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1 | Dead Fetus Collection - O lado negro da perversidade
2 | Dead Fetus Collection - Il ballo funerale del cannibalismo primitivo
3 | Dead Fetus Collection - Fournier Syndrome
4 | Dead Fetus Collection - Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma
5 | Dead Fetus Collection - Issei Sagawa
6 | Dead Fetus Collection - Mortuary Nauseatmosphere
7 | Dead Fetus Collection - Emetic Emanations of the Emulsive Pustelations
8 | Botched Anastomosis J-Pouch - Complications During Birth
9 | Botched Anastomosis J-Pouch - Mother Bleeds to Death Due to Enlarged Cranius
10 | Botched Anastomosis J-Pouch - Horror in Newborn Malformations
11 | Botched Anastomosis J-Pouch - Father Gradually Feeding His Baby Rat Poison & His Own Feces
12 | Botched Anastomosis J-Pouch - Father Commits Suicide over His Retarded Sons Crib with a Mossberg Pump Shotgun
13 | Botched Anastomosis J-Pouch - State Appointed Child Neglecting Orderly
14 | Botched Anastomosis J-Pouch - Mentally Deficient Infant Raised by Medical Nitwits
15 | Botched Anastomosis J-Pouch - Half Assed Brain Experiments
16 | Botched Anastomosis J-Pouch - Low IQ Murderer of Psych Ward Employees
17 | Botched Anastomosis J-Pouch - Shot ead by a Lot of Fuckin Cops (He Never Had a Chance) |
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