« Heralding the Fireblade »
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1 | Heathen Foray 07:15
 | 2 | Of Forests Unknown 03:48
 | 3 | Havamal 06:57
 | 4 | Roman Land 04:18
 | 5 | Heralder * 05:12
 | 6 | Laeknishendr 05:57
 | 7 | Walkiesjar 03:52
 | 8 | Skirnir 04:34
 | 9 | Gjallar ** 08:10
 | | Total playing time 50:07 |
   Vratyas Vakyas - vocals, guitars, keyboards
Additional musicians:
Hagalaz - guitars, keyboards
Tyrann - vocals, narrations
Boltthorn - drums, percussions |
* - re-recorded version of an old track, which once was only available as a bonus track for the picture LP version of "...En Their Medh Riki Fara..."
** - re-recorded version of an old track originally featured on the "...Skinn Av Sveri Sol Valtiva..." demo. Track is available only as a bonus for the
digipak and LP versions.
All music & lyrics written by Vratyas Vakyas
Finally re-recorded and mixed during August /
September 2005 at at TidalWave Studio, Karlsruhe, Germany, by Vratyas Vakyas and Patrick Damiani
Mastered at 29-96-Mastering Karlsruhe, Germany,
by Robin Schmidt and Patrick Damiani
Layout by Philip Breuer |
 | 1. Heathen Foray
...In ancient times once rode across the land
A man unknown on a horse of untold grand,
Adorned his cape by thirty runes of gold
Of whom the tales since ages unknown told...
...The man arrived at the shore of sea
And gazed onto the nightly sky,
His ears could hear and his |
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 Бравый немец Vratуas Vakуas разродился очередным сборником монотонно-героических маршей. Надо сказать, дитя получилось по-арийски крепким, пусть и переросшим – альбом должен был стать дебютником проекта, но из-за проблем с записью таковым не стал. Основательный подход к музыке чувствуется в каждой секунде звучания, а кажущаяся простота композиций – именно кажущаяся. Сменяющие друг друга вокалы, распевный чистый и в меру гнусный скриминг, создают очень динамичную и нисколько не утомительную картину. Каждого нового трека ждешь с нетерпением, настолько комфортно и гармонично построение композиций, а фирменная былинная атмосфера скандинавского эпоса по-прежнему захватывает и заставляет как будто перенестись во времена викингов. Хотя, казалось бы, простейшие мелодии должны быстро утомлять, тем не менее никакого занудства в музыке не чувствуется. Отличную слаженность участвующих в проекте музыкантов и их профессионализм, я думаю, не стоит и упоминать: все-таки не первый день инструменты в руках держат. Удовлетворение вызывает и запись, отлично сбалансированная и совершенно ненапрягающая. Скромная, но со вкусом сделанная полиграфия отлично дополняет музыку, еще более создавая ощущение повествовательности. Все 42 минуты звучания альбома невозможно отвлечься на посторонние дела, так и кажется, что непременно упустишь что-нибудь интересное. Что ж, любители эпического метала получили в коллекцию еще одно замечательное собрание сказаний, а все остальные – просто приятную и увлекательную музыку. (Диск предоставлен компанией Irond) |
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Писать рецензию на один из любимейших коллективов всегда очень сложно. Сложно хотя бы потому, что поневоле рискуешь сначала соскользнуть в разного рода восторженные сопли с сахаром, а потом выставить неразумно завышенную оценку. Вот почему к написанию рецензии на последний альбом Falkenbach'a я приступал с некоторой долей осторожности: не соскользнуть бы, не завысить...
Впрочем, для тех, кто знаком с предыдущими работами коллектива, "Heralding - The Fireblade" вряд ли станет большой неожиданностью: если вы спали и видели, как Фалкенбах от викинг-метала перейдет, скажем, к ню-металу, то эта пластинка вас, безусловно, разочарует, поскольку... Поскольку метаться из стороны в сторону и неразумно экспериментировать с стилем Фалкенбах не стал, оставшись верным самому себе: все тот же в высшей степени добротный фолк-блэк, с викингскими напевами, чередующимися со скримом, все та же эпическая музыка, все то же восхитительное качество записи и звучания. По-моему, вокал Vratyas'a Vakyas'a перепутать возможно только с вокалом самого Vratyas'a Vakyas'a - настолько он самобытен и необычен.
Выделять какую-либо композицию из тех, что представлены на альбоме, не стану - все они слушаются, как единое целое, так что не удивляйтесь, если в самый разгар викингского угара вас постигнет жестокое разочарование - "Heralding - The Fireblade"-то закончился. Рецепт от этого недуга есть - поставить repeat на своем плеере и слушать этот альбом до посинения.
Мораль сей басни: Falkenbach выдал нам очередной рукотворный шедевр. Не побоюсь назвать этот альбом лучшим альбомом года... в viking-metal стиле, конечно. |
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Материал, представленный на этом альбоме, нельзя назвать новым - это перезаписаный "Fireblade", работа, которая должна была стать дебютом этого one-man's band. Если тогда создание пластинки было заброшено Вратиасом Вакиасом из-за ужасного качества записи, то теперь мы можем насладиться добротным viking metal'ом уровня классиков жанра. Среднетемповая мелодичная музыка с обязательным привлечением клавишных, хоров, чистого вокала и скриминга - этот альбом получился просто собранием лучшего за многолетнюю историю этого стиля метала. И если бы не однообразие некоторых моментов, мелодий и риффов, тогда я бы слушал этот альбом гораздо чаще. |
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просмотров: 22278 |
Two ravens dark as night passing by...
...In a distance far the thunder sounds
And lightnings reached the frozen grounds,
His breath ran fast, his heart pounded strong
As the day now came, awaited oh so long...
...Tears will fall and blood will soon be shed
When the dawn heralds the twilight of the day...
Then into battle they will ride with their swords in hand
For a heathenish foray...
...Countless miles he rode through ice and knee-deep snow
Over mountains 'till the landscape changed its face
So he at last arrived where winds blew strong and chill
Like a welcome to all those who trod this place...
...He in cape was wrapped, and with his hammer 'round his neck
He forced his way though he didn't saw the path,
But he did not rest, 'till he had crossed this land of chill
And the storm had calmed, when he stood alone on hill...
...His eyes could see the forrest shining bright
And it's trees reflected solens golden light,
The sound of horns then reached his ears
To welcome him and take away his fears...
...From all their lands the kings, they came
With their retinue of countless men,
And the maiden in full armour sat on their horses,
Winged, until the right began...
So he rested a while an recovered from his ride,
The horizon gleamed by the mighty northers light,
And the elder ones sang tales about the past,
Of their ancestors pride, that will forever last...
...As the darkness fell and gone was solens light
The silence ruled amongst the men of heathenpride,
Who gatheren in a mighty battle-line
And awaited their Gods to give the final sign...
2. ...Of Forests Unknown...
On eagle's swift and supple wings
I tore through the utter black.
No clouds above, no ground below
The flame's my only light.
I fell into nothingness until the impact ceased my fall,
Into a world unknown to man....
From a forest, unspoiled, unseen, I perceived
A whispering, summoning me
To follow the path of no return.
Step by step I walked this route nobody ever built
Holding tight onto my shield and sword....
A cloaking darkness embraces me
Though flames are burning bright,
In a distance far a flickering,
The blaze my guiding light.
Snow, caress me, sharp and cold, in the very depths of my hearth.
Tired, frightened now I am; my will now fall's apart....
From a forest, unspoiled, unseen, I perceive
A whispering summoning me
To follow the path of no return.
Step by step I walk this route nobody ever built
Holding tight onto my shield and sword....
3. Havamal
Rh first I know, unknown to rulers,
Or any human mind;
Help it is named, for help it can give
In hours of despair....
I know a third, in the thick of battle,
If my need be great,
It will blunt the edges of swords and axes,
Their weapons will make no wounds.
I know a ninth, when need I have
To shelter my ship on the flood,
The wind it calms, the waves it smoothes
And puts the sea to sleep.
The Wise One has spoken the words in the hall,
Joy to him who understood.
I grew and I throve well;
Word from word gave words to me,
Deed from deed gave deeds to me.
When I brethern lead to battle
I chant it behind my shield,
Unwounded they go,
Unwounded they return,
Unscathed whereever they are.
I know another, only few know,
The names of the falles ones.
About the gigh ones, elves and gods,
I can name them all.
The Wise one has spoken the words in the hall,
Joy to him who understood.
I grew and I throve well;
Word from word gave words to me,
Deed from deed gave deeds to me.
The Wise One has spoken the words in the hall,
Needful for men to know.
Hail the speaker, hail to who knows,
Joy to him who understood.
4. Roman Land
For Manalis en Velandur!!!
Mannen, t'leve ma nej evig duur....
Herjan vear et bluden naart.
Dounear daveirjent ab Roudenbaard.
There lurks evil round each bend of the road:
A long life you must not look to have,
So great are the hatreds grown.
For manalis en Velandur!!!
Mannen, t'leve ma nej evig duur....
Herjan vear et bluden naart.
Dounear daveirjent ab Roudenbaard.
Among kinsmen remain free from fault and reproach:
Be slow to wrath though they wrong you much,
In death this will do you good.
To battle is better than to be burned in the hall,
Although it gleams with gold
Vi Naar
Roman Land
Foraan kaempen
For manalis en Velandur,
Trekkar vi naar
Vear dej Wal'es kiest.
For manalis en Velandur!!!
Mannen, t'leve ma nej evig duur....
Herjan vear et bluden naart.
Dounear daveirjent ab Roudenbaard.
5. Heralder
From beyond a twilight horizon where mountains were covered with snow,
Once a man on a horse came the way,
On an early autumnal morning, when dew lay chill on the ground,
And the sun's first rays heralded the day,
To rest at last after riding for more than three days and nights,
Through the woods and across the shallow landscapes,
To finally reach the village the rumours where talking about,
And where the heathen king lived for many years.
His golden armour was shining by the light of awakening sun,
And in his hand he held a bronzen shield
On which the runes all were written by a blacksmith of wisdom great,
To guide him on his way so long.
He had come to bring the message the king has given to him,
To be conveyed into all heathen countries,
And he told about their brethern, overtaken by christian men,
Now punished by the cross and christian laws.
So the man dismounted and his horse was taken by it's bridle to be brought into the stabling.
Meanwhile he was lead to the hall where the king sat on his greatseat.
Forthwith he told him the reasons for his coming,
And withing a few minutes all people were gathered by the king's mighty voice.
So he rose on his feet and began to speak about the greatest heathen host ever see,
Passing towards their brethern land....
After three days and nights of riding the frontier they finally reached,
With their hearths wholly determined,
And encountered the christian church in their once sacred woods
As the chaplain just chimed the bell.
At once they put the spurs in their horses,
Hearths were filled with rage and hate,
And in their hands they held the torches,
When Odhinn was amongst and Tyr was leading their hearts
Into a world of anciest mysteries....
The night the longswords where grinded
And the shields were forged in blood,
By the hands of most dextrous blacksmiths,
And sacrifices were given to the Goddesses and the Gods,
In the woods by the mighty tree,
Known in heathen kingdoms as the mighty Irminsul,
That was built as an immense landmark
Of heathen pride and honour
And a symbol of what shall be....
6. Laeknishendr
Se hon valkyrjur
"Heill dagr.
Heilir dags synir.
Heil nуtt ok nift.
Уreiрum augum
Lнtiр okkr юinig
Ok gefiр sitjцndum sigr."
"Heilir жsir.
Heilar бsynjur.
Heil sjб in fjцlnэta fold.
Mбl ok mannvit
Gefiр okkr mжrum tveim
Ok lжknishendr, meрan lifum"
[Taken from Sigrdrнfumбl, verses 4 and 5]
7. Walkiesjar
The morning sun is rising,
The forest cloaked in gold.
And the mist surrounds the mountains,
The landscape calm and cold.
The hall of bronzen shields up high
In a distance far shining bright.
And the horns are sounding from afar
For Walkiesjar.
A gentle breeze caresses me,
While runes are warily cast,
Heralding fate and fortune,
My future and my past.
On supple wings two ravens fly
To lead us to ultimate truth.
And the horns are sounding from afar
For Walkiesjar
8. Skirnir
Long is one night, and long the second one;
How can I.... how can I wait through three?
Once a month.... a month seemed less to me
Compared to this one night of waiting for her....
As dear to no man in days past
Was maid as she is to me:
But no elf, no god, will grant my prayer
That I may lie with her....
Hail to thee, Veraldur!!!
Long is one night, and long the second one;
How can I.... how can I wait through three?
Once a month.... a month seemed less to me
Compared to this one night of waiting for her....
Arise, Skirnir, now ride swiftly to Frey, my son,
And ask him this:
With whom is the Wise one so angry,
So sad at hearth?
Hail to thee, Veraldur!!!
To stake life on the luck of the dice
Is better than to be a coward:
The day of my death is by fate,
My time is fixed.
Night has fallen:
Now we must ride over the misty mountains,
The fells of the troll-folk;
We shall both arrive or both fall
....into the hands of Gymir.
Hail to thee, Veraldur
[Inspired by the Skirnismal]
9. Gjallar
[Digipack and LP bonus track]
[Re-recorded version of an old track originally featured on the "...Skinn Av Sveri Sol Valtiva..." demo.]