 В 1984 году пришло время жечь ведьм, а также познакомится с, наверное, самой очаровательной представительницей несомненно ведьминского клана женщин в тяжелой музыке! Ведь на свет появился дебютный альбом Warlock, в будущем - культовой немецкой группы, пусть и просуществовавшей всего-навсего пять лет. Львиной доле успеха "Колдуны" обязаны именно своей фронтменше, единственной и неповторимой рок-леди номер один - Дороти Пеш. Однако, в середине 80-ых творческий путь Warlock освещал основатель и первоначальный идейный лидер команды, гитарист Руди Граф (кстати, написавший в одиночку материал всего этого альбома). Именно у него появилось желание собрать группу играющую жесткий хэви метал, и через некоторое время состав Warlock был укомплектован. Вторую гитару доверили Петеру Сзигети, на басу стал играть Франк Риттель, а за барабаны сел Михаэль Эйрих. В то время ребята играли простой в аранжировках, простой в текстах, и вообще, ничем особым не примечательный немецкий хэви, с некоторыми влияниями только-только поднимавшего голову спид метала. Главное и единственное отличие Warlock от тысяч подобных им команд - это, конечно, проникновенный голос мадам Пеш и ее неповторимая сценическая харизма. Скорее всего, именно благодаря этому факту группу скоро заметили и одарили контрактом на запись первого альбома. Что музыканты собственно и сделали, выпустив "Burning The Witches". Сей диск можно прямо-таки цитировать для потомков, как "хороший дебют". Абсолютно ничего нового в жанр тяжелой музыки Warlock пока не принесли, но зато наглядно показали, что в будущем с ними надо будет считаться. Итак, что же представляет из себя этот диск? Лучше всего это описать таким образом - набор простеньких и ненапрягающих песен в стилистике оголтелого, и, в основном, скоростного хэви спид метала, разбавленные для вкуса парочкой тяжелых баллад. Среди многообразия боевиков на этом альбоме особо запоминаются энергичный открывающий номер "Sign Of Satan", посвящение ночным байкерам в "Metal Racer", очередная экологическая катастрофа в "After The Bomb", и, конечно, главный хит диска - очень драйвовый заглавный трек "Burning The Witches". Кроме этого, нельзя забыть эффектно разбавляющую атмосферу тотального рубилова грустную балладу "Without You". В целом, конечно, поводы для претензий можно найти - и музыка совершенно неоригинальная, и запись оставляет желать лучшего, и даже тексты постоянно сквозят банальными грамматическими ошибками и там, и тут. Да и голос совсем молодой и неопытной Дороти еще очень далек от совершенства и грешит неправильным произношением английских слов. Но в качестве дебюта - это все легко прощается. Твердые семь баллов, с большим заделом на будущее. |
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Дебютник известной немецкой рок-формации Warlock получился довольно-таки неплохим. Необходимо отметить, что 1984 год стал дебютным для множества замечательных впоследствии групп как в Германии, так и во всем мире. Безусловно, лучший металлический дебют 84-го в мире - у американцев W.A.S.P., а в пределах Германии - у Stormwitch. "Колдуны" на этом фоне тоже не теряются, став сразу одними из лидеров молодой рок-сцены. Здесь слушателю представлен прямолинейный хэви метал с весомым влиянием Accept и только появившегося тогда спид металла. Недаром и конкуренты у Warlock соответствующие - это прежде всего Steeler Акселя Руди Пелла, Grave Digger и Running Wild. Помимо оригинального женского вокала сей коллектив выделяется и относительно "съедобным" звуком. В-общем-то, музыканты не стали изобретать велосипед, сыграв довольно-таки неплохо для молодой группы. Как и на последующих альбомах, здесь есть настоящие хиты - это прежде всего энергичные скоростные вещи "Sign Of Satan" и "Metal Racer". Отличный заглавный гитарный рифф и соло в "Hateful Guy" будут долго крутиться в голове, а вот припев здесь подкачал. Остальные песни также цепляют отдельными кусками, хотя их и немного губит порой излишняя незамысловатость и немелодичность. В-целом, впечатление из-за этого немного смазано, хотя и чувствуется потенциал группы, который полностью будет раскрыт чуть позже. Неплохая работа, конечно, но не более того. |
Has evil seeds
The nature of the beast
Is in our breast
Watch out - no one will listen to your
Watch out - crying
Watch out - no one will listen to your
Watch out - dying
See some madman's eyes
They tell you no lies
A million little knives
Destroy a million lives
Every house in the street
Has evil seeds
The nature of the beast
Is in our breast
Watch out - no one will listen to your
Watch out - crying
Watch out - no one will listen to your
Watch out - dying
Watch out - no one will listen to your
Watch out - crying
Watch out - no one will listen to your
Watch out - dying
Watch out!
After the bomb
The biggest war has ended
The smoke gets away
The sun is coming up
To salute the horrible day
An endless battlefield
Overcrowded with death
Ah, there's no one there
Who could have been blessed
No singing of a bird
Rustle of a tree
And all is carried off
All is carried off
For a few merciless creatures
The war is a game
And all the time
They want to play it for gain
Ooh, the war has ended
No singing of a bird
Rustle of a tree
And all is carried off
All is carried off
It is all over
Life was in vain
All that had seemed important
Didn't reveal its aim
The war has ended
No singing of a bird
Rustle of a tree
And all is carried off
All is carried off
Dark fade
You're only seventeen
Today or tomorrow you expect a surprise
Full of erotic, the first that you can see
But you don't know, she's full of lies
When she passes you by, you believe that she's alright
Your eyes aren't seeing clear
When she can sign, she takes possession
You don't know her combat mission
Oh, it's a dark fade for you
Dark fade for you
Dark fade for you
Oh, dark fade for you
Your fade is sealed at that moment
When you meet her
Slow but sure, you feel so sad
You can't go back
You're only seventeen
Today or tomorrow you expect a surprise
Full of erotic, the first that you can see
But don't you know? She's full of lies
When she passes you by, you believe that she's alright
Your eyes aren't seeing clear
When she can sign, she takes possession
You don't know her combat mission
Oh, it's a dark fade for you
Dark fade for you
Dark fade for you
Oh, dark fade for you
Your fade is sealed at that moment
When you meet her
Slow but sure, you feel so sad
You can't go back
Slow but sure, you feel so sad
You can't go back
You're only seventeen
Today or tomorrow you expect a surprise
Full of erotic, the first that you can see
But you don't know, she's full of lies
When she passes you by, you believe that she's alright
Your eyes aren't seeing clear
When she can sign, she takes possession
You don't know her combat mission
Oh, it's a dark fade for you
Dark fade for you
Dark fade for you
Dark fade for you
Your fade is sealed at that moment
When you meet her
Slow but sure, you feel so sad
You can't go back
Homicide rocker
Hard rocker, bloodsucker
You all come just to see the show
Neck breaker, earthshaker
Feel the power, let the rhythm go
There is something we believe in
Its power will never die
Get up - homicide rocker
Keep on banging your heads
Get up - mad brain sucker
Keep on breaking your necks
A rolling thunder, fire down under
You think your head is bursting out
A rock fever, metal believer
Come on and shout it out loud!
There is something we believe in
Its power will never die
Get up - homicide rocker
Keep on banging your heads
Get up - mad brain sucker
Keep on breaking your necks
There is something we believe in
Its power will never die
Get up - homicide rocker
Keep on banging your heads
Get up - mad brain sucker
Keep on breaking your necks
Get up - homicide rocker
Keep on banging your heads
Get up - mad brain sucker
Keep on breaking your necks
Get up - homicide rocker
Get up - mad brain sucker
Without you
I feel so lonely since I had to leave you
'Cause all I had to say was not true
I'm thinking of you every day and every night
I'm missing your loving, your face and your eyes
I feel so lonely since I had to leave you
'Cause all I had to say was not true
I'm thinking of you every day and every night
I'm missing your loving, your face and your eyes
Oh, I had to leave you
But I cannot, cannot forget you
I want you, I want you
I want you
I stand by my window
And all seems so low
Slow but sure I understand
The good times we had, the good times we had
So empty is my heart
Without you
Without you
Stand apart
I remember your brown eyes, you looked so kind
Looked at me, sparkled in the night
I'd change my mind, I will take your way
Together forever, come on! It's the last essay
Yeah, I had to leave you
But I cannot, cannot forget you
I want you, I want you
I want you
I stand by my window
And all seems so low
Slow but sure I understand
The good times we had, the good times we had
So empty is my heart
Without you
Without you
Stand apart
Since I had to leave you
I cannot forget you
Slow but sure I understand
The good times we had, the good times we had
I stand by my window
And I've been so low
Slow but sure I understand
The good times we had, the good times we had
So empty is my heart
Without you
Without you
Stand apart
Metal racer
Racing down on the motorway
No rest, no place to stay
He calls it running out of time
Got no place in society
Forever fought the Philistines
Forever walked upon his line
Outside of the law
An eternal war
No one can hold him back
Ready to attack
He's a damned - racing through the night
He's a damned - will never see the light
He's a damned - darkness in his eyes
He's a damned - but metal racer never dies
Don't care what other people say
Be what you are, take the hotter way
Don't be a madman, don't give up
Take this heavy sound into your brain
So it's easier to break the chain
'Cause heavy metal knows no stop
Outside of the law
An eternal war
No one can hold him back
Ready to attack
He's a damned - racing through the night
He's a damned - will never see the light
He's a damned - darkness in his eyes
He's a damned - but metal racer never dies
He's a damned - racing through the night
He's a damned - will never see the light
He's a damned - darkness in his eyes
He's a damned - but metal racer never dies
Racing down the motorway
No rest, no place to stay
He calls it running out of time
Got no place in society
Forever fought against the Philistines
Forever walked upon his line
Outside of the law
An eternal war
No one can hold him back
Ready to attack
He's a damned - racing through the night
He's a damned - will never see the light
He's a damned - darkness in his eyes
He's a damned - but metal racer never gonna die
Burning the witches
When the day is over the devil is near
People who know it are full of fear
When the devil is coming a virgin will die
A soldier of darkness will take her life
The demon takes the body of a bloodless gal
Outside is looking pretty, inside a beast of hell
That's what you are calling? Hellcat or witch?
Only if she is burning the demon will die
Burning the witches
The evil cries by
Burning the witches
The demon dies by
Burning the witches
The demon dies by fire
The witches are hunting your soul and your blood
And if you can't escape they take all that you've got
A soul of the virgins can find no peace
'Till the fire is killing, the witch, they can be free
Burning the witches
The evil cries by
Burning the witches
The demon dies by
Burning the witches
The demon dies by fire
Burning the witches
The demon dies by
Burning the witches
The evil cries by
Hateful guy
You're in a fever for the next bloody deed
Your search is not long, your search for all what you need
Your body wild, what's going on in your head?
We all know that you're a man so bad
Like what it is
All that you missed, you missed
When you take it in your hand
It means it is its end
All what you find and when it's even a child
Believe that you're a friend and not a guy
You can't be quiet 'till you make it sad
That's what you need before you can't going mad
Don't care what it is
All what you missed, you missed
When you take it in your hand
It means it is its end
You're a hateful guy, you're hateful
Hateful when you arrive
All of us, we're content
Until you make us cry
You're in a fever for the next bloody deed
Your search is not long, your search for all what you need
Your body wild, what's going on in your head?
We all know that you're a man so bad
Don't care what it is
All that you missed, you missed
When you take it in your hand
It means it is its end
You're a hateful guy, you're hateful
Hateful when you arrive
All of us, we're content
Until you make us cry
You're a hateful guy, you're hateful
Hateful when you arrive
All of us, we're content
Until you make us cry
Holding me
Well, I see you standing there
Clouds covered from the moon
Strong wind blows through my hair
It's midnight and I'm staying here
It's so dark and cold
And I needed you
For holding me
My heart desire you
Well, I wish you were here
And I see you everywhere
You are a vision from my heart
But I stand apart
It's a long time ago
Since I first saw you
I've been waiting, waiting
Waiting many years for you
I need you for holding me
I need you for holding me
My heart desire you tonight
I see you standing there
Clouds covered from the moon
Strong wind blows through my hair
It's midnight and I'm staying here
It's so dark and cold
And I needed you
For holding me
My heart desire you
I need you for holding me
I wish you were here
And I see you everywhere
You are a vision from my heart
But I stand apart
It's so dark and cold
And I needed you
For holding me
My heart desire you
I need you for holding me
I need you for holding me
My heart desire you tonight
I need you for holding, for holding me
Oh yes, I need you for holding me
My heart desire you tonight