 Весёлый, наполненный чёрным юмором альбом американской группы, играющая в стиле, который сами музыканты назвали Murder Metal. «Убийственный метал» - это соединение нескольких стилей тяжёлой музыки, здесь присутствуют элементы и grind core, и punk и ещё многое другое. А так же огромное количество вариантов вокала: пищащий, кричащий, хоровое пение, чистый, утробный, крик больного человека и ещё многое другое. Все песни обладают простой, легко запоминающейся мелодией. Композиции короткие. Редко, когда трек достигает и двух минут. На этом альбоме ребята приступили прославлять деяния всяких известных и не очень маньяков. Эту тематику группа будет развивать на протяжении долгих лет: ещё три альбома они выпустят, главной темой которых является описание приключений убийц, каннибалов, насильников, одним словом, маньяков. Тексты просты и понятны, это не просто набор слов, поймать смысл может даже человек, не особо разбирающийся в английском языке. Но не следует ко всем этому так серьезно относится... Это просто-напросто описание реальных событий (хотя возможно не таких уж и реальных, чувствуется что выдуманные моменты здесь тоже присутствуют) изложенных в форме юмора, над этим правда смеяться не хочется, но и серьёзно воспринимать всё это тоже. Музыка очень весёлая, не даст загрустить слушателю. Стоит отметить огромное влияние grind core на музыку этой троицы, но в отличие от граиндовых команд, Macabre не использует growling. Альбом отличный, прослушал его на одном дыхании, ни капли примитивности и нудности. Всё весело и разнообразно. 8 баллов, заслуженные. |
You'll love my work; It'll be complete
I'll strip you and rip you; your death is my game
I love my work and I have no shame
I'll pick you up when you're hitchhiking
Then you'll never be seen again
I'll cave in your head, Your face I'll distort
Then you'll end up as a "missing" report
I'll smash your skull with a two-by-four
Till your brains are on the floor
2. Mr. Albert Fish (Was Children Your Favorite Dish?)
He loved to hear the little kids scream
His instruments of hell did gleam
A box with a cleaver, saw and a knife
He used them to cut up their innocent lives
Mr. Albert Fish, was children your favourite dish?
Mr. Albert Fish, was children your favourite dish?
Mr. Albert Fish, was children your favourite dish?
Mr. Albert Fish, was children your favourite dish?
He took 12-year old Grace Budd home
And then he sawed right through her bones
With carrots and onions he made a stew
Her body parts was also used
Mr. Albert Fish, was children your favourite dish?
Mr. Albert Fish, was children your favourite dish?
Mr. Albert Fish, was children your favourite dish?
Mr. Albert Fish, was children your favourite dish?
With his fist in the air, he'd scream he was Christ
He'd do things to kids that weren't too nice
He'd lure them in and eat them up
Albert Fish, you were such a fucking nut
Mr. Albert Fish, was children your favourite dish?
Mr. Albert Fish, was children your favourite dish?
Mr. Albert Fish, was children your favourite dish?
Mr. Albert Fish, was children your favourite dish?
3. Disease
You woke up this morning
With a disease
The doctor said you will be dead
By the time you're 30
Well if they find a cure
you just might be saved
But by the time they find a cure
You could be in a grave
You have a disease
And you will die
The time has come
For you to cry
Spreading all through
You're head
Pretty soon you
Will be dead
You can't escape
It's a gruesome fate
All you can do
Is wait
In your grave
You'll decay
Because of a disease
That took you away
You died this morning
From your disease
They found you dead in your bed
At age 20
They didn't find a cure
And you weren't saved
So I guess you'll have to
Decompose in your head
You have a disease
And you will die
The time has come
For you to cry
Spreading all through
You're head
Pretty soon you
Will be dead
You can't escape
It's a gruesome fate
All you can do
Is wait
In your grave
You'll decay
Because of a disease
That took you away
4. Mass Murder
[1. Sulphuric Acid]
[2. Morbid Curiosity]
[3. Lethal Injection]
5. Son Of Sam
I am Sam; Sam I am
I would not like green eggs and ham
I am Sam; Son of Sam
With my 44 in hand
You're gonna be dead when I shoot you in the head
There's no time to cry, now it's time to die
My father has told me to kill you
And that's just what I'm going to do
I have a gun and I'm insane
I'll make your life go down the drain
You're gonna be dead when I shoot you in the head
There's no time to cry, now it's time to die
I am Sam; death in hand
I would not like green eggs and ham
I am Sam; Son of Sam
Your life is a flash within my hand
You're gonna be dead when I shoot you in the head
There's no time to cry; it's time to fuckin' die
6. Hot Rods To Hell
Created in fire millions of years ago
The planet earth as all we know
Many days past since the beginning of time
Now it's time to pay for all our worldly crimes
Hot rods to hell
Hot rods to hell
Greenhouse effect
Greenhouse effect
Destroy the planet with our machines
Fuckin' religion and government schemes
We will die by our own hand
The people who care can't even make a stand
Greenhouse effect
Greenhouse effect
Hot rods to hell
Hot rods to hell
The greenhouse effect, nuclear waste
Some of the products of human hate
Computerized war
No chance to survive
We're counting the days
We are going to be alive
Greenhouse effect
Hot rods to hell
Greenhouse effect
Hot rods to hell
7. Ed Gein
I'm a killer, and a gravedigger
My stew will be made out of you
I eat women, I'm a cannibal
And a necrophiliac too
I make bracelets out of bodies
And coffee drums made with flesh
Organs frying in my kitchen
And the skin of your chest is my vest
Ed Gein - He's crazy, He's mental, He's sick
Ed Gein - The head of a girl in his sink
Ed Gein - His soup bowl is made of a skull
Ed Gein - Your face is a trophy on the wall
I'm a fiend, I'm so morbid
That I sleep with your organs at night
And have sex with decaying bodies
To me it's such a delight
Then I'll eat them in my kitchen
I will savour the mortal meal
It's delicious, I'm excited
Just the thought of gives me a thrill
Ed Gein - He'll shoot you in the head
Ed Gein - Then drag you home on a sled
Ed Gein - He'll gut you in his woodshed
Ed Gein - Does things to your corpse people dread
8. Natural Disaster