 "Группа не стоит на месте и, со временем, мы возможно услышим, наконец-то, идеальный во всех смыслах альбом", - этими словами я закончил рецензию на "Venator". Что могу сказать я теперь, прослушав новый альбом коллектива? Только одно - если группа и выпустила идеальный альбом, то не в этот раз. Увы.
В этот раз на новом творении группы, получившем название "Cenotaph" и вышедшем, согласно традиции, 1 января нового года, мы видим точную копию альбома "Siege" (2021), с той только разницей, что там было хоть какое-то разнообразие. Здесь ничего этого нет. Альбом исключительно скучен и однообразен, создается стойкое впечатление, что я слушаю одну и ту же песню, на один и тот же мотив. По стилю это то же самое, что было два года назад - Industrial Metal с разными вкраплениями симфо, но если тогда это вызывало хоть какой-то отклик, то теперь альбом не вызывает ничего, кроме скуки. Вроде есть мелодия - а не цепляет. Есть быстрые моменты - а не впечатляют. Всё какое-то тусклое, серое, невнятное, неинтересное. Но среди всей этой серости хочется выделить один трек. "Andara's Will". Сначала я не понял, это предыдущий трек, или новая песня. А потом я ждал, когда наконец-то эта смертная тоска закончится. Возможно, сыграло свою роль неудачное расположение трека, или он просто лишний. Из более-менее хороших могу выделить "The Haruspex Sunrise" - мелодия этой вещи сначала отличается от других в лучшую сторону, но потом превращается в такую же жвачку, как и всё остальное.
Вердикт. Что я считаю плохим альбомом - это альбом, не оставивший в моей душе ничего. Пронесшийся мимо и благополучно забытый, словно и не было его вовсе. Так вот, "Cenotaph" - это именно тот случай. Впечатления от альбома - скука и серость. Результат - 0 баллов. За "The Haruspex Sunrise" + 1 балл. 1/10. Слушать только фоном при выполнении строительных работ, а трек "Andara's Will" годится только для пыток. |
Guided by vengeance
Clouded by fog
Hear the horns soaring
Feel the ground breathing
I'm forged from scars and cold steel in between
Look what you've taken from me
Look what you've taken from me
Honor the sword song
Dancing with blood
Tell me, how does it feel knowing your war came back home?
I'm forged from scars and cold steel in between
Look what you've taken from me
Look what you've taken from me
3. Cenotaph
Fools wonder blindly through raging tides
Their names are etched in broken stone
Devoured by their hubris
Cold hearts are clawing
I stand in ashes of our fallen empire
Watch me cast my soul to the fire
With closed eyes, we let it fall
Poisoned soil, is this what they died for?
No love
No heart
Bound to save a world that's fallen apart
For what?
Why defend a world that hates who you are?
Cold water cleansing conquered soil
We bred a world of warriors
Then question why the monsters
Slowly crawl inward
Watch me cast my soul to the fire
We deserve such worlds to be lost
Cold water cleansing conquered soil
Wander blindly through raging tides
Their names are etched in broken stone
Devoured by their hubris
Cold hearts are clawing
Beneath this soil the ancient soul is broken
Dreams of peace are lost memories
Blood will fall
Let it pour
All new worlds, they must slowly be drowned
No love
No heart
Bound to save a world that's fallen apart
For what?
Why defend a world that hates who you are?
Watch me cast my soul into the fire
We deserve such worlds to be lost
Cold water cleansing conquered soil
We bred a world of warriors
Then question why the monsters
Slowly crawl inward
4. Starlifter
These clouds, they roll like waterfalls
I can feel them
Their eyes fixed from afar
His banshees, they wish to hunt
Their howls ring against the mountain side
This great hunt has begun
One by one, I'll face them all
Ancient engines, they power our starvation
Strike until there's nothing left
Washed away with human blood
Can you remember who you were?
Long before such starvation
Searching for a better world
Hydrus foretold war high above the sea
Freedom foregone
Mother, Andara, shield your eyes
This flesh has failed me
Yet, my blood is bound to the ancient age
I am the star lifter
Ancient engines, they power our starvation
Churn until there's no air left
Burn until there's nothing left
Can you remember who you were?
Long before such starvation
Searching for a better world
I am the star lifter
Invictus Deadalus
The queen of Erebus
I'm here to claim the name Alithea
I still remember the art of being human
Ancient engines, they power our starvation
Watch this human ritual
I feel the banshees closing in
5. The Grand Hunt
Honor this day, ancient one
Praise this humane ritual
This grand hunt has devolved into an orgy of Blood
Blades flashing
Shields breaking
Weak points found
Watch as the rain transcends into blood
Let it pour
Honor this day, ancient one
Praise this humane ritual
One by one
Piece by piece
My own sword song breaks their line
And in their final breath
they claw at the dirt
One by one
Honor this day, ancient heart
Praise this humane ritual
This grand hunt has devolved into an orgy of Blood
Blades cracking
Flesh rending
Weak points found
Watch as the rain transcends into blood
Let it pour
Honor this day, future sons
Titan of war, show yourself
The winds have changed
The air begins to freeze
I feel her voice
Hydrus, she crosses Erebus
This grand hunt has devolved into an orgy of Blood
Weak points found
Watch as the rain transcends into blood
Let it pour
Honor this day, ancient one
Praise this humane ritual
6. Spasms of Human Tragedy
In time, we shed our skin to honor every scar
Seeking to preserve this lost art
My eyes
My heart
My mind
Are at war
Our vengeance bound in stone
Scorched into ashes
The rain has come
This world is falling dark
This great storm will end the throne
Bound in its silence
This monster descends from high above the sea
Two worlds about to collide
Cold clouds burn
As my titan rips through the clouds
I've never known such deep tremors
Who guides your path?
Clouds of fire
Rolling upward
Blinding light
Blurs my eyes
As they both collide
I sense his hatred
The air poisoned by the fall
Watch as revenge consumes us
My eyes
My heart
My mind
Are at war
Our vengeance bound in stone
Scorched into ashes
Daedalus, show them what it means to fear the sky
Our vengeance bound in stone
Scorched into ashes
This monster descends from high above the sea
Two worlds about to collide
Air pulls upward
Feel her voice sending frozen waves
Against fire in her arms
As the waves crash
Virton leads the raging fire
We both stand behind frozen glass
Now we both know
Once this storm falls
Blood will pour
8. The Haruspex Sunrise
As my blood runs cold
Devoured by time
Was any of this worth it in the end?
These eyes are blind
In the end I face the dying light
Open your eyes to what lies behind
Liquid fire burns the morning sky
Now I see how easy
Cities burn
Lives are wasted
Build your walls strong or be taken by the sword
Such dishonor
A law unto yourself
As my blood runs cold
Devoured by time
Was any of this worth it in the end?
These eyes are blind
In the end I face the dying light
Open your eyes to what lies behind
Liquid fire burns the morning sky
Sensing the sunlight
Cold rain subsides
Nature only knows forward
Tyrants are always taken by the sword
Such dishonor
A law unto yourself
As my blood runs cold
Devoured by time
Was any of this worth it in the end?
These eyes are blind
In the end I face the dying light
Open your eyes to what lies behind
Liquid fire burns the morning sky
As we all wage war against monsters
We forget to take a closer look inside
Take a good look around you
This world, worth dying for?
This life, worth fighting for?
Carving a path through darkness
Casting every ember to the void
This world, worth dying for?
This life, worth fighting for?
If you turn back you will see no light
These eyes are blind
In the end I face the dying light
Open your eyes to what lies behind
Liquid fire burns the morning sky
Such dishonor
A law unto yourself
As my blood runs cold
Devoured by time
Was any of this worth it in the end?
9. Andara's Will
I have claimed my name
Bloodstained, I fade into this new age
Carve a path through darkness
Just like roots in search of light
Take heart, the tides still rise
This new world
The green and blue will return
From tainted soil
Hydrus has blessed this victory
To start again
Whirlwind, watch her dance and bring life
Mother always said life came from the sky
I have claimed my name
Bloodstained, I fade into this new age
Live a life in the shadows, or find what burns behind every light
Now watch a titan die
Broken bones dissolved
This armor hangs from my flesh
One by one, I feel every moment slowly pass away
Whirlwind, watch her dance and bring life
Mother always said life came from the sky
A moment of calm
Fallen within the eye
Walls of water climb so high
Honor the sky
Bring us life
Whirlwind, watch her dance and bring life
I have claimed my name
Bloodstained, I fade into this new age
A moment of calm
A shadow against blue skies
Only followed by trails of fire
Take me away
Mother always said life came from the sky