 Есть такие группы, живые выступления которых слушаются на одном дыхании и оставляют впечатление того, что песни исполнены лучше, чем на студийных альбомах. The Gathering безусловно такая группа. Песни для "Superheat" выбирались из предыдущих трёх альбомов - ничего из первых двух сюда не попало. Абсолютное большинство с "How To Measure A Planet?". Ставшее уже чуть ли не традиционным вступление "The Big Sleep", за которым идёт такая убойная связка как "On Most Surfaces" - "Probably Built In The Fifties" - "Liberty Bell". Затем относительно спокойные "Marooned" и "Rescue Me", дающие слегка передохнуть. Конечно же, не обошлось без "Strange Machines" на которой Аннеке в одном месте чуть ли не сорвала голос. Лично меня удивило наличие "Nighttime Birds" - отличного трека, но уж больно выделяющегося на фоне остальных, я как-то и забыл о его существовании. Зря, как выяснилось. Под конец исполяется короткая "My Electricity", своего рода outro. Вообще, весь концертник на удивление удачно составлен, как tracklisting вообще, так и расположение треков в частности. Немного огорчило отсутствие некоторых соляков, присутствовавших в оригинале, но это с лихвой окупается живым звучанием как таковым. Вокал...он как всегда безупречен, надо ли тут что-то говорить. Слушать обязательно. |
And drift far, far away
from reality
I'm dreaming
I'm dreaming.....
On Most Surfaces (Inuit)
The frost hits me in the eye
and wakes me
these are blury winters
and I cannot see
I walk into the white light of the snow
when the sun comes
I break it with my shadow
which tales me where I go
The frost hits me in the eye
and wakes me
I am the snow falling down on you
I tear up your face with my frost
And make you run to somewhere warm
When I come I see you get away
I burst out about your emptyness
The frost hits me in the eye
and wakes me
these are blury winters
and I cannot see
Probably Built In The Fifties
I might be moving to the east
to part my ways
And I will try to get something
I don't have yet
If I do, I will look at it
for days and days
Untill I will never forget
I have heard this mental search
has made them all
take a look along the border
Having the urge
For their minds
to be lifted
to something new
I'm running to meet
my higher self
I trust the speed
Untill I have no need
to run anymore
Miles and miles I run
I hear my feet
And I hear myself breathe
I trust the speed
Untill I have no need
To run anymore
Miles and miles I run
Liberty Bell
No brainwaves or activity
while the craft is in the air
It's getting dark, it's getting light
we are sitting in a chair
We have fastened every belt
we cannot float out of our seats
It's so enormously frightening
When our tail reaches superheat
Another timezone
a change of season
it is turning dark again
We're getting ready for yet
another orbit around our planet
It is time for the galactic cruise
To come to an end
One last view on the world
and the time we have spend
I know from a lesser tribe
I suppose the range of my intelligence
is way too wide
And you don't see me
'cause I don't have much to say
My emotional outlet
is consuming the better part of me
And apart from the wrong words
a tortured cry is making me see
That you don't see me
'cause I don't have much to say
hours and hours fo jealousy
are passing me by
Although hollow silence
is the only wave
going through your brain
And you don't see me
'cause I don't have much to say
Rescue Me
All I want
is to be where you are
will nurse you
Pass your sense
on to me
Weigh my hands
And help me
I gasp
for air
what is the wear
That shows on my face
Pass your sense
on to me
Weigh my hands
Rescue me
I rinse my face
in water
My breath runs out
in the waves
Strange Machines
it has always been in the back of my mind
dreaming about going to the corners of time
i always wanted to fly in strange machines
i wanna do centuries in a lifetime
and feel it with my hands
touch the world war II and Cleopatra
could it be that my dream would come true
building a machine that would actually do
what i want it to do
russian revolution, let's do that in one day
Beethoven and Gershwin i think that would be o.k.
more than anything i wanna fly in strange machines
i wanna do centuries in a lifetime
and see it with my eyes
watch Jesus rise, if he ever did
i wanna do centuries in a lifetime
and feel it with my hands
touch renaissance and Chaka Khan
Nighttime Birds
Their ways are open
they spread as their wings
they want to be certain
of a warm surrounding
When they fly
through the night as beautiful
nighttime birds
The warm wind picks them up
When they fly
through the night as beautiful
nighttime birds
My Electricity
I send your name
up into the sky
And the wind blows it back into my face
You see, even nature
reacts on me
And all my electricity
will make it across your sea
With every wave the sea makes
My body gets weaker
and weaker.... and weaker..
You see, even nature
reacts on me
And all my electricity
will make it across your sea
And provides you
with my love
Sand And Mercury
my dear, don't leave me now
close at the edge of my end
all this time you have been my friend
don't go, stay for a while
my dear, you're losing me now
this will be my last hour
hear my voice, see my face
see how sick i am
how i long for your embrace