 Считая себя ценителем, в основном, быстрых или особо навороченных по исполнению направлений в тяжёлой музыке, я поставил на «play» «Z&H» исключительно ради галочки, так сказать - общего развития. Первое, что сразило сразу – наиубойнешее звучание гитар. Этот звук, наруленный в студии Polar, где также пишутся и Meshuggah, является главной ударной силой этого альбома, придавая вроде бы всем известным рифам нереальную мощь и объём.
Кроссовер шведов, замешанный на хардкоре/альтернативе/индастриале, является идеальной музыкой для тряски хайром на концерте и, при таком качестве записи, зарядки энергией дома. Отличный ход «ветеранов» на переполненном альбомами-клонами рынке стиля. |
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просмотров: 16259 |
for whoever's next, behind you in the line
when there's work to do, you always spare some time
you work your hands to the bone, but you don't complain
you never push up front, just for your personal gain
This goes out to all the zeros, to my personal heros
all the losers & zeros, you're my personal heroes,
this goes out to all the zeros
You never do no wrong, you never hurt no one
You always tell yourself, the best is yet to come
No matter how things look, How bad it all may seem
You always stand your ground, and live by your means
you work your hands to the bone, but you don't complain
you never push up front, just for your personal gain
We're all heros, we're all zeros.......
2. Recipe For Hate
first of all I make sure I've got the right ingredients before I heat up
the pan
I take a little bit of bitterness to grease it up & keep everything close
at hand
then I add a few ounces of fresh frustration and half a cup of attitude
A rush of adrenaline to spice things up & then half a spoon of bad mood
one bottle of my sweat one bottle of tears, a few drops of my own blood
it all blends together like a cat and dog and the result is as clear as mud
I pick the worst situation out of the bunch & throw it right into the mix
& last but not least I add a little bit of spit, just a few little nasty
That's my recipe for hate
I turn up the heat to 400 degrees and go to work on the attitude
I shake it all up in a provocative way to make sure it comes out rude
Then I grind down the frustration hard so that all of the scents can blend
I pour the sweat on top & then the tears to make sure that I don't make friends
when the mood is wrong, everything is right, I can add the adrenaline
but I've got to be careful with the dose I use, the effect shouldn't wear
to thin
the blood comes last cos' it always has a tendancy to cool and coagulate
so I calculate and make no mistakes, it's so fresh that it still pulsates
That's my recipe for hate......
When the meal is done you get a spoiled appetite & a dish full of disagree
some ignorance on the side, a plate full of hate, served with a fistful of
3. When Everything Crumbles
It all happened right in front of my eyes
it took me one second and then I realized
What can I do, at which end do I start
Do I follow my brain or just go with my heart
what can I say without making it worse
should I wait and watch or should I go head first?
what do we do when sanity crumbles
How do we handle the threat
How do we act when dignity stumbles
How do we live with regret
No time to think, either I act or I walk
should I go inbetween or just try to talk
The longer I wait the worse everything gets
and the verbal abuse turns into fysical threats
[Chorus x 2]
It all happened right in front of my eyes
it took me one second and then I realized
if I don't react, next time it might be me
What can I do, at which end do I start
Do I follow my brain or just go with my heart
should I walk on by and pretend that I didn't see?
4. 15 Minutes Of Fame
Any way the wind seems to blow is where you always end up turning your nose,
well I suppose you wanna go where the incrowd goes & know everything the
in crowd knows,
saying everything right,you keep you image tight with everyone you meet and
but the truth of it all is that it's easy to fall if you can't stand on your
own fucking feet
You're so busy kissing everyone's ass you haven't noticed that your nose
is brown,
well you're the clown of the town but you think you're going up well I can
promise you you're going down,
so stop wasting your time becos you're way out of line, it's all imaginary
you're not wearing a crown & the only place you'll ever be famous in is in
your own brain
fifteen minutes of being famous
A whole lifetime of being aimless
fifteen minutes of being famous You're on your way to fame
A whole lifetime of being aimless you've made yourself a name
Someone always has to lose his seat so that somebody else can win,
and I really don't think that you're smart enough to understand which seat
you're in,
you can't win If you're not strong enough to stand for something cos' someone
else will stand on you,
no matter what you do all you're ever gonna be is just another ass that they
can screw
fifteen minutes of being famous You're on your way to fame
A whole lifetime of being aimless you've made yourself a name
fifteen minutes of being famous the spotlight is aimed at you
A whole lifetime of being aimless and then it's somebody new
You suck celebrity cock so you can make it to the top you co-operate what
ever the vice,
but when you reach the top all you can do is drop and that's when you start
paying the price,
it's paradise when you go from rags to wearing riches suddenly everyone is
your friend,
but the money only talks while your legacy walks and then you're back to
wearing rags again.
5. World Domination
I've been scared to be heard and I've feared that my words
would appear in a place that was weird and absurd,
while my face is replaced with a picture of me,
where you see all the faults of the fake imagery,
In the great industry I've been made by the trade
while I make my mistakes in this great masquerade
the parade is all phony and they're laughing at me,
when they see how I deal with my own misery
history is repeated and my brain is deleted
but I'll stay in my seat up until I'm defeated
the beat may be distant but I still hear the click
and I'll kick up a storm until I make myself sick
and when I loose the plot and they tighten the knot
then I'll take what I can, when I can while I'm hot
I've figured out the plot, I'll give it what I've got
I'll give it my best shot, if you like it or not
I want just World domination
Give me world domination [x 2]
It's been more than a year of ignoring my fear
cos I've cleared out my thoughts until they disappeared
I still hear the signals and I see all the signs
they've all been assigned to the back of my mind
and I find that in time all my doubts are outshined
by a new kind of faith that I place in my shrine
I refuse to resign or give in to my wims
so I follow the line for as long as my limbs
choose to carry my weight and my heart still pulsates
the stakes may be high but I can't hesitate
I'll do whatever it takes to break out of this mould
and to shake off the demons and whatever upholds
me from being the best I can possibly be
the most meanest and leanest and dopest MC
I've figured out the plot, I'll give it what I've got
I'll give it my best shot, if you like it or not
I want just World domination
Give me world domination [x 2]
You can all hate me but you can't duplicate me
cos' I've been copywrited and no one can break me
I'll shake up your rumours with humour that's lethal
til' you understand that you can't be my equal
'there won't be no sequel for as long as I'm standing
it's totally wrong it's a misunderstanding
or a misunderstatment do you need a translation
killing you with my mouth is my main occupation
I've figured out the plot, I'll give it what I've got
I'll give it my best shot, cos' I'm right on spot
I want just World domination
Give me world domination [x 2]
6. Bitch
What the hell is wrong with you have you lost your mind
you know we never go out this late
You're making me look stupid and now I'm feeling mad
it must have been something you ate
I used to love you but now I'm not so sure
There's something about your whole attitude
I've got this feeling eatin' straight through my brain
all you ever think about is food
But you're still my bitch
Everytime we go out for a walk in the park
you're always barking up the wrong tree
Now you just want attention from the opposite sex
I know that you're just using me
Sometimes when you get angry you show me your teeth
but I know your bark is worse than your bite
and then when you get hungry it's a whole different deal
you act like everything is alright
But you're still my bitch
You always try to play those tricks with my mind
but bitch I know a trick or two
for everytime you try to make me loosen your leash
you know I'll have to punish you
You look at me and throw yourself at me feet
hoping I might pat you on the back
but I'm not gonna go there, I won't fall for that
not until you cut me some slack
But you're still my bitch
7. Four Letter Word
I thought I knew you, it only goes to show that I was wrong, so wrong
I see right through you, and everything we used to have is gone, it's all
You said you loved me, but did you mean a word of what you said, when you
you're thinking of me, I'm sure that someone else was in your bed, getting
I'll tell you what, love is just a four letter word
like it or not, love is just a four letter word
You say it's over and treat me like you don't know who I am, who I am
I hope you know girl, that you've turned me into a broken man, yes I am
and then you tell me, tell me that you've found somebody new, well good for
but do you really, think I care about the things you do , fuck both of you
I'll tell you what, love is just a four letter word
like it or not, love is just a four letter word
So now you've left me, I bet that you could hardly even wait
I used to love you, now you're just the girl I love to hate
All I can say is, I wish I'd listened to my own advice
I learned the hard way, that you we're cold as ice
so thanx alot, love is just a four letter word
like it or not, love is just a four letter word
8. Money Power Glory
The money, the power, the glory
It's the survival of the fittest, the toughest, the meanest the slickest
When the shit hits the fan then we'll see who's leanest, the quickest
We'll witness the vultures when they begin the fighting & the feasting
there's a piece of a beast in us all that we're afraid of just releasing
there's no rhyme or reason when our instincts are awoken
the borders are broken, suddenly the truth is spoken
Survival of the fittest, the toughest, the meanest the slickest
We're all in it for
Break all of the rules neccessary to win the competition
Fake your place in the ratrace and then try to take the pole position
the mission is simply to make sure you that you get all your chances
So make no mistakes and make sure that nobody else advances
make your way to the top by any means necessary
and carry on until your enemies are dead & buried
the greed is what feeds us every time we plant the seed
it's the root of all the evil but we take what we need
Survival of the fittest, the toughest, the meanest the slickest
We're all looking for the power, the money & the glory
and the story never stops we like to kill for territory
It's better safe than sorry, watch your back this is a war
A sneak attack, a payback, they've got a foot in the door
So be sure to be secure or be sure to draw blood
we're all down in the dirt dragging our names through the mud
what we won't do for love, we do for money and fame
in this game the main aim is to make yourself a name for.....
9. Kick It
You take what you can, without asking first
and then you drink what's left, to quench your own thirst
You always fill your plate with more than you can eat
and then you make sure, that you get the best seat
You always help yourself, to what you can find
but sharing what there is, it doesn't cross your mind
you find a place in the sun and wait until you're served
to make sure that you get, more than you deserve
Stop breathing my air, you're all over my face
Just give me some room, stop stealing my space
Take one step back and then one step more
until' you reach the door...
10. Live Like A Man
I was raised in the name of the constitution
I believe in Jesus Christ but not in evolution
for my family and country I would go to war
to serve and protect us from the evil that
infects us to the core, that's what I'm fighting for
You've got to live like a man or die like a coward
live like a coward or die like a man x 2
My duty to serve my god and my nation
will guide me on my way to salvataion
I've got my god given right to defend my freedom
better safe than sorry is the slogan when I beat
them to secure, what I'm fighting for
if maintaining the peace
means fighting the beast
then I'm surely prepared to die
because a man's gotta do
what a man's gotta do and
I know that god's on my side
11. Step Aside
who made you the hero, who made you the judge, who gave you the right decide
what makes you think that you can't do wrong, why should the whole world
step aside
You can't come and tell me that you're free from sin cos' that would be telling
a lie
It's not without reason that accidents happen but still you don't ask yourself
it takes a hijacking then you go attacking your enemies without any proof
cos' you like to think the world spins around you but that's just so far
from the truth
step down from your throne, it's time you woke up before it blows up in your
No man is an island, so stop breeding violence it's neither the time or the
just face up to the fact that you get what you give so expect a payback in
no one wants to listen to all your complaining your problems are not our
your history haunts you like a knife in the back, your dreams have all crumbled
to dust
according to you you're a god fearing man but who's version of god should
I trust
Everyone is hurting so don't make it seem as if the only one bleeding is
cos' you got off easy in comparisation to the pain that you've put others
but still you paint up a picture as if you're the victim of some kind of
terrible plot
but that isn't true because everyone knows that you fired the first lethal
and still you have the guts to claim to the world that you're a peace loving
country & race but you don't show compassion all I see is a killer, it's
written all over your face
12. Blame
Don't give me that crap cos' I'm not all ears,
I won't fall for your cries or your crocodile tears
Your stupid statements or your lousy lies,
Cos' I can see it was you from the look in your eyes
From the way that you move to the things you say,
It doesn't matter what you do you give yourself away
but you refuse to admit you don't want to be wrong,
So you say that it was me when you know that it was you all along
You can blame who you want but you can't blame me
You can blame who you want but you can't blame me
You can say what you want but you can't phase me
You can blame who you want but you can't blame me
Everytime you show up you always bring bad news
and you try to make it seem as if I stand accused
without the evidence god knows who's right
So if you don't know what you're talking about then keep your lips sealed
I've had enough of this shit I think I'm through with you
I've heard enough of your lies to know that they're not true
So why don't you crawl back to where you once came from
Cos' this time I know I'm right and that means you're wrong
13. Are You Talking To Me
[Bonus track]
Are you talking to me, I didn't hear what you said
Was that a word in your mouth, was that a thought in your head
Are you moving your lips, I can't hear any words
have you got something to say, was that a noise I heard
I still can't hear your voice, do you think I'm all ears
could you talk a little louder, cos' I still can't hear
Are you talking to me [x 3]
There's no one else here you must be talking to me
Don't raise your voice at me, do you think that I'm deaf
there's no reason to scream, why don't you save your breathe
I heard the first time round, it's fucking greek to me
what comes out of your mouth, is like a piss in the sea
You're just wasting my time, there's nothing good in you
going from bad to worse, is the best you can do
with your head up your ass, you're just a bad excuse
you don't say what you mean, so what's the fucking use?
14. Where Are You Now
[Bonus track]
you do everything right for all the wrong reasons
and you use all the tricks of the trade
From the tip of your toes to the tip of your tongue
you've carefully planned your crusade
It's all surface no substance, all payed in advance
but you're the one paying the price
and the only thing left will be a hole in your pocket
when everyone else gets their slice/has been given their slice
where are you now, what have you done
what have you got left, what have you become
you had the world in your hands but it slipped through
your fingers and now look at what you've become
The masterplan wasn't yours you were just the excuse
To squeeze out some juice from the fruit
and nobody cares about your personal life
all you are is the latest recruit
the sweet smell of success has a foul aftertaste
and when you've lost your place in the sun
what you won't do for you love you just do for money
so you'd best take the money you can and then run
where are you now, what have you done
you had the world in your hands but it slipped through
your fingers and now look at what you've become
where are you now, what have you done
what have you got left, what have you become
there are no rules in the book that apply to the game
the truth comes like a slap in the face
And the next runner up gets a moment to shine
in the spotlight once you've lost your place
keep on wearing that suit for as long as it fits
and pretend that it's not wearing you
and while your busy being somebody you're not
you're much better off not even having a clue
15. Point Of No Return
i've got my back against the wall, my face against your fist
my brain confronts my feelings as my stomache starts to twist
adrenaline is pumping and my head is one big mess
as i try to come to terms with my own anger and distress
that's when the first blow hits me and my head goes flying back
it bangs against the concrete and i hear when my bones crack
i raise my hands to gaurd my face cos' i'm too scared to run
i try to scream out in despair and that's when next blow comes
the second time you hit me, the pain just disappears
and all i feel is my frustration as my motivation clears
there's no way i'm gonna let you bring me down without a fight
and so i raise my arms up and i clench my fingers tight
the first time that i hit you your eyes look so suprised
you didn't think i had it in me, you just stand there paralyzed
i'm not gonna be your victim and it's time for you to learn
and so i turn my feelings off and then i'm at the point of no return
i know that there's no turning back from here,
there aren't any bridges left to burn
so instead i do the opposite of everything i've ever learned,
i'm at the point of no return
the second time i hit you, i know your going down
i can see your body shaking as you fall towards the ground
you try to keep your balance and you try to stand up straight
but when the blood runs down your face you know that it's too late
you know i'm gonna hit you with one third and final blow
and i don't even fucking care if i can sink this low
cos' there isn't any logic when the anger starts to burn
and with your back against the wall, you stand there at the point of no return
16. Clawfinger