 Уверен, что многие здесь, как и я, познакомились с творчеством Питера Стила сквозь «зелёную» призму Type O Negative, уже потом узнав о его буйных временах в подполье нью-йоркского хардкора. Итак, дебютный одноимённый альбом группы «Carnivore», хоть и подгоняется большинством фэнов под вывеску NYHC, но происходит это весьма бездумно, ведь материал, представленный здесь, гораздо более причудлив и занимателен для просто хардкора. Даже для его метализированной нью-йоркской вариации.
Вся неординарная дикость альбома выявляется уже в открывающей песне «Predator» - спид-метал, увязающий в думовом болоте Black Sabbath, сумасшедший смех, свиной визг... Звучит это весьма увлекательно, особенно при учёте металлических стандартов той поры, когда заигрывание с замедлениями и мелодичностью в спид-метале ещё мало кому удавались, а до выхода «Master of Puppets» оставалось полгода. Но в «Male Supremacy» мы слышим то, что покорит сердца фанатов уже под вывеской Type O Negative - красивый акустический мотив под мягкий вокал Стила и его же плотный бас. Подобная творческая смелость (как и в «God is Dead», где Venom мирно содружествует с атмосферным инструменталом а-ля "The Police" в припеве) делает этот альбом одним из самых заметных образцов развития экстремального метала в 80-х годах.
P.S. Посвящается Питеру Стилу, оставившему нас 6 лет назад, 14 апреля. |
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Как говорится "не могу молчать". Группа Carnivore на самом деле играла хард-кор, причём американский, а ещё точнее нью-йоркский. Вокалистом в группе Плотоядное Животное был Питер Стил, Petrus T. Steele (как указано в буклете). Кстати медленные места пластинки звучат как теперешняя группа Питера Стила - Type O Negative. Хотелось сильно ругнутся по поводу рецензии Jack-а, но не буду. В буклете (у меня переиздание 2001 года) написано (p)+(c) 1985 оригинальный релиз.
P.S. Так и представляю лет эдак через 15 рецензию на допустим Paradise Lost "Gothic" - надыбал антиквариат, группа исполняет типичный американский Бай-Арэя трэш, вокалом напоминает Cannibal Corpse. (Шутка!). А вообще очень грустно, что при и-нете, куче всяких журналов люди ни фига не знают.
P.P.S. Да про сам альбом - клёво! Намного лучше чем готические сопли TON. |
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Удивительный антиквариат попал мне в руки. Группа Carnivore представляет собой европейский спид-треш. С очень убедительной ритм секцией и как то сухо записаными гитарами (так звучали гитары у NWOBHM групп в начале 80-х) что как то странно для трешеров в 86-м.
Отделно несколько слов заслуживает вокалист: он главний уникум на этом альбоме. В быстрых местах он проговаривает тексты загробным голосом (вкупе с "футуристическим" интро напоминает о фантастических боевиках 80-х), а в паре медленных проходов поет, причем неплохо (мне напомнил голос вокалиста Tiamat в последние годы). |
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просмотров: 22233 |
hungry and frightened and barely surviving
they're tired of living like moles
up on the surface a fate worse
than dying meeting the end of the food chain
teeth yielding pain
I sense that living human beings dwell below my feet
an important source of protein, you are what you eat
post Armageddon, neo-barbaric,
the nuclear warriors due battle
to satiate our hunger we breed human beings as cattle
hunting in packs ready for the attack
we eat our prey raw-rabid animals
frothing and ripping the carcass
we're stripping our own yes we're cannibals
eat or eaten beat or beaten
I am on my life rest assure a predator
broken splintered bones, boiling blood
torn and bleeding skin
blackened burning flesh melting fat
amputated limbs
eviscerated, lungs torn out
heart ripped from the chest
decapitated, a meal of
vagina and breasts
Eyes plucked from sockets, gaping holes
through which picking brains
phlebophilia love of blood
life spills from the veins
I detect the scent of prey by
her menstruation
you have been chosen the main course
-Bon Appetite
2. Carnivore
Drool dripping out my tongue
hanging south saliva flowing free
my eyes full of lust my balls
gonna bust give yourself to me
thirst I can't quench c'mere you wench
there's something that I need
I'm a meat eater
I'd like to meet ya
I know I'll reach ya
The hunger I feel makes you a meal
oh girl you sure taste sweet
by my hair pull me there guide me to your treat
spread your legs I'll seed your eggs oh, feel me deep
Lick me she begged she pulled
down my head I love to eat pussy
a taste so fine like sweet april wine
I won't trade for any money
did you cum I eat and run I live for sodomy
3. Male Supremacy
I live to war it's in my blood if I want it I take
the men I've killed the children slaves
and all the woman I've raped
between my legs I've got what it takes to be called a man
fighting, feasting, fucking all I can
moonlight on horseback till death we will ride
northern winds pushing us towards suicide
Mars god of war masturbating in rage
wild libido I've freed from its cage
Male Supremacy
I eat the brains from my enemy's head
I proudly wear their scalps
I burn their towns to the ground to me the prisoners bow
muscle, sweat, long hair and dirt leather, fur and chains
my uniform torn and worn covered with blood stains
testosterone mates with adrenaline
bearing a son of insane aggression
woman will never know or understand
the power men feel to kill with their hands
After the war I come home weak and sore
I fall into your arms
we lie by the fire
you feed my desire with me safe and warm
outside the wind blows cold
inside the embers glow shelter from the storm
Years been away I fought night and day
for my land and my king
woman it's true
I do battle for you, you my everything
when on the fur I make love to her
how her body sings
4. Armageddon
A grey and sunless sky above lies heavy on the earth
fire storms acid rain celebrating birth
fall on down to corpses rotting in the streets
baste in their own blood upon the pavement from the heat
Maggots crawl from festering sores soon will turn to flies
spread disease across the land to the lucky who've survived
minds asleep are restless with reminiscent desire
sinners writhe in pain and fright baptism by fire
Cities once great of stone and steel
now lie black and burning
drifting far and fast away a dying world stops turning
a shroud of darkness steals the earth its solar womb
hopelessly I've given up prepared to meet my doom
5. Legion Of Doom
We rule the streets after dark fast silent like a shark
the 1200 I got between my knees
my hog helps me to spread the disease
people don't understand hair,
and leather but I'm telling you I couldn't be living better
I don't fear nothin' with my brothers on my side
fuck with us and it's suicide
Live your life by your will learn to be an animal
by the light of the moon beware the legion of doom
We only ask to be left alone
having good times getting stoned
pulling some broad and guzzlin' buds
riding high into the sun
to serve in heaven might suit some wall
me and the boys would rather rule in hell
looking for trouble I'm warning you
you'll be dealing with the casket crew
6. God Is Dead
God looked down from heaven shook his head and wept
his flock had gone astray wolves mingling with sheep
you tried to save man once by sending down a son
but the bastards nailed him up
and laughed at what they'd done
You gang raped mother nature I love a virgins cry
blood poured from the earth she suffered and she died
rusty scissors still in hand you castrated father time
feed his balls to the hounds that drink his cum like wine
God Is Dead
You've taken all my precious gifts
I gave unto you life from by breath
you a product of my love
your gratitude shown in my death
The devil has taken your spirit
keeps it chained up in the night
tells you that evil is good
but you will never see the light
Eat his body drink his blood
then we'll sing our song of love
Now you come crawling on your hands and knees
you beg for forgiveness suck me till I bleed
and for your transgressions heretical blasphemy
the punishment is damnation you'll burn interminably
Look what you've done to nature
and what you 've done to timethere's no more room in hell
your sinners you steal what is mine
Now the dead walk the earth
there's nowhere to hide
the devil and his disciples
rejoice my suicide
Bustin' heads breaking legs
smashin' faces spreading hate
screaming out this can't be real
broken bottles chains and
knifes bats and pipes to end your life
crush you beneath my wheels
And of course no regret give me freedom or give me death
you're flirting with disaster
riding wild running free no one's gonna govern me
7. Thermonuclear Warrior
The atom germ wars gone precipitate genetic mutation
social degeneration
creatures born of malignant science
the children of technology
plutonium anthropology
who will cleanse the mess left by the past
who will expurgate the scared cytoplasm
to rid the earth of abomination I proclaim my nomination
as the thermonuclear warrior
Strands of malformed DNA strangulate our future
chromosomal executioners
I seek the dying, sick and deformed
all who would taint the species
stabbing and choking and burning
and drowning exterminate subhuman feces
to every problem an answer must lie
to this I have a solution
Crush kill destroy
I will smash any resistance
crush kill destroy
the reason for my divine existence
You may ask what's right have I
to take human life this way
well I'm in control I make the rules
and I don't need your o.k.
genocide is my way of life
it's a fact I will not hide
the millions I've killed to sterilize
euthanasia's not homicide
Crush kill destroy
I will not tolerate imperfection
crush kill destroy
I will impede the spread of infection
I was born my own master
8. World Wars III & IV
A bomb hits the city all life instantly vaporized
but I'm not so fortunate burning right before my eyes
stumbling I trip over pieces of descending flesh
leaving a pile of smoldering humanoid mess
coming in waves
leading me to
a nuclear grave
Are you ready
will you be
will you fight WW III
are you ready
are you sure
will you fight WW IV
Humanity somehow stood up on its mutated feet
reeling with pride man just would not accept his defeat
into the missiles deadly disease and poison gas
launching them off terracidal journey kills the last
vomiting blood
I choke on my tongue
the gas from above is filling my lungs
Silence and darkness the species of man is extinct
the boiling oceans into which the continents sink
gravity gone the moon collides with a dead earth
flaming world out of orbit flying into deep space
prey for your death
if you survive
you'll die in pain
in world war V