 Когда в прошлом году вышел "Siege", вопрос, волновавший большинство поклонников группы, заключался в одном: закончилась ли череда экспериментов и изменений стиля? Увы, слушая новый альбом, можно с уверенностью сказать - эксперименты не закончились. Джо Тибери несет всё дальше в пучину космоса, в паре с Мелиссой Розенберг (Mel Rose) они выдали нечто такое, чему я не возьмусь дать определение. Смесь электроники, синтезатора, неплохие мелодии, создает впечатление чего-то необычного, космического, в чем от прежней группы Mechina нет вообще ничего. Процесс этот идет с первого по четвертый треки, и если на "Suffer" есть какие-то тяжелые моменты, то к "Totemic" они полностью заменяются электроникой. Голос Мелиссы как нельзя лучше вписывается в музыку, синтезатор здесь не создает впечатление заунывности. Связка "Sacrifice Zone" - "Totemic" безусловно, лучшая на альбоме.
Вторая часть альбома начинается, как и первая - синтезатор, электроника, Mel Rose. А затем начинается то, чего на этом альбоме уже и не ждали, но чего ждали от группы в целом - возврат к корням. После чисто индустриальной "Aphelion" следуют два трека в стандартных традициях группы Mechina: гроулинг, агрессивная подача, интересные мелодии. Здесь приняла участие Anna Hel (Conflict), ее голос звучит намного лучше Мелиссы. Качество звука на этом альбоме гораздо лучше, чем на двух предшественниках, особенно радует то, что синтезатор не выпирает на передний план, как это было раньше.
Что могу сказать в заключение. Основным недостатком альбома я бы назвал затянутость некоторых песен. Было бы также неплохо разбавить вокал Мелиссы чем-нибудь еще, она хороша на песнях вроде "Totemic", но совать ее везде и всюду - это перебор. Радует одно, группа не стоит на месте и, со временем, мы возможно услышим, наконец-то, идеальный во всех смыслах альбом. Но это будет потом, а пока 6 баллов. |
Holy machine, standing before me
Your lifeless eyes sing a song with only two words
Suffer human
Through our scars we suffer
The only pathway forward
There's nothing left to fight for
There's nothing left to die for
Suffer, human, slowly into the void
Eyes with no hope
Cold to the touch
A future so broken
There's nothing left to fight for
There's nothing left to die for
Suffer human slowly into the void
Suffer human
Through our scars we suffer
With one life we endure the cruelty of time
The Ancients live
Go find the truth and suffer
The only path forward is to embrace the cold
We are not meant to live forever
Yet, our ashes become immortal
Listen to the tyrants desperately renouncing
Hear them sing
Suffer human
Through our scars we suffer
The only pathway forward
There's nothing left to fight for
There's nothing left to die for
Suffer, human, slowly into the void
Eyes with no hope
Cold to the touch
A future so broken
There's nothing left to fight for
There's nothing left to die for
Suffer human slowly into the void
Suffer human
Through our scars we suffer
Tell me at what cost are we willing to let go
Helpless as the world burns
Just let go
The only peace we find is in our dreams
2. Praise Hydrus
In silence,
I know you can hear it
Wide eyed, I know you can see it
Our world, our one life
Sacrificed for any price
As the old world falls
It's teeth with drag us with
Oh, how much blood must be wasted?
Crawling, I know you can feel it
In the air, I know you can taste it
Our world, our one life
Sacrificed for any price
As the old world falls
It's teeth with drag us with
In the end, only darkness
Just like before we were first born
When words fail, so begins the spiral
Hateful eyes turning to kinetic
Our world, our one life
Sacrificed for any price
As the old world falls
It's teeth with drag us with
Oh, how much blood must be wasted?
Be reborn deep within the whirlwind
Into the wild you find her echo
Hydrus, our shield maiden
Shares the same fate as you and I
Her ghost still wonders in the land of endless rain
In the end, only darkness
Just like before we were first born
We once said Praise Hydrus
The queen of poison
Her lies dripping into our bloodstream
We all said Praise Hydrus
She fought on all sides
Be reborn, evolve into the wild
We once said Praise Hydrus
The queen of poison
Her lies dripping into our bloodstream
We all said Praise Hydrus
She fought on all sides
Be reborn, evolve into the wild
Our world, our one life
Sacrificed for any price
As the old world falls
It's teeth with drag us with
Oh, how much blood must be wasted?
Be reborn, evolve into the wild
In the end, only darkness
Just like before we were first born
The North
It calls
Chase the rainfall
3. Sacrifice Zone
Such trees stand as ancient towers
To shield the sky
Relentless rain shedding their leaves
As clouds move north
Watch as thunder shifts the water
We face the storm in search of the truth
No more heroes
Look around you
Fields of steel and bone
Those who came before us were devoured
These graves are so shallow
As steel extrudes from the ground
Feel the air turning colder
The storm front
Glowing from the distant star light
Onward into the wild
Waist deep wading through the blackened water
Cold rain, sings her song
Your eyes Force them lower
Feel the whirlwind
Move in closer
Together we face the storm in search of the truth
No more heroes Look around you
Fields of steel and bone
Those who came before us were devoured
These graves are so shallow
As steel extrudes from the ground
Feel the air turning colder
As long as we all are bound by our nature
You think it's just that simple?
I've seen how machines can tear apart our human form
Searching for meaning
Give us a reason
You can feel her voice in the water
Beauty steels our heart
Yet words of poison can break whole
The storm front
It seems so long ago
We face the storm in search of the truth
No more heroes
Look around you
Fields of steel and bone
Those who came before us were devoured
These graves are so shallow
As steel extrudes from the ground
Feel the air turning colder
4. Totemic
Searching inside
You may not like what you find
The tyrant
The hero
Never forget the coward
Control and power
Digging its teeth deeper
Hear the ancient call
Feel the poison flow
Now cleanse your soul with soil and stone
As raging water fights the air
The night has to fall
Watch the trees start to glow
Cry into the wild
Any sign or response from
The tyrant
The hero
Never forget the coward
Control and power
Digging its teeth deeper
Now cleanse your soul with soil and stone
As raging water fights the air
We forged our hearts for a world that never came
Watch as we rip and tear out our skin
5. Venator
Feel your grip begin to wane
Do not look down
Feel your past begin to fade
Quickly forget
No saints, demons or angels left to find
Only tyrants among us
Hunters who take their prey within the shadows
No saints, demons or angels left to fight
Only tyrants among us
Hunters who take their prey within the shadows
No saints, demons or angels left to find
Now it's time to open up your eyes
Does any of this look right?
Now it's time to cleanse your mind
Do not look down
No saints, demons or angels left to find
Only tyrants among us
Hunters who take their prey within the shadows
No saints, demons or angels left to fight
Only tyrants among us
Hunters who take their prey within the shadows
No saints, demons or angels left to find
Hunt down every tyrant in the wild
Leave none alive
No saints, demons or angels left to find
Only tyrants among us
Hunters who take their prey within the shadows
No saints, demons or angels left to fight
Only tyrants among us
Hunters who take their prey within the shadows
No saints, demons or angels left to find
6. Aphelion
Watch as the rain breaks
Only fragments of the sunrise
Break through the clouds
In such moments
We still remember why
We still remember
What it's like to lose it all
Piece by piece we crumble
Watch us tear at our skin
These ancient embers
Still remain within us
Honor still evades us all
You must begin to look at this different
All life all time
All of it
All of it burns
All of them lost
In such moments
We still remember why
We still remember
What it's like to lose it all
Piece by piece we crumble
Watch us tear at our skin
These ancient embers
Still remain within us
Honor still evades us all
We still remember
What it's like to lose it all
Piece by piece we crumble
Watch us tear at our skin
These ancient embers
Still remain within us
Honor still evades us all
7. The Embers of Old Earth
If only the dead could see
What these worlds have come to be
They would close their eyes and return to sleep
With every step
The synthetic divisions within her skin begin to glow
Onward to find what lies behind
Visions that curse our eyes to never see again
Onward we hunt
Traitors are marked
Vengeance so pure we vow to never sleep again
This machine world, in free fall
Watch the godless rename Babylon
The cracks in it's walls are seeping blood
Corruption dreams to cage us one by one
Don't fear the long night
Seek star light
See how they taunt us
Endless life
To start again
To be reborn from the embers of old earth
We must return
Reclaim our home world
Cursed be this gentle breeze
Like specters, who carry the scent of war
Oh, how timeless and true
Be the human course to endless ruin
Virton still breaths
High above the sea
Once shielded by Hydrus
Now so vulnerable
Do what you must
Go find your peace
Slowly in the soil or butchered by the sword
This machine world, in free fall
Watch the godless rename Babylon
The cracks in it's walls are seeping blood
Corruption dreams to cage us one by one
Don't fear the long night
Seek star light
See how they taunt us
Endless life
To start again
To be reborn from the embers of old earth
We must return
Reclaim our home world
8. When Virtue Meets Steel
Engulfed in the blinding light
That rushes from my eyes
Two titans breaking peace
They seek a grand feast
Spare me your empty words of a just world
It's been so long since any human
Has looked me in the eyes
You dare bring pity before me
I am the god queen
Our last human empire still remains within the shadows
As embers turn to dust
Our last human empire
Shield your eyes as I remind them what is human
Feel them breathing
Titans awaken
Hear the ancients call your name
To find the truth through beauty or cruelty
No moment for peace
Let the ancients know your name
You shall awaken
Those who sleep in the den of tyrants
Let them sing the leviathan war cry
Spare me your empty words of a safe world
You think nature cares
How painful these open wounds feel
You dare bring pity before me
I am the god queen
Our last human empire still remains within the shadows
As embers turn to dust
Our last human empire
Shield your eyes as I remind them what is human
Feel them breathing
Titans awaken
Hear the ancients call your name
To find the truth through beauty or cruelty
No moment for peace
Let the ancients know your name
To see a blood line thrive
Kings and queens were born
Generations lost
To live forever forced to watch them one by one
Carried to their graves by mothers with no name
Forever bound to bury my own blood
Our last human empire still remains within the shadows
As embers turn to dust
Our last human empire
Shield your eyes as I remind them what is human
Feel them breathing Titans awaken
Hear the ancients call your name
To find the truth through beauty or cruelty
No moment for peace
Let the ancients know your name