races from other galaxies
Have humans in the palms of their hands
Cast down from belligerent galaxies
Criminal souls from other stars
Rogue magicians with uncertain sleight of hand
Spells of hit-and-miss, they're selling charlatanry
Souls that wreak of auric stench
Perverse egos rape the innocent
Imposing their dominance, gagging the polemicist
The worship of the roach and fly
The wannabes collude, one traps the other!
On this planet called earth, they move at turtle-speed
Bloodstained sidewalks, emblem of their greed
Stock markets tumble, crash and burn
And that's just the tip of the iceberg!
You're not the center of the universe!
And that's just the tip of the iceberg!
This planet's not the center of the universe!
No Godz, no Goddesses!
No falling to my knees
To worship you (no way!)
Your cities full of crime and greed!
You'll walk in darkness for eternity...
You'll walk in darkness for eternity...
You'll walk in darkness for eternity...
You'll walk in darkness for eternity...
Dropping down like flies from the cosmos
Their control, implementing disease
To clear the surface, you create a new breed
A way to validate demonic creed!
They don't really care about you or anyone
So they say, "Just get outta my way!"
I want to connect with an alternate dimension
That I'll never have to blunder through again!
Transcending out and away
From the bottom of this universe
Your curses backfire on you
Your aging corpse, walks in the darkness
Alone there walking for eternity
Still you puppeteer the weak
Little cronies at your side
Your day has come...
Time to reap...
Now you live to dodge the universe...
And that's just the tip of the iceberg!
You're not the center of the universe!
And that's just the tip of the iceberg!
This planet's not the center of the universe!
No Godz, no Goddesses!
No falling to my knees
To worship you (no way!)
Your planet's full of shit and greed!
4. Trespassers
A ball of light comes hurling through the night
Glowing disks are hissing close behind
A haunted corn farm family bolts their barns
Another night of passers from beyond
How many cosmic curses will they burn
Signs from other dimensions we must learn
Feel the burning winds atomic light
They travel parsecs distances in flight
Their glowing disks trespass into our fields
In blinding lights a family yields to fear
At twilight cornfields burned by lightning shots
The crops reflecting strange magnetic lights
Perfected geometric cosmic yield
Their Sigils branded in as magic shields
The sealing of our fate from other starts
Their coded messages come from afar
Space Migrators drafting up the deal
Their curses burned into our crops and fields
Genetic-engineering master race
Manipulating humans through the maze
They puppeteer mankind like cloning mice
They justify your faith by feeding vice
They’re soaring with the Falcon to the stars
Before you trap them they’ll be far beyond
They’ve always been in charge and call the shots
Upon your fields they burn their cosmic plots
Big heads are coming down from outer space
Cattle mutilations left in waste
Their glowing disks appear on nightmares pass
There is no hope and humans can’t be trusted
They’ll stop us from infecting outer space
Migrator vanishes without a trace
5. The Devil's Greatest Trick
Far outside the circles of time
She chose this planet to take you on a ride
To somewhere, nowhere, to meet that someone
The one who’d show you to the pits of hell
Now you’re trapped inside her spell
No escape the maze
A war to chivalry
The world on fire
They scorch your dignity
And now you’re free
To find the gate to flee
She’s got you wanting to go back inside
The pit from whence you came into this life
Society’s got you believing a lie
That everyone’s in love on a magic carpet ride
Their system that traps you into mediocrity
Their superficial promise of the goddess they lust
The system you serve got you blind fold diving
Soon you’ll see the tables turning to their side
Trick, or treat, she’s got
Her something good to eat
Your soul inside
She’ll take you for a ride
Submit or die
The rest is history
She’s got you believing she doesn’t exist
And when you wake you’ll know it was her trick
When you ask her where she came from
She’ll say she was part of the curse
Trick, or treat, you’re done
I’ve got you believing in me
Your soul is mine
The rest is history
Trick, or treat, you’re done
I’ve got you believing in me
Your soul is mine
I’ll win and you’ll lose
Trick, or treat, she’s got
Her something good to eat
Your soul inside
She’ll take you for a ride
Trick, or treat, she’s got
Her something good to eat
Your soul inside
She’ll take you for a ride
Trick, or treat, she’s got
Her something good to eat
Your soul inside
She’ll take you for a ride
6. Sonata Cósmica
A hora exatamente 6 da tarde
Uma varinhanas aguasda Fasqueira
A vararecebeu um raio do seu!
Doze horas energizado
Raios extraterrestres descendo
Eucalyptus trees shooting up to the skies
Attracting lightning shocks from the air
A strange alien force draws him there
Glowing clouds follow him to the lake
A boy at the edge of the water he stands
Thunder suddenly drops
A bell chimes six times
A bolt of lightning uncoils
And strikes the fishing pole in his hands Down like a quick burning fuse of light
His body suspended in mid-air
Now looking down at himself, again
Lights envelope his physical body
(They tell him) you will be our antenna
You'll manifest strange powers
The remains of a charred fishing pole
Should be distributed to the chosen
A cosmic chain of command...
At 6:00 PM each night we will mentalize
In healing light with brilliance.....our shields are high.....
Into the skies
Sonata Cósmica
Contacts from Afron-V
Lights from Afron-V
7. Veterans Of Disaster
Looking towards a new horizon...
Looking for a new horizon...
Looking for a new horizon!
They stand to defend the flag and its honor!
Looking at a dismal horizon!
Our flag blowing high, in the breeze of chaos!
Reaching for a new horizon!
They stand for the freedoms our families believe in!
Watching the smoke-filled horizon
It's never too late to stand for freedom!
They move through the land
They cut through the sea
There to defend our freedoms!
They move through the land
They glide through the air
There to defend our freedoms!
The Prince of Darkness losing ground!
A threat to our children all around...
They're opening the gates to tormented souls!
They're trying to kill off love and life!
So our troops defend our freedom
Ready for the stand against all oppressors
They move through the land
They cut through the sea
There to defend our freedoms!
They glide through the air
They cut through the sea
There to defend our freedoms!
Allies move through Gibraltar
Provoking the past
Radars trigger air command
Detecting enemy lines approaching...
The time is now to move our troops forward!
Time to stand our ground!
Space violators display acrobatics
By the star bound bow!
They look like they're from outer space
Flying down the channel!
Veterans of Disaster...
Veterans of Disaster...
Veterans of Disaster...
Veterans of Disaster...
Veterans of Disaster...
Veterans of Disaster...!
8. Carousel Of Vagrant Souls
Spiraling forth from another cosmos
I took a pitstop right through here
At birth I opened up my eyes
And sharpened up my spear!
They tried to plot my fate
But I parachuted down with rage!
Rebelled against their privileged thrones
By spatting rituals of hate
Standing in your playgrounds
Staring at you with despise
That's when you turned your back on me
Your poison tongue slandering
Now I know what you think of me
That's all that really matters here!
Because you're just another soul
Who doesn't have a grip on fear!
Now the stars colliding
Like our hate for one another
I'm anti-you, I'm a polemicist!
Mirror, Mirror on the wall
Who can be the ugliest soul from the fall?
Carousel Spinning round and round!
One more soul shoved into the ground!
Synchronizing with the falcon
Hurling through the night!
Glancing down below me
As I've lost my fear of heights!
The universe collapsing right before your very eyes!
Now the streets are burning as you question your authority!
Pollyanna of the cursed, the poison passed on to the worm
They like to bend the truth, convincing you to crawl back in
They say there's nothing valuable but what's between your legs
Who's the most pathetic species...of them all?
Carousel, spinning round and round!
One more soul shoved into the ground!
Crypt by crypt, you have done so well!
When you're through, they will checkmate you!
9. The Incident
Uma nave desceu no meio da cidade
Os seres correrao pars o fundo do quintal
O exército e aeronáutica corem pra avaliar este evento
Os ETs nao querem negociar
Os habitants desta cidade
assistem com terror
Sabendo que os ETs querem cativar
O metal O ferro
Do estado de Minas Gerais!
O metal O ferro
Do estado de Minas de Minas Gerais!
Os habitantes desta cidade
Assistem corn terror
Pelos olhos dos cabecaos pulao raios
De outras dimensoes
Cativando O metal O ferro
Da terra do metal
O metal do-estado de Minas Gerais!
10. Outer Space Connection
No Connection to Outer Space
Trapped on this earth by a demoness race!
You're all trapped on this earth
From birth to birth...
At war with greed we're a disgrace
Inferior and Superior
Complex of the Worshippers
Clique Termites no intelligence...
Alien races look down in disgrace
Complexity of terror you're all in Error
Behind your big wheels your vulgar appeal
You against them
They're against you
You against all
All against me
Me against all
All against all
You against me
Me against you!
Your Hollywood boffs
Don't fucking intimidate me...
Ducking degenerates they're selling hypocrisy
Someday you'll fall by the homeless militias...
The people you've shit on will rise up to getcha!
You're trapped on this earth from birth to birth
You've no connection to outer space...
You precious humans you're such a disgrace
You against them
They're against you
You against all
All against me
Me against all
All against me
You against me
Me against you...
All against all...
All against me...
Me against all...
All against you...
Me against all...
All against me!
(A magnetic cosmic mutation
Is manifesting from other stars...
An alternate dimension
Puncturing the veil of this world...
Preparing the shift of consciousness
All your galaxies...will collide!
To the bottom of the more advanced galaxies...
Where no one dies
The second death...
...As many will on earth
With the demoness in charge)
You against them
They're against you
You against all
All against me
Me against all
All against all
You against me
Me against you...
All for one and none for all!
All for one
And none for all!