« Darker Designs & Images »
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1 | Darker Designs 01:35
 | 2 | Rebellion 04:52
 | 3 | As Legion Rise 04:00
 | 4 | A Crimson Coronation 04:53
 | 5 | Skuggor 04:02
 | 6 | Born Under a Black Sun 05:22
 | 7 | Of Blood and Magic 03:26
 | 8 | Remnants of Ruin 04:34
 | 9 | Harvest for the Devil 05:15
 | 10 | Forged in Flames 05:09
 | 11 | Summoner of the Unseen * 03:29
 | 12 | A Nights Eternity ** 04:30
 | 13 | Ut Ur Graven ** 03:56
 | | Total playing time 55:03 |
   Marcus Ehlin - vocals, guitars
Erika Roos - female vocals
Richard Bryngelsson - guitars
Niklas Sandin - bass
Anders Rosdahl - drums |
* Track named by Sven-Johan Westin of Kristinehamn, Sweden
** Bonus tracks for the limited edition print
"Ut Ur Graven" is a remake of a early demo song with the same name
Recorded, produced and mixed at Sundown Studios by Marcus Ehlin and Siebenburgen, February - May 2005
Mastered at DCM by Johan Funemyr
All music & lyrics by Siebenburgen
Guitar solos by Linus Ekstrom
Layout by Deadzign
Band photos by Necropix
Cover art by Stephan Stolting
Angel photos by J.H. Nghtmr
"Gate" by Lee Nickless |
 | 1. Darker Designs (Intro)
2. Rebellion
Shadows stalk wiht black wind storms
Through malicious soils of wastelands shores
Rain and thunder, lightning cracks the sky
Pest forged and plagued foes
True breed born, with steel in hand
Shields of silver flashing in the night
Raven black,  |
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 Иногда альбомы вроде бы всем хороши: и музыка приятная, и запись, и оформление, а вот не цепляют они, не вызывают щенячьего восторга или по крайней мере удовольствия. Работа шведской пятерки – как раз из этой серии. Отлично сыгранный мелодичный блэк с хэви-готическим налетом, почти скриминговым вокалом, вкраплениями приятного женского голоса и тягучими «органными» клавишами. В наличии имеются и запоминающиеся мелодии, и несомненное умение обращаться с инструментами, и четкая гармоничная запись вполне приличного европейского уровня. Но при всем этом – неинтересно. Совершенно. Видимо, музыканты в стараниях стать оригинальными и отточить техническую сторону дела забыли вложить в свое творчество хоть немного души и эмоций. Такое впечатление, что им скучно играть собственную музыку, ни одного даже самого захудалого наплыва чувств эти звуки не выражают. После пары треков альбом начинает серьезно утомлять и сознание автоматически отключается от его прослушивания. Приятное оформление буклета – небольшой плюс при таком положении дел. В общем, работа рук полностью затмила работу души. Качественно в техническом отношении, но плоско и тоскливо в плане эмоций. Впрочем, в качестве фона опус вполне сойдет… (Диск предоставлен компанией Irond) |
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Все течет, все изменяется… но не музыка SIEBENBUERGEN. Единственное, что происходит со шведами из альбома в альбом - это смена вокалисток, но к этому, по-моему привыкли уже все - и фэны, и сами музыканты. Так что, появление очередной дебютантки за микрофонной стойкой уже не вызывает никакой реакции. А все остальное - фирменный "вампирический" готик-блэк с необременительными мелодиями, очень мягким скримингом и массой всяких красивых соло - по-прежнему рассчитано на публику, которой хочется чего-то экстремального, но претит агрессия и жестокость современного хэви-метал. Придраться на этом альбоме совершенно не к чему, да и вряд ли имеет смысл. Музыканты сделали, что хотели; слушатели получили, что просили. На нынешней сцене со шведами в избранном ими стиле поспорить могут не многие (CRADLE OF FILTH при этом сразу выводим за скобки), разве что GRAVEWORM, но итальянцы, все-таки, несколько более тяжеловесны и прогрессивны, что интереснее специалистам, но несколько уменьшает интерес простой публики. А вот г-н Элин дает именно то, что от него ждут. Музыку, которая только внешне отвечает понятию хэви-метал, по всем остальным признакам - это качественная, отлично сделанная попса, очень легко воспринимаемая и столь же легко забываемая, что опять же, к лучшему - появляется необходимость в приобретении очередного опуса SIEBENBUERGEN, тем более, что там, наверняка, будет очередное новое женское личико на фотографии в буклете. |
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просмотров: 8938 |
Legions dark, on cloven hoofs
Proud riding warriors of scorn
No mercy shown, destruction roars
Bones to ashes, ashes to dust
Cleansing metal from infidels hands
Battles fought and battles won
Together standing strong
No pain is greater than loss, forbidden
Crushing their way into enemy lines
Battle lord of black scorn
Blood born, demon spawn
A malicious storm, shapeless form
Bringer of chaos and hate
Earth burns, time turns
All haill the battle lord
Earth burn, time turns
All hail the battle lord
Shadows stalk with black wind storms
Through malicious soils of wastelands shores
Rain and thunder, lightning cracks the sky
Pest forged and plagued foes
True breed born, with steel in hand
Shields of silver flashing in the night
Battles fought and battles won
Together standing strong
No pain is greater than loss, forbidden
Crushing their way into enemy lines
Battle lord of black scorn
Blood born, demon spawn
A malicious storm, shapeless form
Bringer of chaos and hate
3. As Legion Rise
It came in moonlight, dressed in glooming night
Shadow worn, soul thorn, praised in it's fall
Annihilation, intoxication
Fevering festering flames
Spawned by my own death
A dream of dreaming
Mightier than the sky
Abomination, abortation
Feast of ghouls in the dark
Fallen angel, slithering
A new day will arise
Told as shadows conquer worlds
Blackened dawn of dusk
A chalice raised, now filled with blood
Moonlit gold in hand
Preach the hymns of living dead
Praise the serpent of the horned
Cast thy shadow, down beneath
Scorned, as legion rise
Cast away, daeth will heal
Surrounded by angels in fear
Annihilation, abomination
Blood runs cold in me
Filled with hate, intoxicate
Black mirrors in my eyes
Sworn to me, me to the scorned
An angel long since dead
Sands of time, glory be mine
I praise the serpents of my fate to be
Dreams of madness they reveal
Signs of immortality
Black throns shreds deep insanity
My shadow extends into supremacy
Abomination, abortation
Feast of ghouls in the dark
Fallen angel, slithering
A new day will arise
4. A Crimson Coronation
Surreal this dance of shadows
Bestowed upon her soul
A bleeding heart, she wore
As a crown of her lust
Feeding on her nightmares
Creating her own birth
Transforming moonlight into gold
Shadows extending into the night
To hunt and haunt her
A sacrifice of vitrue, made her see
Flame burns deep
Blade cuts deeper
Shaping flesh and soul as one
Carving a new beginning
From death unleashed
From shadows spawned
A painted moon from scriptures old
Revealing truth through lies
Carved in stone and mixed with blood
Virtue spoiled and dead
Awkened beast, from death unleashed
Revealing lies
A crimson coronation made her see
Beyond the dream, reality
For all things to come
Supremacy, a sight for gods
Her majesties infernal
Elder ones now awakened
From death unleashed and darkenss spawned
5. Skuggor
En silhuett av svarta skuggor
Finner makt uti min sjцl
En tidlцs resa I mitt siune
Dцr jag finner ro
Denna pakt jag skapat
Av mitt inre, mia kropp, mitt blod
Ar fдr evigt, aldrig falnad
En flamma kall ava dдd
Tцrd av livet jag дvergav
Med дppna armar, dдden mig tar
Finner ater to I sinnet
Dдden drдmmer evig sдmn
Dцr jag vandrat, evit mдrker
Dдr jag funnit min sjцl, till ro
Dдr jag mitt eviga дde spunnit
Bloot en skugga finner kvar
Den tid som jag har kvar
Den laga som mig fдrgцter
Renar ater mitt dunkla sinne
Fran vansinnets alla kval
Fдrjдrd utav min egen smцrta
Skapar frid uti min sjцl
Dit mдrkret tar mig, vill jag vara
Ett hat mot allt som var mitt liv
Nu nцr alltet mot mig ler
Nцr nattens skuggor blir fler och fler
Jag tar mitt liv I sinnes ro
дverger min tro, fдr mod
Ater stillas mina kval
Da smцrta bryts av evig sдmn
Ater stillas mina kval
Da mдrkret ger mig alla svar
6. Born Under A Black Sun
A damnation praised in flames
For whom I could not speak or name
I treasure behold this solitude of night
My blackened soul, forever cold
A damnation burned in black flames
As darkened shadows fall
Shades of black wings clad the sky
Moonlit silver fades in ravens eyes
Woe to this ngith
A blessing of shadows awaits me
Behold all it s glory
As darkness crupts and transforms me
Damned to be, great fallen one
Unleash the storms of wrath
Grant me might by poisoned blade
A legion in one soul
Unbounded by the flames of hate
A beast of fear released
Shadow stalker of the lost worlds
I am to be
As the venmo spreads inside
Its chant begins to glow
I travel through the seven worlds
... in awe
Demon of black shadows worn
Corne forht as night time falls
Plead the gifts of nightmares born
Abiding sacrifice
Ungodly speaks through me
A legion in one soul
Unforgotten sacrilege, darkenss made a king
7. Of Blood And Magic
A gathering of shadows
From dimensions old
Arising from the seven worlds
And eclipse the midnight sun
King Nozierra bound in blood
Enchanted invocation animates from flames
Great beast of dark Aschteia
Incantation burnt by stars
Stillbron son of demon blood
A pact of prophecies
A shadow king, lord of souls
Rider of the abyss
Seven stones, seven thrones
A king of might and war unleashed
Great Nozterrra, spawned by death
Seven stones, seven thrones
Demon majesty of fear released
Now crowned, by blood and magic
Passage seven, stands exposed
A manifestation
Blood of christ and fallen angls
Demons breed with virtuous spirits
Bleeding gifts they sworn
Nozterra, take this offering
8. Remnants Of Ruin
Golden eyes my precious child
Amber burns my soul
Stained by the glorious night
Our shadows bloom
As the moon caress us
Nothingness returns once again
And as the last tranquility abandons us
Our formation is ravaged and dead
Blessed by our fears and sinful dreams
We haunt the realm of night
Together we stand eternally
As darkness hails our destiny
Tears fill from my eyes
I dream once more again
Remnants of ruin
This blessing is all mine
Blistering cold, ravaging night
We walk the trails of lust and fear
No more tears, my precious child
Thy amber fire burns my soul
As the world burns, we burn together
With our precious sins and delusions
And the fallen ones laugh together with
The crimson serpents of our faith
Whispering voices, little obscene speeches
From deceiving slithering tongues
Our last temptation made us blind
And life where endlessly ruined...
9. Harvest For The Devil
Mist veiled enchantress shrouded unlit
Storned through in malice, bestowing her wit
Her ominous shadows stayed untamed
As bitte words failed when avowed and named
Drawing vicious chapters red
Challenging the drama, all affection fled
Waiting for an endless sigh
If death only had silently passed her by...
Falling into a void of stars
Where shadow storms burned passion in her heart
Demonic priestess of a dying moon
Queen Nocturnia
In her naked tomb, torchlit and close
Theatrical prayers demonical preached
Invoking the suprema, the cast out foes
Each goal meant to be, selfishly reached
Soaking the ambrosial withered wine
Her ember cloth stained complete
All her fears she now egocentrically decline
As darkness her dreams abusively entreat
Mysterious silhouettes of shadows that decayed
Reposing on cold dismal castle grounds
Just vague memories from pacts never paid
And spirits that surrender to tragically bounds
As the graveworms permitted, and evil arose
Amongst ceremonial pyres, alit and fumed
Chasing dolorous spells, striving in angelic pose
Nightfall persisting, and sunrise was consumed
With a glance, yet her faith obtained obscure
She threw her crown amid the glowing revelations
Purging her corrupted soul, stained but pure
To unbind the secret paths revealing devastations
Impetuous, all in vain, her atonement were kneen
She felt closeness with both foe and fiend
And as real as in her most unbroken dream
Pure impressions turned utterly extreme
10. Forged In Flames
Cold soul, shadow beast
Arise as elder burns
Behold the prophet of Nozterra
Horned god of the past
From the dark, bound in flames
Forged by nightmares unseen
A demon spawned by hate
A pact beyond daeth
Chained to prophecies of fate
Forever to eternity
Banished to his Hades of ruin
Where lies and death are kings
From an age of dark illusions
Sons of dragon flames
Legions of the dead arises
Evoked by ancient gods
Elder rulers once forgotten
Unleashed upon this dying world
Ancient god of war unleashedTrechtlas wraith unclean
A curse of hate, spirits dead
Uncrowned but still a king
A sword of flames raised to the sky
A battle fought to win
As heaven burns, to faded sun
An age of hellstorm blessed upon this world of dying faith
Savage Eden made impure
As prophecies foretold, eternal night
God damnation, shadow king
Ruler of death, cursed by disease
Awakened from his ancient slumber
Horned god of the past
11. Summoner Of The Unseen
12. A Nights Eternity
13. Ut Ur Graven 2005
[re-recording of the song from the demo "Ungentum Pharelis"]
Vingslag, dova och dystra
Sler genom natten
Upp mot tornet, pe bergets topp
Dцr skuggor leker i vinden
I menens sken, sler besten ned
Han vдdrar blod....
Med skarpa klor han klдser
Det vackra livet bort
Han har kommit ifren graven
Han har kommit fren sin grav
Han som цr ond, har sluppit lдs
Han har kommit fren sin grav
Vingslag, dova och dystra
Sler genom natten
Bort fren tornet pe bergets topp
Dцr klagan hдrs i vinden
I gryningsljus, sler besten ned
Vid hans kalla krypta
Lцgger sig tillrцtta
Fдr att eter vila