« Just Push Play »
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1 | Beyond Beautiful
 | 2 | Just Push Play
 | 3 | Jaded
 | 4 | Fly Away From Here
 | 5 | Trip Hoppin'
 | 6 | Sunshine
 | 7 | Under My Skin
 | 8 | Luv Lies
 | 9 | Outta Your Head
 | 10 | Drop Dead Gorgeous
 | 11 | Light Inside
 | 12 | Avant Garden |
   Steven Tyler – Congas on "Drop Dead Gorgeous", guitar & drums on "Just Push Play", lead vocals, background vocals, harmonica, sqeezebox, piano, percussion, mixing, producer
Joe Perry – scratching on "Just Push Play", lead vocals on "Drop Dead Gorgeous", guitar, background vocals, hurdy gurdy, pedal steel guitar, slide guitar, mixing, producer
Brad Whitford – guitar
Tom Hamilton – bass, fretless bass
Joey Kramer – drums |
Additional musicians
Jim Cox – piano on "Fly Away from Here"
Paul Santo – Kurzweil on "Fly Away from Here", Hammond organ on "Avant Garden"
Tower of Power – horns on "Trip Hoppin'"
Dan Higgins – clarinet & saxophone on "Trip Hoppin'"
Chelsea Tyler – background vocals on "Under My Skin"
Paul Caruso – loop programming on "Drop Dead Gorgeous"
Liv Tyler – whispers on "Avant Garden"
Marti Frederiksen – producer, mixing, recording
Mark Hudson – producer, mixing
Mike Shipley – mixing
Richard Chycki – recording
Paul Caruso – house engineer at the Boneyard
Paul Santo – house engineer at the Bryer Patch
Brian Carrigan – additional engineering
David Campbell – strings arrangements, except on "Sunshine", "Luv Lies", and "Avant Garden"
Jim Cox – string arrangements on "Sunshine", "Luv Lies", and "Avant Garden", horns arrangements
Alan Sides – strings engineer
Scott Gordon – horns engineer, strings engineer
George Marino – mastering
John Kalodner: John Kalodner
Lesie Langlo – artist and repertoire coordination
Kevin Reagan – art direction, design
Matthew Lindauer – design
Mark Seliger – photography
Hajime Sorayama – illustrations |
 | Beyond beautiful
You gave up the love you got
And that is that
She loves me now, she loves you not
And that's where it's at
Just when you thought
Your love was deep
It's finders keepers
Losers weep
Love my love, my love du jour
She's a mine all mine
My m |
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 Именно с этого альбома я начал серьёзное знакомство с этой группой. Музыка Aerosmith уникальна - тяжелый блюз-рок (особенно в последних релизах) с примесью задорнейшего рок-н-ролла. Я пока не слышал ничего подобного.
Вернёмся к нашему альбому. Диск по духу ближе к роботам 90-ых, нежели к их классическим альбомам 70-80-ых лет. Саунд стал немного тяжелее по сравнению с "Get A Grip" и "Nine Lives", однако при этом мелодики ничуть не стало меньше. Это благодаря обилию клавишных в некоторых песнях. Инструменты сочетаются очень органично, вокал - то, что надо к данной музыке. Диск состоит почти из одних хитов, хотя я не очень люблю делить песни на "хиты" и "не хиты" - каждую песню слушаю как хит. Но тем не менее, хитов на альбоме куча - "Beyond Beautiful", "Just Push Play", "Fly Away From Here" - это, конечно, не всё. Я уж не стану говорить каким хитом стала песня "Jaded" - хит на все времена! Остальные песни на альбоме - очень хорошие песни, "скрытые хиты", я бы сказал. Хочу выделить последний трек (вроде бы бонус) под названием "Face" - акустическая песня, которая мне безумно нравиться.
Итог : Один из лучших дисков Aerosmith, качественный альбом, и никакая не "попса". Один из моих любимых дисков тяжелого рока. |
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Длинный гудок телефона, звон ключей, постепенно переходящий в наигрыши инструмента, отдалённо напоминающего ситар... Так нестандартно открывается этот альбом.
Но дальше начинается всё тот же самый Aerosmith – без капли изменений сохранившийся со времён «Get a Grip» и «Nine Lives». При том, что уровень хитовости с тех пор несколько упал. Всё-таки постарели ребята – подрастеряли задор, разучились писать запоминающиеся песни. Вообще, большая часть песен на этом альбоме представляет собой чередование совершенно незамысловатых куплетов с припевами, в которых просто монотонно повторяется название песни.
Сначала идёт среднетемповая и неизобретательная «Beyond Beautiful», спетая не особо характерным для Тайлера «писклявым» голосом. Она обращает на себя внимание только проскальзывающим где-то на фоне банджо. Уже после второго куплета её хочется выключить – к счастью, примерно в этот момент музыканты пускают финальное безликое соло на гитаре и уводят песню в затухание.
Далее следует бодрая «Just Push Play» – одна из немногих действительно хороших песен альбома. Раскачивающийся ритм, своеобразный гитарный рифф, переплетающийся с замысловатым речитативом, периодические удары по «открытому хэту», гулкая «бочка» – всё это наполняет эту, в общем-то, не самую великую песню неплохой энергией. Да, аранжировка иногда решает! Хотя, по большому счёту, вся песня – сплошной рэп.
Следом записаны подряд два хита – банальная «Jaded» с несколько неожиданными сменами ритма и «Fly Away from Here», похожая на все поздние «медляки» группы одновременно – больше всего вспоминается «I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing». На обе песни сняты обалденно красивые видеоклипы, причём футуристический «Fly Away from Here» своим участием украсила фигуристая красавица Джессика Бейл.
После невнятной «Trip Hoppin'», излишне перенасыщенной хаотическими духовыми партиями и мгновенно вылетающей из ушей, идёт ещё один хит – «Sunshine». Это истинный бриллиант диска – очень своеобразная вещь, не напоминающая ничего из «смитовского» творчества. С одной стороны, она наполнена безмятежной и лёгкой летней атмосферой, с другой, в ней проступает осенняя грусть... Вот только напрасно к финалу музыканты усложняют аранжировку. По мне, так лучше бы они оставили её такой же прозрачной и лёгкой, как в самом начале.
А дальше – сплошной балласт, проходящий мимо ушей. Хорошим олицетворением второй половины диска служит, например, «Luv Lies», являющая собой вещь, достойную помещения в палату мер и весов как совершенно усреднённую песню группы «Аэросмит». Кажется, в ней музыканты собрали все свои самые используемые музыкальные ходы. Наворотили и того, и этого... В итоге после даже пятикратного прослушивания практически невозможно вспомнить ни одной строчки. Словно мутант-франкенштейн – там торчит одно завывание Тайлера, там другое...
В итоге: куча проходного и унылого материала, плюс парочка песен типа «ну, ещё туда-сюда» и четыре хита, которые при этом очень сильно напоминают всё предыдущее «аэросмитовское» творчество. Решительно ничего нового и интересного, полный ноль мыслей. Работа, что называется, «на отвяжись» (мягко говоря). Плюс не самая удачная, с моей точки зрения, обложка: дизайнерски несбалансированная и внешне весьма напоминающая картинку из многочисленных «клипартов», ходивших в то время на CD-ромах. Опять же, «на отвяжись».
Как результат «Just Push Play» стал самым неудачным по продажам альбомом со времён «Done with Mirrors». Словно бы понимая, что зашли в тупик, сами музыканты на следующем диске попытались радикально сменить стиль на блюз – но вновь просчитались: вульгарно названный «Honkin' on Bobo» продался ещё хуже, став, пожалуй, самым неуспешным альбомом группы. |
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просмотров: 33670 |
'Cause there's none so fine
This ain't about
No losing sleep
It's all about
The love you keep
Yeah, she's a beyond beautiful
Yeah, she's never been nobody's fool
That you be stuck with
Yeah, it's all about me and you
Believe it or not
This love that we got is beyond beautiful
Full on lust to full on love without no clue
And all I was so unsure of and then came you
Into my life, it served me right
Nobody ever did it quite like you
Yeah, she's a beyond beautiful
Yeah, she's never been nobody's fool
That you be stuck with
Yeah, it's all about me and you
Believe it or not
This love that we got is beyond beautiful
Yeah, she's a beyond beautiful
Yeah, she's never been nobody's fool
You can fuck with
Yeah, it's all about me and you
Believe it or not
What we got is beyond beautiful
Just push play
She gave you a flower
The one that god gave her
You all up in the cool aid
But you do not know the flavor
Get into the zone, baby
And do yourself a favor
Head down, spin around
Get a little refried
If that don't get it you can
Catch it on the b side
Just push play - FNA
Just push play - they're gonna bleep it anyway
Just push play - FNA
Just push play - we're coming at you anyway
Sweet leaf dreamer
You been smoking up the ganja
Damned if you do
But don't get any on ya
Kicking off the Kashmir
Putting on the Casbah
It's a kiss, a diss
And trade it for a coo hah
Just push play - FNA
Just push play - they're gonna bleep it anyway
Just push play - FNA
Just push play - we're coming at you anyway
Instead of growing old
All dapper and neat
I'm gonna grow my hair
Right down to my feet
It's you and me baby
No pimp daddy Jack
It's Cadillac wack
No Cadillac wack back
Just push play - FNA
Just push play - they're gonna bleep it anyway
Just push play - FNA
Just push play - we're coming at you anyway
They're gonna bleep it anyway
Walk this way
We're coming at you anyway
Just push play - fucking A
Just push play - they're gonna bleep it anyway
S'il vous plait - fucking A
Just push play - we're coming at you anyway
Tell me what I say
Walk this way
Fucking A
We're coming at you anyway
Hey, jaded
You got your mama's style
But you're yesterday's child to me
So jaded
You think that's where it's at
But is that where it's supposed to be
You're getting it all over me
My, my baby blue
Yeah, I've been thinking 'bout you
My, my baby blue
Yeah, you're so jaded and I'm the one that jaded you
Hey, jaded
In all its misery
It will always be what I loved
And hated
And maybe take a ride to the other side
We're thinking of
We'll slip into the velvet glove
And be jaded
My, my baby blue
Yeah, I've been thinking 'bout you
My, my baby blue
Yeah, I'm so jaded and baby, I'm afraid of you
You're thinking so complicated
I've had it all up to here
But it's so overrated
Love and hate it
Wouldn't trade it
Love me jaded
Hey, jaded
There ain't no - baby, please
When I'm shooting the breeze
With her
When everything you see is a blur
And ecstasy's what you prefer
My, my baby blue
Yeah, I've been talking 'bout you
My, my baby blue
Yeah, I've been thinking 'bout you
My, my baby blue
Yeah, you're so jaded, jaded
You're so jaded
'Cause I'm the one that jaded you
Fly away from here
Gotta find a way
I can't wait another day
Ain't nothing gonna change
If we stay 'round here
Gotta do what it takes
'Cause it's all in our hands
We all make mistakes
But it's never too late to start again
Take another breath
And say another prayer
And fly away from here
Anywhere, yeah, I don't care
We'll just fly away from here
Our hopes and dreams are out there somewhere
Won't let time pass us by
We'll just fly
If this life
Gets any harder now
It ain't no never mind
You got me by your side
And any time you want
We can catch a train and find a better place
'Cause we won't let nothing
Or no one keep getting us down
Maybe you and I
Can pack our bags and hit the sky
And fly away from here
Anywhere, yeah, I don't care
We'll just fly away from here
Our hopes and dreams are out there somewhere
Won't let time pass us by
We'll just fly
Do you see a bluer sky now?
You can have a better life now, open your eyes
'Cause no one here can ever stop us
They can try but we won't let them, no way
Maybe you and I
Can pack our bags and say goodbye
And fly away from here
Anywhere, honey, I don't care
We'll just fly away from here
Our hopes and dreams are out there somewhere
Fly away from here
Yeah, anywhere, honey
I don't, I don't, I don't care
We'll just fly
Trip hoppin'
I got a wild thing for you
We're talking hoops, you got me jumping through you
Got those lemon drop martini eyes
And if my karma suits you cross the line
Into another place and time
Tell me how pretty she is
When she turns the colors of the rainbow
One more day with you
Trip hoppin'
One more night with you
No stoppin'
Ain't no smoking fantasy
'Cause loving you is tripping to me
You got me psychodelisized
You got my situation bone a fide
It took a sunset to get me to see
That all I really needed was your love
To, yeah, forever shine on me
Promise promiscuities
Is like waiting for your ex to see that
One more day with you
Trip hoppin'
One more night with you
No stoppin'
Get my way with you
Trip hoppin'
In my kaleidoscope I'm looking through
My only color was a neon blue
I was hanging on to yesterday
And now the only way out is through
One more night with you
One more day won't do
How beyond the rainbow is my?
Laying on your emerald pillow
One more day with you
Trip hoppin'
One more night with you
No stoppin'
Ain't no smoking fantasy
'Cause loving you is tripping to me
One more day with you
Trip hoppin'
One more night with you
No stoppin'
Get my way with you
Trip hoppin'
One more day with you
Trip hoppin'
One more night with you
One more day won't do
One more night with you
One more day won't do
One more night with you
One more day won't do
I sold my soul for a one night stand
I followed Alice into Wonderland
I ate the mushroom and I danced with the queen
We danced in between all the lines
I followed daylight right into the dark
Took to the Hatter like a walk in the park
But then I met her, yeah, she felt so right
No child of the night, yeah, was she
They called her sunshine
The kind that everybody knows
She finer than a painted rose
Her kind of love's what I adore
What kind of trouble am I looking for?
My kind of heaven lies at hell's back door
And I got more than I need
'Cause I need sunshine
The kind that everybody knows
My sunshine
She finer than a painted rose
I got the karma but it don't come free
I'll chase that rabbit up her body tree
The caterpillar's trying to cop a plea
But the smoke ain't got nothing on me
Ya gotta have my sunshine
The kind that everybody knows
My sunshine
She finer than a painted rose
She's sunshine
The kind that everybody knows
She finer than a painted rose
Under my skin
You breathe, I breathe you in
I like a lot where you been
I make, you break the rule
You got erotickle cool
Give a little bit, get a little bit
Take it for a ride
When you push love so far away
It eats you up inside
There's a girl living under my skin
There's this girl and she's wearing me thin
And I think she's the reason
That it's open broken hearted season
There's a girl
There's a girl
I know, you know you are
You are the oo in la la
Blow a little kiss, know a little bliss
Get a little high
And I can't get you out of me
'Cause you're too deep inside
There's a girl living under my skin
There's this girl and she's wearing me thin
And I think she's the reason
That it's open broken hearted season
You can spend your whole lifetime under my skin
You could be nevermore mine
There's a girl
There's a girl
There's a girl
There's a girl
Get a little bit, give a little bit
Get a little high
When you push love so far away
It eats you up inside
There's a girl living under my skin
There's this girl and she's wearing me thin
And I think she's the reason
That it's open broken hearted season
There's a girl
There's a girl
There's a girl
There's a girl
And I think she's the reason
That it's open broken hearted season
There's a girl
There's a girl
There's a girl
There's a girl
Luv lies
When you cross that line
That you know you can't erase
To fall in lust, not love
Ain't no sin at all
And tell me when you're with your best friend's friend
Do you still feel out of place?
No thanks, I took that ride
God only knows I've tried believing
I imagine everyone sometimes
Will cross their heart and hope to die
To tell I luv you lies
I imagine everyone survives
For giving up all that you got
To tell I luv you lies
The first time you look for love
You find you don't know Jack
So much for mind games you play to win
'Cause first you lose your heart's desire then you get it back
But ignorance ain't bliss
There's so much more behind the kiss I'm feeling
I imagine everyone sometimes
Will cross their heart and hope to die
To tell I luv you lies
I imagine everyone survives
For giving up all that you got
To tell I luv you lies
When loneliness and paranoia feeds me
God help the person who needs me
If ignorance is bliss
Then take me off the list, I'm leaving
I imagine everyone sometimes
Will cross their heart and hope to die
To tell I luv you lies
I imagine everyone survives
For giving up all that you got
To tell I luv you lies
Outta your head
All the way back in history
How a girl thinks is a mystery
We spend our lives cruising the bars
The Venus girls and the men from Mars
So in all this time did you ever think?
Do the girl see red when a man a sees pink?
And if your best lovin's in the past
'Cause your somewhere slow is nowhere fast
You're outta your head
So outta your head
Stay outta your head
You better get with it 'cause you're so without it
You're outta your head
So outta your head
Stay outta your head
Somewhere, somewhere underneath the rainbow
Bricka bracka fiya kraka, sis boom bah
Here comes trouble in a push up bra
Your style is sharp as carpet tack
But you're out of your box and you're way off track
You can moderate on a mental binge
Your catastrophe's on a lunatic fringe
It's good for the gander, it's tit for tat
You say it's all good but it's more than that
You're outta your head
So outta your head
Stay outta your head
Somewhere, somewhere underneath the rainbow
So in all this time did you ever think?
You're outta your head
So outta your head
Stay outta your head
You better get with it 'cause you're so without it
You're outta your head
So outta your head
Stay outta your head
You're outta your head
So outta your head
Stay outta your head
You better get with it 'cause you're so without it
You're outta your head
So outta your head
Stay outta your head
Somewhere, somewhere underneath the rainbow
Somewhere, somewhere underneath the rainbow
Drop dead gorgeous
Totally out of control
She owns me
I didn't know that she'd know
She stoned me
I think I've got it bad
And I can't let it go
I thought I knew me much better
Autumn and cashmere, all orange and green
She's naturally drop dead gorgeous
Creme de gardenia and black vaseline
She's naturally drop dead gorgeous
It's so not fair
Completely inside my head
Imagine pretending
She's the book that I've read
With a beautiful ending
It really drives me mad
I can't leave her alone
'Cause I won't let me forget her
Rose colored glasses, you know what that says
She's naturally drop dead gorgeous
Her sweet molass is all mine, pasque frez
She's naturally drop dead gorgeous
Totally out of control
She owns me
Sweet almond eyes just to see and be seen
She's naturally drop dead gorgeous
She's tasting like cherries, sweet love's grenadine
She's naturally drop dead gorgeous
Makes love like a rabbit to my velveteen
She's naturally drop dead gorgeous
A ten with a smile like a young Norma Jean
She's naturally drop dead gorgeous
Light inside
Boo ya, there's a place in the way outis sphere
Do ya want to burn the midnight oil?
Does it fool ya? When you think there's no way out of here
Let it pull ya from the outside to within
The light inside is burning bright
The light makes everything all right
The light inside is burning bright
The light inside, oh yeah, all right
May I introduce you to my point of view?
Me, I wanna get under your skin
I wanna thank you for the pleasure that I get from you
I wanna drag you from the outside to within
The light inside is burning bright
The light makes everything all right
The light inside is burning bright
The light inside, oh yeah, all right
The light inside is burning bright
The light makes everything all right
The light inside is burning bright
The light inside, oh yeah, all right
Avant garden
I had a friend who spoke of fate
And he knew of another place in space and time
He told of how me and my lady could look
But we could never find
Said if you please I beg your pardon
Sometimes the things you see, they just ain't so
Your life can be an avant garden
'Cause love's what makes your garden grow
The sun leads the way
The moon lights the sky
I see you and I
Lying in my avant garden
I dream of the day
When our worlds collide
We won't be denied
Here inside our avant garden
Sometimes my life ain't what it seeming
Right from the start it's what your heart's believing
Could all this just be lucid dreaming?
But dreams just ain't enough for me
The sun leads the way
The moon lights the sky
I see you and I
Lying in my avant garden
I dream of the day
When our worlds collide
We won't be denied
Here inside our avant garden
You know it just ain't right
To deal with other's shite
No one should ever be
So broken hearted
Don't ever be afraid
Cause when you got it made
You don't even have to try
So I'll be waiting in your garden
Watching all your flowers grow
The sun leads the way
The moon lights the sky
I see you and I
Lying in my avant garden
I dream of the day
When our worlds collide
You'll know we've arrived
Here inside our avant garden
The sun brings the rain
The moon needs the sky
I see you and I
Lying in my avant garden
Beware of the lies
A word to the wise
There's sweet cherry pies
And truth inside our avant garden
Behind the wall of my temptation
That's where it all began
She tied me up with my frustration
And snapped my rubber band
I remember a sweet patchouli
She absolutely adored
It's all about with who your hanging
And she gave me too much rope
She's a queen of my deliusion
She's my friend from way back when
And because of my confusion
Is a face without a name
She lived on lucky charms and coffee
And cracker jacks surprise
She had me all reborn and then
She killed me with her eyes
She's the queen of my deliusion
She's my friend from way back when
And because of my confusion
Is a face without a name
Trying and get little bit
There's nothing wrong with it if no one see's ya
What you gonna say when I don't know anyone
To blame it on the damn amnesia?
Forgotten love don't got away
She's still a name without a face
We did a little nip and tuck
Then she whispered to my brain
She said: "Let's fuck"
Then I forgot her name
Shes the queen of my deliusion
Shes my friend from way back when
And because of my confusion
I've come to that conclusion
And she comes to me at all
And because of my confusion
Is a face without a name