 Пятый альбом Черепов стал новой главой в развитии группы, и становлении её на мировой металлической сцене. Уход родной вокалистки Федерики Де Бони не слишком повлиял на музыку в целом, насколько он повлиял на отношение со стороны поклонников группы. Всё-таки банда с женским вокалом намного оригинальнее, чем с мужским. Ну что ж, новый вокалист Гас стал отличной заменой ушедшей леди. Чистый голос Гаса весьма красив, надрывный и с хрипотцой, что случается чаще всего, только чуть-чуть уступает Федерике в своём хрипе. На этот раз итальянцы решили вновь испробовать себя в роли концептуальщиков и создали не совсем оригинальную, но зато в их исполнении очень эмоциональную и проникновенную историю о периоде расцвета инквизиции. Качество записи приобрело ещё более отточенный и профессиональный характер, а мастерство музыкантов довольно заметно возросло и по ходу прослушивания пластинки натыкаешься на достаточно сложные клавишные аранжировки, несметное количество смен ритма, а также интересные мелодические решения. Нужно сказать, что хорошо оформлен буклет, содержащий чётко различимые тексты песен, а также страничку, где предоставлена краткая история этой самой печально известной инквизиции. Хотя сам музыкальный материал и остался по стилевым принадлежностям и распознавательным знакам чисто Вайт Скаловским пауэром, но с приходом нового вокалиста всё же приобрёл несколько иные краски и оттенки. Из самых интересных песен я бы выделил открывающую заглавную «The Dark Age», две отличные прогрессивные темы «Grand Inquisitor» и «Maids Of Orleans», причём последняя весьма сильно смахивает на материал Мэйденов, замечательную балладу «Voice From Heaven» (смею заметить, что с приходом Гаса медленные вещи стали ещё более ярче, приятнее и душевнее), хитовую с моментально запоминающимся припевом «Devil's Woman», а также заключительную «Sentence Of Death», выполненную в чисто классическом стиле Черепов. Должен заметить, что припевы исполняются хором, а та знакомая всем эпичность группы её не покинула, но поставить все десять баллов не даёт мне одна вещь – это чересчур сильная замороченность музыки, думаю, будь она более прямолинейней и энергичней, то альбом стал бы ещё одним шедевром. В целом, это уверенный мастхэв как для фэнов банды, так и для поклонников стиля. |
Fight fight, for your pride you'll die
They were looking for people with culture
Was the most important catch of the witches
The inquisitor decided to prosecute them
With the torture machine they executed your sentence
You mortal men don't kill the innocence
My name is God don't kill your brothers
Torture - You want the glory - Force your rules
You burn the heretics - The doctor is a wizard
You kill the science - You want the power
You kill the culture - You burn the land
2. Grand Inquisitor
Called from the Pope
I was named inquisitor
It was the beginning of my empire
Court of Seville, court of Madrid
"I'll bring the law of God"
Everyone will have something wrong to hide
I was a Dominican and now with the money
Of the Christians I am...
Tomas De Torquemada
Was the Grand Inquisitor
Over and over Spain
Terror and fear all days everywhere
I live with the horn of the Unicorn
I want to eat and it saves me from poison
I'm rich, I'm scared
Someone wants to kill me
My bodyguards are fighting for my life
I was a Dominican and now with the money
Of the Christians I am...
3. Maid Of Orleans
I had a vision I was thirteen
Saints appeared to me you must help the King
Leave your home and follow the sign
An Angel's voice will guide you so far
Bad girl what are you saying
You are a liar who cheat us
In your eyes I read a big fraud
Heretics tribunal
Ok we believe you
Your soul is telling the truth
This is the way to Chinon
There you'll find the King
Save the King and win the war
They are waiting for your command
Come on my brave and draw your swords
Follow me the battle rages on
Have no mercy for the enemy
We want our land free
We've lost the war blood on the field
I was caught from the other side
The English command touched my faith
Bishop Cauchon tried me at Rouen
By fraud I was condemned
By fraud I was sacrificed
My King where are you now
For you I'll die
Bad Girl you must die
Bad Girl you told us a lie
Burn Maid of Orleans
Devil in your mind
4. New Crusade
While the black smoke of the stakes Inquisition
was spreading his fetid Pall over the Spain
The terrible and ancient Papal Inquisition
Continuing his activity all over Europe
His power is everywhere
The darkness of the forest to the Christians faith
Was closely linked to the Devil's house
City and village, monastery and abbey
Spiritual places for the Christianity
Fear to admit
That you believe in the old divinity
Sunday in the Church
Night in the wood
This masked faith
Celebration the Sabbath to quiet
The Devils
We are forced to believe in your God
There is fear
We can't profess another faith
Every Village had his own Witch
Who helped people to predict the future
Philtre and Love potion we need to live
You are condemning the pleasures of this world
Fear to admit
That you believe in the old divinity
Sunday in the Church
Night in the wood
This masked faith
Celebration the Sabbath to quiet
The Devils
5. The Edict
They called people in a special mass
During the homily the priest showed the cross
Show me your right hand and swear on the Bible
Who is infected now go forward
The snake is here crawling everywhere
I'm scared of my relatives and...
Accusing all my neighbours
I'll save my soul
This is the result
Of your fanatic Edict
Majorca was the first time, three hundred and thirty seven
People self denounced and confessed their own guilt
Two thousand and four hundred did the same in Toledo
Many people burned in the Castile region.
6. A Voice From The Heaven
My eyes perceive the blind
Continue on my earth
My heart can't believe
And understand this story
You must stay alive, and carry on my way
I'll be with you forever every time you need
Sweet sister of my life now I can hear your voice
My heart will bring with me your strong love forever
Try one more time to see the right way in your life
One day you'll be with me to see the story from the heaven
Many times I'm lookin' for
A miracle of God
The Angels call me from the sky
To give me a new command
Can you give me another trial to understand your world
I want to know the reason why the church was killing me
7. Devil'S Woman
We've caught another witch
We want to know the truth
The torture room is ready
She must say the truth
We've caught another witch
And now we know the truth
The pyre and fire are ready
She is the...
You can fly like an eagle
Having the features of the beast
Bringing lightning and storm
Perverse mind of evil
Sharp woman of the night
You don't know morality
The witch of the cheat, the ghost of the night
Is mother and wife during the day
Without this faith you want to live having sin
While your baby is sleeping
The trip of corruption begin
There are two split sides of you
instruments of the Devil
Orgiastic rites in your meeting
Dance and banquet for the Sabbath
Worshipper of pagan divinities
No one knows the magic secret
And the reason of your transformation
Children's fat on your skin
I've left my bed to fly away
Every night I've haunted these places
You are the cheat, ghost of the night, Devil's woman
8. Torture
I was forced to confess a guilt
That I have never committed
Thirty minutes of fear
My executioner is here
Every time he starts again
And he tries to know the truth
Torture time to save the soul
There's no blood to give the words
Many times you've heard the screams
Innocents haven't left the signs
Flat-nose pliers incandescent
To tear the flesh without blood
The wheel begins to stretch
The water in my throat
Every time he starts again
I feel the pain across my body
9. A New Handbook
We have got for you
Another book of rules
The Inquisitor's handbook,
He has written it
To understand the law,
And how to bring it
He had the mission
To pacify the North,
Italy was infected,
Kill the heretics to
To consecrate the world,
A battle against the blasphemous
Bernard Gui your name means atrocity
You get pleasure from the death penalty
Come with me, Yes we fight
Another mission on the prowl
Day by day, everywhere
We'll arrive to purify
Tell me why, you've sinned
The witch gave me an ointment
You denied the holy law
I've nothing to repent
10. Sentence Of Death
They came like wolves in the night
Bringing anguish and fear
Days of blood started from Spain
They came with the torture instruments
Demon and beasts escape from this land
Judgement day begin
No one will save his soul
You'll tell me the truth
Look at my eyes give me your soul
Sentence of death
I had the power of God
And you are condemned
You are the Evil
I'm sure of my innocence
I'll try to find the real
We are warriors of the truth
Now all is ready for the sentence
The prisoners are arriving
Screams of rage come from the heart
No one's compassion outside
Don't find excuse you are condemned
Sentence of death
Fire is burning the time of the end
Everything is alright