 Данный ЕР скорее можно назвать не мини альбомом, а мини сборником, поскольку нового материала на "The Dark Of The Sun" не представлено. На данном ЕР мы услышим давно всем известные классические heavy metal боевики Grave Digger, просто заново записанные и представленные в новой, более современной на то время обработке.
Открывает EP интро в виде концертной записи вступления к "Rebellion" с предыдущего альбома "Tunes Of War", сделанной на концерте группы в Афинах. Далее идет альбомная версия "The Dark Of The Sun", давшая название ЕР. Ну а потом идет прижизненная классика Grave Digger в лице "Heavy Metal Breakdown" с одноименного дебютного альбома 1984 года, "Witch Hunter", опять же с одноименного альбома 1985 года и "Headbanging Man" с уже упомянутого классического альбома 1984 года "Heavy Metal Breakdown". Данные песни были заново записаны в 1996 году уже в новом составе и приобрели дополнительный шарм и своеобразную драматичность звучания, присущую Grave Digger после возрождения в 1991 году. Песни стали более совершенными и обрели новое дыхание, начисто снося крышу при прослушивании!
В общем, довольно сложно оценивать данный релиз с точки зрения критериев, предъявляемых к полноценному альбому, но с точки зрения представленного на ЕР классического и проверенного десятилетиями материала – это несомненная классика. Да еще с отличной обложкой, изображающей средневековую битву шотландцев с англичанами! Придется поставить высший балл. |
We must defend
Their number´s too great we can´t win
God in heaven
Send a sign
Kneel and pray - the sun turns black
God with us - we must attack
In the dark of the sun
The enemy´s defeated run
In the dark of the sun
The battle has been won
Alex king you did
Win the day
You bet Hakon and proud Norway
We swept them of the battlefield
In their blood they lie
Death is dealed
Their king died on foreign land
United we were strong
We did stand
Heavy Metal Breakdown
Metal invasion that's all what we need
Metal dominion that's all what we want
We come to give you rules and principles
what you have to do
We come to shake your hands and legs
as fast as we can do
Heavy Metal Breakdown x 4
Women and children want to hear the noise
Women and children want to feel the beat
Bang your heads as fast as you can
until you're breaking down
The night is long, the show is right
bang until you die
Heavy Metal Breakdown
shake your legs and bang your heads
Heavy Metal Breakdown
Witch Hunter
Have you seen that man
Wrapped up all in black
He waits for his chance
Steps behind your back
He's the raper of the night
Never seen before
There's no warning when he comes
Lock your bedroom door
Jumped the garden wall
Did you hear him howl
Waits outside the hall
Can't you see him frown
Well, this guy is on the prowl
For evil and for lust
If you meet him, pray to god
Or you will be lost
He's a witch hunter, witch hunter
Witch hunter, witch hunter
Through the kitchen door
He's just found his way
Now the clock strikes four
Tonight he will stay
Stepping down your marble hall
He wears a sharpened knife
You can say I told you so
He wants you for his wife
Headbanging Man
Have you seen that man
Wrapped up all in black
He waits for his chance
Steps behind your back
He's the reaper of the night
Never seen before
There's no warning when he comes
Lock your bedroom door
Jumped the garden wall
Did you hear him howl
Waits outside the hall
Can't you see him frown
Well, this guy is on the prowl
For evil and for lust
If you meet him, pray to god
Or you will be lost
He's a witch hunter, witch hunter
Witch hunter, witch hunter
Through the kitchen door
He's just found his way
Now the clock strikes four
Tonight he will stay
Stepping down your marble hall
He wears a sharpened knife
You can say I told you so
He wants you for his wife
Headbanging Man
Dressed in leather, dressed in chains
Full of agression, full of pains
Stage is open, light comes up
Metal kids go mad
Count - down is on for the band
Drunken women, drunken men
Show their hands forfucking arse
They bang their heads
He's a man, he's a kid
Wanna bang with you
Headbanging man
He's man, he's a kid
Wanna bang with you
Headbanging man
Metal music blows your heads
And metal maniacs bang to death
The air roars like a machine gun
Banging devils on the run
The show is over, kids are gone
And fucking people lay alone
Drun too much, they're falling down
It's a headbanging crown
He's a man, he's a kid
Wanna bang with you
Headbanging man
He's a man, he's a kid Wanna bang with you
Headbanging with you
Headbanging man